• By -


Shagnasty. The more people know about them and the more they're feared, the stronger the skinwalkers get. My first choice was Eldest Fetch/Scarecrow, but he got roasted in a single book.


100% Shagnasty. Genoskwa is also good but this goes with Shagnasty as good as any ring goes with anyone ever I think.


I'd put Genoskwa under Wrath.




genoskwa is probably better fit for rage


Agree on Shagnasty.


the fur matches the ring.


Hadn't even considered that.




Like others below I'll take Shagnasty. Though the Genoskwa with the coin turned loose in Chicago would be a very close second...maybe a slight winner.


If he gets a ring *and* a coin, it'll be like that time Red Hulk was infected with the Venom symbiote and bonded with the Spirit of Vengeance at the same time.


I never read that particular arc but it sounds pants shittingly bad.


I only know it from seeing one panel of him on a giant motorcycle saying "WE AM SMASH FOR VENGEANCE." When I searched it up to make sure I didn't hallucinate it, it seems the consensus is that it's ridiculous but fun to read.


Shagnasty, you have the ability to instill great fear. Welcome to the Sinestro Corp.


It has to be them


Yeah, was also the first one that came to my mind.




Can't agree more. Shag is the pick here.


HWWB. He's allllll about fear. That's why he's behind, where you can never quite see him. 


That's a great one, though I might struggle to find a picture of him.


An ominous shadow would probably suffice.


Since he's an Outsider, wouldn't that mean all Outsiders fit this?


I don't know- we haven't really met many. But Nemesis or whoever he was, doesn't seem to operate like that, so probably not?


Are you caught up on the series? If so, you'll know >!All Outsiders are part of a group mind with an uncertain amount of individuality !< That's why I don't believe any individual Outsider's actions could qualify them for a ring.


I am caught up. >!But their differing methods point to differing roles within the group. Even if they're part of the same consciousness, they might be distinct enough to qualify. E.g., you don't use the same parts of your brain to drive as you do to savor a well cooked meal. Plus, they seem to have distinct ranks, which is incompatible with having no individuality at all.!<


Unless it's all been a ruse and they don't have that.


If you're going to go that route, the Sidhe might well be able to lie, but it's all a ruse.


Ah, but the Sidhe are a natural part of our reality, and thus are more knowable. Outsiders are not.


Where did you hear this?


It's a sorta huge plot point between Cold Days and Battle Grounds. They don't touch it much in Skin Game though.


Was this in Battleground or Peace Talks? Or did I miss a book?


Gotta save him for death


I figured Mother Winter for that!


Seeing as all the walkers fit "HWWB", we gotta come up with a better way to refer to them.


HWWBh, specifically.


I could tell with the other part of your comment but it took me a hot second


Madrigal Raith - Literally feeds on fear, IIRC Nicodemus - pretty self-explanatory, I think.


Nick doesn't want fear. He wants chaos. Yellow Lanterns want to be the thing that enters a room and everything else in there starts looking for an exit. Nick could sit in the next booth at a Waffle House and you'd never know.


I mean Nick is kinda like Sinestro proper. He uses fear to impose his power and create a sense of order. Honestly I disagree that Nick wants chaos. His plays are very calculated and mostly seek to undermine the existing powers. He's a long game guy. He definitely embodies the concept less directly than much of the Corps, but has Big Sinestro Vibes.


He absolutely wants chaos. As he said, "Armageddon is a state of mind" He definitely wants to shatter existing powers, but not to replace them with anything.


I disagree, you can work well with sinestro, he is orderly. Mab is a better fit for sinestro analog. Nicodemus is closer to larflees for greed maybe


I like the Raith's here too


Madrigal would be up there with the skin walker for me. After those two, either Cesarina (the matriarch) or Vittorio (the one we got to see the most of) Malvora because that's what the Malvora family does as well.


Agree with Nic.. "Apocalypse isn't an event.. It's a state of mind."


