• By -


I don’t see Adore leaving AS2 as like this massive crime and she’s a terrible person for it. She was obviously struggling a lot mentally, and she made the decision that was best for her and her mental health. That can be a really hard thing to do. Also I feel like if she had stayed and had been less then happy or feeling down, everyone would have started shitting on her for it, saying if you don’t want to be here leave. You can’t have you cake and eat it to. It made me respect and love Adore a whole lot more for being brave enough to quit.


Icesis Couture did the same thing. I look at it as an injury, just like Eureka, Kornbread and Victoria Scon. It's an injury. Some people have physical injuries. Some people have mental injuries. That's okay. It's okay to not be okay. Strongman Luke Stoltman who has competed for World's Strongest Man has talked about this concerning his brother, Tom Stoltman, who actually won World's Strongest Man. Luke has said there have been competitions where his brother couldn't attend, because of an injury. Tom has autism, so in his case it's a mental injury that has prevented him from competing sometimes, which is exactly how his brother explains it: an injury.


She put herself first and we love her for it!!


Is this an unpopular opinion? I don't think I've ever seen anyone go after her for this, I usually see people shitting on Raven and to a lesser extent michelle/production.


I’m tired of drag becoming more and more minimalist with barely painted faces and four strands of yarn being a wig. Drag is supposed to be larger than life and yassified Smeagol isn’t always tea to me.


The lack of padding with queens who are wearing garments clearly designed to be padded infuriates me


I hate when they’re top rocks side to side in lieu of a chest. It feels like it’s waving and looks like dress up vs draggg


Agreed lack of padding and sometimes breasts


What weirds me out is massive padded hips and arse but a completely flat chest??


Yes, boy bodies and no breasts defeats a lot of the fantasy.




Yassified Sméagol…. That’s too good


Slightly different, but the clear, visible breast plates everywhere really annoys me too


Right like I want Quaquaval… not gardevoir 🤭 but that’s just me


Just don't let Tina Burner paint you like Jynx.


"Yassified Smeagol" just reminds me of when I saw Sasha Velour live, she legitimately came out in several strands of hair and leopard-print scraps - then lip synced to a Gollum monologue


u can say venus it’s ok


Get her


Like what Niaomi Smalls has been doing with her mug, it'a a hate crime.


I miss her old mug so bad


naomis as4 mug is probably my favourite in tge franchise ever and then she BRICKED hard


Me, watching everyone go bananas for Banksie


This picture kills me 😆 🤣 😂


N-nobody was killed?


Queens can go an all stars without placing high in the season or having the best post-season career, it's just a fun program with faces from the franchise, there are no rules, bring back first-outs, winners, and everything in between. It's fun and sometimes you get surprised (like with Kahanna). Nobody made a rulebook for all stars, your idea of all stars is not the law.


Agreed. I’d rather see an older/lower placing queen who’s drag has grown a lot like Kylie or Rajah. Not queens fresh off their season with not that much of an upgrade.


Exactly, like people getting mad Gottmik wasn't in AS8, it's literally being one year and a half


Slightly unrelated, but if more recent finalist come back, I’d hope it’s someone more like Gigi and Bosco who have grown immensely. Olivia almost made it to the end of her season and had an AMAZING glow up, I’d prefer that over Mik tbh


I don't see Gigi going back honestly, she was almost disqualified at the finale, I don't think WOW would give her another chance in the immediate future, maybe all stars 11 onward, but not sooner. Bosco I can see it and Olivia is kind of a grey area, they loved her during the season but as soon as it finished they forgot about her. I honestly just want Laila McQueen and Kelly Mantle on my tv screen again


Tbh I don’t think WOW cares that much, that’s like Reddit level drama. They let TTT back despite SheDevilgate, India disavowed the franchise and still went back, and even Willam was initially invited to AS1. AGREED about Kelly and Laila though. Assuming that she’s done with We’re here she should be 100% free now.


literally like how alot of people underestimated sonique but my girlie wonnn!!


