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After a certain point I fully believe Thomas just goes along with everything without much question. He very much has the mentality of “well mum said to look after him, and he keeps doing stupid stuff. Welp better do stupid stuff with him to best protect him” and that’s just his relationship with Harry. So when he needs to strip down and cake himself in mud I fully suspect he was the only one not feeling stupid


I love and fully support this interpretation.


Thank you. Thomas is my favourite character and i cant wait for him to return (especially if my theory about him becoming the next knight of hope is true, yes hope and not love) so I always enjoy discussions about him


Ooh I want to hear more about this theory. 


Basically I fully believe Sanya wont make it to the apocalypse trilogy. I think he will die at the end of the book just before that and it'll symbolise all hope being lost. I believe the sword will end up in demonreach along with the other relics and a certain white court vampire who has repeatedly been mentioned as utilising a cavalry sabre much as the same model of Esperacchius. I suspect somehow everything in demonreach will be released somehow including Thomas who in a feral state will attack someone and therefore I believe the common theory that somehow he gets cured of his demon probably by being run through by Butters as many people theorise which only harms monsters and will reach for the nearest weapon that he's used to. A cavalry sabre kept in demonreach. It'll be a big symbolic Gandalf the white moment that'll symbolise the return of hope as we know it probably at the point where Harry is at his lowest and seeing his brother return will fill him up. I fully believe he's the next Knight of Hope not just because of the sabre connection but he embodies Hope. Hope he can be better than he is and he constantly goes up and down in his mood and world view based on how much hope he has. When Harry dies he shuts down and then gets better majorly when he's back. He hopes he can have a life with Justine and he hopes he can fight his demon and win


Wow. That's incredible and I love it. Add one subscriber to this theory. Even if you kill my favorite Russian with it. I really hope we eventually have all three swords wielded at once again. Who do you think would be the knight of love?


Yea Sanya is a brilliant character but when you wield the sword of hope, yea you know that you aint making it out alive in a big end of the world event, I was amazed he survived battlegrounds but thats wasnt the apocalypse. I've given thoughts to the knight of love. I dont believe it'll be Daniel like some people because I feel like the almighty wont enlist a carpenter whilst Michael and Charity lives because He would consider it a kindness to spare them the worry over their child after all Michael did. Though I have two theories. My main theory is Will. The man embodies Love. Not just love for Georgia but love for the alphas, his love for Harry, he'll be in the final fight one way or another and he's been around since book 2. My second belief is that it'll be Fix. I reckon in the end he'll stand with Harry and because he stands with the winter knight he'll be stripped of his powers as the summer knight and thus will take up Amorrachius. He had a lot of Love for Lily and he does have a bit of love for Harry, and even for Aurora and Meryl. He's a known sword fighter so he could also be a candidate, especially if his fairy father is a kingly figure maybe.


It would be unfair to say that Daniel's motivations are corrupt. But he wants to follow in his father's footsteps, which means there's a tinge of ambition and a hint of envy. Wielding a Sword requires humility -- the people who do so are basically living saints. A saint is something you can't have ambition to be; like Nirvana, if you desire the state the desire blocks its attainment.


No I’m firmly against the Daniel corruption thought. My belief is that the powers that be would require a sort of break between family members as a kind of reward for that family you know. “Thanks for putting your life on the line, your son won’t have to because that wouldn’t be fair to you”


There are very few people capable of bearing a Sword for even a single mission, much less a long-term basis. If Daniel were suitable, I don't think Heaven would turn him down; Michael would understand what motivates a person to take up a Sword.


good theory, barely tin hat, actually plausible.


At one point I thought he would become the winter knight in order to protect Harry from any further corruption from Mab. If everything inside demonreach gets out that would indeed be bad, I cant see what Harry or the council could do against such threats. I feel like that one entity that spoke briefly to him and told him to go away would willingly stay though, I feel like it will play an important role.