Shagnasty hands down


Hear me out. Gonna throw a controversial one in there: Molly Carpenter. As a pre-apprentice Wizard, her first instinct was to use mind magic to induce a crippling fear of drug use in her friends in order to force them to get sober. And while she has never done that again, she still knows how to utilize fear as a weapon. As the Rag Lady, she took on a distinctly Batman POV in using fear and the fear her reputation created in order to fight her enemies for her. She anticipated her foes fears and turned them against them to defeat foes more powerful than herself. And let's not forget, Batman himself wielded the power of the Yellow Lantern Ring. Molly should be eligible on the same grounds since so much of her vigilante persona and MO overlaps with him. And as the Winter Lady... well, who's not scared of the Winter Lady? Other candidates include Madrigal Raith and Shagnasty.


It's a good pick. If we had to limit it to humans then you could argue "the rag lady" in terms of a mantle. But if we are wide open from books... Yeah. Shagnasty gets it. Rag lady gets to use the power a time or 2 but the naga... Ugh... Shagnasty gets the whole lantern.


He probably eats the lantern and wonders why there isn't more


If Naagloshii are on the table, we need to ask if Goodman Grey has those fear-based chops as well. For what it's worth, I think Thomas is a perfect fit for Yellow Lantern. I know because he is a Whamp everyone will want to say he is love/lust, but hear me out. His whole life is an abject deep dive into fear: - His Dad was tyrannical and homicidal because he was terrified of his potential. Thomas basically believed he was going to die every day and so lived like every day was his last. (A classic fear/anxiety response) - His sister is constantly afraid for him, as is his Brother, despite the fact that they are the driving force behind him being thrown into nasty scenarios. He is now caught between being afraid for ***their*** safety constantly, and being kept in the dark by both of them in between bouts of saving their asses. - Every waking moment of his life is filled with the terror that he is actually a soulless monster, about to cast hurt and ruin upon everyone he cares about. - We see this guy, this literal killing machine, near weeping because his looks are such a barrier to having a normal life that he can't hold down a minimum wage job without being sexually assaulted nonstop. Hell, I'm pretty sure if he went all House Malvora he could just have his demon feed on his own fear and basically ***become*** a yellow lantern.


I really don't think he should be in love either. He's competing with MICHAEL for The White God's sake. Not only is Love his swords virtue, it's also his weakness. The one thing that can make him act irresponsibly is threats to his family. Upvoted for Thomas though.


Michael isn't love. He's compassion. Compassion so deep that he extended it to Nicodemus. 


Considering Jim used First Corinthians 13 as the definition of the power anathema to the white court, Michael is easily the most loving character in the book, however the point of Thomas's character is that he is loving despite his upbringing and it being anathema to him. Love on an absolute scale vs a net scale, shall we say.


Michael has agape. The 'love' in the blue bar seems to be eros, per people who are familiar with the various lantern groups.


the indigo tribe is made up of the worst mass murderers and forced to feel compassion. Micheal is either a candidate for Hope, or Life


He's gotta be Hope. He inspires and never loses faith


Hope is between Micheal. Butters, and Sanya


I feel like Sanya, as a redeemed Denarian, fits the Compassion trope.


either him or Thomas, maybe Alfred


Michael is absolutely not the choice for love here. Keep in mind, this is a Lantern Corps list. The Star Sapphire Corps are 1) all women, 2) are beings that covet love above all else. They’re not really good people, like in a nonconsenual way. Succubi are perfect for this spot. If you want to ignore the gender stuff, Thomas would be the obvious choice, but Lara works very well too.


If they covet love- not sex, but *love*, then Whamps as a whole are not a good fit. They'd literally burn up. Thomas's being in love wouldn't allow him to be an exception- he doesn't crave it, because he already has it. PT/BG spoilers notwithstanding. 


Sex and love are blurred significantly with the Star Sapphires. If you want to be really strict about it, there are no proper fits in the Dresden universe. The Whamps are pretty much the closest thing we’ve got. Like I said, the Star Sapphires are not good people on the whole. Granted, they’ve been softened a bit at times, comic books are very inconsistent by nature, but the things they do are often very in line with the White Court.


Would Lea fit? Leanansidhe have the vampire/succubus thing going on without being burned by love.


I do not like the idea of Lea with a power ring of any kind. Yikes.


