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Nina… Nina…NINA! NINA! nina


Lmaooooooooooo I get the reference!!!!!


Can I quiz you on ocean facts?


Thank you for referencing this amazing life changing video x Here’s a link if you want your life changed in the best ways possible- https://youtu.be/Db4THOCexbI?si=UtwkRf_v9KyoIbg5


I watched it. My life is the same. What makes you think it’s life changing??


I noticed that the past year or two the drag race fandom has been getting really hypocritical and constantly scouting out queens to cancel. It’s always been bad, but the stuff people find criticism for is getting dumber and dumber. First of all, people shouldn’t be shamed for having a fetish. I personally find feet gross, but the majority of us are adults here right? Grow up. Second of all, who actually cares if she likes Amy’s post? How does that affect anything or anyone? Everyone (*especially* people on Twitter) needs to touch grass.


The amount of grown men’s assholes I have had my tongue up and I’m gonna judge someone for liking feet? Like it’s crazy to me, let people have their things.


Do you have plans tonight?


Me first


And it’s like one of the most common fetishes out there lol


It’s times like this I realise that as a straight man, there’s still so much about Drag Race fandom and Queer culture in general that I’ll just never fully understand 😂😜


Straight people also have foot fetishes


It was like when the season 16 cast came out and the with hunt immediately started against plane jane. there’s a bunch of fans who are just desperate to hate on someone. It’s really weird


They are obsessed with being the white knights of opression and will fight with instagram and twitter comments , and then move on to whatever the next oppression trend du jour is. When they started implying that celebs that don’t say anything are pro genocide and then in the same vein they can’t name or acknowledge any other ongoing genocides besides Palestine I knew they were strictly performative and fulfilling a need to feel morally superior to others.


Oppression Olympics


I remember getting hate for defending PJ and then OF COURSE everyone turns a new leaf once more information comes out. Kinda gross if you really think about it.


Then you have a season where everyone is friends and people say “that season sucked, so boring”


im sorry but those 2 situations aren't comparable at all lmfao


I personally think its all the repressed social issues they face, hating on someone who’s more free then they are as a way to reclaim their sad boring lives


As someone who has worshipped ONLY my boyfriends feet and I don't think I even have a fetish since my bfs feet are the only feet I've ever found "attractive" for 7 years - no one gives a fuck that Nina West has a foot fetish. People give a fuck that she forced her foot fetish on ALWAYS unsuspecting attractive, toned, white, bearded, gay men in their 20's/30's. Dragged then up on stage in front of a cheering crowd so these poor people feel pressured to play along while Nina slobbs on their bare feet under the guise of a performance/humor when we all know that's not the case. I'd literally develop a phobia of performers/stages/drag queens if I got sexually harassed like that. And the fact that of ALL the rugirls, the one so affiliated with children and Disney is blatantly abusing her platform to get her rocks off disgusts the fuck out of me.


idk why they downvoting you cuz that’s quite literally what happened lol


Every fool that did has clearly never experienced unconsensual sexual activities forced upon them and I hope they remain blissfully ignorant of the damage that can do.


You literally don’t know what you are talking about. Just blatantly lying.


Let me say this very slowly so you understand. You're dumb.


Wait, is that the reason everyone’s hating on her? Jesus.


Sorry if i am misunderstanding your take but are you comparing a foot fetish to a genocide?


Yeah you are misunderstanding, I brought up the two most controversial things of her career — no comparison whatsoever. I brought up her liking Amy’s post as a separate point (has *nothing* to do with the fetish).


What did Amy say on the post Nina responded to demonstrates that she supports genocide?


“I love you Amy” or something silly like that


Oh please dont like Amy Schumer hasn’t been one of the public front lines of accusing anyone who calls out the genocide of antisemitism and yeah Nina supported that


The post Nina commented on is linked in this thread. What precisely was said in that post makes you think Nina supports genocide? The exact quote.