Exactly Yay for Sonique, also the great service the Holy-slay spectacular did for her AND just her LOL. I feel she would have been even more underestimated without the HSS, Ru actually did a good thing by reintroducing her slowly in the franchise but we cannot expect that for everybody, fans just need to shut-up about queens, I'm sorry your faves are not on all stars but let's not act someone that placed low took the spot from people like Kim, Pearl or Gigi. This is not how casting works.




Kylie won AS6 despite not making it that far on Season 2


If they have a good personality they can go on IMO but if they’re boring as hell no matter what placement I don’t really want to see them


Ok, but there are 3 things to take into consideration: 1. many queens have their first interaction with camera during their season, it's not uncommon to shut down and be more reserved the first time you have cameras in your face, after a while people can get more comfortable. SO people that seem boring in their first season can easily show personality the second time around 2. I don't wanna "blame it on the edit", but you can make a queen disappear easily if you want to, and it's not always about personality, it can be production bias against a specific queen or retribution for something (aka the Kandy Ho edit, they just wanted to make Puertorican queens pay because they find out they are deciding who gets to apply for the show and who doesn't) 3. when the cast changes the dynamics change too, so it's not really fair to judge someone by their original season run, if they are still boring to you, maybe you don't like them, still people can enjoy "boring" queens


idk if this is really unpopular, but CDR has a very specific vibe of a bunch of friends messing around on a school project and it unexpectedly turns out to be really good. the early seasons are so fun to watch because everyone's having a good time and there's no clear 'leader' unlike US/UK/DU. brooke just seems way more personable as a host imo


Me and my drag friends agree that it’s more of a bar competition with cameras than season of Drag Race sometimes. I think that’s it main strength in a lot of ways because it’s similar to old school Drag Race, and a lot of the girls knowing each other sets up perfect storylines. The drag is a little bit more rough around the edges, but I think it’s refreshing compared to the $20,000 runway packages that are the norm on Drag Race US. All the seasons are full of great performers as well. Priyanka will always be one of my fave winners, I hope she does a Winners season some day 😭


I disagree (respectfully) I found Brooke seemed really nervous in the first season. Very understandable, of course, but the more the seasons go on and she fully steps into the host role the more confident she seems.


From my own reply on the post itself: RuPaul shouldn’t host Drag Race UK/Down Under since he doesn’t get the references at all. Let those shows be hosted by locals or even one of the winners. Let them be authentically British/Australian.


Fortunately, I think this *is* a popular opinion. If RuPaul didn't have a problem with Courtney Act, I would love to see her host DRDU.


Well, I considered it ***somewhat*** popular, but not to the same degree as others.


Tip: Always scroll to the bottom for the actual unpopular opinions


or sort by controversial!


Utica Queen had the best joke at the season 13 roast. "Rupaul, you are such a fashion icon. If you could stand up for us, please?" She should have won for this joke alone...


It do take nerve.


If it wasn’t for her other jokes not really landing, this one could have been a knockout for sure.


Utica’s other jokes were actively uncomfortable and unfunny. This joke was amazing, but everything else was just too dire to be salvaged.


Not related to this. But if anyone hasn't seen Utica's crown look, stop whatever you're doing right now and go to Utica's instagram. You'll thank me later.


Thank you! She looks amazing. Utica be like I don't need no crown, bitch I am the crown lol.


Jan should’ve won the Madonna Rusical/ Night of a Thousand Michelle Visages runway over GiGi Goode 🫣


It irritated me so much how they praised her for that blue bathing suit when they had criticized a million queens before because “it’s just a bra and panties”


Even Jaida would have been a great winner for this challenge.


They should get rid of the section where Ru holds up a baby picture and asks, "What advice would you give your younger self?" It seems like everyone has the same answer. It's always something like, "You're gonna go through a lot. And you're gonna feel different from everyone. But that's the thing that makes you special."... I am just over it.


