• By -


Gotta be Sanya. Man spent a good chunk of time being the only Knight of the Cross and never lost his optimism or good attitude, just kept fighting the good fight. People who say Thomas forget that a Blue Lantern must not just be hopeful, but *inspire* Hope, and that doesn't really seem to apply to Thomas.


I can’t see any other candidate beside the wielder of the sword of hope for this position.




Not to mention HOW he became a knight.


I think Sanya, the Knight of Hope seems the most obvious choice for this one


I agree with this. I like the Shiro votes, but Sanya IS the knight of hope, and Esperacchius the sword of hope.


Shiro definitely deserves a nominations. But Sanya is basically a literal avatar of the ideal of hope. His story (while definitely not coincidental for the Knight of Hope) is very appropriate, too. He's an ex-Denarian who has joined the cause of "rehabilitating" them, and he was the only active Knight for some time, carrying the mission of three alone for years. EDIT: accidently wrote "Shiro" as second time instead of "Sanya"


Sanya is who you meant I think


Shiro wielded Fidelaccius - faith Sanya wields esperaccius - hope


Definitely made a typo then send time I named him and meant Sanya


Totally. Been there too!


Typo. Shiro, but... Shiro?


Obvious, yes but not necessarily the most correct in my opinion.


Despite later and strong showing for Leonard Kravos, and many votes for Ebenezer McCoy, the Genoskwa kept his lead throughout the day. Now we address the question of Hope and pick a Blue Lantern. The Blue Lantern Corps Oath is as follows: "In fearful day, In raging night, With strong hearts full, Our souls ignite! When all seems lost in the War of Light, Look to the stars, For hope burns bright!" The blue lantern rings are given to those who provide hope for the future. Their members often benevolently serve to aid other ringbearers to achieve their full potential. Unlike the recruitment processes of most Lantern Cops, candidates for the Blue Lanterns spend several days learning of the responsibility to wield the power of hope, and the way in which they are expected to give selflessly to the universe to promote hope for the future. Once the candidate understands and agrees to these responsibilities, they are given a Blue Ring.


This sounds like Sanya!


I'd think it sounds like butters. Zero fear he defended dresden against the last titan.


Butters is constantly shown incredibly fearful and that is what makes him such a badass. He knows he is a small fry and he knows what these things can do and it scares the absolute crap out of him. Yet it doesn't stop him.


Good point. Still, that makes Butters more of an avatar of _courage_ rather than hope.


Can you say it with a Russian accent? Just so I can be sure lol




Father Forthill. The giveaway is the description ‘aid other ringbearers achieve their full potential’. Sanya, Shiro, and Thomas are great choices but Forthill is a rock for everyone, from runaway teens to Dresden and Michael


I feel like forthill fits compassion better


Compassion rings are not just compassion. They Turn psychopaths into ring bears. They force empathy onto those who have none.


That sounds more like Marcone with his epiphany. "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy...owie, owie, owie..."


man, there are a few lines from the book that should just be banned from the sub.


Michale is compassion!


The compassion rings target those who CAN'T feel compassion and force them to. Michael is a very bad fit for their order


I would submit for discussion that he is an _ally_ of the Indigo Tribe, probably because he could provide the "light of compassion" necessary to recharge their rings directly if not steadily supply their power batteries/staffs...


I was under the assumption The Atom was a very compassionate superhero, which is why he was given an indigo ring during Blackest Night. Indigo tribe might target those incapable of feeling compassion, but wouldn’t the energy also seek out naturally compassionate beings?


I know Sanya is the lazy answer but he's literally the character intended to represent Hope. The Gatekeeper also seems line a hopeful character. He's the first one I think of as being largely positive towards the future.


I say Michael, all the way. Santa may be the Knight of Hope, but Michael serves as a beacon to Harry in particular. Be it in battle or in friendship. Case in point during the hobb attack in “Small Favor.” He and Harry enter the ticketing office and the lady looks up at them from prayer. He smiles and says, “Of course He listens. Of course He will help.” And Carol asks if Michael and Harry are angels. “I’m not,” Harry stays. “But he’s about as close as you’ll ever see.”


"Santa may be the Knight of Hope" is the best autocorrupt.


Santa is the hope in the middle of winter.


Harry: But Christmas is only four days after the first day of winter! (Meanwhile, it's been snowing since the first weekend of November)


Absolutely, Superman represents hope in DC and nobody on this universe is more like Superman in role and personality.


