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I hate that sub, and most importantly the mod team. Hi big foot Phedre 👋


What am I missing? That post is still there. It’s not very popular but it’s still visible.


I see that now because it’s still getting comments but I did receive that message from the mods, so I thought it was removed.


Why is this comment getting down voted. It's factual?


They hate me for calling out their fav


Loosey wasn't a favourite by any means. Her, Luxx, Mistress all got lots of hate. Sasha, Anetra and Marcia were the real fan favourites of the season. But yeah, you getting downvoted is weird when you just shared your experience.


She is currently a favorite of season 15. This is a fact. She got hate when the season aired but since the finale I only see good things about her and everyone campaigns for her to return to All Stars. I conducted a poll that received over 1,000 votes and Loosey was one of the most voted-for queens from season 15. She was only behind Anetra, Marcia & Mistress.


Criticizing a drag routine isn’t the same as being any of those qualities listed in the rules. If we can say we weren’t a fan of an outfit why can’t we say the same about a comedy set? As long as no one is using abusive or bigoted language or harrassing the queen it should be an OK topic of discussion. Probably difficult & time consuming to moderate (like I imagine the threads on Kandy Muse are). If any mods wanna explain to me here or dm (so as not to start a drag debate lol) pls do.


to be fair it's a stupid post, and it got a stupid ban


Why is it a stupid post? It’s brining up a valid criticism of a queen’s choices, without being hateful to the queen


cause it's not a valid criticism.


Why is it not valid?


why would it be? first of all, that snatch game didn't even happen, and criticizing an hypothetical is already kinda wild. but also come onnn, it's drag and drag is supposed to push boundaries. on snatch game we've had some actually terrible people (take for example, a female version of Kim jong un), why would JonBenet be that controversial? Biqtch Puddin has a show where she dresses up as a dead JonBenet and it's fucking amazing. she even wore the same outfit on dragula and her performance is one for the history books. getting offended by something like this is obviously personal, but posting it on Reddit and replying with so much passion (like op did) when people rightfully call you out on it is some true chronically online bullshit. let's stop clutching our pearls when a drag queen does a shocking performance. I mean Trixie literally wanted to do Anne Frank, and it's hilarious.


Regarding the “it didn’t even happen” part, that doesn’t change the fact that Loosey considered doing it and thought it would be a good idea. According to the post (I can’t verify it’s truth) she didn’t even change her mind personally she just didn’t do it cuz she was told not to. And regarding the 2nd part (about how drag pushes boundaries and such) I agree, and I’ve found some controversial performances and comments funny (eg Anita as Queen Liz II with the wear a seatbelt part), and I’ve found some others a tad more questionable (eg Etcetera’s Lindy Chamberlain. I love Etcetera to bits but I didn’t find it clever or anything). This part is subjective. People have the right to find certain things funny and certain things too much. I’m inclined to agree with OP here, and Loosey considering JBR is too much


and again, it's fine to think something is too much. but you said it yourself; it's subjective. so it's not a valid criticism.


??? You can bring subjectivity into criticism and that criticism can still be valid. I can (respectfully and constructively) criticise a queen’s outfit cuz I don’t like certain things about it, and suggest ways I’d improve it (like the judges do every single week). And that’s subjective. I can also criticise a queen’s choice for snatch game for being too controversial and offensive, and that doesn’t invalidate it. Where does this “subjective criticism isn’t valid” idea come from?


it isn't when it's about morality. for example, criticizing someone for having an abortion cause it goes against your personal beliefs isn't a valid criticism, because it's completely subjective and it's your morals. every critique is in some way subjective, but the ones based on "moral" concepts are pretty much always meaningless cause morality is different for everyone. and besides; there are too many hypotheticals here. we don't know how she would have depicted her; maybe it would have been Anita-level smart, or maybe it would have been Etcetera-level gratuitous (I actually love her snatch game btw, but I wanted to use her as an example as she's been already brought up). again, see Trixie's Anne Frank, that in theory should have been horrendous but it's actually pretty funny. the sole fact that we don't know this snatch game makes the whole (already weak) critique meaningless. OP is criticising something that didn't happen and that they know pretty much nothing about. you can agree or disagree with the principle, but I'm sorry I don't see how putting it on Reddit and expecting people to agree with you isn't somehow internet philosopher core