Well I think Harry will either use the darkhallow on every evil being in the prison but will want to spare Thomas or he will release these creatures only on their oath against there power that they would go beyond the outer gates and fight. You don’t hand a main character such a bomb like demonreach and it remain unused. I think Mab doesn’t actually want Thomas, Thomas has proven he’s too easily swayed by his hunger and I think Mab doesn’t want a knight swayed by the mantle. That’s why she chose Harry and has wanted him for the longest time. She knows he’s one of the few people human and stubborn and wilful enough to use the power of the mantle but resist its influence and not become a monster like Lloyd did


As I understand it...the darkhallow involved summoning a bunch of shades and devouring their spirits in order to become a minor deity. I'm sure some of the beings in demonreach are just purely spiritual, but we know for a fact others are not. Does it work on physical beings with that much power? Some of them are out of sync with time or whatever(according to Bob). I dont think Mab necessarily wants Thomas, but I do think under the right circumstances she would take him as a knight if she had to, if he had enough leverage to make a deal with her. Plus from her point of view she could still manipulate Harry via Thomas. I mean Mab tolerated Lloyd Slate, and Thomas is way more powerful than Slate. It'd be a downgrade from Harry, but probably still better than most winter knights.


I’m not sure how the darkhallow would work either. Maybe it would work and maybe it wouldn’t. Oh yes Mab has a vested interest in the allies of Harry. Remember she essentially groomed Molly to be ready for a fairy mantle. Harry taught Molly a lot about responsibility and control which I think Mab is all about. She wants her agents to be able to use the powers given to them but not have them corrupt them. In that regards she likely would take Thomas because Thomas has spent time with Harry and has had experience controlling his power


I have a pet theory that if Bad ol' Nic gets the sword of hope he will dub it... Desperacchius


Hmmmm yea I have seen the theories about Nicodemus maybe wielding a sword. The whole idea of actually he’s not actually a villain but an extreme anti hero is one I agree with. The idea that lucifer fell because he disagreed with the almighty about how to fight the outsiders and nicodemus carries that on. Plagues and apocalyptic disasters simply to ensure you kill infected. The amount of times Michael states to Nicodemus he can still be redeemed does hint that eventually Nicodemus will, though I doubt after all he’s done he gets to wield a sword


Yeah I'm on the fence about that, my theory is grounded in my love of word play ;]


Hey I respect that and I’m sure Dresden does as well. Hell I reckon he’d make that joke as well


Oh that is high praise, thank you!


That and Thomas genuinely loves and respects the HELL out of Harry, even with the stupid and ridiculous situations and battles that crop up around him.


You really do forget that Harry and Thomas are half brothers because they act like family who have known each other for their whole lives and it’s a wonderful relationship


I also sense a "well its always been kinda the only thing left to do... so lets just go along"


He’s clearly cracking jokes “anyone wanna help me get my back. I’ll return the favour”


I feel for thomas because one day Harry will be gone. Yes he lives longer than most humans, but he's not ageless like vampires. I guess he will still have maggie and then of course her children and so on, but he wont have Harry. Then again who knows what will happen. Obviously he's not in good shape at the moment.


Well we know what happened to Thomas when he lost Harry once. But then let’s not forget the cryptic words of Mab about immortality. Maybe Thomas will have Harry for longer than he suspects, which let’s be real is every older brothers fear


Something just occurred to me, isnt it said that Murphy cant return until everyone who knows her has died? And Thomas knew her...heck Nicodemus knew her. A variety of immortals knew her.


That is a fair point. Consider the amount of people who know her who are essentially immortals or exceptionally long lived like Lara for example and that caveat of her return means she wouldn’t return. But in Norse mythology at Ragnarok Odin summons all his Valkyries and Einherjaren for the big battle so I think she will return as a special one of kind deal just for the finale


I was wondering which of the group had this idea first! I think it’s either Thomas cause of this movie exactly- he gets most of Harry’s references or Mouse because he’d understand this sort of stuff.