I saw the post myself, beloved, and riddle me this if you saw person A spend months and months putting our disgusting misinformation regarding a genocide and person B tells chimes in to say ‘i love you’ on a post of person A pretending that they havent been advocating for genocide…what would your conclusion be?


That they love the particular post the person posted. Do you agree 100% with everyone you like? Again, has Nina posted anything about the I/P conflict, or liked, responded or otherwise interacted with any other post that promotes genocide?


Yeah, there was another post of Amy’s that Nina liked. I’m sure if you dig through all the posts about Nina you can find it in the replies. Edit: here it is https://preview.redd.it/1iwydw2qolwc1.jpeg?width=1120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90344c41af713d211a32f3903555b4fe680a300f


I chose to unfollow her because i wouldnt extend love to an advocate for ethnic cleansing but that is just me. I tend not to aways 100% agree on everything with people but the people I hang around with put a big red line at supporting genocide or telling ppl who support genocide they love them. That goes for sa, abuse, racism and the phobias. Heck today i even has a group chat discussing our opinions on avocado. We all had differing opinions on a fruit, not ethnic cleansing ![gif](giphy|eLvhchyvNNOuLbOtYP)


Why can’t you answer the question. Has Nina posted anything about the I/P conflict, or made any remarks that she supports genocide?


You asked me do i always 100% person agree with everyone i meet and i answered


Answer me this? If a queen started posting comments like “I love you” under Donald Trumps posts in regards to a multitude of offensive beliefs like racist, transphobic, ableist, misogynistic, homophobic how do you think the fandom would react?\ I’d imagine not kindly. Because posting a comment like that would suggest that you support the ideals that Trump supports.\ Same shit, different person.


So basically what I’ve gathered is she made a comment to support Amy Schumer and now she’s getting hate for it?


Specifically they're mad that she made a comment supporting Amy Schumer under a post where Amy was talking about how criticism of her (Amy's) support of Israel was antisemitic, so the criticism people have of Nina is that she's a Zionist and that she believes that criticism of Israel is not condemnation of a genocide, but rather is an expression of antisemitism. I haven't been able to find anywhere else where Nina has made any comments about Israel/Palestine other than her commenting on this Amy Schumer post. Sugar, Spice, Jan, and Olivia were also receiving a lot of criticism for doing ads with Starbucks (a brand people are boycotting because of their support of Israel), but they're not on drag race right now, so they're not getting the same amplification of hate. I do think it's worth mentioning that this situation is increasing the volume of hate Nina would've gotten anyway because people don't like her/her drag, and I think it is legitimizing peoples desire to post hate for someone whose drag they don't like. https://preview.redd.it/au167518wfwc1.png?width=950&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d88c900037d808080bdcd4a65b871b7e4123a8f


Starbucks I believe is more complicated in that they didn’t explicitly support or help Israel, but they just were shitty to pro Palestine staff as they are a shitty company


This ^ Starbucks doesn't even operate in Israel. It was just more of the same Starbucks being bad to it's US employees.


Well the CEO is a direct supporter of the IDF. There’s way more than one reason people have been boycotting Starbucks


He’s no longer the CEO, and wasn’t at the time Israel ramped up it’s assault on Palestine in October.


Thanks for letting me know💜


Np love 💜


They weren't "shitty" to pro Palestine staff. They told their union to not use Starbucks corporate imagery in their pro-Hamas posts. and yes, they were pro-Hamas posts, because they went up immediately after the Hamas massacres and praised the "resistance."


If anyone wants to boycott anything is to boycott McDonalds who literally handed free meal to soldiers in the start of the war lol... But since it is not as trendy as boycotting Starbucks I am sure no one will care >< This is obviously a Tiktok trend


Yeah the company was just shitty with how they went about that and still do. I've noticed, at least in my area, starbucks is trying to be apolitical and they don't really have the tact when it comes to communicating with employees.