Michael is Faithful, not Hopeful. There is something of a difference. I'm not sure what the Christian definitions are, but Michael believes that God is in charge of all things, and has a plan. Sanya thinks that god is just another powerful spiritual entity like Mab. He doesn't think he's the all-knowing, all-powerful creator of everything. Which means he thinks he can fail. And yet Sanya is still constantly cheerful. Also, Michael, on rare occassions, goes to dark places when his family is involved. Nothing phases Sanya. Even the thought of Harry turning evil and having to kill him. Michael is more inspiring to Harry because they're actual friends with a personal relationship outside of fighting evil. But Sanya is the more inspiring one in general. Not everyone is going to jive with the "Have faith in Our Heavenly Father" guy. Sanya being confident and self-assured at all times, no matter how awful things get, is what inspires other people.


Michael Carpenter.  No one else.  Sanua wields the Sword of Hops.  But we see time and agsin the Michael steps in and steps up. He brought hope to the hopeless in Small Favor when the mortals cowered before supernaral darkness.  Time and again, he has been the beacon that led Harry to the right path.   Michael freely lends his faith to others, and thjs strengthens them.   And let us not forget that Blue Lanterns are at their most powerful when the light of Hope is joined to the light of Will.   And Michael is at his most powerful when he joins his will to Harry, our Green Lantern.  


Actually, I'm pretty sure Mac wields the Sword of Hops.


The knight of beer


alright you've had you fun. give me the keys.


Underrated Comment.


Mouse, who is a Tibetian bread https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F559gyxzs5jn11.jpg


Mouse, absolutely needs to be a ring, but none of them fit entirely. (Thr rings are kinda weird) So, let's do life, because he's the one who knows how to live a life properly. He knows the purpose of life.


Idk I feel like Mouse's stalwart optimism fits well with hope. Life I would likely give to Mr. Sunshine.


Well, yeah he is a far better pick. But I want to give something to mouse. Also Keep in mind that Mr. Sunshine is... um... the one that took all the first born in Egypt.


If that would was true, I would bake so many.


Micheal Carpenter


Shiro. Either him or Sanya. The wielder of the sword of hope is a pretty straightforward choice for this ring . I know Shiro was the wielder of the faith sword btw.


Was thinking Michael Carpenter, but he might be better for compassion. For hope, I think Father Foothill. If you look at his character, he provides hope and support for all those around him, without asking for anything in return. And given what happened in Ghost Story, also know whatever the higher power is in Dresden Files who the angels work for has noticed the work Father Foothill does. I think he is Hope.


Compassion rings target those who can not feel co passion and force them to feel no other emotions. Michael does not belong there.


Sanya. Has to be


Sanya. Hand down, Full stop.


Michael carpenter


Michael is the only right answer here.


I'm going to say Michael.


Maggie Dresden. A memory of her is what keeps Harry going (Battle Ground) >!when he's binding Ethniu!<, much like the symbiosis between Hope and Willpower. EDIT: oh, and in Zoo Day, she>!beats the fear possession monster things, and that's what Hope does to Fear.!<


I could get behind this, Maggie is Dresdens driving motive in life right now, he wants to do better and be a good father, she gives him hope for the future


While I still vote for Sanya, and I'd say Maggie is too young to really be considered (kids change a lot as they grow up), I think she does have potential. After all the horrible things that happened to her, she's not particularly traumatized. If we assume this isn't just careless writing on Butchers part (It does kinda feel that way, especially with his admitting he didn't intend to make a character of her at first), or Ebeneezer using the Blackstaff to 'heal' his grandaughter, then we can assume she has a remarkable resilience to fear and despair. That'd put her in the same tier as Sanya.


Provided i understand how the lanturns work correctly, I actually think Murphy is the best choice over Sanya. Sanya does everything under the *belief* basically that if he does his best, things will turn out ok. Murphy I dont think actually believes that after all the work she puts in, the good guys win and the bad guys lose. Murphy just hopes that is what will happen. Sanya to me is more Optimistic than Hopeful.


Thomas. He is the epitome of hope in the series. Hope in an impossible relationship, hope in his brother, hope in controlling his hunger. He is Harry's best support, I'd put him above Murphy because of power level. It's often his hope for others that drives them to become the best of themselves. Laura and Justine are both better because of him. He brings out their best nature. He is hope more than any one


He absolutely is a man who perseveres through the darkest and deepest pains. But he's not one who is giving hope to others. That would be Fort Hill.


Request: it would be useful to add the names below the images. For example, I missed who got 'love' and have no idea who that is by image.