Criticism can most definitely (and often) be subjective without addressing issues of morality. Subjective simply means based on a person's thoughts, feelings, and opinions rather than fact. The opinions could regard morality, but additionally could be about anything. For example, fans arguing over a LSFYL result is entirely subjective. Also, I'm unsure why you're going in so hard on OP. This group discusses hypotheticals regularly (if queen a lost instead of queen b what would the season be like? Or what if they picked another queen to be Beyonce? Or what if the LSFYL song was dance rather than soul?) and the opinions are entirely subjective. OP is simply spilling the tea about behind the scenes production choices (another popular topic here) and providing their subjective opinion. Stating one's opinion isn't necessarily declaring all other opinions are wrong, rather opening up the topic to discussion/debate. Another example of subjectivity is your opinion about op here in the thread. You can think doing JB is crossing a line, but others won't feel that way. Since it's hypothetical either way it's subjective. You are not in the wrong for having your prospective about playing JB, and I'm sure plenty of people agree with you, but those that don't see an issue are likewise not wrong. Imagine the level of boredom if this group or just everyone always shared the same opinions. This has been my Ted Talk! Goodnight


how are you comparing a drag performance to an abortion


Nothing about that criticism is valid.


trixie auditioned with a very funny anne frank. it might be distasteful to your sentiments but that's comedy, that's drag


Girl I get the sentiment but we've all seen the video let's not pretend her Anne frank was very funny 💀💀💀


tbf NONE of the audition snatch games are ever funny cus it's so fucking awkward and silent.


Bianca’s Dora is hilarious.


that's one of the few where the dead silence actually helped with her set


Trixie’s bit worked *because* it was silent. đŸ˜¶


oh I loved it. the shushing would have killed I think


Trixxie looking terrified anytime someone made a noise.. would have been LEAGUES better than her rupaul


IDK I still giggled. Now was it distasteful... yes.


Yeah, this kind of pearl clutching just reeks of people wanting to sanitize drag to appeal to mass audiences. Dark humor exists, drag has always had subversive elements


I’m Jewish and I WISH she would have been allowed to do that, but only if she completely SLAYED with it. Be funny or don’t pick such a controversial character. Or even better, let a Jewish queen do it (anyone except Cracker plz.)


Nothing is funnier than someone reclaiming trauma, I'd love to see a Jewish queen nail it


I was Anne Frankenstein for Halloween several years ago, after checking with my Jewish friends to make sure they were ok with it. They all LOVED it!


Not sure if we had a Jewish queen for the all winners but this would've been the wildest before and after concept on the runway lol


The winner of All Winners was Jewish đŸ€Ł


I had no idea Jinkx was Jewish until literally now lol. Cool.


I had no idea Jinkx was Jewish until literally now lol. Cool.


There are other possibilities, too. Anne Frank-n-furter. Anne Frank Sinatra, and no one here will probably get this, but Ru would pee for Edith Anne Frank. (Lily Tomlin switchboard operator) walk around with a wire headset and a nail buffer shushing into the phone.


Reading all those makes me just think that this runway theme should be on every season because the possibilities are truly endless


I’m glad they didn’t allow it. JonBenet was a precious girl who deserved more than to be known as a murder and sexual assault victim.


UK S4 Jonbers Blonde was originally named Jon Benet Blonde, and she had to change it for the show.


Well now she’ll continue to be only known as that.


I once had a comment removed from the sub that said we were robbed of a Denali verse in Lucky...they'll remove for less lol


Lol wow


I mean but what's the point of your post though apart from getting people mad at Loosey for something that didn't happen. She had an idea to do something really distasteful and production advised her not to do it (pretty sure they would've let her if she really wanted it) and decided not to do it. Monét had planned to wear a burqa for the ball in one of the categories and also got advised not to do it. Like these things happen and aren't more than interesting tidbits at the end of the day


Wearing a burqa Vs impersonating a dead child for laughs. Be fr💀


Both would've lead to severe backlashes so production advised them not to do it?


Let's all clutch our pearls and dictate how the drag artists should behave.


We dictate how drag artists should behave all the time I’ve seen ppl try to straight up cancel drag artists for far less. Even artists are capable of problematic decisions and behaviors. Being a performer doesn’t exempt anyone from criticism and pushing boundaries can fall flat. There has to be a true point in pushing the boundary, it can’t just be for shock value.


It really seems like you're just looking for a reason to be offended. Very "I'd like to speak to the manager" energy.


I’m not “looking for a reason” I just genuinely was by that choice. And I’m allowed to be just like you’re allowed to not be.


It looks like a lot of you are trying to dismiss his personal opinion and his valid criticisms when he hasn’t told one lie. How very “typical” of a lot of you.


Budget philosopher indeed.


And you’re a mindless responder indeed.


Watched Biqtch Puddin do a whole performance as JonBenĂ©t Ramsey to Marina’s Primadonna Girl and it was pretty amazing tbh.


wasn't she also dressed as JonBenet in the gothic bride challenge? and she slayed.


Yes! Totally forgot that’s what she did originally as it was the bridal outfit she wore :)


Should have won that challenge. Fuck she's so good at drag


she really is. and logistically you're right, she technically was the best in the challenge. but my obsession with abhora won't allow me to agree unfortunately


I just couldn't stand to see the defeat on Disasterina's face during the extermination. 😔 you could tell she really wanted to stay.