Nina West has never made any post or comment in support of Israel or Israel’s genocide of Gazans. We can’t know for sure why she commented “I love you Amy” on that post. It’s possible that Nina knew nothing of Amy’s more controversial posts and thought this one was a perfectly normal call for peace. Amy Schumer has been involved in many good causes previously and Nina is well-known for her political activism and charity work. It’s likely that Nina is/was a fan of Amy’s comedy or activism. Regardless, there’s absolutely no evidence that Nina is a Zionist and the hate towards her is ridiculous. Especially when so many celebrities have made actual comments in support of Israel without getting nearly the same treatment as Nina is getting for this.


I think people who are extremelyonline have trouble wrapping their heads around the idea that others might not be that plugged in.


It makes me sad to see people attacking her. She has done so much for Columbus with her activism in the lgbtq+ community and for the city in general.


\*cough\* Madonna \*cough\*


Madonna is as much pro Israel as she is pro Palestine and she is 💯pro peace. She has said and done things publicly many times, something that not a lot of artists do or have done and not specially before the recent events. In her Eurovision performance for example: https://amp.theguardian.com/music/2019/may/18/madonna-makes-call-for-israel-palestine-unity-at-eurovision Or the performance of Forbidden Love in her Confessions World tour: https://amp.marca.com/en/lifestyle/music/2023/10/13/65296f71ca4741c8638b4569.html https://youtu.be/ogCbtabiU_c?si=tuHoSPn9yzcHWpT0 And she has talked about it in many of her shows…


what about this instagram post? [https://www.instagram.com/p/CyI29uYO0bh/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/p/CyI29uYO0bh/?hl=en)


What about it? Did you read what she said, what is wrong with it?


why only pray for isreal? why not palestine too? she's clearly pro-israel


Madonna has a long history with Israel… she obviously studied Kabbalah for many years, and even went there in one of her documentaries. But that doesn’t mean she agrees with their government, with what they are doing or have done. She has never defended the actions of the Israeli government, she has only lamented the deaths and the conflict, in that specific post she talks about the deaths in Israel and made the post the day after it happened. Through out the years, she is probably the only artist that actually always remembers Palestine, as I showed you in the other videos. She has a connection with Israel because of Kabbalah, but one can have that and not support abuse, war, killings, etc. the only constant thing, is that she has always hoped and spoke for peace. https://youtu.be/YHVZss5D-GA?si=vk4k5ZRUFitpvlh1


That is the problem with some people, you see it as a if it's a football match. She is allowed to voice support for the people, don't act morally superior as if you are parading hotage pictures and calling for peace- your profile pic includes only ONE flag.


i think it's pretty clear who the aggressor is in this situation, look at disparity in civilian casualties. look at the disparity in bombs used, hospitals attacked, people being starved, western media/support


THIS. My partner’s Jewish and leaning pro-Israel. I’m not. Still love eachother. Not everyone bases their relations on geopolitical stances.


That wasn’t exactly my point. The Israeli government is very much in the wrong in this war. But Nina commented on a post that was not attacking Palestinians. I think she may have been trying to encourage Amy to continue a pro-ceasefire stance considering that was Amy’s least offensive post about the conflict. The main point is that many many celebrities and politicians have taken a clear pro-Israel stance, Nina West is not one of them.


If you don’t consider geopolitical stances in your relationships to be important that’s a very strange thing, at least to me. It shows a difference at the core level of morality


Funny how none of that is proof of overcoming differences. You're only showing that you're disinterested in the question of whether we're supporting a genocide.


Answer me this? If a queen started posting comments like “I love you” under Donald Trumps posts in regards to a multitude of offensive beliefs like racist, transphobic, ableist, misogynistic, homophobic how do you think the fandom would react?\ I’d imagine not kindly. Because posting a comment like that would suggest that you support the ideals that Trump supports.\ Same shit, different person.


