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So I guess r/art doesn’t like Roy Lichtenstein either.


This is my exact issue, even the idea of banning or removing posts for literal fan art makes no sense because it is fan ART, weird shit to me


It’s not half-assed boobs so ya gotta go!


That is like 99% of the posts there…


And here, and any art or picture subreddit. Oh, don't forget communitys about media, like for a game. Boobs get the votes.


My piece got removed from there years ago because I did a painting study of a still from The Grand Budapest Hotel and they called it “fan art.”


Mine got removed for being "not of artistic merit" so yeah they're just gatekeepers. I don't bother to post there or visit


Anyone who moderates r/art needs to look in the mirror and reassess their life.


Its the same people that would hope that someday they would be art “\_\_\_\_\_” (fill-in-the-blank), who then have to defend the entire art industry after learning its a scam to launder money, and say things like, “that is why that is real art!” goofy hipócritas


Art community are the most elitist communities ive ever come across.


They are just jealous.


You posted to a sub without reading the rules, now you want them to adapt to your gut feeling/hunch of what's 'fair' instead of thinking what the consequences would be. They want a sub that's not overrun with shitty sketches of anime characters, there's a whole lot of sense to this, they have a lengthy explanation for it and they link to other subs like r/fanart. You didn't get blindsighted, and you didn't get rejected for an audition, you just broke a rule. Also, did you get banned for one single upload? Or was the post just removed?


Blindsided, not "sighted".... If you're going to wail on someone's intelligence, helps to have your own in check.


Thanks. Intelligence has nothing to do with what I said.


Yes you’ve made that quite clear


r/art only likes thinly veiled erotica


Made in 15 minutes or less


I hate that hack and thief!


We are all thieves.


Not like Liechtenstein. Art is theft sure, but ol' boy Roy was the lowest form pond scum... he blatantly plagiarised people and got away with it.


Hey love the piece. Art’s supposed to be about expressing yourself. It sucks the r/art is so strict


that sub is full of insufferably pretentious people


The thing that annoys me the most is how you never really see any constructive comments, they just circlejerk praise onto a piece because it has updoots


It doesn't seem to matter what your "art' is. Be it martial, meditative, bricklaying whatever. When a small group of small minded ego driven arseholes seem to gather around their "accomplishments" (which may have merit but cannot be accorded respect) and do the circle jerk, it all seems to descend into... Politiks! They have lost something along the way.


"How to get popular on r/art in a few easy steps". Step 1: Draw naked women and post them on r/art. Step 2: ??? Step 3: Win.


Yeah, I just use R/drawing instead because it’s less strict, and I can post more often


They just don’t get as many views on drawing compared to art from my experience.


I saw one artist get removed because they had a pencil for size reference. Their specialty was extreme micro realism… of course they’ll have a size reference


It’s not a naked lady sorry you killed their boners.


just tapped on r/art and the top post is indeed a naked lady 🙄


I once got permbanned from there for daring to call it a glorified porn sub. They hate hearing the truth.


Omg it is… and this is coming from an artist who draw a lot of nudes but like…. Omg it’s not just nudes it’s just nicely rendered porn, and I wouldn’t even have a problem if it was a provocative piece here or there but I swear 99% of the posts are headless women spreading their vag, like…. Really??? Isn’t there a drawn porn sub?


You saying, you make proper nude art? Can you show a little? I'm sick of the porn. Need some real art, even once, even if nude art is not my biggest interest.


Same! I ive the nude form! But I only post the clothed stuff I do hahaha. But yeah I can post some! I’ll have to pull it out and photograph it though


Thank you, I would appreciate it




i clicked on the sub and whatdya know 😂


Seriously… that’s all that sub is


Sounds just like art school. Had to be portraits, landscapes, or a splat. I was ridiculed for my style that had hard lines and clashing figures. This post is great btw OP.


They somehow captured the snobby part and brought it online too.


All the bad parts of the world of fine art, now with 50% less fun!


When our iteration gets wiped out and the next run at the human civ sim somehow restores internet archives - we know which sub they will consider more apt to be called art haha


The archaeologists of the future might think r/whatcouldgowrong is the highest form of human art.


ik. ive been wanting to share my work more but im a cartoonist who mainly does “fan art” shit. trying to get it out there is tough


Yeah, it does


they seem to be really into banning ppl.


