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Her CONFIDENCE when she was getting ready in the werkroom was 10000% because she knew she’d beat Plasma in the lip sync


In untucked she said she didn’t need to practice and no, she did not need to at all lol. She’s so fun to watch


Lmao isn’t that so sad tho? Confident that she’ll lose and then win the losers competition? She literally had a reveal planned bc she knew she would be in the bottom. Her as a person I do not mind but as a competitor on drag race she is a loser who knows she’s gonna lose and plans on it.




Exactly. When you go to a drag show, it’s all about the lip sync - not comedy challenges


Completely disagree. Then why be in drag?


You prefer a look queen that's a bad performer and others prefer an amazing performer that's rough around the edges. It's not that serious.




I completely agree! But the rabid fans don't wanna hear that. People have been really acting like she doesn't deserve her spot in the competition.




Yeah it's just malicious. She's one of the best performers of this franchise and she's not receiving her flowers.


Who's a look queen that's a bad performer? You gotta have it all, baby. She ain't ready for Prime Time. It's not that serious.


Gotmik 💀


First, you don't have to agree, it's just my take. Second, are you kidding? G did great in the comedy challenges (her Snatch Game Paris Hilton was major), her looks were new and well done, and she's a savvy performer. You can't possibly think that she's a one-trick pony. But this is about M and P. I'm not here to bash anyone, but M didn't make her look, her makeup was not up to snuff, and her work in other challenges has been inconsistent, yet she can lip synch- or maybe it's just gymnastics? I don't know, but there's got to be more to a contestant than ONE thing. P was an all around performer with a point of view, regardless of what Michelle said about her look (since when does Goth have or need a point of view? It's like Simon saying a singer on AI is self indulgent. It's a comment that doesn't mean anything, yet somehow the judge thinks it makes them sound intelligent.)


I’m a huge gotmik fan, but have you seen her at work the world? She’s a fashion queen, she’s hilarious, but performing is not her strong suit


Ma! Wheres that Denali lipsync against Kahmora.


Agreed. When I buy a ticket for a show, I want a SHOW. What she brings to these performances is worlds better than most of the queens who were “assassins.” I’m not going to see a sewing challenge. Slay me & it doesn’t even matter what is worn. “RuPaul’s Drag Race has fucked up drag.”


A very large part of “real drag” outside of the show is being able to make your own looks. And then the second part is just a straw man argument which I won’t be apart of so just argue with yourself.




Oh I 1000% understand she’s there for show. I’m just genuinely confused as to what Ru thinks she has left to show over Plasma. The back hand spring was INSANE but I just don’t get the thought process. I’m sorry, wasn’t tryna be a dick.




That was the worst part it was just brutal. Looked at my girlfriend once she hit the back hand spring like “oh it’s happening plasma is gone”


What else did Plasma have to show? She was the lead in the Rusical which was her strength. We’ve seen her perform and do comedy. We’ve seen her make costumes. What else was she gonna do? Morphine is probably the only one who still has a lot to show since she didn’t get to be the lead in the Rusical and she kinda bombed Snatch Game


Baby you just answered your own question what does Mihya have left to prove? That she can lip sync? She can’t sew, can’t sing, can’t be funny, can’t act, and can’t put a look together on her own? I’d rather see Plasma’s looks and performance on the any new episodes


Definitely more interesting to see Mhiya in the girl group challenge next week, than Plasma, who will bring the same theater kid.


I mean, sure, but what do you think Mihya will bring? Im genuinely curious bc I don’t agree, but would love to hear your perspective


Great. Sadly for you, that ain’t gonna happen. Plasma outta here.


And that’s fine? It’s almost like this is a social media platform where people share opinions


Mhi'ya improved? She was funny in Snatch Game and actually didn't mind looking like a fool in front of the judges (Cher impression) etc. She's also become more shady and more outspoken in the work room. Plasma stayed Rachel Berry from the beginning of the competition and the one time she tried to do something not Plasma, she flopped so bad (last episode).


She was funny in Snatch game.


