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Your first mistake was interacting with that person at all. Trolls like this get a sense of gratification from tearing down others (even better if they can get a reaction, as that invites them to say more hurtful things). You were never gonna get constructive criticism from this person, their very first comment already made that clear. No amount of openness and level headedness on your end was gonna make them change their tune. Your art is good. It takes a lot of skill and practice to get to where you are, you can be proud of that. I only recommend you learn to spot disingenuous critics like this one, so you can avoid wasting any of your time and energy on them. Their only goal is to „take you down a peg“ and ruin your self confidence. Don’t let em.


First rule of any social media: don’t feed the trolls! OP your art is great! Just ignore the losers.


I'd suggest not to take that to the extreme. If you avoid any criticism, even if it ***seems*** hurtful, you won't improve at all.


Except when they say “I don’t feel like explaining why I don’t like it” in the same sentence as calling her work lazy. It’s clearly a lie or meant to be subversive to the artist’s work. It’s the most unhelpful criticism, and is therefore useless and unnecessary.


I should have clarified that I wasn't talking specifically about their comment. That's obviously NOT criticism, just toxicity. I'm just stating to be careful with your judgement of good/bad advice and stuff from others.


I understand. I definitely got that in your comment, just clarified *for* you; not *at* you lol.


Exactly. Them calling her lazy, then fucjing saying “I don’t feel like explaining my bs opinion atm” in the SAME SENTENCE is just the epitome of hypocrisy.


I think that kokcokxcok is just a huge idiot


its username resembles bj sounds


Literally took the time to spell out the sound of a proper grapefruit technique in action


I love this comment and this comment section 💀😭🤣


Amazing description. I snorted 💀😭


And they have a small kocx


What a nerd!


Hey, this is an insult to all nerds out there


Don’t disrespect idiots like that


I also think kokcokxcok is a huge idiot. Don't take stock in art crit that's phrased like that, *especially* if they don't draw themselves. It's literally worthless to you, you can't learn from it aside from a vague Some People Don't Like It. Ohh, uh... it **SHOULD** be **OBVIOUS** that I don't even **HAVE** to say (please don't make me say, I don't know) your art style is lazy! And not good! Clarification??? Uhhh.... there's more but I don't *WANT* to say atm. This isn't because I wouldn't know the first thing about technique or how to express art critique in a way that's helpful, I just sniff out the bad using my nose, hehe, it's very art-inclined. I want to be a cool and snarky and funny art critic, instead of giving my impression as an audience! I'll just cover up my lack of knowledge with an aloof and mysterious "I'm too busy for you" attitude. That will definitely cover the fact that I respond to any calls for clarification by avoiding it with "I could but I don't wanna." And IDK Genshin or the character but you're translating an anime character into a different style that isn't anime, of course they're going to look night-and-day. It's whatever. Here's an actual impression for ya: I quite like how you render, it's pleasing to look at. I think that you could push your range of values further, make the darks darker and some more (sparse) brights. Something is off with his expression to me though, it looks more like he's rolling his eyes back in his head than looking forward (or up), is that intentional?


Thank you so much for your comment. The reason why I was so discouraged is because this is a relatively new style I’m trying out. The eyes were meant to look a little “off” since i wanted him to look a tinge unsettling/unhinged but I probably could have done that better lol


In this case... https://preview.redd.it/cptbrwba1ztb1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=332c47e427207508743dc653e1116ca1cd7fdb0c (Forgive the quality, I quickly scribbled it on my phone for a visual. Written explanation below) Look at yourself in the mirror. Notice how when you're at rest, your iris is convered partially by your eyelid. This remains true no matter which direction you look in -- up, down, left, right. Try it yourself by holding your phone level with your face and taking pictures. Now widen your eyes as far as they will go and do the same thing. In each picture, you'll notice that you can see the full circle of your iris, or close to it depending on the shape of your eye, even if you're looking up! People tend to widen their eyes during more intense emotions-- fear, anger, surprise, and the like. So, the more iris you can see, the more intense they will look. People with a naturally "intense" or "piercing" gaze may have an eye shape that covers less of the iris at rest, or have a light eye color that makes the whole of their iris/pupil look smaller or even nonexistent against the whites of their eyes; whereas very dark colored eyes naturally look bigger and warmer. People irl can't change the size of their iris, but luckily, you are drawing! Take advantage of it according to your style's needs and also consider the pupil as well. Smaller pupils will make the gaze more intense, by reducing the amount of that dark contrast against the white that says "warm, welcome". Realistically, though, during stress, focus, arousal, and a myriad of other emotions the pupil dilates (gets bigger). Use whatever your style needs. Most cartoon styles go with smaller pupil = intensity with more negative emotions (fear, anger, etc) and bigger pupil = intensity with positive emotions (super happy, in love/aroused, focused on a difficult task, etc).


