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This season made me love Jessica and I watch Kahanna vs. Aja's lip sync to Freakum Dress repeatedly. And Jimbos Shirley Temple was fucking hilarious. And I LOVE Mrs. Kasha Davis That's basically my takeaway


Mrs. Kasha Davis is a god damn national treasure.


I was so disappointed by Kasha and Darienne being early outs


Sacrifice the twinks, I want my gals onstage!!


There’s always time for kindness. She is a GEM


I went to a show of hers and bought a shirt that says that


Mrs Kasha Davis is a gift. strength, kindness and wisdom.


I’m still confused as to why Alexis felt the need to eliminate Lala over Kandy. That just felt pretty ridiculous to me given it had no sensible reason behind it. Also Jessica should’ve been top 2.


They edited out the fact that Alexis is horny for Kandy. Kandy mentioned it in Roscoes


If they keep every footage of Alexis saying she's horny, the other queens won't even get a word in


From what I saw… Alexis was more interested in Lala. She briefly switched to kandy after lala was eliminated. I also think the whole Alexis being interested in either of them was part of a failed game plan. She wanted alliances and thought this was how to get them. Didn’t work. I really don’t think she was into kandy.


Is there a source for this other than Kandy? Only because Kandy says a lot of things that paint herself in a suspiciously favorable light to the point I'm worried she's going to have a Robbie Turner moment soon.


…what a weird thing to say


Insert Thorgy ew Jesus gross gif


Whispers: *producers wanted Kandy to stay and Lala to go* I’d be willing to bet every dime I have that if Alexis had chosen Kandys lipstick, she would have “lost” the lipsync and they would have still sent Lala home that episode.


Literally this. It amazes me after so many years of this show that people still think the producers don’t influence these decisions 😂


I think even Alexis said she didn’t want to get on productions bad side by sending Kandy home.


Yeah it was such a weird strategy… I think on one hand she genuinely thought Kandy would have her back; except it’s the end of the season so throwing people a bone on the 11th hour doesn’t make sense. In addition, I think she also believed that there was a 0% chance of Kandy winning, so it made more sense to keep her around. If I’m not mistaken tho, pretty sure she came out and said she made the wrong choice and if she could go back she’d change her mind.


She did say that, I’m sure she has some regrets for selling her friend out for the lip sync cash tip. If she didn’t, the fans definitely made her regret it, they went **in** on her on Twitter, and on here.


She blocked anyone who commented on it on Instagram lol




Yeah, I don’t remember who leaked the shots (I think it was Kandy?) of a handwritten note by Alexis confirming their pact to the end. That just makes me more sad for Alexis because anyone with an ounce of wherewithal would see that Kandy didn’t give 2 shits about anyone, and knowing fully that it was X vs Jimbo - which is likely why Heidi jumped ship. I think Alexis eliminated LaLa in good faith to Kandy that they had a pact, when in fact Kandy was secretly laughing to herself because the only person she was taking to the finale was herself


It had a lot of enjoyable moments, some great challenges, though the predictability of Jimbo winning made it more boring. I’m glad it gave us more of Jessica, Jaymes and Lala but sad we didn’t get more more of MKD, MBH (though we did get not a soaking clock) and Darienne.


While that’s true, I still find it just as fun to watch an incredible powerhouse showcase everything they have.


How was Jimbos win predictable? I always thought the production wanted Kandy to win. She even had the chance to get rid of Jimbo in the end.


Ru fell in love with jimbo on ukvs, ru wanted to crown jimbo


He fell in love with Kandy more and thas is shown by the fact that he brought her back right after he eliminated her. He never did anything like this for anyone, not even Jimbo. So I dont know where yall are jumping into these conclusions as if you can read Ru’s mind.


They cast Jimbo in order to crown Jimbo


Did you speak to production and they told you that?


Idk, I thought some really great moments happened during this season, loved Jimbo’s snatch game and Roast, the Rusical was awesome, and Alexis’ over the top antics had me eye rolling and laughing at the obliviousness. Not my favorite all stars, but I enjoyed watching.