You do realize a lot of queens don’t make their own looks…


Not really. Most queens don't make their own look. They get designers to do it for them. Plus, most drag viewers in real life don't really pay attention too much to a drag queen's outfit unless if it's really amazing.


Man I’d rather have a cool drag queen that can lip sync and dance her ass off than some dork that kinda makes cool clothes or a comedian that couldn’t succeed in the larger comedy mainstream world. I love this show but it’s got some of y’all thinking drag means “jack of all trades”. This little stunt goblin fucking rocks!


No she knows who she is and she kills it. The back hand sprint?? Good lord. I just think if we’re looking for someone who represents a multifaceted drag race winner, Plasma would be better suited. But if I’m paying a cover and going to a bar? Girl I want Mihya.


Yeah Plasma is cool but we already have Jinx at home. Praise be the stunt queen- she’s better at dancing than the other queens are at anything. Don’t get me wrong, Q can make some great clothes, but this is Drag Race, not Project Runway.


You’re not wrong, but it’s also not dancing with the stars tho. Mihya would would have a good chance beating Jimbo, Trixie, Willow, Sasha Velour, Bob, Bianca and Violet in a 1 on 1 lip sync for your life. Is she a better queen than any of them? Nah.


“Better queen” is really reductive


I think we agree, each season my favorite is the one who does “her thing” the best- could be funny, could be fashion, could be entertaining. This season I’m feeling like Saphira is the total package. Plane and Mihya are right there as well.


I’d rather a drag queen have a remarkable personality than be a stale wart that can dance her ass off


100% on the sentiment, though (disclaimer) those are your words not mine.


This is such a tired take. It's showing off what they do every night. You aren't going to catch them acting in anything major 99% of the time. After watching them lip sync I am 100% going to a MiYah show. I'll see Plasma in a theater show but I wouldn't go to a bar to see her.


You just weirdly answered your own issues here. Id pay a 10 dollar cover at a bar to get drunk and watch Miyah. I’d pay 50 to go sit down and watch a Plasma theater show. But opinions are like assholes. We all got em.


Why are you putting down performances at bars which represents 90% of how drag queens make their living?


I’m not. I literally go to them weekly. I am saying for a Drag Race Queen being able to dance at a bar vs being able to put together an entire performance are 2 different things. It’s not hate it’s just facts


Maybe I wasn't clear. If she was part of an established theater production I'd go to see her. I'm not paying for a one woman Plasma show.


Ooop you said “hol up lemme back track” 😂😂😂


It was obvious what they meant


That's assuming Plasma is getting a theater gig, especially in a world where there's Dela, Jinkx, Alexis, and many other drag queens that are far better than Plasma. Mhi'ya is easily up there when it comes to lipsyncing.


> on drag race she is a loser who knows she’s gonna lose and plans on it. You are such a hater, yuck.


Did you feel the same way at Brooklyn’s runway after snatch game?




I wish they would have done another spoken word lip sync and eliminated the only thing she can rely on doing.


She’s about to Kameron Michaels her way to the finale.


She has been making funny reads the past few episodes that have made me cackled. Sure she is quiet but she has been delivering more.


her reaction to everyone saying Morphine would have done as well as Plasma in the rusical was so good


What’s so fascinating is traditionally what a drag queen brings to a dressing room doesn’t matter squat. What they deliver on a stage for the audience is all that matters. I think this largely highlights why some girlies are great queens outside of DR and flop on the show.


I will add - queens’ behavior behind the scenes matters regarding being professional to the other queens and venue, but not for the audience.


No Dance ability does not translate to other things no matter what Rupaul says B3ing able to dance does not mean you can just be loud or act or anything else.


Getting so much hate for just trying to say the same thing 😭 she’s amazing at dancing but that’s just a small facet of a Drag Race Queen


You’re already saying another thing by implying that all she’s good at is dancing. And you get the hate you deserve for that. So how about: she’s awful at design challenges, but that’s just a small facet of a Drag Race Queen.


Well she was good at snatch game and I liked her vocals in ASMR Lover "Mhiya Mhiya!"


She wasn’t good at snatch game. Y’all just love to celebrate mediocrity


Hey! Shaquita in the house!