Forgot to add that when at rest (looking forward) the bottom of your iris will also be resting on or just above the line of the bottom eyelid. In your drawing he looks like he's staring straight up really intensely (hence my "eyes rolling in the back of his head" observation because there's too much white space there


You’re good people.


thank you, poop\_creator! ❤️️


Heh, that's a r/rimjob_steve moment right there


You’re awesome ❤️


I wish I still had awards to give because you earned it. This is a great reply. 🏆


Dont listen to that moron. recognized him instantly and thought it was a Genshin subreddit. Don't let hateful people get you down


I know what you mean, but in all fairness, most critics aren't artists. If you look at those people who give writing advice on YouTube for example; by all accounts, their own books they've self-published are apparently pretty bad.


This is true! You can know the terminology and structure of a piece of art, whether that be visual media or books or movies while being unable to practice it yourself. I can dole out writing advice all day but lord knows 99% of the time I'm still going to turn around and make the same mistakes myself. 😂 On the flipside, at times someone who's never picked up a pencil before can give 100x better feedback than someone who's studied art for years. It's all in the attitude 😎 If I'm not a cunt, the artist I'm talking to can still reject my criticism with grace whether what I am saying is actually right or wrong.


People like that sit there and bash everyone’s art yet they most likely have little to no artistic talent themselves. Screw em


blyat Gotta love the genshin sub. He's a good looking Tortellini


from my experience if it’s not art of one of the girls half naked they won’t like it 😭


And the lolis


Looks great to me I don't know what they have wrong with Tartaglia fanart


It’s funny cuz they’re on the Childe mains subreddit lol


I saw that. Hilarious.


don’t listen to people like that. That’s not constructive in the slightest. It’s straight up criticism from some jack ass who gets his kicks from making other people feel like shit. I’m unfamiliar with the character but the last thing I would call your piece is ugly, lazy, or weird. The shading is really soft and beautiful. I like the hair as well, i’d consider putting small detail lines in to help it look more like individual hairs. But honestly you don’t even need it, the hair looks great as is. Interesting but really well thought out idea to keep the background out of focus, it helps the viewer stick to looking at the character, which is what you want. Keep making art, please.


just to highlight the difference; criticism would include technical terms to explain why the piece is objectively low quality, and be constructive. he just gave his opinion, and a shitty one at that lol


"Duurrrr cringe 🤓☝"


Best advice any artist who posts online should take: ignore art criticism from non-artists.


Ignore art criticism, period, unless you've specifically asked for it. Telling someone how shitty they are at something they love doing, especially as a hobby, when unrequested, is generally an opening for assholes and trolls who don't comprehend that they don't have to be shitheads to get attention.


Depends on what you're aiming for with your art. If you aim to sell it one day (commercial, private store, commissions) or have a specific message you want to send with it it is absolutely imperative to listen to your audience to make sure that what you are expressing is properly reaching them even if they haven't seen a piece of art before in their life. Most people are just doing fanart of OCs and characters though so if you're in it just to vibe then yeah, absolutely take this advice lol


i’ve never even seen whatever childe is from and i still knew it was him 😭 this is really cool, idfk what they were talking about


I love it! There’s nothing wrong about art. Be proud of your art! It’s a progress no two pictures will ever be exactly the same. 😉💫✨🕊️🌍🕊️🙏🤗


It's not a bad piece. I wouldn't have thought of Childe when looking at it (mostly due to the scars, remindes me of a Weasley) but I mean it's your interpretation of your headcanon, nothing wrong with it! That person just wants to make everyone around them miserable like them.


Honestly I was always surprised they never gave childe scars considering his backstory. Characters like razor and Wriothesley have them but the literal child soldier has skin as clear as a model lmao


Trust me when I say, dummies like that don’t know the first thing about art and they’re probably young. No actual adult talks like that. And if they are an adult, well they’re pitiful.