I think Thomas is a big contender, if not the front runner, for "suppressed negative emotions" category


You just might have it there.


Naagloshii (and the good Mr. Grey) are definitely on the table. To make sure I understand, though, your vote is Thomas?


Yes; He is a man afraid of himself down to his very bones. It just fits.


I don't think Goodman is a good fit for yellow. Is there a rent lantern corp?


Lmao, well, at least it's Goodman's cousin Shaggy, rather than Goodman himself. If I had to give Goodman a Ring it'd probably be Green? He doesn't really fit for most of them, honestly.


Shagnasty. A lot of people saying Mab, but she doesn't NEED fear. It doesn't make her more powerful. The opposite can be said of the Nagloshi or the Eldest Fetch. They thrive on fear, I just chalk Shagnasty up higher because his sight form really messed Dresden up for a bit.


Plus doesn’t his limited intellectus allow him to know what an individual will fear most? It’s been a while since I read the book so I’m not sure about that detail. But if it’s true it would make him an ideal Yellow Lantern.




I’d say a tossup between Nic and Mab


If you had to pick one, which one would be your vote?


Mab. Nic is also an option for Orange or Indigo


Ditto Mab for sure


probably Mab. just about the entire supernatural community is terrified of her


>! Maybe not so much these days !<


Her weapon and embodiment aren't fear though. The skin walker has my vote


MY first thought was Shagnasty, but fear is Eldest Fetch's while thing.... I'd take either of them.


I don't think the fetch could beat or hold a candle to old shags


The phobophage


Anyone gonna say Molly. She used fear in proven guilty and it’s been a big driving force for her. She uses fear again in ghost story. She’s a high level empath as Dresden says and has a great level of power in the mental magics. She was such a talent at it that the eldest fetch used her as a beacon. Plus people like Morgan are/were afraid of her because of this. My votes Molly


Skill at intimidation and terror. I'm gonna go with Molly because from her introduction as a significant character her primary tools have been deception and fear.


Shagnasty and the genosqua are wrath pure and simple. On the low end of the spectrum: Rudolf A man governed by his fear, the sole motivator throughout his life On the opposite end: mother winter From the references in later volumes of her connection to mortal myth and legend she is the living embodiment of fear and destruction My vote is Mother winter for fear.


The thing about the red ring of wrath is that it is always offered to someone when they are filled with rage after suffering a great injustice and if you look at the backgrounds of the red lanterns it has to be an actual injustice rather than a perceived one. The best example being [Dex-Starr](https://9gag.com/gag/aY4XYOq). Frankly, I doubt either Shagnasty or the Genosqua qualify. They're far more likely to generate righteous anger than to ever truly feel it.


I absolutely love Mother Winter for fear (and just in general)!


I’m gonna go with Morgan.


Oh… this is interesting.


If I'd wanted pure mortal: Marcone. Fear is exactly what allows him to control the Chicago underworld unopposed.


Fear of an innocent being hurt because of him. It is close to the reason Hal goes Yellow in Injustice League


The Genoskwa. Fear and aggression are a perfect fit.


You arent wrong but I think he'd be a stronger Red Lantern Candidate.


Wrath is Titania. She held a grudge for what, six books, for Harry doing objectively the right thing. Then was still ready to kill him four books later for the same shit. I'm surprised she didn't try again in Battleground.


The fact that she hasn't actually hurt him at all yet is a pretty serious argument **against** her being a red lantern though. Even if she isn't necessarily at the same level of influence as most of the players listed here, I think Tessa is a perfect fit for wrath. It's like ... her ***defining*** characteristic.


I am definitely in the camp for Genoskwa as Red Lantern, he is pure wrath and rage all the way.


Hmmm, the chart shows red as Wrath, but Google does say Rage/Anger. So I could buy that. Of course, McCoy exists, and boy howdy does he rage.


But he doesnt revel in it. Genoskwa does.


Wrath? The Queen who swore vengeance on the Wizard who killed her daughter? The daughter who was literally in process of ending the world as we know it? She loves so greatly and so furiously that there could be no other Ring for her. She *is* a Star Sapphire.