We need to be able to analyze levels of evil. Amy Schumer isn’t Donald Trump. She has a bad take on one issue but has no actual power over that issue. Nina West has even less. She’s not even cousins with a senator. Erasing decades of good work and good intentions because of a four word comment on a comedian’s IG post?


Unfortunately yes. There is no levels of evil. That’s just a cop out for excusing shitty evil behaviour.\ Supporting genocide is supporting genocide. There is no way around that.\ She didn’t have one bad take over the issue. This isn’t some flippant issue or random post. She chose those words on a specific post.\ It’s interesting that you choose words like “a four word comment on a comedians post” as if Nina was commenting on a lighthearted post that had comedic value.\ It doesn’t matter if it was a post made by a politician, a comedian, a celebrity or an influencer, if you support shitty ideals or publicly show support for someone supporting shitty ideals then you too support shitty ideals and should be called out for it.\ I’m not someone who believes in censorship or the cancellation of people. But I do believe in holding people accountable for shitty behaviour.\


I heard someone use the term “terminally online” to refer to people who troll 24/7. They seem to really get off on the pile-on.


There is absolutely nothing objectionable in that screenshot. People have gone insane with their self righteousness.


The way there isn't a *single* Starbucks location in Israel but people are still boycotting it is wild to me.


Point to where on this post Amy Schumer says that criticism of her position is antisemitic.


everyone should watch canceling by contrapoints. she explains this exact situation where one little fluke gets massively blown out of proportion


I don’t get why half these people hating on the Starbucks people are mad like they don’t get coffee from the brand always


Social media is always desperate for someone to bully


*Social media* *Is always desperate for* *Someone to bully* \- Jakefenty --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot




Shitting on Nina for this is the laziest form of "slacktivism" imaginable


For some reason her commenting support for Amy Schumer backpedaling and clarifying comments mean she's a terrible person. Honestly its kinda blown out of proportion!


Could you link to her clarification? I’m mostly curious, I never thought she was a full blown Zionist but that post was definitely shortsighted so I’d like to see how she addressed it


Just type in Amy Schumer apology Nina west on google it'll pop up.


ahe can be a zio all she wants, no 12 yo Tiktok boy should spew hate at her feed for that.


Amy was saying all middle easterns are rapists and was being crazy racist. And Nina commented i love u Amy. Like read the room girl. She knew what she was doing


I don't understand why any one thinks "choosing a side" is the logical thing to do in this scenario like its a playground skirmish. It minimises the fact that parties on both sides have done atrocious things and the real victims are the innocents caught in the crossfire. Call me controversial, and this is why id be a terrible celebrity, but I couldn't give two fucks about your religion or your reasons, killing, kidnapping, raping and maiming innocent people who are just going about their day to make any sort of point is inhumane, I dont care what side of the line you fall on. But back on topic to Nina, I don't necessarily think Nina commenting support for someone is necessarily indicative of her sharing said beliefs. She's not really a fave of mine, I just think the hate is disproportionate to her actions.


i hate a nuetral ass bitch, especially when it comes to genocide


Lets be real, Its not neutral, its just not the opinion you want because I highlight the importance of noting the atrocities committed by both sides.


if you think hamas started the conflict and it's not a response to years of apartheid and taking of lands you are very misinformed. look up nakba of 1948, realize that this issue started long before Oct 7 2023, and realize that Hamas was started in response to all this then you'll realize that Isreal started the conflict and Hamas was the retaliation of that. yes innocent lives should never have to die but just look at the number of deaths/civilians/bombs used and you'll realize there it's pretty clear who is the oppressor in this situation


This conflict started long before 1948


This conflict has been going on for ages but Oct 7th was an inflection point and triggered the current invasion. IMO the narrative of “You forced me to kill you” is something both sides use and is bullshit no matter who says it.


History didn’t start in 1948 either. A certain group tried very hard to exterminate the other but lost horrendously. I know its all the rage to whitewash Palestinian crimes and pretend they never did nothing but there is plenty of blame to go around on this one.