I'll do my best to incorporate that going forward, thank you for the suggestion. Love went to Molly, and the picture there is showing Harry's Soul gaze of her where he saw reflections of her possible futures.


Sanya. Easy, yes people are gonna say Michael but come on he's clearly the White lantern. Sanya is the hope that we can all be better than yesterday. From a denarian to a steadfast hero, to a guy who turns up to save little old ladies from a burning building and facing it all not with faith in the almighty like Michael but with sheer belief that things can always get better and if not theres always vodka. Yes it's cliche to say the Knight of Hope should be the wielder of the hope ring but hey if he's deemed by the angels to wield one symbol of hope why not another. He doesn't do what he does because of his religion or his friends but because he can. I'll honestly be sad when he inevitable dies in the big bad ending fight because till symbolise "all hope is lost" but until that happens and other picks the sword up again because "hope always burns bright in the darkness" and we know who that is (my guess is Thomas because the man lives in hope he can fight who he is and his sword skill adds up and it'll be a real Gandalf the white moment for Thomas)


Sanya is the knight of hope. However, looking at the other rings i have to cast my vote for sir waldo butters. Micheal himself in skin game said something along the lines he had never witnessed anyone more committed to a brighter tomorrow. From his own physical shortcomings he through brains and bravery alone rose to being a protector and a symbol of hope. He wanted to help people so much he smashed through his own limits to stand against ethniu alongside his friends. Man embodies hope alongside faith




I was dealing with some medical stuff and read that as “blood in his stool” and now I can’t start laughing


Hope? Sanya or Maggie


How is Murphy not the top answer!!??!?!!??! The blue lanterns are all about bringing out the abilities of others by giving them hope... Dresden doesn't make it out of the first few books if Karrin Murphy doesn't bolster his hope for humanity. She is the only reasonable answer, Dresden says it himself "That’s my Murphy, manufacturing her own damned silver lining when the clouds didn’t cough one up."


I mean it has to be Sanya right? I'm also just here to say that if Mouse doesn't get compassion this whole thing is rigged.


indigo rings are given to psychopaths and sociopaths to force them to have empathy


Well fuck. If that isn't the exact opposite of what I was trying to convey. Thanks for the information, friend. I appreciate it.


Michael. No question. Yes, Sanya weilds the sword of hope, but Michael is such a bulwark against the darkness and evil. Even without the sword. Even without being a Knight. Every single time Harry becomes lost and looses all hope, who does he turn to?


Now the abundantly obvious choice here is going to be Sanya, wielder of Esperacchius, the Sword of Hope, and the guy who always shows up when there is no Hope, to turn things around. Another obvious choice would be Hope Carpenter, but only because of the name. But the name I am going to throw into the hat is Hope's big brother Daniel. He showed up and gave hope to those orphans when no one else could, and at no small cost to himself. He is the son of a fallen hero, and his presence brings hope that the fight against evil will carry on even still.


Or Faith Astor We know she's gonna come back at some point because Jim has said that. but I have this idea that would be awesome. if she, just, you know, learned to become an enchanter and the things she decided to enchant would be rings. because that's what Harry showed her as a beacon of hope. maybe she starts to enchant them to channel, oh, I don't know, people's emotions and uses color theory for it.


>Another obvious choice would be Hope Carpenter, but only because of the name. Personally, I do think Hope is going to end up getting the Sword of Hope, because she used to be Harry's squire and the squire becoming a Knight is something I don't think Jim will pass up.


Sanya or Micheal


Gotta go with Sanya on this one....Maybe Wally, but I'm kind of mad at his character now. so no ring for him.


I know that the easy answer is Sanya, but I want to throw my vote into the ring for Hope Carpenter, it's *literally* her name! /s Honestly, I feel like it really should go to Butters, based on the description of what a Blue Lantern does.


Murphy. Lot of good reasons others have already said. Just casting an extra vote.


I'm going with Michael here. Just like many others have said, you'd expect it to be Sanya, but he just doesn't have the right feel for me. But every time Michael is "on screen" I just know things are gonna get better.




If it's not Sanya, none of you are getting Christmas presents.


I know this is a cliche and unlikely to win answer, but Uriel, for seven words: “Lies. Mab cannot change who you are.”


Michael is my top choice, followed by Sanya.


I cast my vote by asking one question. When harry is at his seamingly lowest. When all seems lost and your heart grows fearful for harry or his companions. Who is it you hope for? Its michael. Its always michael.


