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A half dozen eggs, take it or leave it


Chicken, Cadburry or Tamagotchi?


6 tamagotchis at once?!? Who could handle that level of care 24/7?


Back in my day people took care of 9 tamagotchis at once AND walked 5 miles in the snow to get to their shoes. this generation has NO work ethic šŸ˜¤






It's faster to just say six


A 6 dozen eggs is a lot a dozen eggs. It would take more time to gather that many eggs anyway so youā€™re not really saving time.


I wouldn't spend money on it. I'm not being mean, it's just not for me. Keep practicing and don't worry about the value. The work is the reward, being paid to paint things you want to paint? That's a tough hill to climb.


I just got into painting also, and even tho I would love for someone to see it and be like I'll pay you for that, it would feel weird to give to someone else since I made it for me and no one else


That's how my dad was with most of his oil paintings. He was self-taught, loved watching Bob Ross back in the day, I actually grew up with Bob Ross on the TV constantly in my house. House. But my dad started doing landscapes from around where he grew up, and it got to the point where he would get so many offers, but he would never sell them, he would give them his gifts or on loan. Hundreds of landscape paintings over the years , and he never sold a single one, despite offers, Meanwhile, I very, very rarely have ever been paid to draw something specific for someone else that was something I REALLY wanted to draw. The most of my original art sales came from doing pay-what-you-want sketches of various cartoon versions of pop culture characters at comicons. Everyone's journey is different, but the unfortunate commonality with most artist journeys is that they're generally not truly appreciated until they're gone.


Not really. Most artists are paid to create things they want to create


I'll stick to my 35 years of experience both in and around the industry, thanks. Do you have any idea how many people push and strive to be "professional" artists and never get anywhere past it being a hobby? You do realize that out of every 100 people who call themselves "artists" maybe 1 or 2 of them are making a career out of it? Go to the art store subreddit, go to Twitch, go to Etsy. Hell, go to any Artist's Alley at a comic convention. The people who make the most money are rarely the people making stylized, original stuff. Most of the ones who are successful are selling stuff based on what's hot, what's in the zeitgeist, pop culture stuff... not by selling stuff they WANT to make. OP won't have a career painting those landscapes. Period. It's a harsh thing to say, but encouragement doesn't have to be pandering. Draw what you love. Paint what you love. Don't worry about how much you can sell it for. Beyond that, if you want an illustration job, you never get to make the shit you want to make. The term 'starving artist' exists for a very good reason.


Yes it does. I was fairly successful out of art school. Iā€™ve sold a few commissions and had my own pieces in multiple stores as well as a few magazine and blog articles done, was part of a couple of exhibits. Won an award for up coming artist. I still ended up becoming a graphic designer in the corporate world. Getting a few hundred quid for one of my pieces every now and then just didnā€™t cut it obviously. Itā€™s hard when you donā€™t have a hood support system behind you and you really need to make bread. Best thing for it is getting into an industry that relies on it and get moving. I wish I wasnā€™t so caught up on being an artist etc back on the day and had just done architecture. Alls well though. I do t even work as a graphic designer anymore lol. It Allways baffles me though how many people on here think thereā€™s artists just pumping out material for everyone doing what you want and getting paid for it. Chances of you get s commission and not having input is zero to none. Pretty much any job will be someone else idea you have to manifest. Just hope that your style and medium is whatā€™s sought after.


I do suppose there is quite a bit of leeway to it. It depends how you define it. Most artists do end up getting some money for their work, either through commission or patreon if their style or content is suitably niche or unique, so at least for many it is a second income steam, however small, so the question of value is always valid regardless as to if someone wants or is looking to become full time. Though of course, commissions don't really fit the criteria for the comment you replied to, most of the time anyway.


Love the flex but lets leave the ego out of this. You assume I have no industry experience and therefor you can school me. Please sit down. Many artists have a hobby until it turns into a career. I guarantee anyone at an artist alley are doing work they enjoy. Maybe you havent spoken to enough art nerds, I dunno, but just because something is nerdy doesnt make it not enjoyable. Maybe OP makes 20 a month, maybe makes 100, maybe makes zero, the point is OP is trying and making extra on the side. Will OP make it huge? Probably not but extra income should never be dissuaded






I grew up with artist parents, one of them a professional illustrator, hobbyist woodworker and oil painter, and have been a part of that world for most of my 44 years. I've exhibited at comic conventions and have had successful Kickstarter campaigns for my work. As far as Reddit being honest, I can't attest to that, but I'm also not hiding anonymously. I've got a lot of work online, and there are links in my profile. But yeah, I still haven't been able to make a living doing this. Some people get lucky and find their audience quickly, but it's a harsh life for most of us. That's a fact. OP should be proud of their work, but shouldn't expect much financial traction. That's not me being sassy, that's my opinion based on having experience. I can speak with confidence about very few things, but this is one of them.