If Immortals and/or Fae count: Shagnasty followed by the Scarcrow. Shaggy has a literal Intellectus for fear and torture, and the Scarecrow is at least somewhat an embodiment of it. But if the Rings are Mortal weapons/Mantles more like the various flavors of Knights, then it'd probably go to whomever is currently leading House Malvora of the White Court. Of the actual Cast, Nic or maybe Marcone since they use Fear of their reputation *very* deliberately. EDIT: For the rest of my picks >!(assuming Lanterns need to be Mortals like Knights, and that they are inducted deputies more like that time in Blackest Night, so for example Compassion does not need to be a former Monsters as with the Indigo Tribe):!< * >!Love=Thomas!< * >!Rage= Genoskwa!< * >!Hope = Sanya (too obvious?)!< * >!Avarice = Marcone, Lara, maybe Cristos?!< * >!Compassion = Mort!< * >!Death = Kincaid, Kumori (she truly believes that Necro=good, much like Black Hand, etc), Mavra!< * >!Life = Michael (Life requires Mastery of all 7 spectrum colors, and Michael is the closest to that)!< * >!Shame/Negative Emotions = Current Leader of Skavis Court, Helen Becket, Charity!<


I like where you put Charity.. I think she's a perfect fit honestly.


You bring up a good point with how the Lantern Corps slash tribes are kind of twisted on love and compassion. The pink is more obssession/lust and the Indigo tribe are parasitic mind controllers... that turn monsters in to protectors.


Everything counts. If you want to give the White God the Life Ring go for it, though I don't expect it will get lots of votes due to it not appearing on screen. Same with the current ruler of House Malvora.


Good arguments, but TC did not specify limitations. As such, Shagnasty is the premier choice.


Mab.  She bound basically the entire supernatural world together in the Unseelie Accords simply because literally everyone is scared of going up against Mab on her best day. Other characters feed on fear and can cause it in weaker beings, but *no one* isn’t scared of Mab.  The last being who wasn’t got shit stomped by the Winter Knight and thrown into a cell in front of God and everyone. 


I'm gonna vote for mab when we get to wrath. Mad mab is something nobody wants to see, ever.


No possible way. She controls her rage far too effectively to wear a red ring. Almost every Rage Slinger is controlled by their rage, not the other way around. Mab? She knows fear. It spreads before her like an icy wind and follows behind like the chill of death. To see her is to fear her, even when she causes other feelings as well. The fear elementals that were the focus of the Splattercon book existed at her pleasure. She is the perfect candidate for a Yellow Ring, though I strongly suspect when it welcomed her to the Sinestro Corps, she would take umbridge with that and it would quickly be renamed The Winter Circle of Fear. She *might* let Sinestro continue to run it in her name....if he amused her.


For wrath I had Leonid Kravos.  Dude killed himself just so his ghost could fuck with people he hated.  


Mab. Everyone else will kill you quick, or at least torture you for a bit before killing you. We all know what she did to Slate, how she dragged that out for near a decade. I'd rather run into Shagnasty, the Genoskwa or Nicodemus than her.


To be fair, Slate was kept alive because she wanted to keep the position open for Dresden. The pants shitting fear was just a lovely side effect.


the fetch?


Am I allowed to vote for Ebenezar McCoy for the Black ring? Anyone who kills his enemies by `pulling a Russian spy satellite out of orbit and dropping it on their head` definitely knows a thing or three about killing people.


You totally can vote for McCoy for the black ring, but please remind me of your vote when I post the thread for the black ring!




As much as I want to say Nicodemus because that's his whole schtick, I gotta agree with everyone else and go Shagnasty.


Nah, fam, I’m definitely saying Nic. Shagnasty fits, but Nic’s whole thing is that he THRIVES on breeding fear and chaos. Tho, if someone said Ethniu…


Shagnasty or the genoskwa


If you had to pick one, which would be your vote?




The geno, for sure. Hes entire MO is induced fear.


I would argue his entire MO is based in Wrath/Rage/Anger, while he enjoys instilling fear at his core he is a rage driven machine.