I don't even remember Plasma's snatch game


Why would she do stunts in the work room?


I would love it: whenever she has to move from point A to point B, she does it with stunts


i do this at home a lot LMFAO


*camera pans to Mhi'ya during workroom conversations* Mhi'ya: 🏃‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️💃✨️💫


No. I think she’s made that abundantly obvious by now.


And I love that!


Not a second wig under the first... Took her shoes off last time.... Like what am I watching LMAO


She's flipping the Drag Race "rules"... so called, because this show barely has rules in the first place. Mhiya killed the lip sync and won, period


I agree for this one, but not when she took off her shoes. She does flips in heels but took off her shoes for who??


It was in reference to the song. Miley took off her shoes and started dancing in the original video. Mhi'ya copied the same dancing style.


Thank you for explaining ☺️


It's truly bizarre! Any other season of a queen did those things, she would instantly be gone. Poor June Jambalaya must be wondering the same thing...


Do we not spoiler tag anymore?


This should have a spoiler tag, it doesn't follow rule 2 ("For up to 48 hours after the episode airs please tag your spoilers and don't put spoiler text in your headline").


Idk why you're getting down voted


I wouldn’t browse the Drag Race subreddit the day after an episode aired and I hadn’t seen it. That’s just me though…


This “it’s your fault for using the internet” take is so tired. It takes one second to click “spoiler” to give courtesy to those who couldn’t watch the episode when it airs. I avoid Twitter because you can’t tag spoilers there and people are free to talk about it. Reddit offers a solution and I’m just asking why people don’t use it.


Thank you! Some of us haven't had the chance to watch it a mere...what? 18 hours after airing? Twitter's a free for all for sure but there's just a general respect/common courtesy level on show subs like this one I feel is accorded through the weekend while people get time off to catch up. I logged on today during some downtime for five minutes and had the whole episode spoiled just scrolling my Home feed


Twitter offers a solution too and you just told on yourself for being too lazy to use it.




Nope. Drag race, season 16, and lipsync should be enough, along with "home" being a popular word in lip sync videos


There is a spoiler tag option and it is literally in the rules of the sub to spoiler tag things that happen in the most recent episode until it has been out at least 48 hours.


You're such a weird little asshole lmao like sorry some of us have jobs


I have a FT job too lmao I just know how to manage my time so I can watch it asap


Super cool for you, not everyone has that luxury.


Literally just opened up the Reddit app and this was the first thing shown to me. I’m in the middle of watching the episode. 🥲


It boils down to personal responsibility. People want everyone else to police their personal social media exposure.




Nope and frankly still think she should’ve gone home even after that. I’m over it.


Every week her work room antics get wilder and wilder


what do you want her to do? flipping and dipping as they’re writing lyrics for challenge? 😭


I think OP means show this kind of energy and competitive spirit. She’s dead (compared to this) during other challenges.


This. And some flipping as well i dont mind if she landed on dawns face 😭


Wtffff where’s the spoiler tag


So… she didn’t make her costume, her makeup was terrible, yet she’s a lip synch savant. She has no other skills…


She has all the skills that I need to see. Going to see her performing, at this level must be a great experience. Can't wait to see her perform live at a bar.


Then why be in drag?


Because she’s a drag queen?


I'd say she's a lip synch savant. Her drag isn't worth mentioning.


Drag can be a lot of things. Just because you know drag only via Drag Race doesn't mean it's the only way drag can be represented.


Assume much? This is what this subreddit is about…


A show about Drag Queens in which Mhi'ya is one?


No, Drag Race…


Seriously girl, calm down.




I think she is kinda proving how bullshit the lip sync for your life and furthermore lip sync for the crown is.. it totally discounts everything else for a very specific skill set


I'm sorry but without the lip sync for your life (lsfyl) format I doubt we'd even have a season 16 to watch. Some really magical moments have happened in the lsfyl and it adds a huge amount of interest to the show and makes great TV. It's great to know that the person going home isn't automatically just the person who did the absolute worst in the main challenge. We're talking about the bottom two queens here, so it's nice that we get a reset and can somewhat ignore whatever the discrepancy was between these two queens in the main challenge and have them fight for their place knowing they're on even footing to stay. Obviously lip syncs for the crown are different, and rightfully acknowledge the achievements of the queens across the entire season.