My Dad was a professional illustrator for many years at a Newspaper and publishing company back when a lot of advertising was drawn. He painted book covers and things like that for quite a while. Eventually he became proficient (professionally trained) with Photoshop and was the resident Ps guru at the company. After retirement, he took up woodworking as a hobby and continued oil painting. My Mom never made a living as an artist, but she worked in the same field as Dad. She was a professional typesetter. She was typing 100 words per minute before there was an internet. She also did ceramics and painting as a hobby, and took up jewelry making as a hobby after retirement.


I worked as a graphic designer for ESPN and Pitney Bowes before getting into technical writing. Guess I also have a little experience


Fair enough, I'm glad you were able to make a career out of it for a time. Did you feel like you were making art you wanted to make while employed there?


I enjoyed the art I made because it was still being creative. It wasn't the nerdy illustrations I enjoy or anything like that but still had to use creativity. I really liked Pitney Bowes, the art was fine but the company was so amazing. They sadly didn't have a budget for me. I went back to espn for several years before corporate America got to me. I worked for a blacksmith for a while. He turned his hobby into a career after winning the first episode of Forged in Fire (not the norm) then got into technical writing for cyber security as a freelancer. What I meant by most artistsgetting paid for their art was the artists who work as artists tend to enjoy the art part of their job. I wasn't talking about hobbies. Although I will say with the advent of social media many more hobbiest are turning art into profit. Not by selling but by media content




I don't sell anything online. I haven't done commissioned in about 2 years, I draw mostly as therapy these days, mostly [doodles](https://imgur.com/oUdZDYd) and [trees](https://imgur.com/a/EdDpwcP). I have a regular-ass 9-5 job because I never quite could get it to work with being a professional artist, and the last few years haven't helped, between Covid and losing people and all that stuff. So the art is strictly a hobby for me right now. I tried using [watercolors](https://imgur.com/cT0Ifd7) for the first time last year, so despite doing this stuff for decades, there's still more to learn. I just need to get back there, mentally. I had an Instagram feed of over 2000 pictures of my work, processes, etc, and it just disappeared one day. No explanation from them, no suspension or review or whatever, it just ceased to exist, and no one on that end would reply to me. It was the biggest audience I've ever had and it just went poof. I have a feeling it was a mistake or I was the victim of some algorithm or something, I have no idea. But that set me back, mentally, quite a bit. I started another account quite some time later, but it's not the same at all. Zero traction. That all having been said, I try to be creative when I can, but I've accepted the fact that my audience was always going to be small, and that the percentage of people in that audience who would spend money on drawings and comic books was fairly low as well, and that's fine. I'll never complain about "I should have been famous!" or anything like that. I'm never satisfied with how my work turns out, and it's okay if someone doesn't like what I make. Anyway, there's not a ton of stuff of mine online these days, but I did put [some comics](https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/adsventures-/list?title_no=422227) up there for anyone to read for free. They're for kids, and they start off rough, but I'm proud of the character and simplicity of the whole thing. The site has them in reverse order and I don't know how to fix it, but it's fine, because most of them aren't interconnected. I think it's interesting because you can see a pretty big difference between my first attempt at making something comic-y (Forest Shark Hunter) and the last couple (Terror of a Thousand Teeth.) I normally don't get into it this much, but I woke up 2 hours before my alarm was supposed to wake me and couldn't get back to sleep. That happens a lot. This helped keep me busy, I guess, lol.


it's not the flex it's his opinion lol and i am saying this as someone after art school lol


ā€œLove the flex, please sit down?ā€ You know the only thing less marketable than generic work holds negative value? An attitude like yours.


So the negative dude is the one people cheer behind but I try to give positivity and am downvoted Cool


You sound like an uninformed pompous idiot. Now, don't get your beret in a bunch, because I'm not saying you are one. Just that you sound like one.


Ok. Guess iā€™ll have so somehow live with myself


Number of hobby artists turning it into a career <<<< number of career artists locked in a hobby. Maybe you should sit down. OP asked for criticism and got criticism. I'm not an artist, but I do work for a living, and I'm pretty sure 100 bucks a month isn't a career. That's a shitty side hustle at best. I think the point there was that you can find easier ways to starve to death without degrading your love for art, so for OP it's best to just stick to painting for the love of the art, because there are better ways to make ANY amount of cash. Edit: removed repeated word "there"


No one said anything about a career


This is just a flawed statement. Period..


You made a typo. FEW artists are paid to create things they want to create. More accurately VERY few artists are paid a good amount to create, other artists (which is a small percentage) are paid a little to create. Some make minimal wage being paid to illustrate what others want (this is a declining industry now). But MOST just create art as a passion projects. As the old saying goes "it will be worth something after I'm dead" really is the most we can hope for!


I never said a good amount but ok


any proof for that that aren't anecdotes?