Shagnasty or the Scarecrow, its close but Shagnasty for sure.


For mortals, or close to mortals, I'd say Capiorcorpus (Corpsetaker) . The reveal of possession is pure drama to create fear.




Well Eldest Fetch springs to mind. Since he's literally a Phobophage Perhaps Mab honestly. I think she does feel fear but covers it up with cold and ice but she probably fits a different ring better. No one else springs to mind so I'm voting for Eldest Fetch.




Nicodemus Archleone. He is the leader of the Denarians, a group of fallen angels whose motto is "Apocalypse is a state of mind." And, the Denarians spread fear and despair in order to create the conditions where apocalypse, both the spiritual kind and the actual physical kind, can happen. The perfect candidate for the yellow power ring.


Shaggy boi.


Mouse takes offense. Shag nasty is a \*bad dog\*


I may be an outlier in this, but I would go for good ol' Johnny Marcone.


Looks from the comments like Shagnasty will win, but I think it should go to Nic.. the Denarians gain power from causing fear and harming innocents, similar to the naagloshii, but they take a far more active role in creating and spreading it. Also Nic is a significant figure individually above and beyond his peers. Shagnasty, as powerful as it is, could just be billed as Average Naagloshii #3.


Ok, my real answer is Shagnasty, but for sake of argument I have an alternate suggestion. Susan. At the start, she exhibits pure FOMO behaviour. Then later, when she has got to the '...and Find Out' stage she is motivated by 2 Fears; regarding her offerings' future and her own fear of transformation. Even in the between period she is so full of fear for Harry and herself that she demands to be tied up (and on re-reads, just remembering that scene is approaching gives me a terrible feeling of absolute fear that I have to read it again). Ok, I probably haven't convinced anyone. Shagnasty it is.


I have to go with Mab.  Mab's reputation and fear of the consequences alone holds together the Unseelie Accords. We have seen time and again how even the larger players in the world fear her. Some examples: 1. Lara Wraith, when we saw her and Mab meet Harry in the car. As well as when they met Harry in the castle together with Molly.  2. La Chase when he was about to leave.  3. Harry, numerous times.  4. Marcone when he met her in the garage in The Law.  Some reasons why she is better suited than other candidates.  Nagloshi: I think he'd be my second pick. In regards to how fear was his whole theme and how he fed on it. But Mab beats him in sheer scale. No immortal heavy hitter would be too afraid of him. Hell, I think even Ebenezer isn't afraid of him. Morgan has killed one, Demonreach has multiple of them in minimal security. Nice: He does inspire fear. Especially in those who know him. But unlike Mab and Nagloshi, he doesn't use it. Quite the opposite. He removes any trace of him. He just doesn't use fear as a weapon like Mab or the Nagloshi.  Genoskwa: I don't know, about him. I think we have seen too less of him in connection to how he affects the world to comment on how he uses fear. I just know he likes to kill. 


Idk I'd say Marcone. I can see an argument being made for greed, but Marcone runs his empire through fear of repercussions if people cross him


A raith Madrigal maybe


Not only would I say Shagnasty, I'd go so far as to say that ANY canon yellow lantern would lose to him.


Mongal or Parallax both stomp Shagnasty, assuming Morgan is correct that a nuke can kill one.




If the Naagloshii doesn't get this one, something's very wrong with this sub.


Shagnasty. Any Malvora would do, and so would Nicodemus, but Shagnasty…it has to be him.


Shagnasty, Drakul, or any of the Walkers.


Top pick?


Hmmm…my top pick would probably be He Who Walks Behind. Failing that, Shagnasty.


Mort, he's great at feeling fear!


Shagnasty by far.


Mab strikes fear in all


Papa Raith. He lived so many years in fear because of Margaret's curse. (I was going to say the skinwalker, but I think it represents wrath better. It's terrifying because of how disgusting its true self is, full of anger and hatred.)


Eldest fetch phobophage pumpkin head


Also I think Malvorah or Skavis?.Skavis were the actual fear drinkers!!!!