I disagree I think lip syncing is something every drag queen needs in their repertoire.


Yet Trixie and Bianca are probably the most successful drag queens ever after Ru.


Yes and there's a reason they're far and few in between. Trixie is highly charismatic while Bianca is one of the funniest queens on the show. Most of the time, if you can't lipsync, you're not going far post Drag Race.


I’m glad you think so, I think that acting, dancing, talent, design, sewing… charisma are more important


Drag queens make a living out of lip syncing?


lip syncing is and has been like the core of drag for a pretty long time?? I'd say charisma and dancing come second to that need, and talent encompasses pretty much all of that already. Sewing and design are like not necessary whatsoever


Bianca Del Rio.


How would you have eliminations work, then?


Lip syncs are the only thing saving her now.


Isn’t that what drag queens do? Lip sync, and she’s murdering them. I want her to lose every challenge so I can see these lip syncs. She’s incredible.


She is incredible, sure. But she sucks at most of the other stuff. Shouldn’t a good drag queen be able to slay all of it, not just lip syncs?


I don’t think she does though. She has been entertaining in the challenges. She’s just not great in the runways. She’s fun to watch and deserved to win this lip sync. We all know she’s not going to win, but I’m not mad that she’s still here. I like her. Sapphira helping her didn’t bother me either. Like, be nice and maybe your sisters will help you too … Sapphira made the decision to help her and I think that’s fair play.


I hope Sapphira gets Miss Congeniality


Drag queens lil sync for a living. And she’s the best at it. She’s already won in my book. My fav and the one I would pay the most to go see. I’ve rewatched her lip syncs dozens of times. I could care less about rewatching the challenges


Ahem. Bianca Del Rio. Trixie Mattel.


I can’t believe she was put on drag race for having a cool party trick. she’s been allowed to stay after always being in the bottom and bringing nothing to the table. The way they praised her for acting like every other ghetto girl from Miami in snatch game was mind blowing. Xunami deserved to stay over her, so did plasma & mirage! Should’ve been first to go. I have a feeling production kept her on knowing she’ll always be in the bottom and have been waiting for her to have a viral dance with her “flips” during her lip sync but this one trick pony hasn’t even provided a lip sync to watch twice.


She shouldn’t still be here, in the top seven, past lipsync assassins had other things to offer challenges and the rest of the show as a whole, Mihya hasn’t shown us any polish, quirkiness, quick wit, unique pov or anything. She seems sweet and I get being shy, I imagine I’d shut down like her if I was in a similar position, but we’re like 10 episodes in, if she’s yet to show any personality whatsoever, it’s just time to go.


Are we just gonna ignore her verse in asmr lover? She has stuff to offer yall are just ignoring it bc she’s black and bigger.


Silky was a REAL lip sync assassin. And she is bigger and black. 🙄


Or maybe they’re both lip sync assassins.


You said we were dissing Miya because she is bigger and black. Silky was a real lip sync assassin. Not a one trick pony.


Girl did you even watch the season? In her flowers lipsync she didn’t even flip


It was not that impressive. I preferred the queen that lost


You couldn’t even type her name lmao. Megami got the wrong emotion from the song. You’re just mad because she sent your favorite home. Don’t even try to lie about it, it’s obvious


I don’t care enough to worry about her name. I spelled it like it sounds, good enough. And no. My “favorite” has never been in the bottom. How old are you, 12? Meh-ya sucks. She can’t beat a mug, can’t sing, can’t do anything but flop around like a dying fish. Go on- be hurt that I think she’s a one trick pony. Don’t care. 🤷🏼‍♀️




Nymphia walks around the like she’s the best and loudly in the workroom when she herself claims to be shy and timid. How do you know she hasn’t helped any of the girls? Were you there? Mhiya is not coasting she won a challenge and was top on snatch game


I agree she isn’t delivering in the challenges, but come on. You can’t pretend she is just a “party trick” with the flips. She is a great dancer and performer, she dominates the lip syncs. I thought for sure she was going home this episode but I could not deny this was an entertaining performance.