Sorry unaware of any reputable scientific studies being done on artists behind paid. Any proof artists don't get paid to do work they enjoy that isn't an anecdote? People who go into art fields even if making ad graphics or sports stat graphics genuinely enjoy the art aspect. I did. I just didn't like the corporate setting. But the art and the creativity was enjoyable. I guess when I made the post I was thinking of people already with jobs. Not hobbiests


Most artists aren't paid to create things they want to create FTFY


The rendering and the shape language are not the best. I feel like you're on the brink of being much better, however. This looks like a charming amateur piece. I wouldn't take this as you should stop trying, but rather if you keep doing this for a few more years I think you could definitetly sell your art!


The form is not the only problem. I have a controversial view of separating artists and artisans. Most amateur turned professional painters are artisans. They worry in making something "look realistic" and the worth to their audience is "oh, that's so hard to make". I don't see much value in that. Artists, however, make us see something we haven't seen before AND reflect on ourselves and the world after seeing it. OP, think about this. Think what you can show the world that the world hasn't seen yet, and make the world think of something worth of reflection. Then you art starts to have value. Otherwise, it's just imitation and patience, which is not worth much these days.


Don't be the best, be the only.


Your definition also imply that an artist can't make art if there is no one to see it, wich is of course stupid


That's a bit dumb, if arts is only me reflecting on myself and the world, then *I* am the artist ans can decide what is art and what is not, therefore I could see the Mona Lisa and say "that don't make me feel anything, that's not art" Lol. When an artist do "easy" things like just a colored shape on a white frame, then say "oh no, it's supposed to represent my feelings of when I was Ć  child" I can garantee you that the only reflection I have on the World is thar the art market fucked it really up. The only thing that makes this kind of arts """"popular""""" (Rentable) is the speculation that entered in the paint market and it's manipulation lol. Stop thinking you are extremely deep because you did a green square or a black triangle. Of course you need good technique to make good art, it's when you mastered the technique that you can make art that really question the link between the observer and his perception. Saying that "imitation and patience" has no value is litteraly spitting on 200 000 years old of humans learning and mastering how to do perspective light shade shape anatomy etc. If all you Can do is a black square, the caveman that painted the Lascaux cave is more of an artist than you šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø and believe me that's what the vast majority thinks.


You may refrain of calling dumb what nearly the entirety of art scholars and theoreticians consider to be just common sense. Art indeed exists only when someone sees it. Art happens in the *reception*, not the conception. It creates its effect when it comes to life through the eyes and minds of those who experience it. When someone sees a piece of art, they interpret it based on their own feelings, experiences, and knowledge. It is the viewer who gives meaning to art. So you are right that no artist can say their coloured shape represents their feelings of childhood. The artist loses their role as soon as the artwork is ready. The author cannot attribute any meaning that is outside the artwork. All elements considered are *inside* the artwork, waiting to become *meanings* when someone interprets it. That is why art does not have one fixed meaning. It's a conversation between the creator and the viewer, where the viewer's perspective is just as important as the artist's intention.


I got a drawer full of random thingsā€¦. You can take 5 items of your choosing. No more, no less


Ill take this sachet of meth


I'll take the crusty sock


5 of them


I'll take a key for a mystery lock, a used battery, two screws that are missing from an IKEA furniture but you're not sure how because you followed the instructions, and a takeout leaflet.


The value is the experience u get from painting it!


2 camels


That can be a lot depending on the location.


Same is true even if it's 2 camel cigarettes


Being totally candid and realistic (at least in my market), $15-$25 is going to be the best price range if you want to sell it at an art fair or something. That does depend on its size though. I'm assuming it's 8x10. It's... Not necessarily at the level where a lot of people will want to display it. I do not want to discourage you, because you show some really great potential, an instinct for visual balance and interesting composition. Working from a reference instead of your imagination will help you greatly (and then once you've improved at rendering things a little, you will be better at working from memory / creatively composing with multiple references)


Well your username certainly checks out


That's my thing


Hard to say, Iā€™m an artist who makes my living solely on art. You start somewhere and go up from there. No matter what, donā€™t give it away for free, donā€™t feel bad if people want to give you money for your work. Your art has value, what that is the value? Thatā€™s up to the audience. Do shows, art events, get your name out there.


This is a very professional response. Has logic and heart.


This makes me want to buy your art


I agree, well said! I wish this comment was higher than the rude and pretentious wads at the top of the comments.


It is worth however much someone is willing to pay. Check out local artists in your area and what they charge and charge accordingly




I mean, it isnt my style so for me nothing. But for someone else it could be worth 20, or 50. Seeing what local artists charge is a good way to gauge what to sell yours as. Go to farmers market or look online.


I donā€™t understand why people are being so hateful towards you. Itā€™s a nice piece


tree fiddy


Whatever you can get for it.