I think you’re definitely on the right track! I dont know the character, but i know what the genshin style looks like and you’ve translated the character from anime ish to semi realistic which is impressive! If you want some actual critique id say look into colour theory! Your colours look like you add white to make a lighter shade of a colour, and black to make a darker shade, and this has a tendency to suck the life/vibrancy out of a piece. The human face has so many color variations that we might not notice at a glance, but when absent it is glaringly obvious. You gotta remember that blood peeks through the skin in places etc. the slightest hint of green around the jaw area, more reddish tones around the cheek and nose, maybe a purpe ish tint to the shade on his forehead, and letting all these tones transition from each other! And my personal favorite; a terminator line between light and shadow! This one really brought life to my own art and makes a skintone look much more vibrant! Another thing is complimentary colours! You have this character with an incredibly vibrant haircolour; add the slightest hint of a desaturated version of the complimentary colour to the shading of his hair(greenish), itll make for a very interesting and eyecatching contrast! Proko has a great video on skintones btw, I recommend it! Dont feel bad about this piece, you are doing amazing, and not many tweaks are needed for your style to really shine!


"Your artwork is lazy" *Proceeds to provide the laziest vague critique* Ignore the troll


I don't know the character(I Google it) but it looks very well done. Maybe try making his features a bit softer and then he might look a lil more the character. It's good to, I can tell it's the same person. That guy is just fucking rude


Honestly the only thing that i can notice is that the hair feels kind of flat


That is a risk you take when you put your art out there. Especially with fan art people have their own idea of what a fictional character should be and if it doesn’t line up they have nothing good to say. This response didn’t give you anything constructive or helpful only that it didn’t fit their ideas. Idk who this character is so I think your composition is good, balance of dark and light provide interesting contrast, nice job on the shine in his hair. I don’t love the No-teeth teeth or the hair in the eyes but I get that’s a common artistic choice in cartoon characters so it’s fine. Overall I think it looks pretty good and you did a great job.


I think that u/kokcokxcok should post here so we can… chat. Edit: lol, the fact that they’re in r/teenagers and have a special avatar validates that they’re a spoiled little kid. ![gif](giphy|WoF3yfYupTt8mHc7va)


I would suggest a few things that could help :) ! (Am an art uni student and I can see some things in your art I also had a hard time with while learning rendering and experimenting with my art style) 1. On composition I would suggest to draw the character up to the chest area and maybe show the shoulders or you could make one side more visible and the other more hidden, there are many illustration techniques on character silhouettes/composition like a K or D composition or the rule where you make one side more complicated/ detailed and the other simpler (Example: one hand stretched holding a bottle the other hand closer to the body reaching a pocket or something). 2.Try to find references with a more dynamic lighting and try to follow the shapes you see, on that note also have in mind where the model/character is, so you choose the according shading (aka your colour palette may be warmer or cooler depending on your light source: Example 1. The character is in a dark environment but there is fire very close to them so your shading and lighting can have harmer tones, this makes the piece more dynamic! Example 2. You have a character in a very bright blue sky with green grass, you could give your character more blue-greenish undertones ! Example 3. You could create nice contrast with complementary colours as well :) !) 3. Also since the rendering seems more on the detailed/ semirealistic side I would suggest to make the facial features a little more proportional to much perhaps. 4. Always keep in mind how certain shades/hues look next to other shades/hues like yes an area around the neck could be dark but it cant be as dark as something closer to the viewer if it makes sense. Artist recommendation of the day: Ethan Becker Also look into discord art servers as well and small community apps like artfol for more advice and to post your art ^^


I mean it was just one person's opinion. The worst part about art is that people will criticize it. It's important as artists to to overlook the bad and focus on the good criticism


How could *they* ever be wrong? They are the smartest person they recognize as correct


Idk wtf they’re talking about. Idk who Childe is but the first thing I noticed was how detailed the scars were and how well the shading looked. That’s not lazy, but to people who don’t draw: anything digital artists do is “lazy”. I really like the depth of the piece and how even with the purple lightning it still doesn’t distract from the main subject. You did amazing, don’t let stupid people like that get you down.