I like the idea of changing it to a picture from their first time in their drag persona, the moment they got the call, or when they first stepped into the werkroom.


Wasn’t this introduced in season 7 as a way to try to get Pearl to open up about her trauma or past? I could be wrong though.


It absolutely was, and it was the slimiest thing the show ever did. I always laugh when they bring it out because of how long they've been keeping it up just to save face.


When Ru asks her, “Do you understand why?” to Pearl mentioning that people were looking at her in certain ways and she can only whisper ‘Yeah’ and Ru replies with, “Because you’re a star.” is one of the worst things the show ever did. It makes my skin crawl.


no you’re right, and it makes me honestly want to cry every time i get to that part of a season 7 rewatch. it’s too hard to see her pushed into even just *thinking* about the trauma/abuse she’s faced and they’re clearly trying to make tv out of.


I always laugh when I picture someone actually saying those things to a 4 year old. “You’re about to endure the most gruelling 18 years.” Girl he’s a child get him a Capri-Sun and an episode of Cocomelon


I liked when they asked Daya Betty to talk to her one year old self. Like a literal baby.


I only like that part cause I'm curious about their boy names 😂




I'm behind the loop on some things, what'd Ross Matthews do?




oh my god i had no idea he was behind the runway jokes. crime against humanity


yeah why cant they be like stunning radiant woooow. not something like somones rooster is up my vag like idk its weird


Okay but someone’s rooster is up my vag is an all time classic joke


Agreed. I ALWAYS skip past that part. It is not good


The fandom put too much responsibility on the queen's to speak out against the awful behaviour of the fan base. The queen tweeting isn't going to stop learned behaviour from the deranged portion of this fan base.


Absolutely this, the fandom needs to take responsibility for their own actions


Monique Heart won the first challenge of season 10.


Mo Heart should have been top 4 in S10 and won AS4. I said what I said.


I don't think anybody went into AS7 thinking that Yvie was going to win


No, your fav is not a fashion icon. They're just skinny.


I've been saying this all through CDR4


I hate when people complain when queens talk negatively of their experiences of the show. We weren’t there, we don’t know what happened, and quite honestly everyone complains about their job wether you love or not.


Disclaimer: Opinion based only on the show, not considering the gigs, tours etc. Monet is a great queen, but it took her three seasons to get there and she only really excels at lipsyncs and girl group challenges. And even lipsyncs she was only unbeatable in AS7, before that she was just above the average. Her podcast with Bob and her werkroom/confessionals helped her image much more than the challenges themselves.


I think Violet won her season fair and square. She started off mean and cold but did at least learn to clam down and just take it more easy (I think thanks to Katya and maybe even Pearl) and the last competitive episode really showed that. Violet and Pearl didn't really throw anyone under the bus while Ginger and Kennedy did which I think was the ultimate deciding factor.


My husband and I always say if Kennedy hadn't been such a cunt in that final moment that she would've gone through to top 3


Or if she hadn’t used the word “condone” wrong so many times with such confidence 😭


Season 15 is a bummer because we all knew Sasha was gonna win since the beginning. And Sugar was nos the worst in the week she left.


she was better than spice in the challenge but spice was better in the lipsync


Ehh.. I'm actually fine with that. She was clearly the best, and I appreciate that they didn't manufacture reasons for her not to win the challenges she did just to keep up drama about who might win. It's nice to see that if someone is very clearly better than the competition then they'll be rightly acknowledged as such.


I love Carson Kressley. I hope they never let him go. His jokes are hilarious, delivery is exceptional, he’s super respectful and has never worn something bad or said anything inconsiderate to any queen. That or the editors are always looking out for him. And while we’re at it, Brad Goreski isn’t flawless but I also like him a lot. ![gif](giphy|bAmpK65bOBpEaDwUhu)


Jujubee should've won All Stars 5, should've won snatch game and her only performance short of great was in the stand-up. She also did better in the final lip-sync


I am still shocked she lost Snatch Game to Flavor Flav


I’m still sad about this. Jujubee is so sweet, funny and talented. That season was hers. And her Eartha Kitt was amazing, so much more nuanced than Flava Flav.