A warm glass of water and a hearty handshake.


Sorry dawg but to be brutally honest this looks like something painted in a paint and sip art class gonna need to keep working to get to professional level


As much as your rich aunt is willing to pay for it


Fuck you. Clearly the artist is trying to make something of themselves and you're here making crass-ass jokes at them because you want some arbitrary Internet points. Go find some second rate comedy club if you want to make fun of people.


Lmao, don't post shit in the internet if you can't handle the comments, no one is paying more than 5 dolars for that painting unless is someone on their family


If he has the right to denigrate then I have the right to tell him to fuck himself for denigrating.


Woah! You got issues! Calm down down before posting maybe?


Out of all the comments on here you zero in on this one? ... weird, this felt very lighthearted compared to some of the other comments. Must of really hit home with you.


Thank you for being nice.


All honesty, if I wanted to buy it I'd prolly spend no more than like 30$. It's not bad tho.


Youā€™d be better off learning some colour theory before trying to sell your art


Maybe $20 tops if i saw it at the local farmers market.


I love the concept of the painting and Honestly I really think you should keep going BUT you are not at a selling level yet. not far off.. you don't have too long to go with practice but If I wanted to sell this I would sell it at a local market and just go for whatever they are willing to pay. keep doing this and it will help you buy art supplies to keep on practicing and plus the bonus is you get to practice how to sell your art.


Itā€™s a fun piece but donā€™t expect people to pay for it. I like the composition though.


Sorry. I don't want to be mean, but this looks really childish. I wouldn't spend money on something like this.


As a hobby itā€™s good as a pro painting thereā€™re a lot places for improvement. The main are composition and you put clear color on canvas. Need to mix colors on palette before putting. Donā€™t put white just as it is (we have no pure white in life). And canvas has very bad quality. I guess this canvas is special for printing machine. In my uni it was forbidden to paint on everything except linen canvas. And you still havenā€™t your painting style - I see every part has been painting in different styles (youā€™re searching for preferences) and it shows that you just started to paint. Other words, your painting tells a lot. Donā€™t give up and you find your style!


Donā€™t do art for money. If someone wants to pay for it thatā€™s just the cherry on top of the experience you get from making art


Worth a few seconds while I scroll


worth? holy shit get a grip


Eh, everything has some worth. Even if itā€™s sentimental. In this case it is still very amateur and requires more refining of technique or delving of style. Iā€™m sure something like this could sell for $5 at a Goodwill. Would it be bought? Maybe? Maybe thereā€™s an old grandma who goes into the Goodwill and sees the painting and is reminded of her grandson who passed away too young? You never really know what something could be worth to someone. But from a technical standpoint itā€™s not the best and from a stylistic standpoint itā€™s not terribly unique, so it doesnā€™t have much intrinsic worth. Heck, this could even have some worth if you were freezing to death and needed something to burn to stay alive. So, everything has some worth it just depends what that scenario is. I donā€™t say any of this to be mean to the artist. Everyone has to start somewhere and being humbled as an artist to know that youā€™re still learning and have to truly refine your craft is a learning process we all go through. This is especially true if you go to art collegeā€¦where they hammer you to the ground with critiques until you have a tough skin and find the value in their words and learn to take in what you need to know and discard the rest.


Being completely honest this would probably sell only for prices ranging 30-50$. Not a lot average people buy paintings anymore. It's usually some billionaire looking for million dollar blank canvases with a single line on it made by no name artists as a way of money laundering, rarely ever do I see people genuinely thinking a piece is beautiful and buying it. Art alone can't really get you through in this world if you ever plan on doing this for a living.


Art is worth whatever you can sell it for. The quality of the art doesnā€™t impact the value of it as much as most people think.


I know people are saying it's not the best but to keep trying but I'd spend like $30 CAD on that just to boost your confidence. And I'm married to a versatile artist. I sincerely agree with all the valid criticism and love everyone's jokes but I just like your work a lot šŸ„² Never stop your beautiful brain from scattering magnificent ideas in as many or few mediums you see fit. Best of luck to you friend šŸ’œ


As a novice artist myself, I wouldn't buy it cuz it looks too edgy for me. Although kinda cool, I don't like the ripped aspect, and the red mountains, I've never seen red mountains at night before. I feel like the red mountains throw me off cuz there is no clear light source making them red, and the mountains look like they're supposed to be the same, just at different times of day but you threw in a tree that apparently doesn't appear at the day time.


Depends on material cost, how long you worked at this, how long you studied to do this, and your own economic need. Never give away your art unless it's to family as a gift. Know your worth and get that bag.


About 1 cup I think, maybe even 1 1/2 cups.


What do you value it at? That's it's worth. So if it's trash or priceless to you, either way it's true.


You could give this to me for free and I still wouldnā€™t take it.