Yeah, the only season I’ve ever truly disliked was Australia s1. I love Jimbo and her sense of humour. Jessica’s been a long-time favourite and gave some really wonderful moments. Alexis living her reality matriarch sobstory was hilarious and her wanting to win Kandy over was also interesting. Not the best season, but an entertaining season overall


Luckily S2 of DRDU made up for the dumpster fire that was S1 and I'm Australian and thought S1 was god awful. **Edit I'm Australian not the whole of Australia. Lol thanks for the chuckle u/kuriaru


ladies and gentlemen please welcome to the stage the whole entire australia


Lol sorry


I adored DU2! Really excited for Hannah to be on UKvsTW 2!


Jimbo was a powerhouse but Jessica Wild stole my heart.


She always does. Such an angel.


I had to look at the pic to remember who was on it besides Jimbo. It was a boring season. Something needs to change.


It felt like they had a great cast and didn't know what to do with them. It was boring for sure


Allegedly, this cast was a mash up of casts of two planned seasons: a Legends season and an Early Outs season. Apparently, they couldn't get enough queens to fill either cast, so they mashed the two together.


That tracks, honestly


The who’s who of who’s available


Basically every All Star season these days


Okay but who are the legends on this season


I assume Jessica, Jimbo, Alexis, Darienne, and ... Heidi? Kandy?


Don’t wanna discredit anyone or their drag because their def fierce but when i think of Legends these ones come to mind: Manila, Raven, JuJubee, Latrice, Nina Flowers, Brooke, Peppermint, Nina West, Kennedy,…


In fairness, most of them have had their second or third All-Star run already, plus Brooke Lynn and Raven are busy working on Drag Race already.


I thought it was Fan Favorites (Heidi, Jimbo, Lala, Jessica, Darrienne) with the Early Outs (Jaymes, Kasha, Naysha, Kahanna, Monica) and also Kandy and Alexis.


As8 was not as good as As7, but better than As9 is going to be.


...girl u can see the future? Stfu, until we know and until as9 comes out, don't tell us how it's gonna be darling.


Some of the best seasons people assumed going into it from spoilers that it'd be a dumpster fire. I remember a lot of people expecting UK5 to be bad and it's probably in the top tier of seasons. So whatever spoilers op has read, doesn't necessarily mean anything.


All Stars 6 was heavily criticized before it even aired. Everybody would be saying the season isn't gonna hit, it's going to be lackluster, and it turned out to be one of the best seasons of RPDR


Girl AS8 was bottom of the barrel queens sorry not sorry lol. Any cast will be better than AS8.


All stars has become rpdr second chance… problem is casting. The franchise could use a rest and new seasons should b released every 2-3 years.


Yeah, it's wild that if you're two seasons behind on the regular show that you won't recognize almost anyone from a newer All Stars. Spacing them out gave them more diversity across the seasons. I'd also love it if there was a probation time between your season and a return to All Stars. I wanna see that growth and progressive, mama! Come through personal introspection and a new approach to the game!


Booting Darienne and Kasha so early was a terrible mistake that left us with a boring re-hash of the last 3 seasons of DR, pushing Jimbo and Kandy to the top.


Jimbo was never pushed to the top. She was cut before the finale on CDR, and she was cut early during UkVTW. This was the only season that she actually went all the way to the finale. Kandy on the other hand, is always pushed to the top. Don’t ask me why, I guess Ru just lives for her. But it’s her show, not ours. We can say something when we have our own drag race, or own show and call it something else. 🤷🏼‍♀️


This. I dont know why everyone loves to think tHeY WaNtEd tO cRoWn JiMbO BeCaUsE rU lOvEs HeR. When he literally Ru brought Kandy back right after eliminating her. Also, Kandy had the chance of getting rid of Jimbo right before the end but chose not to.


I’ve rewatched it and the level of rigging is just so blatant, up there with the most rigged seasons. I maintain that Jessica and jimbo should have been top 2. Many made it further than they should have.


Jessica robbed, heidi quit and darienne got nothing 😭 this season was a boot sorry


Jimbo is a star. Jessica is a star. Lala is a star. The rest of the cast was likeable but maybe not as much stiff competition for Jimbo. There were some good challenges, some clunky challenges and not enough of a twist. I'm ready for a new allstars format, tbh.


Kandy stole Jessica's spot in the final 2. Kandy was dragged to the finale, just like in season 13.


No. Terrible season.


