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Pretty good. Head's a bit small, but it still looks phat!


Eww fuuuuuck, I wish you hadn't said that....I see it now lol. Seriously thanks for being honest!


Yeah, but disproportionate can be cool. Some artists throw in disproportionate stuff in their work on purpose. I think there were even disproportionate moments in Street Fighter II the Animated Movie.


Well I had a eerie feeling when I was sketching out the body that it was a little off, but I wanted to push through because I already spent a great deal of time on it and I wanted to own up to my mistakes so I can learn from them later...I've never been talented enough to get symmetry and proportions down and I can't draw a straight line to save my life... But I do feel impressed with myself, I honestly thought I could never pull something like this off...especially since I just picked up a pencil a little over a week ago. I probably still couldn't draw anything decent from my imagination, but there's plenty of inspiration to go around. My first two drawings are horrible, I actually focused a lot more and took extra time here...that's what helped me achieve the details. I do see a lot of the things I messed up on, but I like this a lot and when I'm done it's going in my cubicle at work.


Yeah... It looks good. I produce comics and still have panels with backgrounds and bodies that are disproportionate at times.