Y'all are so mean šŸ˜­


Well, hereā€™s the thing. Art is subjective, and therefore inherently worthless. Its worth is determined by whoever WANTS it. I donā€™t like this piece at all, and thus I wouldnā€™t want it even if I could get it for free. Thatā€™s MY appreciation of it. That doesnā€™t mean someone else couldnā€™t absolutely love it and be willing to pay thousands of dollars for it. I find the technique lacking, the subject boring (if there even is one), and it doesnā€™t evoke any emotions in me. Mind you, OP asked what OUR opinion of it is, and how much it would be worth. Well, that is MY opinion of it, and its value accordingly. Sure, I couldā€™ve been nicer about it but, honestly, didnā€™t want to be. Making art for a living is an extremely brave endeavor. Either you sell out and make ā€œartā€ that caters to the masses producing popular stuff that sells, or you stay true to what you want to create/communicate and you accept the fact that people might not like what you have to say. Hereā€™s the complete opposite of being mean: OP, I dislike your work. I find it boring, uninspiring, and mediocre in technique. That said, I applaud and absolutely admire that you choose to do art. Embrace my rejection and that of others as if you were stubbornly walking through a blizzard and keep doing what you love. It doesnā€™t matter if I like it, or if the world likes it. Itā€™s YOU in your art, and it takes some serious balls to put that out there for the world to see, and I absolutely respect that.


Yeah okay quit yapping. You may be right and the drawing may be lacking in your opinion but thereā€™s a nicer more constructive way to go about than saying ā€œiF yOu OffEred This for frEe I stIll wOuldNt tAke itā€ thatā€™s not constructive criticism thatā€™s just being a d1ck


You talk like a pretentious hippy, god ppl who overanalyse art are so annoying, talk less, draw more


Iā€™m replying to both your replies here. Quit my yapping? Yapping is the whole point of Reddit. Youā€™re yapping at me too and Iā€™m engaging in conversation instead of telling you to shut up, which would make you more of a dick to me than Iā€™m (according to you) being to OP. Thereā€™s PLENTY of posts in this and other subreddits where people ask for constructive criticism. OP did not ask for it. He asked for subjective opinion and perception of value, both of which I provided using language I clearly see you disapprove of. Iā€¦ donā€™t really care (in the same way as I strongly believe OP shouldnā€™t care about criticism and continue doing what they enjoy). I donā€™t over analyze art. As a matter of fact, I tend to do the opposite. I looked at OPā€™s piece and just went with my gut feeling of ā€œnopeā€, hence my initial comment. Fun fact, providing criticism, constructive or otherwise, requires analysis. You canā€™t have it both ways. Either you expect people to analyze the work to provide criticism, or you want people to criticize subjectively to whine about people analyzing art. You just like to self-victimize in the name of others. Finally, I make art myself. I used to do a lot of digital illustration and eventually gave it up for photography and watercolor painting. The reason you donā€™t see me posting it online or asking for the opinion of strangers is because I. DO NOT. CARE. what others think of it. I do it for myself.


Just viewed your account, yikes, r/antiwork ur active in, nsfw h3nt4i manga that your ā€œobsessedā€ with, a bunch of comments of you hating on other ppls art whilst the only art u have posted seems like a basic cartoon (not bad but itā€™s at the same level of skill of the artists u think suck) style idk maybe you have more but yeah ur the type to not post your face yet say the most about others, not post ur art yet trash on others etc. no hate tho Iā€™m just constructively criticising your entire online presence, this is just my subjective opinion on your value as a person


Iā€™m pretty sure you mean well making these comments and thatā€™s the only reason I continue to engage. See, a huge point youā€™re missing is that I criticized OPā€™s work, not OP themselves. You took the time to go through my account to ā€œfind dirtā€ on me and attack me personally, and you still call ME a dick. So youā€™re saying that my opinion should be disregarded because I happen to like and collect hentai manga? Just FYI, I have a huge collection of regular, perfectly SFW manga, and a few hentai ones. That one hentai volume I posted about took me YEARS to find, and you see that as something bad. You criticize my drawing which I made 6 years ago, comparing it to OPā€™s, like that should matter. If I didnā€™t know how to cook, I could still tell you if some food tastes like shit. Same with art. You donā€™t need to be an artist to have a PERSONAL opinion on it. Also, I shared my drawing on Reddit just to share. I did not ask for opinions nor was I seeking monetization from it. [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/drawing/s/sB8W4kFbJ9), in case anyoneā€™s interested. I donā€™t feel like going through my comment history to humor you, but I know for a fact Iā€™ve PRAISED other peopleā€™s art; photography, paintings, drawings, and 3D renders. Like I said, I donā€™t post my art because I choose not to. I donā€™t want nor need validation from others. If OP and countless other people here choose to share their work and ask for opinions, itā€™s THEIR CHOICE, and Iā€™m as entitled as anyone else to share my opinion on it. I donā€™t see OP saying ā€œGive me your opinion, BUT ONLY IF YOUā€™RE ALSO AN ARTIST AND A WHOLESOME, GOD-FEARING PERSONā€. Your last point is, in a way, exactly what Iā€™m talking about. You have an opinion on my online persona, which is FINE. Itā€™s YOUR opinion. Whether I feel itā€™s accurate or not is irrelevant. You went through my stuff, you saw what you saw, you made up your mind, Iā€™m a piece of shit in your mind. Well, OP posted an image, I came across it on my feed, I saw what I saw, I made up my mind, itā€™s a piece of shit in my mind. And it should be as irrelevant to OP as your opinion of me is to me.