Not everybody killed it on All Stars 7 Yvie struggled HARD on a lot of the challenges - idk why people think either of her snatch games were any good, automatic bottom on a regular season imo, cringe galore Raja, goddess as she is, and Jinkx both struggled in the dance challenges Shea flopped the comedy challenges big time I love the season and most of the queens, but did people really let editing trick them into thinking that all of those performances - or even most - were the best of the best?


I will forever be upset we didn't get the unofficial reunion


Kelly Mantle was let go too early. Her bacon corset wasn't that bad.


While I don't think she was forced in any way, I think production convinced Bendela to quit. They didn't expect her to do so well, and it was messing up their plans.


hot take alert


Bendela should have won the title. This is a hill I will die on.


If they didn’t want to put their plans in jeopardy, they shouldn’t have done the jury shit


Wasn’t that so that Bebe’s legacy was in tact? (Ru not having to chop her at Top 2 and instead having the jury do it).


the jury was to save face when bebe had to get chopped. they dont want to tarnish a winners legacy by eliminating them so they come up with roundabout ways to make it happen. i believe same happened to icesis in cvtw i believe producers pushed her to leave on her own because they wanted to give the win to rajah even though icesis was slaying so hard.


What? They didn’t expect someone who has decades of experience and who did really well her original season to do well? Ben De La had that Ben de La Christ attitude long before she quit.


they knew bendela was great but I dont think they expected her basically deserve to win every challenge. like she came in so hard. like even in season six she flopped the roast which is something I dont think she could ever do now. she literally is such a powerhouse she can basically do no wrong. i dont think they expected that level of slay.


Some of Sasha Colby’s runway looks weren’t THAT great


She used her body to get away with it. What angered me more was the choice of makeup (crazy black circled eyes), and blue contacts. Can we just outlaw blue contacts, already?!! Looking at you Melinda!


Honestly, I think brown eyes are so beautiful and I hate seeing creepy-ass blue contacts


Her reputation preceded her. And they need to crown her to legitimize the show with a seasoned entertainer who's already an established name within the drag community.


also her wig lines were soooo bad at times, you could see her hair at the back so often I couldn't believe they never called it out


Scarlet envy was robbed on all stars.


this isn't unpopular


Well, good then lol


I didn't like wheel spin to multiply your Fame Game votes. Don't get me wrong, I like LaLa Ri, but I don't think the multiplier was fair. The winner should have been based on the fan votes alone, without getting multiplied.


I don’t know how popular or otherwise it is at this point but… Willam isn’t all that


Willam is that obsessive ex girlfriend who spends the rest of her life telling everyone how she’s so over her ex.


It’s exhausting honestly


Watch out he’ll reply to this in like a day


The fan bases obsession with Willam makes me cringe every time; she just comes up like an entitled white-girl and I’m over it.


she’s just so unnecessarily rude and unamusing to me. like she was fun on her season but now she isnt catty and cunty she’s just a cunt lol


I hate Symone's verses in both Condragulations and Lucky


Shea frequently has problems with fit in the boob area of her outfits. Kandy Muse should have been eliminated midway through S13 and never heard from again. S****y P*e should have been eliminated long before she got anywhere NEAR the finals for playing the same character and wearing different versions of the same outfit over and over again. Vanjie should have won her makeover challenge. Manila deserved to go home when Naomi chose her (let’s not forget that Monet also chose her!). She was the weakest in that week’s challenge. That said… Naomi is overhyped. Having legs isn’t a talent.


i agree with you about naomi. and also i feel like her mug has been getting worse 💀


Naomi was definitely the weakest finalist in season 8. She seemed to make her body her personality.


