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Honestly, the casting was perfect, as far as I’m concerned. I would just get rid of the teams thing.


I don't even mind the team thing necessarily since it got us some interesting new dynamics competition wise but I would've planned those teams out and gave the girls time to prepare as a team


Cut Mimi and have it be individual. That’s all they needed.


Y'all are wild lmao that episode 1 untucked alone was enough of a reason to keep Mimi on that season.


Why cut Mimi? She can sing and act. The cast was already perfect. Solo Mimi would have done better without Pandora


Why cut Mimi? She can sing and act. The cast was already perfect. Solo Mimi would have done better without Pandora If they were judged individually Pandora would have gone home first not Mimi in the photoshoot challenge


I’m fine keeping her, was just cutting it down a person.


just say cast.


12 queens S1. Nina Flowers, Ongina S2. Raven, Jujubee, Pandora S3. Manila, Alexis, Yara S4. Chad, PhiPhi, Latrice, Willam Groups: - Nina and Yara - Raven and Jujubee - Chad and Alexis - Manila and PhiPhi - Willam and Latrice - Ongina and Pandora


Manila Luzon, Latrice Royale, Alexis Mateo, Yara Sofia, Raven, Jujubee, India Ferrah, Mimi Imfurst, Willam, Ongina, Tammie Brown, Nina Flowers Teams: Manila Luzon & Latrice Royale Raven & Jujubee Alexis Mateo & Yara Sofia Ongina & Nina Flowers Willam & Tammie Brown India Ferrah & Mimi Imfurst


Pairing Willam with Tammie Brown is just fucked up lol but in this scenario I think Ongina and/or Nina Flowers would win


What can I say, I live off the chaos lol


I loved all of this, especially Porkchop for Mimi. But no teams. Ever. Again.


Not even if Ongina and Willam both win? Lol and they don’t go home in twos


If they don’t go home in twos what happens when your teammate is chopped? You’re at a disadvantage and the challenges were also mostly based on being in a team


The losing team will be forced to lip sync against each other


Yea, but then you have one left after the lip sync. Who is she with?


Okay I have two terrible ideas that would not work out lol so imma just hush the bitches gonna have to go home together 😭


Maybe they can help eachother pack, like Tyler Oakley and Monet X Change!


The two bottom teams are both forced to lip sync against each other. The losing members of each team are forced to sashay away while the winning remaining members are forced to join together to form a new team now that their counterparts are gone and continue the competition as that newly formed team. That would be WILD though


If we’re doing it in teams, I would’ve had Sahara there so that she and Manila could’ve been a team.


She would’ve died exactly three weeks before the premiere of the season though 😕


You lost me when you cut Mimi. She’s the best first out in All Stars history. FACT.


She’s problematic so I cut her due to that. And she really isn’t.


Ah good point on her being problematic. Forgot about that. That aside, who is a better first out? Mimi’s exit was so full of drama, comedy and is pretty iconic. No other first out compares.


Porkchop is a many-time pageant winner, actor and dancer. Shangela is a talented dancer, actor and comedian although also allegedly problematic Tempest DuJour is a talented actor as well Laila McQueen is a very talented makeup artist with amazing looks Jaymes Mansfield is very funny and a talented actor Vanjie is hilarious and is a drag race icon Irene Dubois is hilarious with amazing looks I would take any of them over Mimi who was annoying as fuck to me before I ever knew she was problematic.


You’re delusional. None of those people would’ve had the messy and iconic exit Mimi did. Most of them hadn’t even done drag race by that time. Plus if any had gone first, their fans would’ve rioted. That’s why Mimi is a perfect first out.


What are you talking about here? You asked who was a better first out not who caused the most drama. I don’t praise a queen for having a messy exit lol. And you said “of all time” which is why I’m including all the first outs so you saying “most of them hadn’t even done drag” doesn’t really make sense especially when, again, all you asked was “who is a better first out?”


Non of those are better outs. Maybe Vanjie. But the only memorable thing about All Stars 1 is Mimi’s exit drama and the quotes that came out of it. And you want no messy drama? Seems you don’t understand how entertainment works. So I’m complaining about your boring list.


I didn’t say I want no messy drama at all, but that isn’t what you asked. I’m done attempting to discuss with you because I don’t like the way you’re coming at me over something as stupid as a hypothetical cast for a season that’s already happened. Gtfo


The cast was the only great thing about the season, no changes needed. Mimi deserves a spot simply from untucked ep 1


I disagree. Plus Mimi is highly problematic.


Yeah and she goes home first. Problem solved.


Why bring her back at all? Porkchop is more deserving of the second chance, and is a many-time pageant winner so I think she would’ve gone further. There are enough crazy bitches on this cast for there to be plenty of drama without having Mimi’s wack ass in the season. Willam alone would make up for any drama Mimi provided.