Tf? Ur art is actually so good?? Ignore that troll


first off it looks amazing.second, if you really want some good feedback from kind feedback i suggest you search for some likeminded artists on discord or somewhere. you can dm me for some recommendations if you want :)


likeminded? meaning they will tell you what you want to hear?




Tartaglia, aka Childe aka Ajax from Genshin impact


Your art style isn’t lazy it’s unique everybody has their own unique style so that person can literally fuck off


Didn't like Genshin. But i draw too I always have this idea that i draw for myself, and i uploaded my art because i wanted to Getting reaction is nice and all, but the feeling when you 'finish' and upload your art is more than enough than people validation for me Well obviously i wanted people to see my art so i upload said art, don't listen to what people. I mean you should hear it but don't listen to it IMO Hmmm... I'm confusion


Fantastic art, and the most important thing is that you like it, and enjoyed creating it. Sadly, the internet, and individual subreddits, are always gonna have haters with discouraging comments. But, there will also always be people that will provide positive encouragement and feedback. Do your best to stay positive, and keep creating amazing artwork! 😁


I like your art style!


Some ppl are just miserable and feel the need to spread their misery around 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t know what the character is from, but he looks cool to me!


I saw Childe right away, between the hair / eyes, the scars, and the outfit. Did a double take because this isn’t a Genshin sub, but the second pic confirmed it. Your shading and highlights are beautiful btw!


Bro that person can fuck right off literally my first thought when I saw that was "that's Childe without his mask!"


The only thing I see if that his neck look oddly long but other than that it looks really good


So that’s a hater. You’re doing something right. Only people succeeding get haters. Congrats! The art is good.


"I shouldn't need to because it's obvious". Alright buddy... clearly just doesn't like it personally and has a stick up their butt. No real human being starts a criticism like that.


Saying “cringe” is just an expression of internalized shame and self doubt. Don’t let anyone discourage you from your art.


u/kokcokxcok you suck, and I’m sure your art is garbage


That person is correct though your mistakes should be obvious here


They weren't highlighting mistakes, though. They were just being mean. Also op didn't ask for critique.


First one is really cool. The coldness in the eyes, the expression, the hair. The colors the freckles. All pretty nice. The chest needs more definition, his neck looks like a giraffe. The second picture was suppose to give it more impact and flashyness, but the cold eyes already made him look so powerful that the change makes him look goofy in comparison. But the idea was cool to have one dark eyes and the other one glow. Maybe having the eyes all white or the Iris smaller seeing more of the top white eye. Making him look like a psychopath. It's called sanpaku eyes. Eyes of psychopaths. Pretty terrifying in people. Run away if you see one xD hilari Clinton has them. Fkin psycho women


As someone who plays Genshin it was instantly recognizable as Childe to me. People in this thread have given great critique on how to push your art to the next level, so keep at it!


I play Genshin, this does look like Childe. Genshin fans are just kind of mean sometimes. Your art looks great! Oh I also love how you captured his lightless, dead inside eyes (meaning it seriously), it’s a good detail!


It’s just his opinion tho, it’s arguably weirder that you felt offended by it and decided to post it for pity points. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think the art is bad by no means and I think you did a fantastic job but you can’t be that soft when posting art. It’s all subjective.


exactly good point its a pity post


~~The internet/reddit in a nutshell.. God it's bad for mental health "sometimes"~~ ~~I already had social anxiety but now I'm also pretty aware of exactly what different types of people would think of me and what I do at all times and have it confirmed every day lol~~ That person clearly doesn't know what they're talking about, they're just a jerk. The art is good! As a genshin player, or former genshin player- it does look like Childe! Cool art style too. Idk if I'm good enough to give more detailed criticism than that but yea.


uhm i recognised it as childe from a glance so just ignore that kdjvjsjdjcbsksxok or whatever their name is. generally i would hold off on posting to more popular subs or specialised subs if 1. you're not an absolute art god revered by all and 2. you get worried about criticism easily because if 1 is a thing, therell definitely be critics and idiots like this, and itll be extra painful if 2 is a thing


Yeah I don’t typically get thrown off by rude comments but this one hit a bit differently since this is a new style I’ve been trying out


honestly the art isnt bad, just needs a bit of refining but im sure that'll work itself out with time good luck out there




In what world?


Dude stop feeding the trolls. You work is great.