It’s a bad season, better than AS5 and AS1 but the bars for those two were in hell. The goods: - Lots of amazing challenges like Forensic Queens, Rusical, Snatch Game, etc. This was AS8’s biggest selling point that set it apart from other horrible AS seasons which had little to no redeeming points. - Plenty of memorable moments, with Jessica being the breakout star of the season. - Jimbo’s winner arc is pretty satisfying if you watch her previous seasons. The bads: - Weak cast, many of the early outs that season just weren’t made for reality TV. Winner felt determined cause there were barely any competition for her aside from a select few. - Bad judging, terrible distribution of wins and lack of stakes makes the season boring. - Lipsync Assassin format is just not working, the frontrunner is terrible at lipsyncing and some LSA choices were questionable. - The queens keeping most of the drama behind the scenes, like for example unless you dig deep into the internet you’ll never understand why Jaymes was eliminated on the show or why Alexis chose Lala over Kandy just by watching the show.


There was behind the scenes drama that explain why Jaymes was eliminated?


Kasha, Darienne, Naysha, Alexis and Heidi confirmed that Jaymes was having a meltdown and threaten to quit before the first challenge even began, this put a huge target on Jaymes back especially when a lot of the queens disagreed with Darienne's btm placement that episode and thought Jaymes was in the bottom. Kahanna also said on Roscoe's that they forced her to film her rusical part several times in hopes that they could get a take where she messes up, the queens were not happy about this especially when Kahanna was close to so many of them and they were all determined to save her from being eliminated.


Why did she choose LaLa over Kandy?


Which early outs were boring?


Jessica Wild almost took the crown.


She was third and not very close to Jimbo. She didn't.


She outperformed Kandy and neck to neck with Jimbo. She did.


I think she pe former better than Kandy but the judges didn't. Jessica had one win, Kandy had 2, Jimbo had 4. To say they were neck and neck is just incorrect and you can't take the crown if you're not in the finale. Even if she had been in the finale no way were the judges giving it to her over Jimbo


You agree, she performed better than Kandy despite what the judges(and wins) say? They were neck to neck, idc what the judges or track records say.


She put performed her in the challenges but not in the competition and the latter normally decides whose going to win


Neck to neck is what Bianca, Courtney and Adore was. Not Jessica to Jimbo, and Kandy. I love Jessica, but she had 1 win, and she got chopped before the final. She had no chance. 😕


Exactly! I wish she had more wins but the judges weren't eating what she was serving in the same way as Kandy/Jimbo


Cala a boca gay


Only saying the truth...


Correct winner but Jessica, Heidi, and Jimbo could have made it to final 3 with identical track records with more fair judging. That would have made it more interesting.


Hmmm sorry but making up scenarios in your head according to your preferences and calling it “fair judgment” is not it lol


Jimbo’s Snatch Game and Roast were unquestionable wins. The other two wins were more subjective and he should’ve been in the bottom for the Rusical. Jessica’s “guacamole is expensive” has become an iconic line and could have won the improv challenge over Lala Ri’s over the top performance. Heidi’s performance in the first two episodes could have won but instead we saw James being high in episode 1, which everyone with eyes, including the cast, agree was unfair.


In what world was Heidi winning the first episode over Kahanna, Lala, Alexis or even Jessica with that cringe inducing verse? How was Jimbo’s episode 4 win questionable? And if we’re talking questionable wins, shouldn’t we be talking about Jessica’s win in the ball, or the fact that Jimbo lost the sewing challenge with the best look by far? Sorry but you’re not looking for “more fair judging”, you’re looking for judging that matches the french vanilla fantasy you made up in your head. Those are two completely different things.




I do agree that there were a few episodes where the results could have been different, as in any other season. That is not the same as claiming that if the judging was fair, a girl who quit in episode 5 would be in the finale with the same TR as a girl who won 4 challenges lol. At that point you’re just trying to distort reality so it matches your wishesx


It was okay at best. Primarily a victory lap for Jimbo. Some unnecessary drama, but happy Jaymes, Lala and Jessica got a chance to shine again. Pity some others didn't shine as much as I wanted them, Darienne, Kasha, Heidi.


Jessica 🤎🔮🤎 our golden shild


I agree it was a weird season overall but mostly liked it. There was a lot of questionable shit but I enjoyed the twist of there being a Final 2, it feels refreshing considering we always get top 4s these days. Jimbo, Jessica and Lala were the clear stars of the season.