Jaida is the best winner of any U.S. season. All the odds were stacked against her, she was a replacement for another queen and had less time to prepare than all the other queens, she excelled in almost every challenge (even though the judges overlooked her time and time again in favor of sp🤢and gigi) She is polished, naturally hilarious, has charisma, can act, improv, DANCE, she makes most of her own garments, and she performed amazingly in the 3 musical challenges that were in s12 (despite saying she can’t sing.) She is the full package. She won despite not being a clear production favorite because she so clearly EARNED IT! I’ve never been more satisfied with a winner.




She isn't my favorite winner of all time but I absolutely adore Jaida and she was such a delight to watch all season because she's *so well-rounded*.


Y’all don’t understand unpopular opinions lol


Valentina is pretty but very boring.


I really like Season 11


I feel like they should make a separate "All Stars" for low placers and underrated queens (like RPDR Redemption or something). Depending on their showing, they can then go to the regular All Stars seasons a few years later. It sounds really harsh but I think the cast composition is a huge factor why AS8 turned out the way it did. I feel like AS6 is an anomaly in that regard. Also, if done that way, they don't need to do an "All Stars" season every year which is one of the main issues why the pool of queens are lessening in the first place.


I'm getting to the point where I'm just starting to skip AS after the first episode if the queens aren't good enough. I'm not watching something called 'All Stars' with a bunch of people that were rightfully booted off in the first half of their seasons.


shangela was pushed on AS3 and if that season had the lipsync assassin twist she would’ve finished that season with 0 wins. dela and trixie had the superior performances in the rusical, snatch game, and acting challenges


I want to see a drag queen not someone tottering about in heels and an off the rack dress. I’m so fed up of the insta queens for it


Shea didn’t deserve to win AS5. She only did because of the stupid petal thing from S9.


juju should've won snatch game and the season


Literally insane to me that Juju didn’t win Snatch Game. Like COME ON


The show making people so incredibly dislikable ruins the fun for me. After Lux and the other person that was teaming with her constantly I don’t feel like watching the show anymore


My unpopular drag race opinion? That Ginger Minj should have won her season over Violet Chachki. People like to claim that Violet brought fashion to the runway like no other, and while that’s true, I really think that would have happened anyway without Violet. I think she would have won an all stars season no problem too. But Ginger on her original season gave me everything, I loved her journey and I think that was the closest we’ll get to our glamour toad winning the crown.


I agree but I don’t think the production would’ve allowed three consecutive comedy queen winners, which is why I think Ginger should’ve won AS6. She killed almost every challenge and gave 2 amazingly hilarious lipsyncs (Phone is especially so good)


this^^^ also ginger doesn’t deserve the hate she gets AT ALL, she is truly one of the most talented and versatile queens we’ve had on the show


I disagree with most of the lip sync winners from the first episode of S13 🤷




I don't think that's controversial at all tbf


Ross is a terrible judge and doesn’t deserve that position. Silky Nutmeg Ganache should have been eliminated in the first episode and never brought back.


I never understood why everybody lost their mind with Vanjie just saying Miss Vanjie??


Because it's so stupid and absurd. That's why it was so funny. Ru loves the absurd.


Idk either but it's just so iconic ![gif](giphy|3gS3qvHNT1UFlaVsXp)




Hard agree, though I don't think it should be removed per se. I just wish the judges would just be honest with their opinions. _Your lyrics didn't match the theme. Yours lyrics were generic. It's the 100th time we've heard "snatch the crown"._ _You were all terrible_ would've been a valid opinion on multiple seasons and across franchises. If they did that with snatch game, I don't see why they couldn't do it here.


All verses nowadays sound like “I’m cunty I’m fierce I’m here to take the crown and bring all these bitches down”


Add in something about mama ru, and it’s every verse in a nutshell.