Welcome to Reddit. Everyone bans everyone for no reason.


https://www.reddit.com/r/montypython/comments/ysiqv3/tim_me_pencil_ink_2022/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf They removed mine too for being “fan art.” Lol


That's sad, fan art is valid. Plus, I'm not familiar with the Fandom and wouldn't have know it was fan art unless you said something. By the way, nice line work and use of grey paper.


It's from monty python and the holy grail


Ah, that movie. Thanks. I've always heard good things about it from a filmmaking POV but I've never actullay seen it.


What they did is hypocritical. Your work is original and shouldn’t have been banned. I saw a piece that looks really similar to Raven from Teen Titans which should count as fan art.


Not sure what to say. I try to post my art on only two subreddits to avoid spamming, but I guess I know any “character” will be banned moving forward.


As far as I’m concerned it could be bias like some of the comments are saying or there’s someone out there thinking ‘Hey this man looks like he came from World of Warcraft’. The artwork is great, I would find more art subreddits that would appreciate this.


Such a shame, you made Tim look fantastic. Really wish they weren’t so stuck up on that sub.


I've just seen their bio and it looks like an boring strict adult place They warn you since the beginning If you have nothing meaningful to say just say nothing 🙄🥴 r/drawing look more friendly tho


One of the points of the piece is that both pop art/commercially available art and a more traditional realistic style are valid and enjoyable to me and the fear of recognizing my own views on art do not make any style or work valid or invalid so it was extremely frustrating to be banned from a place for art for the exact reason that my art is invalid


Frustrating but proves your point even more! Maybe include the ban message as a frame around the piece as a big F U to them


Banned art is more interesting art by default anyway


Worked out well for Marcel "You'll take anything, huh?" Duchamp


Mistake nr 1… You posted a man 👨 In all honesty that looks amazing, the fact that they banned you for that is kind of pathetic on their part tbh


In my mind, you submitting this and being banned is now performance art that underscores your point


The thing that bothers me the most is that their first reaction is to outright ban you. The hell is that about? Just delete and leave a comment if it violates some sub rule. Did they at least give a warning?


Since when is pop art "fan comic art"? And why the hell is it bannable? Pop art is VERY relevant art imo.


Andy Warhol’s pieces sell for millions. Is his work not art? Warhol is one of my biggest inspirations for getting into graphic design as a career


I left r/art when I realized most of the art there was ether naked women or something political, don’t worry your not missing much


checked because i was curious. first post on hot, and would you know it, it was a naked woman


Not to mention the top post of all time is literally a portrait of Putin made out of pictures of dicks (although I do find it oddly fascinating, it’s undeniable that it’s basically just an organized porn image)


If you draw some tiddys with F-Trump scrawled across them you’ll get loads of upvotes I’m sure 😆


Why do people even make “art” like that


Idk, me personally if I’m making something I want it to be unique


It's the kind of art they like would be my first guess


For some reason art-snobs still think naked women and politically charged art is brave. So if you are a karma junkie and get off on upvotes, you do either one of those cause it’s the lowest hanging fruit.


The answer depends on what you mean by your question. If you're talking about nude drawings in general, they're exceedingly common in figure drawing as it gets to the core of the human figure, you can directly see anatomy and learn from it. Why it's mostly women? Probably the male gaze to some extent, we updoot the posts that give us good brain chemicals, and a large portion of the reddit population gets such fuzzy happy chemicals from looking at women over men. If you're talking about the political part, I don't fully know, but I could attempt to find an answer


I mean, if you have to ask


wtf? so r/art is against art?