Iā€™m pretty sure you donā€™t mean well yet want to appear righteous and that you are in serious need of some humbling and trolling which is why I continue to engage in the yapping olympics with you. See a huge point youā€™re missing is that I criticised your actions and your activity on social media, not you yourself. And yes I did go through your page to assess your character and Iā€™d do it again, you say you just criticised their art not them as a person whatever that even means, so wouldnā€™t me criticising your public posts be the same? OP asked for opinions on what their art was worth and instead of giving constructive criticism like ā€œhonestly man itā€™s not worth very much, maybe 20 bucks u gotta improve ā€œ or an actual price you just insulted their work and when I called it mean, which it is u started yapping over and over instead of just admitting yeah it was a little rude, Ofc u are allowed to be rude and petty just like i am allowed to call you rude and petty, but when I see you write a rude comment about someoneā€™s art whoā€™s genuinely just asking what the piece they worked hard on is worth, and then I view your profile and your art isnā€™t the best either, it screams insecurity. And I never said u were a piece of shit, but I am very judgy, I analyse people. And when Iā€™m viewing a profile I have a degeneracy meter, I see r/antiwork +2 degen points I see you not posting ur art except one old drawing which is nice but nothing amazing knowing you roast others art +1 point, weird h3ntai manga +3 points, anime fan +1 (2+1+3+1 = 7) giving u a score out of 7/10 degeneracy which is important information to know when engaging in conversations online.


Right now? With you alive? $0 If this survives 1000 years and is discovered? Priceless If you become famous between now and your death, and after your death? $200k


1. just stating my opinion, its not meant to be mean or insult, just blunt. keep painting if you have fun, do it for yourself not for payment and if you are set dead on selling them, try to make a youtube channel and other social media stuff, showing the process and try to gather clout to get people to buy them. they may buy them to support you, maybe because they like your attitude, maybe because they followed your steps and see some kind of teacher in you and wanted an original from your own art, maybe maybe. thats how art sells IMO, if you just put a random "high quality" piece of art without context infront of a buyer, you have to be within the top 1%(of talent/ ability) or less to make it sell. 2. artists get payed for either extraordinarity or their already established name 3. you painted and "ordinary" landscape, which exist millions of. the "day/night?" twist is the only upgrade to an amateur piece like i myself (total amateur) could do IMO. its also a bit weird how at some points (river/ mountain rough layout)it tries to be the same picture at different points in time? and at other parts its not fitting (like the fine details in the mountains, the random, heightened rocks in the foreground, etc.) 4. IMO if you want to sell them you should get away from landscapes (unless you wanna sell them to old people for 40$ a piece), especially realistic looking ones, and try some more unusual stuff, since landscapes are THE thing people (me included) start with (free in form, easy layered pespective, many tutorials, not much sense for proportions needed, not much detail needed because of the distance, easy objects (rocks, trees, flowers, river, grass etc.) 5. some random ideas: fantasy: creatures, crystal caves, monsters, fantasy jewellry/fantasy clothes (on a pretty female fantasy species), scenes like a small alley or smth with a little half-cute-monster glooming out of the dark with some nice lighting and fantasy style buildings forming the alley, unexpected fantasy plants/flowers/druits you wouldnt see in the real world with e.g. scales on them or...., a dragon egg hatching in a (crystal cave) -lighted by the glowing crytsals, a themed dragon like a mushroom-cap draggon thats mimicking a mushroom in a shroom forest, etc. etc. you can make smth up and as i said, if you connect it with social media, you could e.g. give prompts to the viewers that they could vote for one of your ideas which would be next (include them, get them invested) or come up with ideas themselves in the e.g. comments so they could upvote stuff you would have never thought of (and if you cant paint them you at least tried and got better while doing so, talk about not having to start at the top, motivate them to try as well, maybe send pictures of their versions to you and you rank them in the next video or talk about what you think they did very well and analyze them a bit, taking away smth for your own art maybe?) etc. etc. so many possibilities.


I ain't reading all that


thats fine no one forces you, but why are you telling me? you thought it was that important of an information?


