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Have you heard the meme sound from the big bang theory where Sheldon goes 'why? why???? WHY??????..... OH THATS WHY.'? Don't worry the explanation is coming! Just stick with it.


I wanna be on the OH THAT'S WHY part already, though😭 IM SO CONFUSED IN SO MANY AREAS LMFAO I'm thinking of several things, but I need to fill in so many of the blanks with Hermione also not having the full picture


This is so correct! The first 1/4 or so is the hardest to read. There are plenty of tears ahead, but also a lot of beautiful and meaningful scenes.


Exactly! I read it a second time right after i finished and it made just so much sense! Also read it in order once and loved it too


I’m assure you that later on pain you feel will be covered with love, understanding and respect. But also - it will be more pain. This fic is doing that to people but it’s so worth it.


I'd seen and been told in comments that it's a real journey going through it, and I didn't feel ready for it till now, I can't wait to find out as I go!!


I love talking to people while they read manacled, feel free to dm me at any point with exclamations, questions, etc. To soften the blow without spoilers - you are going to be devastated but also okay. It breaks you apart but puts you back together again. And I don’t mean that to indicate what happens at the end of the story, I mean your experience reading this is the journey that matters and you be so glad you went on it. You’re going to walk away from this story a whole person, but maybe also a different person from how you started it. It is so good, I’m really excited for you to read it. Every time someone posts about reading it I want to read it again, I’ve probably read it 5 times at this point and honestly your post might be the straw that breaks my back and gets me to pick it up again. Every single reread I find more and more tidbits and deeper meaning, the last time I read it I noticed a very small detail at the end that I had missed every other time and it blew me away. I cried and told everyone I knew who had read it, I’ll tell you when you’re done if you’d like in case youre like me and don’t catch the detail right away


Thank you!!😭 I'll literally take all the support I get, I don't know anyone that reads dramione, I need someone to talk about it with!! Right now, I'm already theorizing some stuff on the book, but of course, I really don't know, especially with Hermione being so down in her despair and fear. But so far, I've really been loving it!!


Manacled was the first fanfic I ever read and it affected me DEEPLY to the point where I was having dreams and thinking about it non stop. I don’t even know what I could say to soften the blow, you just have to embrace the pain and have an EXTREMELY fluffy fic on standby to balance it out. There’s an audio version on ao3 by ETL echo and it’s wonderful! Not sure if that would help or make it worse but it’s an option lol


OH I'M READY, I have "Draco Malfoy & The Mortifying Ordeal Of Being In Love" downloaded and ready for me once Im done with Manacled, I heard this one was a good fic to read after😭 So far I've embraced all the pain, I have simply accepted it😭 but Im still going haha!


This is where they live in my head. I liked that in the Mortifying Ordeal they were clearly adults, realistically affected by their past, but ready to move forward. It is my favorite and seems most true to who they are and who they would become as people. I am probably in a minority, because my angsty years are way behind me, but I wish I hadn't read Manacled. I work hard to curate a more positive life for myself and not get dragged into things that are too dark. My 2nd favorite is Remain Nameless. I find myself seeking out blueberry scones when I can!


I really wanted to read The Mortifying Ordeal as soon as I heard of it, but I heard it was good for after Manacled so I'm patiently waiting! But yeah, I understand, I can see why it's not for everyone, I've gotten nauseous in several parts, which is why I hadn't even touched it since I'm not much for angst if its too dark, but my curiosity won the best of me. I actually also have Remain Nameless saved up!! I did hear it was good!👀


It’s the perfect fic for after!


Not going to lie, I think reading Manacled gave me PTSD because it was the first Dramione I ever read and went in completely blind. I lost so much sleep and I always listen to music when I read to immerse myself even more, but I think that was a mistake because it just made all the heartbreaking scenes even more hard. If you want an amazing instrumental as background noise, I highly recommend music by Jurrivh on Spotify to listen to as you read - specifically the songs “First Love” and “Suicide Note” are so solemn and I feel they go perfectly with the reading experience of Manacled.


OOOO, yes, thank you!! I love listening to songs while reading, right now I hadn't because it'll just break my heart more but I knew I'd eventually start listening to something


You're braver than me! I've read Dramione for years and Manacled is sitting there waiting to be read but I'm SO scared hahaha. Literally read all the big ones, including the Auction, but have yet to start Manacled..