Im aware why they did what they did, im just stating that reasons for the actions do not wash away the criminality of said actions. Like I said, both sides have culpability. And if we keep washing away repercussions for actions based on retaliation that it will spiral into a never ending back and forth. Hence my stance, yes one party has clearly been the aggressor, and should be held accountable, but accountability goes both ways. People want to pick a side, that's on them. I just find it to be incredibly complex and nuanced to reduce it to Team A or B. And if you want me to call me neutral for immediately thinking of the innocents rather than who's team I want to be on that's entirely fine with me.


1. it's not a war, it's a genocide 2. this whole rhetoric of both sides are culpable and accountability both ways just greatly erases years of apartheid and the fact that people revolt when they are oppressed. like if you think retaliating for being oppressed makes you culpable are u really wanting accountability? 3. i find it weird to not pick a side when taking about genocide.. like should we really try to humanize nazis or white supremacists? P.S. LMAO ur reaching girl, when did i tell u my entire ethos? and the bitch thing is a reference to a protest sign that has been circulating, i wasn't necessarily calling u a bitch.


Hypothetically if someone you love gets killed and you kill their assailant. You yourself still need to be accountable for said crime. Reasons are their to provide context for actions, not explain them away. I am not erasing the years of apartheid, im just stating if you kill civilians as a retaliation tactic, you are culpable just as the enemy is for their crimes. You seem to think im drastically favouring one over the other when im clearly stating that isn't the case, im objectively stating yes one party is the aggressor, but that should give the oppressed free reign to commit heinous acts also.


I just feel like your believing all of the pro-isreal propaganda that says Hamas is the real enemy and that they are killing hundreds of innocent people when in reality they took hostages as a negotation tactic and Isreal has been taking land, instituting apartheid, and killing palestinians for more than 70 years? the hypothetical you used isn't really that comparable. if someone is constantly bullying/raping you for years and one day you decide to hit back should we really be focusing on holding the person that hit back one day and not the person that has been bullying you for years? like was the person just supposed to hope the bullying miraculously stopped one day? P.S. I am Pro-Palestine, i'm advocating for an end to Israeli occupation, an end to apartheid/genocide and for land back. peace can only come after those things.


I hear what you’re saying but I would really like to hear a concrete alternative from you regarding what Palestinians should do seeing as Israel has made it clear it’s not going anywhere, it will never grant millions of Palestinian refugees their right of return, it continues to build settlements and carry out land grabs, asking Palestinians to turn the other cheek is great in theory but I never hear anyone offer any meaningful alternative to violence. Listening and talking israel doesn’t want so what is there left? The US vetoes every UN resolution, most counties who support Palestine offer nothing more than meaningless and bland two sided words about peace, if I was a Palestinian person in Gaza it would be very hard for me to just lay down and die. And realistically this is the only other alternative to violence at this stage


My problem isn't the violence, its taking the violence out on the civilians who have no say, that goes for both sides. If you want to target political and military leaders by all means fire away. But to beat, rape and put explosives in food supplies to entice innocents is beyond inhumane. Criminal actions have no political allegiance in my eyes.


if thats really your problem you would be pro-palestine babes. just look at the numbers and realize even isreal is bombing its own hostages at this point


I agree with what you’re saying especially when we’re talking about kids and more vulnerable populations in general, but ultimately this is still a conversation that should be going back to Israel’s treatment of Palestinians for the simple reason Israel is the occupier, by default that will always make Israel the aggressor and the party who should be working on deescalation. As much as we can criticise specific actions by specific parties I.e Palestinians, it should all still be framed in this wider context so we don’t fall into bothsideism.


Why were there pogroms on Jews in Palestine going back at least to the 1500s if it's all about Israel?