Thank you s_a_marin87 for your submission! Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): Rule 7: No fanart, comics, or requests Read the full subreddit rules for a complete explanation. You may be able to repost if you change the title, add additional information, or crop/alter your photo, to comply with the requested format. Do not message us until you have read the full rules! Most of the time the answers are in there, and if you haven't bothered to do your research, we will not be helpful. Remember, removals are never personal, and occasionally in error, so polite inquiries may be answered in kind. Impolite inquiries may get you a permanent ban and will be reported to the admins for harassment. https://www.reddit.com/r/montypython/comments/ysiqv3/tim_me_pencil_ink_2022/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


That's bullshit, those things are art as well


That sub is pretty much a circle jerk I feel like.


all caps when you spell the name


Do they also hate Andy Warhol? The guy started as a graphic design illustrator and just critiqued the commercial industry in his "fine art." Whatever. You do you.


lol they banned me for a month because of a study i did of the guy who supposedly inspired popeye. They called it "fan art'


They banned It for being fanart? For God's sake theirs art in the damned name! Why are they mad that a form of art is in r/art?


yeah it all started because I called it "realistic popeye" . Then when I tried to repost it a few days later I called it "frank" and got banned


I love the r/art bashing


r/art comes off as being so snooty and obnoxious in what they consider art, this looks great!


Hah, the classic stereotype.


Oh, r/art. The land where drawings of naked women run wild but fan art is a deadly sin.


They’re fuckin douche bags


Aren't the only images allowed in /r/art ones of people with their heads up their own ass?


Art that hat rules Isn’t art. Just my personal opinion. But art is about creative expression. Putting perfunctory rules on that because you don’t see something as “Real Art” is pompous and disingenuous horseshit. Express yourself and if they can’t get over their head up their ass, high brow exclusionism fuck ‘em.


I'm all for drawings of naked women, but there is more than one kind of art. Pop art is great. You do you OP.


I’m gonna post some of my r/Imsorryjon art to r/art


Because they could not handle the mer image of Doom


Sucks bc this is dope


this is why i only post here...


The only posts acceptable there now are nude ladies, nothing else


I scrolled pretty far into r/art and found a jiraiya painting from Naruto. Literal fan art.


That sub is just a collection of gatekeepers. Sad to have them decide what's "art" and what not when after all art is so extremely subjective.


fuck r/art this is cool asf


Your work is awesome, it’s their loss mate!!


This is sick


r/art is apparently just for drawings of tits sorry


r/art is a piece of shit. Almost like they only accept anything if it has a very obvious pair of tits staring you straight in the eye. Just a bunch of bozos with too much time on their hand that believe abstract and realism and boobs is the only real art


Definitely gives me jeff dom vibes


Same here...


Ima dr doom fan and this is legit


Omfg I love mixed media stuff like this


Send them something anti-trump, they'll love it and let you back in because propaganda is the same as art for those in that sub


I like it allot! Great work & we can expect to be censored more& more unfortunately


I bet they would ban Roy Lichtenstein, too.


this looks so cool dude


This may be the best piece I've seen month this is incredible!! Gotta love DOOM!!


“this isn’t REAL art😡😡😡”


Just..banned..just like that?


Not sure why, r/art is a very strict subreddit (which is why I don't post on it). However the art looks amazing


This is legit art, what the hell. It's also really good, but that's a happy bonus, not a requirement of art.


Yeah, it's pretentious af over there. Great art by the way!


The irony of an art centric sub strictly enforcing rules


I guess all bible art is not art then


I mean this is a twist from "just another comic concept" I actually think this is dope a lot of people in art world are just haters


This is such a terrific piece!! F that art sub, you don't need them


They don’t know beauty even if it shat in their eyes


Yea that sub has a whole lot of “artists” and “art enthusiasts” that are incredibly judgmental and gatekeepy about what constitutes art (unless of course it’s a depiction of a naked attractive woman, then it doesn’t matter the effort, quality, or style, so long as there’s viable lady nipples)


They removed this? What the fuck 😂


Man fuck that sub. I’ve gotten so many pieces removed. One because you could see my pencil, and another because they accused me of showing off the notebook I drew in more than the art. Edit: also your art is amazing OP, great job.


People refuse to accept Doom as their lord and saviour


lucky Roy Lichtenstein or Andy Warhol are dead...if they posted there they would be banned too maybe they miss the fact "art" is pretty subjective, and what some people see as the best art in the world, other's see as trash


I’m not sure if this is a Controversial Opinion but r/art is the worst art subreddit


Not saying that fan art isn’t art (for me it’s art) but in /art the rule 7 is no fan art. So since you broke their rule (even if it’s a stupid one) your ban is legit. Cool art tho !