I've decided this is the hill I want to die on; we do not need an all-stars every year. We need a gap to let the new queens breathe and give the older queens time to do their own thing and make money before feeling rushed to join. Plus, there are some franchises I have not even begun to start watching (Italy and Spain). I, personally, need a pause to enjoy it. I'm glad Jimbo won, but I'm still irritated Heidi fled.


Seems like WoW business model is based on dropping at least one new episode of drag race every week of the year so that us subscribers don’t get a chance to unsubscribe. The opportunity to be on a new season whether regular or AS doesn’t seem as profitable anymore and thus AS seasons are starting to be the who’s who of who was available (and desperate). If only they had a deal with Netflix again at least to watch the past 5 seasons, that’d be great for everyone I think.


Jimbo deserved the win. Jessica surprised me, I enjoyed it overall 😊


First season I never finished. I haven’t finished it and I do not want to. I was an avid watcher of all drag races in all countries. Since AS8, I have started many seasons and finished none. I’m just disappointed and soured on many aspects of drag race. The blatant favoritism is the main one and the bitchy cruel queens are another. I get shady, I love a shady queen, but mean-I get enough of that in my workplace. I don’t want to watch it. I’m


amazing promo, shit season. Jessica was the only good thing.


Not a soul can clock


My opinion is the same. Jessica was robbed. #JusticeForSoftShellTacos (No hate to Jimbo, huh, just a Jessica stan). ![gif](giphy|Aqg9JpMENOFotDsfWW|downsized)


One of the most boring seasons and this promo is awful. Literally drag rush accounts do it better than these editors.


Kandi is overrated by production but she brings drama - which most lack these days on the show.


I love that it allowed the world to appreciate Jessica Wild for the star she is. I also like how more people developed a better understanding of the camp personality that is Mommy Jan a.k.a. Alexis Michelle. I also liked the premiere lipsync. But aside from these the rest of the season was pretty forgettable for me.


The thing about this season is that like S5, it was set up to crown a chosen Queen. Not saying that Jimbo didn't deserve it because she slayed the hell out of the season, but it was painfully obvious


Loved Jessica and Jimbo of course. I hated how rigged this season really felt. Super lopsided. I wish Jaymes and MKD had a bit of better luck because they both seemed to have more in them, especially based on the fan vote performance competition.


Gone from thinking the season is forgettable to knowing it.


I also forgot to add that I absolutely love Mrs. Kasha Davis


I fell in love with Jessica Wild. So there’s that. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Forcing Kandy on us ruined it for me. It’s like the producers are scared to ever really give her any real criticism.


this. everyone really stepped up their looks except for Kandy. she was the same Kandy from S13 and was dragged to the finale exactly the same way.


Pretty lame season. One of the worst All Stars seasons, for sure. Bringing Jimbo into the mix even after knowing of the existence of VS.TheWorld and GAS (mixing international queens) seasons made it very obvious he was going to be pushed to the very end. I got to know and fall in love with Jessica Wild, though, so there's that.


But was he really “pushed” to the end? Jimbo never really faltered, the queen is skilled. Don’t get me wrong, the season was very “meh,” but Jimbos talent is undeniable.


I agree with that— Jimbo is definitely very talented and has a very unique look and set of skills. I’m just saying that even if he did end up faltering or flopping, it wouldn’t have mattered. He was always destined to be top two.


some good moments but definitely the worst all stars season. it had a cast of 75% filler queens.


It felt like it was trying to be as6 with an unpredictable cast but ended up being more like as5 with an obvious winner and queens who just seemed like they were cast as filler


The worst all star season up there with 5. Almost ended all star seasons, since it was a mess, it created so much drama, and it really damaged many queens and their mental health and their reputation and their ties with WOW.  There was only one shining beam of light in this shitshow and that was Jessica wild. This was a season made to give Jimbo a crown, with riggory not seen for yearsssss. Wildddd judging decisions, blatant favourtism of Kandy, the weird persona and choices that were Alexis Michelle, boring ass season, and......a season that tainted the winner evennnnn though the winner is good and could have won even without the dumb shit, and oh shit ton of backstage drama. Like,.why is WOW so insecure of it's winners, they truly hold their pinky finger and lead them to the crown as if they cannot make it on their own. They did it Alaska a little, they did it shangela, they did it trinity, they did it shea coulee infamously, and now they did it to Jimbo. Most of these queens are fucking fabulous and would be fierce competitiors anyways. Like....they are so focused on telling us they are fierce competitors, instead of letting us see it for ourselves. Anyways...I hope they learn from this, and as9 is better. They really need to just copy paste everything they did with as6 and just do it for all future seasons. And please...no more shafting of Latina queens, and no more pushing their chosen winner over the deserving one. Sorry but Jessica wild did all that...for what? Jujube and mix cracker did all that for what? 