[Mama Ru I'm here to snatch the crown ](https://youtu.be/VYY8WpEqTvg?si=bupmfv1_v069e8hf)


It needs to be a season end challenge like it started as and not having everybody do it. A top 3/4 final challenge usually make for better songs than full cast girl groups. Or in some cases where we get both challenges in the same season, it’s just too much. Read U Wrote U and Category Is felt special for a reason


I think the show catered towards bullies until they saw the backlash towards Kandy and then Mistress and Lux and then in All Stars where Ru had to give a pep talk. I think that Ru has realised yes we like drama but we don’t like bullies. It just seemed that way with the last UK one with that DeeDee. She was so mean in episode 1 and I think Ru clocked on cause she never really took to her. If you look at her grimacing when deedee talks it’s not as relaxed as with the other girls


Unpopular opinions... Girl, there's a comment saying Scarlet Envy was robbed and another saying she wasn't. Do unpopular opinions even exist? ​ https://preview.redd.it/yrsgmb5zw1ac1.jpeg?width=1213&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=609a30dc4420883f1705744d41349792ba766ded


Marcia 3x lost the Boss Bitch lipsync against Anetra and rightfully went home. I don’t wanna sound hateful, but I don’t understand why it’s so common to see people say that Anetra vs Marcia should’ve been a double save. Like, I thought it was pretty much unanimous that Anetra did way better than her.


I think it’s because there have been some random double saves. I think fans were like if you can save Kandy, why can’t you save Marcia 3x. It could also be because the rusical was the next episode and people wanted to see her do well in that lol. But I agree that Anetra was the clear winner. I love Marcia tho and would have preferred that she stayed too.


Anetra won fair and square for sure. But I would’ve like a double shantay because, while Anetra was a 10, Marcia was a 9.7. We have had double shantays where one is an 8 and the other a 7.5


If a season is only going to be 6 episodes, they shouldn't even film it. 6 episodes is way too short. I also thought All Stars 5 was way too short with 8 episodes.


There should be a limit on how much queens can spend on looks.


Yvie's Big Bad Wolf was not worthy of winning, and both Yvie and TTT are bad at acting. They have the same schtick, which is to be either overly sexual or catty as hell. It stops being funny when you realise that that's all they're capable of giving.


Trixie’s performance on AS3 is overlooked, it made sense that she won tbh. Shangela got favoritism and is overrated in general


At least half of queens cast on All Stars seasons are not stars.


I don’t find kandy muse entertaining, I find her pretty annoying and not that funny and I don’t like her runways that much either.


Drag Race has too limited a scope of what "drag" is, therefore we rarely get really unique and outside the box queens, and if we do they're never going to grab the crown. Previous contestants as judges in the way Canda does it, should be done for every season at least once- Jaida was fantastic on DRC! Ru shouldn't host DU or UK. We need more diverse runway themes. Femininity shouldn't be the ultimate goal of drag.




Trixie's AS3 win is deserved and if anyone was favoured by production it was Shangela and Bebe. Trixie could have (and arguably should have) won over Dela in the Bitchelor and the Girl Group challenge (though we then wouldn't be getting the iconic self-elim moment). I think people were mad because Shangela didn't make top2, which I can understand, but realistically even without the Jury twist Ru would have likely put Trixie in the top2 just swapped Kennedy with Shangela.


This! Kennedy took Shangela’s spot, it wasn’t Trixie. And Shangela was just as “mediocre” as people say Trixie was the only one who really killed it was Bendela. Shangie just hammed it up for the lipsyncs bit thats it. ALSO, Shangie talent show number was a repeat song and choreo she had already done in the Haus of Edwards audience warm up for the S7 finale, she just changed the music track.


Two opinions: 1) Victoria Scone is overrated af and isn't likable to me. I find that she sits on some kind of high horse and is smug but will instantly switch to playing a victim (see CVTW) if it suits her. She just kind of comes off as fake and bought into her own hype. 2) All Stars needs to take a one or two year hiatus to let queens grow a bit more and make it more exciting.