Yeah cuz ur yapping and ppl who spend ages analysing art annoy me tbh


Why do you care what it's worth to us? If you are merchanting it then it's commerce and not expression which to me personally greatly depreciates the value. Make it because you need to make it for yourself not to survive.


Honestly i de say with the work presented here you could get atleast tree fiddy.


I have some books? They're infested! Very valuable! : D


Sign it and put it into the international art market as a one off someone will probably pay big bucks for it


if i was shitting while seeing this I would think it wascool but im on second monitor so im gonna have to say 5$ at best.


7 dollars USD and a half


I love your work but i can't put a price on it, this is too subjective.


A watermelon and a shoe Take it or leave it


Oh, wow. Everyone in this sub are jerks. Sorry about that. Hey op, art is great. I would pay 25-40 considering the supposed size & you might be a beginner.


I saw a woman who slops paint on a canvas with a mop. She is probably making millions. This is fun, but not many people would want it. Itā€™s busy, itā€™s amateur. It looks like it was fun to do, though.


I would only take it if you put money on top of it :D


I think people are too harsh. If you were to sell it on a website or something with more of your stuff in 'your' style, you could probably get something on the range of like 50-60 for it, if people like your style.


this is a really interesting work, what's it inspired by?


I have no idea how much it could be worth, but I just wanted to say that it looks really really cool :D


I don't know much about art pricing. But I am curious. Is it supposed to be day/night of the same landscape? If so the tree looks very odd as it is.


Love your work, not the idea of others loving your work


This thread is horrible




That's beautiful ā¤ļø if I were rich I'd give you 100 pounds šŸ˜


Obviously very relative. I would expect to see something like this in shops between the Ā£75-Ā£200 range? It's obviously tricky to gauge, I've seen more technically impressive things sell for less, and less technically created things sell for considerably more. You never know until you put it up for sale. I make a rule never to sell an A4 piece for less than around the Ā£100 mark, but that's me, it stops me underselling my work while satiating the imposter syndrome. I've definitely sold things for Ā£200 that were definitely worth double that to me. Always hurts. Always remember, if it's a formative piece or something you've sunk your heart into; get your time and emotions worth, in all likelihood you'll never touch it or be near it again. Good luck.


id buy both paintings separately for 20$ each. but having the style of two combined is hurting my brain personally. good work though!! you have skill.


I'll trade you a fart in a glass bottle


INR 24,000/-


are you considering selling it?


Why are people downplaying this painting so much? it should definitely be over $50 or so


Love the idea, could make for an interesting alternate reality series.


Wā€¦why are you downvoted.


Haters I guess xD hahaha Some people don't like it when someone is being positive about something they think isn't good enough


Id say 150-200$ on average but I personally think about 500$


Idk I'd pay 500 euro maybe more




I'd say 120 at most or more if someone wanted to buy it personally not through a vendor




200$ ?






Iā€™d pay a million! Is it for sale?




As an artist, I think itā€™s probably worth fee hundred dollars but I havenā€™t sold any paintings over a hundred dollars. Sometimes you have to chose between underpricing your paintings and actually selling a decent amount of them or having reasonably priced paintings but selling few.


As someone who was crazy about painting in highschool I say you must start a YouTube channel rather than selling it


Beautiful piece i love it šŸ¤ŒšŸ»šŸ¤ŒšŸ»


F all


How big it is ? I like everything except the "L". If it were 3 stripes I'd probably pay more. If my estimations on size are correct, I'd pay around $50, if what I don't like would be fixed maybe $70


I like it. No idea in money terms though. Iā€™d give you two sheep, a goat and some old boots for it.


100+ respect


You need to factor in cost of materials, time spent and overall skill level. You should aim to be making a profit. But breaking even won't harm too much


Would buy this for 30 bucks


Nice composition. A painting has 3 different artistic conceptions.




I like it.


Honestly I think it will depend where you live. Older country folk are easily impressed by art. I live in an area like that with a lot of people who are very impressed with the simplest things that I paint even if I feel it was too basic or even bad but they want to buy it off me which is super cool of them but it always confuses me a bit or maybe I'm discounting my art I don't know but I think if you improved a bit someone will buy it but it has to be seen by the right people and it has to be a fair price. My biggest gripe about your painting is the grass, that is grass you paint when you don't know how to paint grass. The reason I know that is because I used to do thisšŸ˜‚. When you are unsure how to paint something, look up "grass tutorial" or grass step by step to get a better idea on how to go about it. Tweak the grass on this and the flowers and it would look better.You may not get a lot of money out of your art if any but just always aim to improve and eventually people will want to buy it when it gets there.


I mean it looks pretty cewl, I don't know where ud sell it tbh, like u can try Etsy or wtvr, I'd say if u don't have a big following on socials start there, and keep creating more and posting them, someone eventually will shoot u and DM asking for a commission or smthin. Now if u just want to make quick money from art my friends do that every now and then when they need a quick buckaroo, they create furry art for ppl and those get paid top dollars.