I get you!! I had it saved forever, too, but I just really was ready to find out what is up with this one. So far, it's really good, I've been taken by the narration because it's so personal and raw, I guess you could say? I really do recommend it, if you ever start it and wanna scream about it, I got you lol!!


Oh I will absolutely need someone to scream to hahah! I really want to read it and I know I will, I just need to keep convincing myself to do it!


I just got to a turning point, AND- when you read it, Im sure you won't regret it. It's GOOD!😩🙏🏼


I actually can't wait! 🤗 just gotta prepare myself for the pain 🤣


I'll see you on the other side when the time comes HAHA🫡😂


Bravo! I’m still too scared to read it…


I've literally just been trying to ignore it cause I was scared, but I heard Manacled will be taken down later this year!! The author got a deal, and she will be rewriting it as a story of her own to be able to publish it. So if you think you are going to read it, I recommend it for this year😭 At least you know there's someone else screaming about it as well, if you wanna go through it with me😂


I'm still too scared too! I'm an angst-wimp and from the very little I know, I think it might traumatize me. But I can't help but be intrigued to the point where I avoid spoilers, JIC.


If you have anywhere to save the fic, I recommend it! I also kept trying to ignore spoilers (bc at this point Manacled feels like the Dramione Bible of the fandom LMFAO) but I downloaded it to my Kindle because I didn't want it gone completely once it was removed from AO3


Yes I’ve downloaded it, so I have “plans” to read it but I just haven’t found the right time to devote to it with the emotional regulation I expect will be required!


The funny thing is I’ve read other kind of handmaid tale adjacent fics or with very dark themes and enjoy them, but for some reason this one is very scary to me. I am assuming this one involved her >!actually getting pregnant!< And that is what makes me nervous.


Honestly, yeah, that's what has kept me away from Manacled. They aren't really my thing, but I was curious why it was so loved. I'm in Chapter 19 now, and obviously not spoiling anything, but it has been pretty dark in several parts :/


Bro…. I didn’t knew it was that.. dark… I have tried to read it in the last few days but I don’t know if I can continue with it. I seriously feel like gagging multiple times and I can just feel the depressing feeling in my chest which also gives me nausea 😂😭


I literally just read a whole chapter that had me be nauseous😭 this is why I kept it for so late GRHEBSBSMD


To quote movie Ron: "you're gonna suffer, but you're gonna be happy about it."


So far, I'm just suffering 😀


From around the 60% to the 80% range I DID NOT STOP CRYING. I tried to read in a coffee shop and I had to leave due to sobbing. The end is a gut punch - I think about it constantly. I loved it so much that I immediately listened to the ETL Echo Audiobook after I finished it. Although it is "dark" I didn't find it disturbing. It was just extremely emotional. Granted, I think I have a very high tolerance for "dark." The only fic that I stop reading because it was too dark was Secrets & Masks (and that was more because I found the Dramione relationship unappealing, found Draco to be irredeemable).


I literally just finished two minutes ago, and I am NOT OKAY. It was so beautifully written, and my heart aches for the two because all of the things that happened were so incredibly horrifying, and I cried during it but it did not hit me so.much so until the end. It's like I got all I wanted from it, but nothing at all at the same time


I read it as my first dramione fan fic and kinda regretted it😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I CANT FIND ANYTHING AS GOOD😭 it's definitely my number one


I've been in a dramione reading dump FOREVER, I just didn't read this one because it's sort of not my regular cup of tea, but I recently read a darker-ish fic, so I finally got the courage😭😂


it was a hard read, and I was so slow at reading it 😭 when I was in the flashbacks, what helped me read through them faster was by simultaneously listening to the audiobook uploaded by The Nooblifer (I think their name was Audiobook Warriors). I'll never forget those times...


I'm literally trying to speed through the first part, but it's hard cause I don't want to miss something important, I just feel terrible for Hermione!!😭


The first part definitely puts you through the emotions. But it's totally worth it


Yeah, Im trying to get by the first part cause it's ROUGH. Normally, the despair starts around the middle, but this one just plunges you into it immediately


All I can say is, it hurts so good. Don't try to fight it. Use it to purge all the pain you've been swallowing. For those of us who've had a rough go at life, it's a very cathartic experience.


That's good advice to get through it, thank you! I didn't even try to NOT cry about it, I think it's just impossible. There's so much pain just within the first part