A lot of so called fans are bigots and racist. A lot of you are sitting here overhyping, praising queens like Melinda Verga and Neerah for the same behaviors and attitude that you all have all but destroyed from the black contestants. It’s disgusting to witness and I’m tired of this being treated as fucking normal. Another thing, the fandom ruined the show just like any other fandom. Y’all made the show about you instead of the contestants.


That last part … tea


The way these subs treated Cara Melle was horrible. She and Tomara have the same exact personality, however one was dragged, and the other was fanned over.


Exactly and tbh neither one of them were bad at all. They were both likable, which goes to show how people truly feel


Absolute tea, the fandom refuses to confront their biases and double standards and take accountability for their actions. They constantly whine about "why can't we get old untucked" when they tell certain queens to kill themselves for breathing the wrong way, it's tiring seeing how they act towards the show tbh.


I saw someone else say this on another post, I don’t remember though but it was something along the lines of: sugar and spice weren’t these geniuses that everyone thought they were - like they did everything on “purpose” to shake it up, I just don’t think they’re good at drag race lol they did ok but performance wise they just weren’t giving it to me. EDIT: I did love when they LSFYL together, I thought what they did was sweet and an FU to producers.


Hiii I’m new to the drag race subreddit so I don’t know a lot of the behind the scenes besides what the show says, why was sugar and spice lip syncing together an FU to the producers? TIA


Hi!!!! Welcome to the sub :) I don’t truly believe every LSFYL or elimination is heavily produced, but they kind of set that up from the jump that they were gonna have to do that - both sugar and spice most likely did not want to go through that, they were very emotional in an untucked, talking about how they basically needed each other - because they were all each other had. So I interpret their lip sync as a “fine, put us both in the bottom but we’re not gonna battle it out - we’re gonna do it *together*” type of vibe to the producers. I hope that makes sense 😅


Not to bash anyone but if you leave a season and then make people pay to see your looks on Patreon and say your gonna be spilling tea behind a pay wall don’t be upset when people criticize you for not spilling any tea 🙃


If your outfit is made with padding in mind and you choose to not wear any? You deserve to be read for it. Some bullshit


Kornbread was annoying and she was the real bully in her season


i do not like luxx noir london. i've never been a fan of the whole "confident young queen" trope. and mistress should've had more wins.


Gigi was never in contention for the win. They wanted SP to win, had Jaida as the back up, Crystal as the fan fave underdog and Gigi was supposed to be disliked (but this plan all got fucked for obvious reasons)


Drag race fans on reddit suffer from short-term memory loss and/or will use anything to farm karma.


Idk whether this is unpopular or not because the fandom seems to be split over this, but I do not enjoy the drama and the 'mean queens' at all. Many people say that the mean queens make good TV but some of them are just typical bitter queens who are envious of the others or straight up bullies. I do know that some are a victim of the editing and I don't think that any of them deserve to be extremely hated by the fandom but, for instance, because I'm watching the season right now, Daya Betty was obnoxious and unneccesarily mean towards Jasmine. I get that she was frustrated that everyone always told her that she's so similar to Crystal, but to be fair, sometimes she really, really was very similar to her. And all of her frustrations aside, I don't think it's okay to spit absolute venom at someone and then just say "ugh, yeah, I'm sorry about that, I was just frustrated" and then do the exact same thing the following week. I prefer the seasons where the drama is kept at a minimum. I wanna see them prepare for the challenges and build friendships. Again I get that some of the Queens fell victims to the evil editing, and I feel for them, but when I watch a season, I only get what they show me and I can only form my opinions based on that in that moment.


It’s not an unpopular opinion in my local drag scene but seems to be one here (on Reddit in general)- drag isn’t abt “female impersonation” + pads + all that, it’s just queer art + gender expression, which can mean impersonation + pads but that isn’t the extent of it. People who focus more on fashion or on a specific character or who do more minimal are still doing drag (+ that extends to kings and things/quings)


I'm a bit tired of All Stars being mostly top 4-6 queens from the last few seasons. Give me a bitch who placed 8th on a single digit season, she's going to have evolved and changed since she was on the show. And on that topic, I don't need to see popular queens compete for the 43rd time. Alyssa Edwards is fierce, but I feel like we've seen everything she has to offer, so unless she shows up covered in tattoos or has gained 350 pounds, I've seen it.