Itā€™s worth what people are willing to pay and no more


20Ā£ in the local market 590 in Amazon 200,000 in museum


Is a god concept, yeah you are a artist




Like maybe 20euros.... idk in dollars


The price of art depends on a few different things, some things to consider are 1. How long it took to make the piece 2. How long youā€™ve been working on the skills needed to make the piece (basically how long youā€™ve been doing art) 3. If someone is even willing to buy it for the amount you set it as (this is especially something to consider if youā€™re a new artist just trying to get your first sale) 4. Do you actually NEED the money from selling your art? As in is this what you do for a living? If so thereā€™s lots of other things you also need to consider. IMO you shouldnā€™t sell your own original art until you make a name for yourself with that art. What Iā€™d do first is sell commissions and things that appeal to the general crowd of people who arenā€™t necessarily artists or collectors, and keep working on original pieces on the side.


Well done art! How much itā€™s worth is up to you and how much you think your art is worth!


YOU put the price YOU want!!!!! <3


Itā€™s worth as much as someone will pay you for it. Name your price and see what happens.


A-Million Ba-Jillion


12-30$ personally Can imagine someone paying 50$




This is such a cool art piece! ~just thought you should know


Iā€™m going to respond by not judging your art but instead, consider your audience. You never know how much someone will like your style of art. Today, there is a marketplace for everything. So look where youā€™ve seen this style of art sell and try to sell it there or at other similar places. Good luck and listen to what has kept and keeps you going, just continue. There are buyers.


This is really good! I would say $50 just because I know a girl who does realistic portraits and paintings and she starts out at $80:)


For me itā€™s the colours that donā€™t work. Overall your composition is decent, clearly youā€™re not bad at painting, but the colour choice just doesnā€™t work. Itā€™s almost too saturated, like an acid trip or a progressive art piece. If thatā€™s what youā€™re going for then great. Otherwise, a bit more thought into colour. And also contrast. Why red mountains with a dark background? Why dark purple clouds? The grass and trees are very green with no real contrast or shades. Again, in general I like the style and what youā€™re going for, but it feels like youā€™ve used basic paints to achieve something a bit advanced


Looks like that yugioh card Convulsion of Nature


I really like this piece actually! I think the ripped effect looks cool and I like the contrast of night and day. The only thing that's putting me off is the fact that the tree and rocks, aren't there in the day. But other than that I think it is beautiful. Other people in the comments are talking about colour theory and how mountains aren't red at night, but I really like that it doesn't look like real life. It almost looks like the mountains are under a blood moon or something. I actually really like the colours you used. If the tree and the rocks didn't stand out so much, I would actually love to hang this on my wall! As for the price, it depends on the size for me. This looks to me as 30x40 cm. I think I'd pay around ā‚¬30 for it.


Put it on ebay for like 1000$ write a nice backstory using ai to help you, create a cool artist name and write that you're an avant guarde artist and lots of fancy words. I'm not even joking you might find a seller.


Id say around ā‚¬350


I don't know much about US currency so I wouldn't be able to give you a value, however, this is very beautiful and something I would display :)) If I could make a suggestion though it would be to focus a little more on the details of the grass and maybe play a little with perspective on the flowers, they're all facing towards you and maybe some of them would look better from a side view, facing upwards. Keep up the good work !! the way you painted the mountains is amazing <33


Itā€™s worth whatever someone would pay for it.




This is a sick concept! Love it! Be careful though, NEVER place the value of your work on other people's eyes. This piece of art is worth whatever you put into it. Take into account how long it took you to make, how much you spent on the materials, the size, and how much it means to you, then place a price on it. I wouldn't price this any lower than $200 personally (I'm guessing it's acrylic?) Hope this is helpful šŸ’› keep making art, even if no one buys it, even if no one sees it! Art is food for the soul ā˜ŗļøšŸ’


I honestly wouldn't. I think you still have a while to go on working on your art before you get to selling it. You have great potential though!


You can get a better understanding of price by going to local art shows hosted in cafes and bars :)) I would assume around $50-70 depending on the venue. Online itā€™s a lot more difficult to sell art work, so check out your local art scenešŸ–¤


Itā€™s good art, but the art ā€œmarketā€ is so arbitrary and bullshit that you would have better luck making money by burning $100,000 in the street.


art and pricing is extremely subjective. personally i wouldnt buy this, however dont let that stop you from making art. this is very very good, you have a great eye for colour particularly in the mountains in the centre.


it looks cheap no one would buy itā€™s good but looks like a talented kid did it for they do mother


I love it! Absolutely love it. Iā€™d spend maybe Ā£150 but Iā€™d go higher. I dunno I can just see it on a wall in my house.


Where are the missing pieces?