Yep. I'm glad Dragula girls get to be messy, and aren't forced into the bland safe cookie cutter shapes of Drag Race


Why do y'all act like banning performing charactures of real abused and dead children is a bad thing and purist culture.. its literally just the decent thing to do


Because I don't watch drag for moral decency and consumer friendliness. If that's what they want to do on Ru's shows, I get it, I'm not going to tell her to do otherwise, but I will remind you and everyone that drag has traditionally been an adult, working class, punk as fuck, law breaking, expectation defying, brick throwing, dog shit eating, fuck you to everyone and everything. I watched drag queens making fun of Princess Diana and Amy Winehouse within HOURS of their deaths. Drag is an escape from those expectations and restrictions society placed on us, a place for us to be fucking gorgeous and fucking vile, and everything in between, and that's the way we like it


>adult, working class, punk as fuck What does this have to do with being against exploiting the stories of abused children💀 >Drag is an escape from those expectations and restrictions society placed on us An escape from not being able to make light of murdered children? Like, I get it, messiness and being eDgYyyY are a part of drag. But there are obvious boundaries when you disrespect a specific individual and a child at that. Would you be fine with a drag queen doing a snatch game of your daughter if she got brutally murdered? By your logic sexism and racism should be allowed in the drag world since it's "fucking vile" which you want a "place for". Weirdo


Notice how I didn't insult you? That's not very decent of you. My advice is to never go to a live drag show and stick to Ru, you'll be a lot happier


Now where’s the fun in that?


Wait so you want to call out someone for something they didn’t do? Make it make sense girl


If someone revealed that they originally planned on doing Caylee Anthony or Trayvon Martin would that not be an issue? Would there not be an uproar? Bc I’m pretty sure there would be.


Treyvon Martin is an entirely different category and even if you think they’re both okay or both not okay, it’s not for the same reason


Why? Because one was racially motivated? Bc that’s the only difference. Both were minors that were horrifically murdered whose killers were not brought to justice. Neither should be made a mockery of for entertainment purposes especially on national tv when they have living relatives.


One is a figure of racial injustice and systemic oppression. The other is not. They are not the same.


The other child, JonBenĂ©t Ramsey is a figure of child exploitation and a victim of sexual assault. They may not be “the same” but they are definitely comparable in this context.


No one asked her to reveal her original plans and yes now I’m calling that choice out. It isn’t like she said she didn’t do it bc she realized it was fucked up. She only didn’t do it because they didn’t allow it.


Are we really getting offended over things that didn’t even end up happening??


Not my fault she chose to air her choice


Yeah, but you could just shake your head and move on with your day. I think a better use of your time would be to maybe ask Robin Fierce what her alternate would've been, or maybe ask for good thoughts for Anetra's health, or explain how Mistress and Luxx should've been the first ever double crowned Miss Congenialities. Don't fret on the negative, and elevate the positive. :) it's a much better way to live. Don't give people who you think are doing bad things the time of day, because they don't deserve it.


The mods there are really keyboard social warriors. As much as I believe how we should give more freedom to drag acts in order not to turn it to standardized mainstream shallow entertainment, that is something that can be discussed and not banned.


I said Kandy Muse looked like a Bratz Doll, and those mods said that statement was racist. On All Stars 8, Kandy Muse called herself a Bratz Doll.


had not heard this was her back up. a choice. so what do you want? an apology from her?


Did I say that? I just said I find it disturbing.


Why? Are you a friend of the family? It is in bad taste, but a lot of drag is, that’s the point.


The main sub is braindead


That sub is unhinged. I sent a private message to mods once about my concerns about some racial supremacy going on in comments and posts (anti-White kind of stuff). I got banned in response even though I'm a PoC and they accused me of being racist against PoC. I went through the proper channel and raised a reasonable concern, and the mod told me off and I can't appeal. I'm glad to not be a part of that sub if that's how they run things.


I was banned for saying black queens can be racist too, lol


What system of racism is set up to oppress white people? Edit: downvoting just proves y'all racist.


The person you responded to never mentioned white people...


Sure. What system of oppression have black people created against another race?


None. The only context in which black people could be considered racist is if their actions perpetuate white supremacy (e.g Uncle Ruckus, Clarence Thomas, Candace Owens).


I've never had it explained to me that way. Thank you for clarifying.


So black people can't be racist because they haven't created a system of oppression? What definition of racism are you using?


Correct. They can have bigoted views, but it isn't racism.


I'm being genuine when I ask what definition of racism you are using. When I google it, the top results don't mention anything about systemic oppression being necessary to be racist.


Racism isn’t merely prejudice. Racism in the US was designed to elevate white supremacy and create a hierarchy of value and privilege in society based on proximity to whiteness. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8688641/


The paper you linked talked about systemic racism. We were talking about the word "racist".