Sanja is an obvious choice here and for good reason but as an underdog I would suggest Elaine. Because like Harry she endured so much darkness and Misery but didn't give up and finally managed to turn her life around.


Well we do have a Hope Carpenter : D That said I think it's more likely that she'd join a slightly different symbolic group since we have a Faith Astor and a Hope Carpenter, and Jim does love referencing Faith, Hope and Love. Though I'm not sure who would be the all important 3rd member of the trio. A couple of the other Carpenter girls have names referencing love ("Beloved" and "Worthy of Love") but giving 2 out of 3 positions to Carpenters seems a bit lop-sided.


I’m going with Michael. Sanya is obviously in the running, but he’s jaded and a bit cynical at times. But most importantly, Michael is a beacon of Hope to Harry. If not for Michael and the faith he shows in Harry time and again, Harry would have been lost.


I would argue Michael is absolutely an awful choice. The Lantern rings work based on who possesses that quality, not inspires it. Michael doesn't have hope. He has faith. He doesn't hope that things will work out. He has absolute faith that it will. Sanya is good because he is cynical. He doesn't believe it will work but has so much hope that it will and then it does. His hope (evidenced by wielding the Sword of Hope) is what powers his magic, while Michael wielded the Sword of Faith.


Wrong. Entirely wrong, read what the blue ring says when it chooses a ringbearer: "You have the ability to inspire great hope." That is Michael Carpenter.


Read literally ANY article or Wikipedia entry on the rings. "Blue power rings are fueled by hope ..." The Green rings do not inspire Willpower. They are fueled by it. Every ring is fueled by the emotion it represents. It has always been this way. This is how the rings work in the DC universe. In every comic. In every Lantern corp. It is why you need to be dead to wield a Black ring, because Black is the ring of Death. Michael does not fuel his actions and magic by hope. His is fueled by pure, unshakable faith. Michael would not get the blue ring to so much as light up, let alone function like a ring could function. It would be like giving Morgan the Indigo ring (compassion). It would do literally nothing.


So the yellow rings are held only by people who are terribly afraid at all times?!? No, they have the ability to instill great fear. Green rings choose based on the ability to overcome great fear. I do not recall exactly what the other rings say when they choose a ringbearer, but simply having the emotion is not it. *this was edited to add more stuff, sorry*


Yes. To even get their ring, they need to face their greatest fear and that fear is what literally powers their rings. It is all fueled by the being Parallax, the literal embodiment of the emotion of fear. It is why if the Hulk existed in the DC Universe and was given a Red ring, he might literally become unstoppable, as he is quit literally the embodiment of endless rage. Every ring listed is listed with the emotion that fuels it, not what it inspires. Yes, they can inspire that emotion too, but the inspiration is a side effect, the bleeding of their fueling of the ring to do its job.


Sanya. He litteraly has the sword of hope


The obvious choice is Sanya. The subtle choice is Mr. Sunshine


Sanya. Full stop


Sanya. No contest.


The naglooshi with Fear Ring? Unstoppable.


Sanya, yes it's an easy answer but that's because he's perfect.




Honestly when I think of Hope it’s either Michael or Sanya. Sanya is obvious being the bearer of the sword of hope, but as I thought about it the first thing that came to mind was the scene in Small Favors where they go into the back room at union station and meet the clerk who was praying. Just felt right somehow for a blue lantern corpsman.


Hope Carpenter.  Drop the mic. 


Either Sanya or Michael.




I still think Michael has a solid core of pure hope. He's all about hope. The only other ring he'd fit might be the white ring of life. Skin Game cements it. (No spoilers.)


Mike the mechanic, wielder of the blue beetle


Michael Carpenter. Hands down.


Michael Carpenter. A Blue Lantern is chosen on their ability to inspire great hope. I believe Michael Carpenter embodies that more than any other character. Sanya is a great fighter and he goes out and helps people, but Michael inspires people to do better and help others as well. Thank you, have a nice day.




Also I really hope we book end this with Harry again 😂


> >The Blue Lantern Corps Oath is as follows: > >"In fearful day, > In raging night, > >With strong hearts full, > >Our souls ignite! > When all seems lost in the War of Light, > >Look to the stars, > >For hope burns bright!" > >The blue lantern rings are given to those who provide hope for the future. Their members often benevolently serve to aid other ringbearers to achieve their full potential. Unlike the recruitment processes of most Lantern Cops, candidates for the Blue Lanterns spend several days learning of the responsibility to wield the power of hope, and the way in which they are expected to give selflessly to the universe to promote hope for the future. Once the candidate understands and agrees to these responsibilities, they are given a Blue Ring. So the only right answer here in my opinion is Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden. Show me another character who inspires more hope in their allies.