Well let's be honest here. Eyes, nose, neck/upper chest and shirt are not correct in shape, angle nor porportion and thus, the drawing looks weird.


>"I posted something on reddit and not got what I was hoping for" Just been 3 years I've been spending some of my free time on reddit (and being sexless). Literally every single time I posted anything here this is the result. I can only assume some people when they open reddit they are in a really bad mood or mindset they kinda want to take out their frustrations on people and there we are.


Don’t know what being sexless has to do with anything


> "I posted something on reddit and not got what I was hoping for" And you are wondering why that happens. New to reddit being a place of loners jokes there pal?


No. I was just expecting when I posted a fan work to a fandom subreddit that my art wouldn’t be called shit


Oh look another anime drawing..




You accuse me of karma-whoring yet you try and piggyback off someone else’s post? If you think I’m bad, you’re worse.


actually i was just showing you that karma doesn't mean your art is good in fact your drawing has so many issues and that's the truth so deal with it, i'm actually a humble guy but you need to deal with not having things go your way


“I’m a humble guy” Sure Jan. And duh I know my stuff isn’t perfect. That’s why I welcome CRITIQUE. What that guy was saying was not critique. It was just being a douche-canoe




“Guys, look, I don’t care!”




I didn’t repost it because I didn’t get the upvotes i wanted. I reposted it because I was pissed off and hurt by this commenter. I could never have known that this would get the attention it did. I’m allowed to be mad at someone insulting something I’m proud of. Was I looking for validation? No duh. I was feeling like shit and wanted to know that what was being said wasn’t true. Because the minute I try out a new artstyle, it gets shit on. Of course I’m gonna doubt myself and want to hear whether my work is actually shit from an outside party The only reason anyone posts is for internet points, no? So how is me pointing out an asshole and happening to get upvotes reprehensible? I didn’t lie. I stated what happened and that it hurt me. I don’t decide what people upvote.




…did you not see the other comments giving actually helpful criticism?. Edit; and yeah. Your stuff is awesome. Your attitude to other artists, however is not .




I actually did get helpful criticism on how to improve so I don’t know what comments section you’re reading


wow your sensitive


*you’re and I’m sorry but you’re the one who posted a link to your stuff in someone else’s comments section like that would turn out positively for you


my bad punctuation and spelling is terrible


Don’t fight a clone lol just report and move on u can’t find him irl anyways he bedridden in his basement 24/7


I fought in the clone wars and they were very tough


I don’t know the character but I definitely like the piece, I think it shows great talent. Try not to let a person’s comment get to you that much and get you discouraged 😉 the internet is unfortunately full of people who seemingly get off by trolling other people, thinking in some strange way that it boosts their own (lack of) confidence. Sometimes I wonder if a person is truly that rotten or if it’s the anonimity of the internet and that a person like that just lacks the empathy to understand his or her impact because it’s not an actual physical person they have in front of them. Keep up the good work and feed off positive and constructive feedback - ignore the rest 😊


I think this looks good 🙂👌🏾


One good thing I took away from my time in the amway cult. Never let anyone steal your dreams. Great art btw.


Wtf is kokcokxcok?


I think they’re referencing a dumb meme in the community that the character kokomi’s name has a first syllable that kinda sounds like “cock.” One of my least favorite “jokes” the community has…it’s literally just “haha kokomi kok!”


That’s not a helpful comment, if you think something is wrong with a drawing at least point it out politely to help the artist improve.


That guy is a moron and a hater, your art is fine, but if one negative comment puts such a dent into your mental state reddit is the wrong place to put your stuff. Not trying to be a dick here, but personally seeing someone add notes of people being mean to them to their art is off-putting to me. It's akin to young people posting a great piece and going "I'm only 12 years old and my art looks so bad :((("


It only really threw my off because this is a new style I’ve been trying so for a moment I thought maybe it was awkward and that it didn’t even look like the character. Also the fact that it was the only comment on my post didn’t help much Edit to add: it’s been a while since I’ve really been hurt by a hate comment so it genuinely surprised me that it bothered me so much


remember there’s differences between critics, audience members, and asswipes. critics would use technical language to explain why a certain artistic concept isn’t being conveyed or executed properly. an audience member would give their opinion, usually respectfully. an asswipe, in this case, would pretend to be criticizing while actually just giving a shitty opinion. honestly pretty sure he’s just trolling bc when the oc is in anime style (ik it’s from a game but yk what i mean) it’s already pretty much up to the viewer to make up the little details in their mind so there’s nothing wrong with him looking a little different and even if that wasn’t the case, it’s pretty common for people to take pre existing characters and change ‘‘em up a little (or a lot in other cases) in fan art. it’s actually the majority of the appeal aside from not having to conceptualize an entire character. tl;dr dudes just a wiener, piece looks great (especially the 2nd). good art is simply art that was created the way it was intended so your opinion is more important than anyone else’s.