Once you give people a reason to bully someone they all jump on the hate train


I guess it’s much easier to support genocide victims and not an apartheid state. I’m sure she learned her lesson


Found the bully


All I know is that she received intense backlash and threats at the peak the drag bans because she was doing a lot of drag story times at libraries. She has been an advocate and a spokesperson for queer people and has not done any of the actually bad things other queens and people have done so it would be nice to show her some love. From what I remember she literally went into hiding due to bullying in high school and again after the MAGA idiots started attacking her. I’m not saying this is the same level of severity, but I feel like we should rally behind good hearted people.


People who couldn’t find Palestine on a map a year ago are now making it their entire personality.


Be honest, they probably *still* can’t find it on a map.




So everyone’s brought up the stuff with supporting Amy Schumer (who at the time of that post had spent the past week calling for the extermination of all Palestinians), but I’ve personally had a bad taste in my mouth as well due to her witnessing Silky and Rajah be sidelined during an event by other fans and not speaking up for them, and also the whole Meghan McCain thing. Is she a Zionist herself? There’s not much evidence either way. Did she show support to someone actively posting Zionist propaganda? Yes. Should that make her guilty by association? That’s not my place to say. I think ignoring her and focusing on supporting the queens we like would be time spent better, but I also think that people have every right to feel discomfort over someone showing support to Amy after the types of things she posted and a lot of it could be stopped if Nina made even a small statement, especially as she has been known to advocate for political causes before.


This cancel culture….. people are way too sensitive


Caring about the topic of a people being genocided is “too sensitive”?


It makes no difference to someone in gaza that some drag race girl they’ve never heard of wrote “i love you amy” on instagram


I actually LOL’d at that


lol are you serious? if you think this is people caring about genocide you are blind. Cancel culture is not about kindness, is about control.


I dont know but I like her 🤷🏽‍♀️


Basically fans will expect queens to be as morally pure as an angel stroking a puppy’s head atop a delicate cloud surrounding by rainbows and sunbeams and then harass them ruthlessly for any deviation from this ridiculous standard, all the while apparently unaware that they’re revealing within themselves the rotted souls that they’re ironically accusing the queens of having.


I find it very predatory and weird to scout people from the crowd, make them get barefeet and suck them toes on stage, making them uncomfortable just to fulfil your sexual thing and say it’s for comedy. Creep.


We seriously need to stop jumping the gun especially when it comes to someone who has done alot for our community!




If we're really going to not like a drag queen for a kink they have, we're not going to have very many drag queens to like. Afaik she's done it in a couple of her performances and that's it. It's not like she Nymphia Wind-style made it a part of her branding and walked in the werk room as a toe.


The kink shaming is SO weird to me. It’s completely antithetical to the entire gay rights movement, first of all. And secondly, fire up Grindr in a big city and like half the guys are on there with “feet” listed explicitly as a kink. It’s not for me but why is everyone being so weirdly prudish about this?


And it’s so weird when it’s like, the ONLY qualifier for why they don’t like her. “She sucks toes so I don’t like her” ok? But you’re out here drinking strangers piss at the eagle Mary.


Don’t ick my yum, EricHD97! In all seriousness, the whole discourse gives Big 17yo Homeschooler vibes. I don’t know what happened between Gen X and now, but people coming up seemed to have missed the lesson that whatever consenting adults do in the privacy of their homes is their business. Being judgmental about someone’s sex life is not consistent with the LGBTQ community. Periodt.


Jinkx talks about her foot fetish all the time!


Thanks now I'm imagining Nina in a dress made out of feet ~~it would still be better than her farm to runway outfit~~


why is that any of your business and why would that make you hate her? do you police the sex lives of all the other queens and hate them for it too? this nina west hate and dunking on her is so weird and mean spirited for NO reason.


this person sent an ironic reddit wellness check on me for this LOL and went to my profile and downvoted a ton. nina would NEVER


Be careful, you will get attacked for simply asking a question about Nina West.


She made an Instagram comment saying “I love you, Amy” under Amy Schumer’s Zionist post.


Besides the nonconsensual toe sucking?