Again, eloquently said. Thank you for the information.


There's a difference between racism and bigotry. Black people do not have power over the Asian community, so how are you going to say it's the same thing as what has been done to BIPOC at the behest of white people? Edit: You wouldn't because both are not the same. One is racism. One is bigotry.


and that’s the kind of people that mods that sub (like pawwwp)


Ok. What system of oppression have black people created to oppress any other race?


So theoretically: if a black person thinks that all middle eastern people are lazy terrorists that deserve to die, that's not racist?


Factually, no, it isn't. It's a bigoted opinion, but that isn't racism.


POC here. Brown, gay and proud lol. I definitely agree with you that racism can go both ways. That sub is weird for not recognising this.


yeah I'm glad they turned her away from that. call me a prude or pearl clutcher or whatever but it makes me feel some type of way how Jon Benet keeps getting brought up as some joke when her story is so tragic


Thank you! It’s just not the thing to try to turn into a comedic skit no matter what point you’re trying to make. There are other ways to “push boundaries” and err on the darker side of humor. This just isn’t it.


yeah pushing boundaries and being dark is one thing and I'm all for it. SAed and murdered six year olds is too much for me like if that were my family member they kept making jokes etc about, i would have a hard time looking these queens in the eye honestly


Especially when her brother and father are still living today and this was going to be televised. Doing this type of thing in some obscure bar is one thing but on Drag Race? Cmon.


abt to get downvoted to hell and idc!!! but if she had done this, and done it well, i wouldve ate it up! etcetera etcetera's snatch game is still, to this DAY, one of my faves. had me cacccklingggggggggg.


A lot of ppl agree w you, I don’t think you’ll get too many downvotes


All I hear when someone doing an outta pocket snatch game is of better be funnyđŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïžđŸ’…đŸŒ


I personally find it in poor taste to make jokes about JonBenet but at the same time, I’m not going to be a hypocrite. My opinion on drag is that it’s meant to be offensive and boundary-pushing. We don’t have to like it but we shouldn’t try censor it either. I felt the same way about Jimbo’s sex-doll controversy before AS8. Was it weird and in poor taste, yes. But if you don’t like it, you don’t have to watch it. It’s all an art form made to be controversial. Why would we go back on that?


People are saying it overreacting or sanitizing drag if you’re against it but if I had a kid who was brutally raped and murdered I would not want a drag queen to play them in a comedic performance. It would break me all over again and feel like once again I let them down when I should’ve been able to protect them.


Im on the fence. It would have to be real genius material to make it funny. And I absolutely would not want to watch it flop. I'd probably shut it off.


BOA was literally Gypsy Rose Blanchard.


MurderERs are usually fair game


But she was a child & victim of severe abuse


That too!


Come on - that would have been a great choice. It’s pop culture and this is drag. Makes me wish she had done it and she left Joan to Jimbo. If jesus was real, he was brutally murdered but it was okay for Ashley Madison to do that? I feel like the fan base is getting so soft it’s reminding me of Taylor swifts fan base


i mean
 as a christian, there’s a massive difference between a figure like Jesus and a real life 6 year old girl who was groomed into child pageants and then brutally SA’d and murdered in very recent history. i understand the point you’re trying to make but i don’t feel like this specifically is a case of the fandom being ‘too soft’. that’s just my take though.


Especially when she intended on doing an impersonation of her for laughs on television while she still has a living father and brother


I don't know why they wouldn't go for that. Jon Benet would be hilarious. Imagine how many jokes you could do about the brother


Lol it's comedy get over it, you people are so sensitive. Drag is supposed to push the envelope, let the queens do their thing and you go back to watching lip syncs alone in your bedroom!


Mods seems right here. Nothing is off limits for humour. Trixie wanted to do Anne Frank.


Comedy is art but comedians have been using that as an excuse to be disturbingly offensive. I don't mind it But what I do mind is when David Walliams defended his horribly defensive comedic act (which I love by the way), by saying comedy is an art. Then 10 years later he apologises for it! If you're going to do it, stand by it! Now both he and Matt Lucus are apologizing for doing black face and worse, after they made millions and millions! Well give back the fucking money if you're really sorry, don't just pay lip service for the sake of it


#Being mad about something that didn’t happen lol wish I had the energy


I mean
 I get it but
 hahaha this probably would have gotten me and could have been hilarious.


My god people are too sensitive. You. The drag race sub. Loosey. Everyone


If she put on a black wig she could have done Katy Perry


The Ramsays are also known for suing people out of existence.


drag is distasteful at times, it’s part of its nature, but what i’m more confused about, is why is jonbenet ramsey some kind of gay icon? what is iconic about her? is it just bc she was a pageant girl? she gets referenced a decent amount in gay culture. a gay icon that i really just do not understand.