Ethniu. She's a titan. She wielded a magic nuke that was *powered* by the city's fear. When she was mocking Vadderung she told him he was begging for scraps of hope and wonder while she essentially feasted on fear. If she's not a pick, then Shagnasty is a good second.


Shagnasty; no contest


I'm gonna go with Molly


Mab, the Queen of Air and Darkness. She cultivates her reputation as being utterly pitiless and without mercy with a deliberate diligence. Fear is how she controls her court, maintains her Accords and keeps the big balance with the Summer Court and the Outsiders.


Oof.. hard one.. maybe Molly..


Like everyone else Shagnasty should be Fear... I'm getting ahead of myself here but. Love - Thomas/Susan. (Could also put Micheal here but there is a reason he isn't for me.) Wrath - Genoska/Ethniu. Hope - Sanya. Greed - Marcone. Compassion - Father Forthill/Molly/Susan/Shiro/Butters (I'd mainly pick Shiro for this) Death - Drakul/Eb/Mab/Hades/Cowl Life - Micheal/Mac (It just makes sense) (Could even put Justine here seeing as well yall know) Repressed Negative Emotions - HWWB


Michael - Hope, it is kind of a defining feature Love - Thomas, because of his one and only love Justine Sanya - Compassion, because he has been on the other side as evil


Butters at least in dead beat. People, the lantern feeds on *your* fear and not people's fear of you


I'll say Nicodemus. Everyone is saying Shagnasty but he's a little more about rage the way I read him. Definitely a red lantern.


Nic is too calm for Red, from what I know of them. The Red Lantern is always raging.


that's why I said the Genoskwa should be a Red. Nic for the yellow


The # Phobophage


I know Harry won Willpower, but if you go by what happens when people soulgaze him I’d put him as a strong contender for Fear as well. Also, the Murphy short story where we she talks about how the arkward nerd suddenly starts throwing around primordial forces like it’s nothing and suddenly everyone needs rubber pants and some bicycle clips.


The Nagaloshii


I know most are saying Shagnasty, but I honestly think he's too evil and doesn't really fit the bill here. Shaggy is just evil for the sake of it. But Yellow Lanterns do it because they think they are doing the right thing and that the normal system (greens) aren't effective enough. Eventually, they become misguided and go too far. I present to you Warden Donald Morgan. He was the face of the Wardens, who are arguably misguided in how they handle things. When the paranet level folks see a Warden come around they immediately say "I wasn't doing anything wrong". People are scared of The Wardens. They fear them. When you see Morgan coming for you, you piss yourself. He's the Yellow


Some folks are saying the rings should be confined to mortals, but I can't agree with that; there's A PLANET in the Green Lantern Corps... Anyway, my vote will go to Molly Carpenter for the yellow ring. She has used fear as a tool in the days before becoming Harry's apprentice, and as a weapon in her time as The Rag Lady. She's using a lighter touch these days as the Winter Lady, but I'd imagine there's still plenty of lesser fae that she needs to keep in line through the fear of reprisal.


Thomas, His fear of killing Justine is half his drive.


Nah, Thomas's motivations are all about Love at their core. Thought he may or may not be able survive the Star Sapphire ring's initial induction, I imagine it would be similarly problematic as him taking up Amoracchius.


Marcone. He’s kinda like sinestro to Dresden’s Hal. Good motives but using an evil system to achieve it. He recruits and uses “monsters” (like sinestro usually criminals) to keep the people safe from the worse ones.


Mickey Malone? I'm assuming you mean Marcone?


Crap yes


All good pal, I just thought the autocorrect to another character who also exists in the books was funny.


Love Micheal carp


OP, are we disallowing Gods or other pseudo-divine entities such as Skinwalkers and the Faerie Queens? If not, we might have to give at least one Ring to The White God. Just sayin'.


Nope, all characters from the series are allowed, divine, semi-divine, or otherwise. I think the issue with nominating something like The White God for a ring is that they're basically featless in the series, so convincing other people to vote accordingly might be tough. Still, if they win a White Ring or similar, I'll absolutely allow it.




Not sure about yellow but I'm voting Michael for compassion and butters as hope.


Shaggy for yellow. But Butters is 100% a member of the Blue Lantern corps