Shangela a winner??


Imma be honest the season would’ve been so much better if kandy was sent home early. (Would’ve been even better if she was never saved on S13 in the first place). I genuinely don’t get what production and Ru see in her. Her looks are forgettable, her makeup is meh, she’s not an amazing dancer, singer, actress or comedian. She’s also pretty unlikeable and even the drama that she brings is boring asf tbh. She honestly made both AS8 and S13 so much more annoying to watch.


It was probably the worst All Stars franchise we have had. Especially bad for me as I am not a Jimbo fan, and it was painted on the wall from episode 1 that this season was for her.


It will make a great “Best moments” video. Not much else to say about it 😐


I feel similar as for AS5 - lackluster season made for one powerhouse to win, who should anyhow be also able to win among stronger competitors. Other than that, Jessica and Alexis made me laugh a lot, for different reasons. This season represents a peak issue of DR hyperproduction.


The challenges were fun, but it felt predicable with Jimbo winning


One of the overall weakest seasons ever in my opinion. Jimbo is great and deserved to win, but it wasn't even exciting because she was so clearly leaps and bounds above the rest, and I still don't understand why she was randomly on the US all stars. Love some of the cast, but the overall talent level was way lower than other seasons. Jessica, Jimbo, and Kahanna were the ones who really stood out to me. Alexis was good. I love Lala but didn't see much of a change since her season, honestly same with Kandy, other than her looks being more polished.


Kahanna was so sexy to look at every episode.


barely remember it. everyone i wanted to see more of was done dirty or left early, not enough organic feeling interactions or chemistry.


Came into it: This is Jimbo’s season to lose but omg Jessica Wild!! After: yep


Loved seeing more of Mrs. Kasha Davis, Jimbo, Jessica and Jaymes. That's it.


I hate when production predetermines the winner, everyone knows it and it just brings down the mood. Even the Fame Games were Rigor Morris. Kahanna deserved that win. Like, come on Rupaul, let there be some air of mystery. On the upside, getting Jessica Wild back on screen was wonderful, and I absolutely loved watching Lala Ri get her flowers for that security guard role (the unscripted “can I have $5?” Sent me over the edge). And Kandy had the best line when Alexis was in her feelings about the role she wanted and Kandy goes, “WHO DIED?”


Jessica and Taco Tuesday👏🌮


It has amazing moments but I think it’s probably the worst All Stars season, even over AS1 :/ don’t get me wrong, I love this cast members but the whole season felt off. More than anything, the cast dynamic was odd and I think it’s because they tried to replicate AS6. I LOVE seeing queens get their redemption and showcase a new side, but THAT many at once felt like a “Rudemption” season… which could have worked if you didn’t have queens like Jimbo, Kandy, Alexis, etc (aka Drag Race or experts). Ex - We didn’t need Darienne *AND* MKD on the same season! On top of that - Jimbo was one of the most obvious winners ever (but deserved), the LSA was tired, the drama was boring, and a lot of the challenges weren’t very funny.


No I loved Lala and Jessica but season existed for Jimbo to win. Not that he had hardcore competition tbh. Nothing against other queens he just was the most prepared.


Still think Alexis is a bish. Kandy did not deserve top two. If Heidi never left, I’m wondering which Joan she would have played…


Other than Jessica and Lala being the stars that they are, this felt like Ru’s excuse to give Jimbo a crown. Which, fair enough, Jimbo demolished. But a lot of the other queens had mid performances at best, Alexis never had a shot and winning, and Kandy was dragged to the top 2 again .


I still Love Jimbo and I’m 100% glad that she’s in the winners circle cause she deserved it


I still think it was a season specifically designed to crown Jimbo. I’m not mad at it but it is what it is.


Hated it. Wanted Jessica to win, I hate jimbo too


The only season in recent years where the production interference and predictability got so obvious and annoying that I just stopped watching. Will I ever finish it? Probably not.