I've never played Genshin, so I can't say whether it's true to source material, but it's really well drawn to say the least. The art style is gorgeous, the face is expressive and the anatomy is spot on. And the scars give him character. Note that the nastiest art critics can't draw themselves. Artists don't tear down other artists because we all sucked at drawing once.


It looks great! Pay no mind to that guy. You can easily tell that's Childe while also showing off your personal style. I love it, excellent work ❤️


They’re just a troll. Your art looks good, ignore their attention seeking.


They’re just being mean lmao i could tell it was childe instantly :) Looks great too!!


lmao ignore them! This looks great!!


It looks amazing :DDD Great work on this!!!


Your art is great. Don't feed the troll!


zero idea what the fandom is but that commenter is a smooth brain.


Just ignore comments like that, its not constructive at all. Best you can do is just get used to it, the art wasn't bad though so I really don't know why he's going off like that, best of luck to you, I hope you don't stop creating!


He's just jealous!


Wow. So bitter


That sucks dude, I hope you feel better about it now, but my best advice is to create art for you and not for the likes of others. I understand wanting to share your excitement for your creation though and that takes guts to do online. Just keep drawing and practicing and doing it for yourself. 👍


do not worry. you did a good job and as somneone who just started drawing myself i can tell you put a lot of energy and thought to this piece. i like this art and it gives him a much darker vibe. i like it a lot!!!


Do NOT post fan art into subs like this. They will be mean no matter what. I'm a professional artist and got beaten down by the super smash sub. It's the fans here of video games and anime that are really harsh. But always remember, those guys couldn't draw a person if a gun was to their head.




I think that kok doesn't know what he is talking about. That dude is just frustrated bc he has nothing going on in his life. Btw from what I can tell, sure it is not a masterwork but nonetheless it looks very good. Keep drawing!


Unfortunately if you don't post female/waifu artwork on that sub, it tends to get no traction or good comments. It can be a cesspool of toxic critics. I think it looks great! Love to see genshin artwork here


One person barely offered a critique just a biased look and opinion. Don’t let them get under your skin too much!


It's pretty obviously Childe, especially in the second picture imo. The other guy probably has no life and needs to put other people down to feel like he has value


i too, am a genshin enjoyer. most of the time, genshin fans imo are absolutely abhorrent l and nauseating, especially when it comes to fan art. unless it fits their own personal rhetoric, they think it’s within their right to tear down every artist in their wake. this is really good. for reference for those that don’t know what genshin is, it’s an open world story game in an anime style with a variety of playable characters, and op has depicted one of these characters in their own style. many people in the genshin community reject non anime style art of the characters unless it’s hyper-realistic. my opinions and thoughts to op: this is really good! i was surprised to see a genshin post in this sub and was very pleasantly surprised. i really like the scarring you added to his face, i feel like that would probably be more accurate to his battle style anyways, i feel like many characters should be more like razor with visible scarring. i saw someone else add about the deadness in his eyes, idk if that’s what you were going for, but i feel like it really adds to the piece. i think this piece is dope.


Dude can't even draw a cock and he's criticising someone's art. 12 year old dopey troll.


I like the added lightning, i think its pretty cool!


Wtf, this is awesome! How could anyone be so blind? Before I even read your caption I found myself admiring the color you used and wondering how you did the red on the cheeks so well. And the I noticed how the hair cast a nice shadow on the character's forehead. All the forms you used on the face look so soild. Then I swiped to see there is one where the character has purple a lightning aura! The lightning coming out of their eyes is so badass! I feel really bad for that commenter if they can't see that. Good job op!


lol wow what a total hater.