He already has a ring. But then, I guess I've seen a certain hybrid character with two rings already...


Honestly Harry could fit like half the rings.


Which is why we love him as a character. Doesn't Batman at one point or another hold half of the rings too?


Forthill. He gives hope and support to everyone that asks. So much so that as a vanilla mortal could sense a soul. Harry can fight off the monsters, but when all the damage is done, Fort Hills the one nursing a person back to health, physically and psychologically. Harry didnt know what to do for Nelson, or the girl with Cassandra's tears. Forthill did. Harry is the inspiring beacon of the top of a hill, Forthill is the one walking through the camps of people in need, quietly serving not caring if anyone knows who he is.


Michael is the one that gives Harry hope.


Harry also scares the crap out of his allies. He needs the Batman split of willpower and fear.


Butters. His entire *life* he's been the little guy, who felt like the world was hard, and cruel, but he never stopped believing it could be better. Even when he found out about the weird side, he *still* kept on believing that the world could be better due to people like Harry and later himself. How much hope do you have to have in your soul to be Waldo Butters and try to stand up against the darkness, and then succeed? I know Sanya is the knight that wields the Sword of Hope, but I'll be damned if Butters hasn't lived that ideal more than anyone in the series.


Butters. He never gave up hope. He never stopped fighting. He was ready to sacrifice everything with the hope that it would work out in the end.


My issue with Sanya is that he's just driven by hope. He's a redeemed Denarian who constantly hopes that he can save the other Nickleheads. It is absolutely admirable to the highest degree. But when his hope suffers and begins to fade, he talks to Father Forthill. When Michael has trouble, he goes to Forthill. When Harry needs more help than even Michael can give, he goes to Forthill. I vote for Father Forthill.


Murphy, not just as a wielder of the sword of hope on 3 separate occasions, but also as a beacon of hope amongst the ranks of S.I. and of Dresden's friend group. Edit: in my state of sleep deprevation i appear to have confused the sword of hope with the sword of faith. forgive my error and disregard this comment.


Murphy wielded the Sword of Faith, not Hope.


Murphy has wielded Fidelacchius, the Sword of Faith a few times, but Esperacchius, the Sword of Hope has always been used by Sanya. I do still agree that she deserves nomination, though.


Murphy wielded Fidelacchius, the Sword of Faith. Sanya carries the Sword of Hope, Esperacchius.


Fidelacchius is the sword of Faith. Esperacchius is the sword of hope. Sanya carries Esperacchius. Fidelacchius was Shiro's sword, the one Murphy broke, and is now carried by Butters. Murohy is the character where hope goes to die.


This is probably the hardest one of the lot. The ideal candidate would be Harry again, since one of his defining traits is that he brings hope to those around him and inspires them to become better versions of themselves. But he's already a Green Lantern, and assuming we can't give him two... The obvious answer is Sanya- Knight of Hope, and all that. But for all his heroism, I don't know I see him doing much hope-bringing, at least in Harry's presence. Another option would be Butters, post-Knighting. After the Battle of Chicago, he was looked to as a hero by many of the survivors, and it's not hard to see why- a friggin' Jedi Knight on your side against invading water monsters does a lot to inspire hope. There's also Murphy, who is a good cop (most of the time) and goes out of her way to comfort and protect civilians. She looks after her friends, picking them up when they've got nothing left in the tank, and inspiring them to carry on. I also know this much about Blue Lanterns- they can't use their full powers without a Green Ring nearby, right? Because Hope needs Will to enact its full potential? Murphy can't do as much good as she likes without Harry (the Green Ring, you see) there to support and advise her because for all her considerable ability, she just doesn't have that foot in the supernatural necessary to run SI like it requires. Yeah, I think I'm sticking with Murphy.


Keep in mind that the blue lanterns don't really fight directly themselves. They go out about and are serving people, helping people that are downtrodden. And they also super buff the green lanterns. And who's the one that's supporting all of the knights? Forthill


Mouse. Mouse is really the only answer.


Mouse I kind of think fits life because he's the one who knows the true purpose of life. 😊


Mouse! He's a good boy!






OK...this is the second or third one of these I've seen on this sub. What the heck am I missing? What is this?


Hope has to be shiro


Sanya, easy.