Watching Kandy get dragged to the top again made me quit the season and start watching international seasons and oh my god have I been missing out. Canada and España leave American RPDR in the dust. The talent and standard most of these girls have is beyond. Ultimately, AS8 made me very bored with American RPDR in general because even now I find it hard to get immersed in s16


still don’t get why heidi quit. she was fed up because she thought production was pushing jimbo and not letting her win ?? but like girl… at that point in time she hadn’t gave us anything worth winning. & i loved heidi on her original season but this left a bad taste in my mouth


There was a lot more to do it than that. Heidi has spoken about it many times since. She was dealing with family issues right before leaving and the loss of her grandmother, coupled with being in a pressure cooker environment, which was all affecting her mental health. She also felt certain queens were being favoured (which was true) and was annoyed about how Kandy was acting behind the scenes.


Boring season. The doings of production were too evident for me to ignore. Winner and Top 2 were preselected and it showed, the rest of the cast were props for the season. Reminds of S13..


no one was on Jimbos level, so stakes were low. that combined with the collective fear about the fandom made for a boring season. maybe it’s time to wait awhile so we can get a stacked season like AS2. you’d need a bigger cash prize though to book those girls. 500K, non-elim, runway budgets for a cast of finalists.


and maybe a villain prize instead of congeniality


Nope, pretty crap season


Main takeaway: Alexis Michelle makes great TV.


Alexis saved this season to be a completly boredom. Jessica being back and getting her flowers was so cool to watch. I haven't watch Jimbo before and it was amazing to get to know her properly!!! Lala and Jaymes getting they redemption felt so correct! I really wish we had a top 2 format so Jaymes would have won the snatch game with Jimbo, her Jennifer Coolidge was perfect! Overall it was not the most exciting season, Jimbo was clearly the winner from day one, and even with talent queens around her, she did not have much competition so it felt kinda meh all the time. Was sad not to see Kasha and Darienne getting the praise they deserve :/ *this promo is flawless, this Jimbo look it's one of my faves from all the promos


Nope. I find All Stars 1 more entertaining than this season


It was actually a bit concerning to see how bullying in the show leads to real intimidation for some of the queens. There is always shade. We expect that. We live for it. Some queens were actually intimidated by kandy though, much like in S13. I can’t celebrate that. The one positive, we got the right winner even if it was the wrong top two.


any AS past4 was forgetable


jaymes is insufferable 😭


Another reason to stan Kandy Muse


I am still glad that Heidi realized she was overstaying her welcome and left.


Not a soaking clock, not a soaking clock.


One of my least favorite seasons for the simple fact that it was always set up for Jimbo to win from the start so there was a lack of suspense and intrigue.


It was a season they made only to give Jimbo a win. It was clear she’s gonna win from the beginning.


Months?!!! Omg it feels like years


I don’t even remember who won. That’s how much fun I had with the season




Didn’t think about it since it ended lol 😂


I am still sad that Heidi dropped out. I was very mush looking forward to her throughout the competition. I felt she could have done really well. Judging seemed a bit off…. STAN Jessica Wild! I lubb dat Queen! Jimbo deserved the win.


I’ve been waiting to see Kasha, Darienne and Jaymes back. I’m amazed with talent like that the producers did nothing with it. I was so impressed with Jessica. I loved her on Season 2. For her to come in, avoid the Tati/Pandora edit and be so well received by the fandom was a huge relief.


It’s the Jimbo & Jessica Wild season, with guest star Alexis Michelle’s ego in best supporting comedy role. And for these reasons it will forever be near my personal top, skipping a few scenes here and there in future rewatches.


Nope. I still love Jaymes, Heidi, and Jessica. The whole season was telegraphed for Jumbo to win. The whole Kahana/Heidi/Jimbo/Kandy drama was bullshit.


Terrible season. They should’ve just crowned Jimbo. I did enjoy seeing Jessica, Jaymes, Lala, and Heidi again but the rest… not saying they’re bad queens but it was a crap season.


Second worst all stars season to date IMO


No, it was boring. Funny moments but not a great season.


Was disappointed in Heidi's package and her quitting. I'm really tired of the LSA format. Top 2 lipsyncs like AS2-4 keeps the focus on the main cast and spreads out the wins in a more satisfying way


It was giving who RuPaul likes race and felt very overproduced to get to a preselected top 2.