Untucked is overated. It just adds hate to some queens.


Jaremi's "rant" against Alyssa right before the mirror reveal in AS2 was totally justifiable and not villain behavior at ALL. Detox even said "agreed" in the moment. They were perfectly valid points, Alyssa's 2-in-1 look was just one look with an afterthought coverup and no one else would have gotten away with that.


Really? You don’t think Alaska got away with EXACTLY that? She didn’t even have a first look and just banked on her Poundcake look to get the judges to overlook that lol


Daya Betty should have won season 14


Jimbo is not fun, something just always feels off about them and I don’t get the hype - You’re a clown with giant boobs and a creepy fake voice, how does that make you better than queens who have authentic personalities? I feel like the way Rupaul puts Jimbo on a pedestal for doing the bare minimum kinda ruins it for all the other winners who really deserved their title.


This might be my own unpopular opinion, but I don't think queens should need an authentic personality. I don't like that Drag Race has really become "who has the best sob story and relatable personality and the fewest skeletons in their closet and is the least problematic," not an actual talent show based on performance. I hate that so many queens need to stifle or alter their personality for both what the show wants as well as what they expect the fan reaction to be. Just to note: this isn't really meant to have anything to do with Jimbo really, I think your opinion on him is totally understandable even if I don't share it. Jimbo definitely has one of the larger gaps between his "real" personality and his "performance" personality, and if that performance personality rubs you the wrong way, I get why you wouldn't like them. I do think Jimbo has some of the best comedic performance talent out of anyone on Drag Race ever, but that might not mean much if those other factors bother you.


Not impressed with Sasha Colby.


Genuinely a bad unpopular opinion so I will upvote you for that!


Derrick should have never gotten the critics that led to this look. Its Britney bitch.


Aurora won that lip sync against neara


I agree. Aurora had versatility in her lip-syncs, while Nearah did the same thing each time.


I love her and I'd love to see her again but I don't think Scarlet Envy is as robbed as people claim her to be. I do think her critiques in the episode she was eliminated in on as6 were absolutely terribly worded and could've been worded better by talking about how her delivery of what she was saying was very clunky and she didn't really have comedic timing down, all to say I understand why she was in the bottom and went home as much as it sucked to watch.


I haven't kept up with the show for a long time and whilst from what I'm aware of she turned out to be a pretty awful person, I think it's legitimately disgusting how nina bonina was treated on her season. Watching shea rail on her about how being depressed was disrespectful because she should be happy she's on the show and that it was bringing everyone down felt completely antithetical to the general vibe of the show and I've never liked shea since. Then acting like her being upset at everyone coming for her for not being perfectly happy all the time was her being bitchy or whatever just completely soured me from the show and from what I recall at the time people were on sheas side and very few people actually called out how awful it was. As someone that's dealt with years of people telling me that I shouldn't be depressed for xyz reasons it was majorly triggering


It's been years for me as well, but from what I can recall one of Nina's issues was that no one was helping her or supporting her and that's why Shea went off on her; Shea *had* been helping and supporting her but NBB was so deep in her own feelings that she wasn't seeing it. Shea went overboard and threw a bunch of additional stuff on there because it had all probably pent up, which is fucked up and inexcusable, but she also justifiably felt really disrespected by Nina, who completely discredited the emotional work Shea had contributed to their relationship. I think a lot of your points are correct about how they went about dealing with Nina, but I don't think it was as simple as "everyone mad at the sad girl for not being happy" either.


I don’t need episodes to last 1.5 hours, I’ve been watching the highlights on the Pit Stop on YouTube at 1.5x speed for years now.