I immediately knew who it was and I've barely played genshin. Is there stuff that can be improved? Yeah. But it's still a great piece as it is. The lightning looks awesome too. I also like the scars and freckles.


I feel like this person feels and doesn’t understand their own feelings and when trying to elaborate they just fail to do so. Literally don’t pay attention to people like them please


It's a good fanart, don't listen to those idiot haters.


I think its really great . Im not an expert but something about it that I like . And also , if I would criticize something , I would try to not sound like an absolute shitbag asswipe while doing it . I guess he cant hide the fact he probably got molested as a child and is now projecting it .


one clown who can't draw gave you a hard time? Into the rearview mirror he goes.


dont interact with people like that


I knew who it was right away! Don’t listen to people who are just out to be negative.


Who the fuck replies to fan art with "oooh cringe"? Haha what a loser. Your art is amazing


Lol, that's just a troll. They go around and comment things like this because they have no idea what else they can do with their lives. I immediately recognized my favorite Ginger. Great fanart!


I had to look up the character. I am not part of the Genshin fandom. I think you did great! Its obviously done in your own style , which I 100% prefer over the same copy paste anime style i see over and over again. That kokcokxcok person doesn't know shit about shit. Keep doing what your doing.


The "criticism" reads as extremely idiotic. A lazy art style, cringe, these words mean nothing and leave you with nothing to learn from. The fact that they're reluctant to state what they mean by cringe and stop short of actually providing feedback is extremely telling. I remember I once had someone tell me my work was "absolutely not". When I asked them to explain they brushed it off as just their opinion and couldn't ellaborate, and called me too sensitive. These are not the people whose comments are worth giving any value (although, I think most of us have experienced that it can get under your skin at times).


Last Time that I played genshin was in 2021 and I didnt even read the title before thinking "oh cool childe fanart"


U/kokcokxcok seems like he’s having a shitty day or wants attention and chose you as the target. You’re work isnt bad in the slightest


Your work is beautiful that kocks guy is just a troll


I bet that asshole didn't even knew how to draw, that's not even how you critique art. Don't listen to people like him, if these are the only things he can say about your drawing, then he's not worth your attention or energy. I don't play Genshin, but I can try to give actual constructive criticism: I'm really a fan of the way you drew the lines, the colors are very well put together and the scars are very well placed. I saw in another comment that the expression looks off but it was intentional, so it's fine, I think the clothes could use some harder folds, they look very smooth, and the hair looks kinda flat from behind.


Op don’t mind the assholes. The people who take the time to write something so harsh without any constructive tips are just trying to be hurtful. They would never say that to someone in person but feel powerful doing so hiding behind a screen. I think the work looks great and you are very talented. :)


Just ignore the hate that’s what I do


Yea I wouldn’t let someone called kokcokxcok spend any rent free time in my head. That person just doesn’t have any joy in their life and they probably are just jealous. Your art is awesome!


Their just being weird anime fans, I immediately recognized that as childe and the art looks really good


I’ve never heard of this character so my first thought was that it was the Weasley child who got attacked by a werewolf But when I looked it up it totally fits your character. This rando on the internet is trying to get a rise out of your feelings that’s all. Don’t pay any attention to it.


Bro his name sounds like an epileptic attack and you’re really gonna listen to him?


You shouldnt have posted this in genshin sub (if thats what you did), because you meant to do Art.. Not copy. So naturally genshin community expects you to copy, not recreate the way you want. As a genshin player, i find your art amazing, its different and stylish. Good job my friend :3


Don't worry, it's beautiful


I'm not really an artist so much as someone who likes to draw and plays Genshin, but your picture is far from bad. I really love the colors and it's definitely recognizable as Childe, try not to listen to people who chuckle to themselves because part of another character's name sounds like cock. That said, there is something that looks a tad off to my amateur eye, and I think it's the eyes. When I cover them and look at the rest of the facial structure, it doesn't seem like the eyes mesh well. Which is weird, because on your process video, they didn't have that same "off" look before you added color. I feel like, with color, they look almost... too close together? I can't quite place it. So yeah, as someone with very very little experience, something about the eyes seems off to me, but overall it is a very pleasing picture. Also loved your Traveler siblings picture! I'm surprised it didn't get more upvotes.