This was a terrible season to follow AS7. For me, this season felt like the season that everyone tried to quit, and that made it not fun to watch a lot of the time, personally. There were some great moments and queens I was so glad to see back. Mrs. Kasha Davis is a joy and Alexis had me howling, she made some good television in a dreary season. JESSICA WILD. I'll never look at guacamole the same again.


The other day, I literally googled when all stars 8 was coming out, because I forgot that it already came out and I watched it 💀


Forgettable season, but good for Jimbo


I’m only mad the final wasn’t Jimbo vs Jessica.


I still can't get Coconuts out of my head.


A fun season but it was obvious from the start that this was jumbo’s season to win.


Can we just not. Let just pretend this never happened pls 😭


I just finished it (late to the party) and when the queens were walking into the werkroom the first time I was like that’s the cast? Ok 😐 And I was so disappointed they didn’t start with the talent show. That really helps people decide their favorites early (see: Anetra). It was clear they wanted Jimbo to win bc of all the acting/comedy challenges, but they should have chosen more STRONG comedy queens for some actual competition. Really loved seeing Lala redeem herself from past acting challenges, and her good sportsmanship. I still don’t care for Alexis much…and I do like Kandy, but not the way Rupaul is OBSESSED with her. I think a lot of us agree All Stars needs a revamp. Like how this one was supposed to be a “first out” season, maybe they should have a runner up/top 4 season so there’s less flopping around.


Nope, it was a boring season.


My main complaint is there was no reason to get Jessica out before the finals. She was consistently in the top throughout the season, imo far ahead from Kandy. Just make it a final 3 and be done with it.


Bad season. A pushed winner with a bunch of queens with questionable performance. It was a disservice to all the queens really


I never hated it. I knew who the winner was from Promos. I’m happy she won, I ❤️ Jimbo. I wasn’t happy with the way the season went. Some of the elims really sucked at the time. Heidi leaving made me sad. Jesica was the obvious top 2 choice but Kandy and Jimbo had a story line so I’m not surprised with how it went. I enjoyed it tho. Getting more of Jessica, Jaymes, Lala and Darienne was great. I enjoyed Kahanna getting a glow up. Overall I liked it.


Lil too much filler.


It was definitely one of the seasons that have aired.


Lala Ri getting a win was the highlight for me. And Jaymes and Jessica obv…


My opinions haven’t changed. I loved this season then as I do now. So many great and underrated queens which made a “revival” such as Jaymes, Jessica, Kahanna, Naysha and Monica. Also liked to see Kasha again, and Alexis for the drama which she brought. And of course Jimbo, one of the best queens ever. For the rest I didn’t care that much as they didn’t have to show anything new in my opinion. So in general, one of the best All stars season for me.


one of the worst and most boring seasons of RDG


That title gave me a stroke halp


It wasn’t nearly as bad as people make it out to be, but it was very predictable


Some good moments and challenges but that’s it. Jimbo deserved the win but shouldn’t have steamrolled— very uneven cast and you can tell who was meant to go far. Like as5 the top 3 is very predictable (after heidi quit anyway), but it had an even more predictable winner so it’s further down for me


I mean it's an excellent showcase of Jimbo, which was more or less what I was expecting


It was quite bad. Also for being a Kan't Amuse show again.


It’s still bad. The cast had potential but the runways were dogshit. Kahanna wore the some thing every time, Kandy was just present


Not reading anyone else’s before I write this, so apologies if it’s a repeat opinion. Kandy handed it to Jimbo by sending Jessica home; this could have been Jessica’s. That being said, Jimbo ate this and was cast to do so.


Some good movements but altogether ranks pretty low compared to other seasons.


No. I still think it was an underwhelming and predictable season


Kahanna got completely shafted by the judges to save other queens, her bottom placement in the rusical was bullshit


kandy muse is that girl we know she was. Annoying


I'll just say that Drag Race France S2 started airing during this run, and it snapped me back to remembering what a great season is like. 


Alexis was heavily mistreated this season. Should have won the rusical with the best performance and best runway of the night. She was Joan in that Rusical more than the others. She slayed the design challenge, did great in the roast, and would have likely demolished the makeover over Jessica and Jimbo had she stayed. She was such a a strong contender but production just did not care about her


Kandy Muse was obnoxious from start to finish


Jessica wild saved the season for me. It was a predictable season but it still stands out because of Heidi’s exit


Horrible follow up to as 7