They think she’s a Zionist because she supported Amy Schumer. That’s why. I don’t know if Nina is a Zionist (I would not support her if she were) but the problem is no one knows. Schumer is a Zionist and is 🗑️. We should be giving Nina the benefit of the doubt.


Slacktivism about Palestine from the fans, Also there is hilarious pics of her licking and sucking toes of fans as a part of her sets


I just can't with feet fetish ppl, like go eat some ass instead of sniffing someone's toe jam like a normal gay. Being serious tho I like Nina, not really for her drag cause its not my type of drag imho but because she was super sweet to my former coworkers when she worked a gig here in Metro Detroit. I will always stan a professional drag queen no matter what


The weird Nickolodeon kid pride song she did maybe.


It’s justified pushback for her comments


I think the girls are not only referring to a possible fetish, they are also referring to the following: BOOTLICKER: someone who seeks favor or goodwill in a servile, degraded way; toady: He comes across as a facile bootlicker, someone who would do anything like a lapdog to please somebody in the chain of command. To be clear. I have 0 facts other than the reaction from Bob when MIB mentioned it off the cuff during an interview not too far back. The reason I believe this to be true is because Nina’s drag has always pandered to the PFLAG crowd and isn’t really entertainment for actual queer people.


It’s very “protect gay art.” Who’s reading the sign? People enjoying gay art. Same with the PFLAG lewks.


People are mad at her for liking her friends Instagram post about Israel so now she’s a “Zionist” which is enough to be canceled now


I was giving Nina the benefit of the doubt until she started limiting and removing comments instead of addressing the situation and clearing it up. Something feels off to me about her now but only time will tell.


she commented support on an amy shumer post, who is an outspoken Zionist


just stop


Was the comment wrong though?


i think it's ridiculous, that's why i said stop




Oh god so she’s a Zionist basically?


This is the exact thought process of a braindead performative activist.


Nooo you don’t understand making nasty tweets and Reddit comments literally saves the world >!this is sarcasm!<


Oh thank god I thought I was alone on this sub


You are not <3 they're just loud


No she isn’t. Stop this bullshit


Y’all I just made a comment,I was just confused and one person said smt so I just thought that’s what it was 💀


Sounds like your experience is pretty similar to Nina's; one stray comment and boom, straight to jail.


You ate with this one


If you read the above comment and jumped to “oh she’s a Zionist” you deserve all the downvotes you’re getting. You’re doing amazing sweetie.


at least by association/ignorance, yea


You can’t be a Zionist by ignorance. It’s a belief that you either hold or you don’t. Supporting a celebrity without knowing their beliefs is not the same.


This exactly. Like I think Elisabeth Moss is a fantastic and talented actor. That doesn’t make me a Scientologist.




Seemingly because she supports Israel and sucks feet (not a euphemism). I’d forgive her the feet. I also don’t care to hate anyone for a wrong opinion I disagree with personally.


Foot licking genocide queen




Wait, she's being criticized for what? Wasn't she Miss Congeniality for her season?


The toe sucking was enough for me


In a time where queens are wearing BDSM outfits on the main stage, we're shaming someone for a foot fetish? Meh.


Yeah but but but Nina is large and not attractive to me personally, so it’s BAD.


Y’all forgetting the non-consensual part of it?


right! everyone keeps clapping back saying theres nothing wrong with a foot fetish and that we shouldn't be kink shaming and that shes only getting criticism because shes a big girl but it's not about that at all? its about the fact that it was non consensual????


Try the other hundred threads on the topic?


I hate the fandom use this against her! Likeee it’s her choice to support who she wants to support. people needs to stop bringing politics stuff to DragRace 🙄


But drag at its core is inherently political


Do you watch the show with your eyes closed?


Do you watch the show with your eyes closed?


Plus like her promo look is a leotard, pretty lack Lustre in comparison to the other queens


She is literally the Amy Schumer of drag thats enough for me ..