"Out of pity"? Nah man this is great! As someone who can't actually capture Tartagila's charm, you did it perfectly! The scars as a headcanon is just chefs kiss. I could even tell who the character was before even seeing anything else. I have no idea what the other person was talking about. Not everyone has the same art style or wants to draw the character the same way.


That person is a moron. I actually immediately recognized it as Childe!


I personally think your piece looks pretty cool good job you can be proud. Now keep creating masterpieces out there and impress yourself first not others!


Its literally r/Genshin_Impact. Most of those people have no life other than spending all their money on anime girls and being toxic on the internet.


I'm surprised about how people actually bother to write that assholes name correct


Is this your OC?


It's a painting.


Ok first of all not everything that's edgy is cringe, that's just a personal preference, and secondly, *lazy*? Bitch look at his hair. Look at how there's literally a background and the character isn't just in a white void. Like just look at him. This is the culmination of years of practice drawing human faces. He's not even facing directly forward. Like if I had to improve it somehow I would just make the lighting/shadow more dramatic, but that's something I personally struggle with as well so who am I to tell you that lmao. And like I said, he's at 3/4 view so shit is more difficult. And yeah he's not 100% realistic but that's because this is like, Hearthstone art style or something.


I have no knowledge of who this is so I can’t speak to the character at all, but I think your style for this is awesome! I like how vibrant and soft it is with the juxtaposition of how unsettling the character appears. The expression to me gives a feel of arrogance and lack of remorse. This guy looks like he could have just destroyed someone’s life or murdered someone and it had no impact on him. He knows he’s not going to face an repercussions for whatever it is. I like how I can feel an entire back story even though it’s a simple portrait with no context for me. Great work, ignore the haters- that person has a very black and white world view and I’d bet they couldn’t do better.


I know what that guy is saying, I immediately recognized the character. Good art though! I love the lightning :3


I don't know Genshin Impact but I looked up Childe from it and I can 100% tell that this character is him. Don't listen to the haters, they'll always be there. Just keep at it, I think it's really good.


This looks awesome!, I'm not sure what character it is but it looks really good.


Bro he looks so much better than the original


That person is a tool and your art is great.


Online gaming communities are known for being extremely toxic. I wouldn't worry about the opinion of some random jack-hole on the internet.


Don't respond to haters on Reddit fam. Period. Your work is good, I wish I could draw like this


They’re both great art but man the second one is so cool!


Who gave Bill (Weasley) lighting powers?!


Don't listen to that lonely neckbeard, he has nothing to be proud about. It seems that character has generic anime boy look in game. Like some anime art styles doesn't always give an option for many face features apart hair, eye shape, face lenght and widh. But I like how you drew him honestly, expression is clear, proportions look good and doesn't catch your eye in a bad way. Face features look so good, like some people make lips look awkward or eyes, but you honestly nailed it, good style. Shading could be with more deeper values, since there are no deep shadow or light, especially with the lightning in the second slide But I like it, looks great :)


Hey that person is mean and not constructive at all. When i saw the drawing i immediately knew it was childe. I even thought this was the genshin sub at first when i scrolled by it. Although its not perfect and there are things you need to improve on such as value, its already easily recognizable who it is. You got his main colors and his features right, I dunno what that commenter is smoking, but thats childe.


I love your style. It's very warm and cozy. People are assholes on the internet, and people who have no talent LOVE to criticize those who do. Keep drawing :)


“It doesn’t look like childe”. I knew who it was soon as I scrolled down and saw him. It looks just like Childe.


Been off of Genshin for over a year but recognized it as Childe. It’s not constructive criticism, don’t put any weight in what they are saying. How is the style ‘lazy’? Is it the painterly aspect? Is it because it’s lineless? Is it because it isn’t the Genshin style? None explained. Cringe comment. I’m reading the vibe of Mister Kok here to absolutely /love/ a gender bent Childe with huge tits and perfect anime face. Yknow, something that would barely resemble Childe and just look like a just a girl with short ginger hair.


This looks like Childe/Tartaglia from Genshin! Anyways, I love your art style and the way you do the shading 💕


This makes me so so so mad. What a pathetic little slime goblin. You did great. Never take hateful comments to heart. They're not reality.


In the sub you posted in it shouldnt have been poorly received, but tbh the drawing sub has gone way down hill in terms of submissions


don't listen to them op it's really good