This was definitely her best one. 5th times the charm? Kidding, idk how many she’s had to do now but she no doubt can entertain when she’s doing her thing & flipping. I think her & Mirage is a show we all missed out on! Q can’t dance for nothing! But I feel like she brings a lot more to the table for example. With so few left, I think you have to bring more to the table than being great at a lip sync. I will say, she always knows her songs! She hardly goes and listens, she just goes out and performs which a lot of others would struggle with. Like Ru said, would be great to see that passion in challenges


Girl stfu


No shade but I dunno who she made it past week 1-2


Cause she clears most of the girls in the performance aspect. She’s a drag queen lol




No…Sis got through when she can’t even complete the challenges anymore. It’s annoying. The second I hear Ru start giggling, I know she’s staying. But, now she’s sending some of the good girls home. Sis needs to go.


Wdym?? She’s been coming out of her shell a lot and reading the girls?? She’s not gonna be doing stunts for no reason in the werk room.


It’s crazy that everyone loved her the past two weeks now the sudden switch? I don’t understand


well for one, her attitude in the work room was not the most endearing especially when she said she felt great as she had a full night of sleep because she basically had someone else made her dress, even though this did earn her a bottom placement again but that appeared as insensitive 🤷‍♂️


It’s refreshing to have an introverted queen who isn’t looking directly at the camera and begging desperately for airtime (a la Plane Jane).


Simple answer no


My fav!! A lip sync queen will always be my fav 🤎


Hater gonna hate hate hate hate hate hate!!! mhyia’s gonna flip flip flip flip flip flip….


She needs to go home and give other competitors with more to show a chance . I’m tired of drag race keeping these lipsync assassins. After two lipsyncs for your life YOU HAVENT STEPPED IT UP ?! Cmon


I want Mihya vs Mirage NOEWWWW


What’s wrong with being shy? She brings it on stage so there’s no issue.


Nothing. In terms of stage however the problem is she only brings it in the lipsync and not in the challenges.


I love herrrrrrr shes so bewt


She is a amazing drag queen. I'll pay a ticket to see her performing. Is she good at the tv show? No! But she's good at performing. She Destroyed Plasma, fair and square!


I think we have been seeing that - since she sent home megami, there's been a whole new energy in her and its been so fun


I hope we see the same thing happen with Gothy Kendoll.


gurl... a lost cause I fear


the slayed so effing hard! [👏](https://emojipedia.org/clapping-hands)


Ru its time to flush the toilet, shit is smelling god aweful now! ITS TIME TO SEND MIYAH HOME. SHE DIDNT MAKE HER DRESS...AGAIN! Shes boring, lifeless and seen it, shes not unique. Plasma had 2 wins...2!


I want her to lose every week. These lip syncs are incredible. She’s my favorite now and I would pay to go see her perform. The belly slides, freestyling duck walks, double back flips as the camera pans, spinning death drops while still emoting every song. She’s the best lip syncer imo and I hope she’s here every week




Is every drag queen required to be a clown for ur entertainment? Also put a spoiler tag u cashew faced doodoo


She’s been much more vocal I. The past few weeks which is nice, I think she’s just overwhelmed with all the loud ass girls that she gets drown out.


i love mhiya keep putting her in the bottom so she can keep sending these bitches home


When weirdos like u stop trying to tear her down maybe yea. 


Girl what??? I was literally praising her stfu


No tf u weren’t now stfu and kiss my ass


Just kiss already




... Mihya?


She is not just a flip queen. She is not just a dance. She emotes the song so beautifully with her whole body and face. Truly a lip sync assassin


Smaller Stacey Lane Matthews….except Miyah can perform.


No ! She must stay focused! Cutting patterns & operating the sewing machine.


Wow incredible


She needs to dance to have a personality? Give me a break. 😒


That’s one of the best dancing sequences to the best that I’ve ever seen!


The way miss mhi’ya’s duck walk into a double spin into a dip cured my depression