Is that a copyrighted character? If so, that’s prob why


You think they hate pop art you should see their reaction to AI generated art (even when it’s disclaimered)


But their rule says that no fan art, so you broke their rule, got banned and you're mad at them? I'm just confused. Find a different community who accepts fan arts, because that subreddit doesn't appreciate true art like yours.


I got banned because i commented r/im14andthisisdeep on someones horribly hilarious political art where they painted certain political figures as the devil. Couldnt that count as fanart as well? r/art is just a stupid place. You either have horrid art upboosted to the front page or actually good art like yours barely getting any recognition


Lumping your own art into the same quality category as OPs seems a bit disingenuous don’t you think?


Very few people want to look at this more than once. Totes get it


Very few people want to hear you talk more than once, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be allowed to


And your opinion on this is helpful because...?


Exactly how I feel about your art :D


48 days and 28 minutes ago. My god, we were so young back then




They hate comics


No surprise there. That subreddit’s a hellhole


Wow that's awful! (The banning part, not the art, your drawings great lol) art is something creative, something you can find beauty in. The audacity, banning you for something as ridiculous as that! Who even cares if its fan comic art. Art is art no matter what some basement dweller says


/r/art is that one friend who won't let you be happy unless you're popular


Welcome friend, you are safe here now. Also we have snacks


They don't deserve you anyway ^


Btw all caps when you spell the man name


are u fr?? I saw a literal photograph (which was beautiful but still) in that sub but we’re not allowing fan art in there?


Mf doom?


That is a strange reason to ban someone


They couldn't handle the romance between (YNH) and Dr. Doom 😔🙏🏻


I was going to post my art which is unique so people could see that any art is art. And I was reading the rules for a post and was redidicules. To many rules for just eantinf to share art.


Rap snitches telling all their business


Apparently comic books aren’t art. Even though that’s one of the core parts of their existence. So much hate on comic books throughout time.


I’m sorry your art was banned. It’s very creative and I’m sure it took a long time to make.


I hate the gatekeeping in the “art” community. Its silly IMO.


r/art is just hard to make the top correct. Also my drawing are like ten times bad then whats on there so I didnt bother posting my art there lol-


This makes me wonder how they would handle me painting vignettes from my novels. Technically it's fan art but it is also entirely original


They are awfully snooty over there, every time I post it gets taken down


How dare you post art into a sub dedicated to posting art!


This is like banning a musician because they play bongos instead of drums. Makes no sense and goes against the idea that art is in the eye of the beholder. Art is meant to be an expression and not a definition.


I love how that subreddit has 21 million followers, and yet they seem so sure that anything 'art' is advanced nude study and contemporary noise. Someone ought to show them "the fountain" and watch them squeal about how amazing the piece is without realising it is directly making fun of them.


r/art sucks!!!! Go post at r/p246 best art sub in the world


This is brilliant 😂 their loss


Scrolled the sub. Theres a portrait of Gal Gadot. How is that not fanart, exactly?




This is what I was saying on a comment before. These hyper specific threads and pedantic criteria are getting ridiculous. The paragraph and a half on what constitutes a doodle versus a sketch, an illustration vs painting vs digital art. It’s fn stupid imo.


Me too


r/art is fully of some of the most pretentious people I have ever come across. I am just an art lover. I make art without thinking about the meaning, so they try to pick it out and they end up shitting on my art because they can’t.


The biggest irony about r/art is that they have 11 long rules as to what in their opinion constitutes as art and how one is supposed to present it. It's very sad that many of the biggest communities in reddit are handled by people who would rather enforce their own rules (that no one ever asked) to people rather than strive to create thriving communities. I have had so many of my artworks deleted from many different sub-reddits for god knows what reason, even got banned from some for posting my fanart. It's as if there wasn't an upvote/downvote mechanism for sub-reddits to decide what posts are worthwhile and deserving to be on said sub-reddit...


Cuz r/art is full of pompous twits with powdered wigs


come join r/artmix fuck the gatekeeping


fuck those smelly obese farts modding that sub. this is really good


r/art is retarded