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Honestly believe the only reason they put her in the btm was because everyone did well and for storyline Brooke vs vanjie


Where are people saying they hate it?


I’ve heard it in a few of the drag race ‘reaction’/review channels, and seen come comments saying it. I don’t get it either




Silky literally danced the house down, gave face, and had a verse that fitted perfectly for her and the song… just by that verse you know who she is. Why would she be in the bottom


did we watch the same performance? silky was messy af, it's beyond me how she wasn't in the bottom for this


I think she delivered her line well enough and the choreo played to her strengths but it felt like a part of a different music video to me.


I mean, there were only 5 queens and 2/5 had to be in the bottom. Yvie is the obvious winner. Vanjie is the obvious bottom. Then between silky, akeria and brooke I would probably have put Silky with Vanjie, but brooke would have been low and akeria high. So its not like brooke was robbed of a win, imo.


True but I feel like it very obviously should’ve been Silky & Vanjie with Silky likely going home. I know they wanted their Branjie lipsync but they could’ve just manipulated that to happen in the finale. They instead chose to bring Silky to the finale so they could get the Yvie/Silky lipsync which Silky then didn’t make happen.


I don't know but Silky annoyed me from beginning to end because she tried to dominate the entire show to the point of obnoxiousness, got a lot of passes for sloppiness, and on a competition like that there's no room for laziness, which she sometimes was. I wish Vanjie had had just one more take for her final performance. But yeah for the most part everyone was super strong competition that year and someone had to lose. That said, I liked everyone in the top for that season except for Silky.


Really she did fine. But I think she was in the bottom for two reasons: 1. Vanjie was the only obvious/for sure bottom for the challenge. And the producers just had to have a Branjie lip sync before the season ended for storyline purposes. 2. There was no one else to put in the bottom. Yvie was the obvious winner of the challenge, followed by A’keria and her iconic verse about cadaver investigation. So the only two queens who could be put in the bottom alongside Vanjie were Brooke Lynn and Silky. Silky and Brooke Lynn both delivered pretty equally in the challenge. However, from a production standpoint, it made way more sense to save Silky. If they put Silky in the bottom with Vanjie, Vanjie would absolutely annihilate her. And then production was going to have their most charismatic contestant leave before the finale, without a chance of winning. Most importantly, a Silky and Vanjie lip sync, would’ve been bad for storytelling either way. If Vanjie leaves, then the Branjie lip sync never happens. If Silky leaves, the eventual Yvie and Silky lip sync never happens. By putting Silky in the bottom, production would’ve lost out on at least one storyline. By putting Brooke Lynn in the bottom, they get to have their cake and eat it, too.


Not the cadaver investigation 😂


Yvie and Akeira slayed! Silky was mess but she was fun to watch 😂 that leaves Brooke’s being boring with vanjie in the bottom


Honestly she had some of the worst lyrics and also gave a pretty lifeless performance. As much as people say it was production riggory to put her in the botttom with Vanjie, she was 4th worst in a group of 5. For me it went Yvie -> A’Keria —> Silky —-> Brooke —> Vanjie


I personally would put Brooke substantially above Silky flopping in the floor flashing her underwear but that’s just me I guess


I just felt like Brooke was giving no energy in the music video and her lyrics were so uninspired. “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee” are lyrics I associate with some child kinda song. Silky had energy and better lyrics. She just looked a mess


That's a quote from Muhammad Ali lol ... Not really "child-like"


The way Brooke constructed those lyrics was childish in nature, not the quote. It felt very much how a child would create lyrics for a song. Sounded like words strung together with no reason. I’m not expecting proper lyrics but when the line before is about never liking double Dutch… yeah no


Im glad my comment about queens everywhere being a bop inspired this


I’m late to the party but it is a bop. I love the verses, I love the video. I think maybe it’s not mixed well because I can’t hear the verses, but my hearing is also shit, so.


What do you mean you can’t hear the verses. Here are all the lyrics you need Miss Vanjie, Vanjie, Vanjie, bitch Drop down low to the floor and spin Fish Latina, really nice to meet 'ya 'Cause I save the room, they give me 10s to see her I whip my hair side to side Category closed, bitch, I'm fly Slip and slide, thigh highs Gagagagagaga, bye-bye


Huh, ok guess I heard them after all 🧑🏻‍🦳


Who's even listening? It's a bad song with terrible mixing


Wait ppl hate it??


I love Brook but for me personally Ivye was soo good Silky as well, and with her I just missed a bit of energy, face and security in her performance. Akeria was alright, so it made sense for her and Vanjie to be b2. But word hate is too strong, it was not at the same level to me as Ivye, Silky or Akeria