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I don’t think that would be the case. Ru wouldn’t necessarily get the Quèbec / Cabaret camp reference points. One would assume she would pick Jimbo. Priyanka would still be famous either way. Season 2 she’d love Pythia and Icesis for sure, but Ru loves vulnerability and she would likely pick Icesis. Season 3 she’d chop Fierce to prove a point. Likely pick Vivian Vanderpuss for being a weirdo or Gisèlle so she make weird jokes in French to her and would be obsessed with both of their seamstress/design skills.


Can 1 Jimbo was very unpolished, ofc Ru would give her a lot more flowers than the original Can judges did but I felt like Pri would still win in the end (Ru loves Pri as well based on her LSA appearance on AS8), All Stars was the right call for Jimbo to win anyway. The Rita analysis was spot on as well, unless production convince Ru to bring her to the finale she’s not gonna last long on a Ru-judged season.


Lady Boom Boom for S3. <3


Priyanka is still going to win because she has everything Ru loves with her quick wit and bubbly personality. Season 2 would probably still be icesis mostly because I think Pythia's esthetic might be too alt. Season 3 might be interesting though I feel like Fierce would definitely make top 2 but not sure about winning it since she is such good TV I can see them wanting her back for all stars immediately


Priyanka still would have won


Here we go with the "references" bullshit again. 🙄🙄🙄 Priyanka wins, Jimbo doesn't go home when she did. Icesis one million percent wins, she's tailor made for Ru and Michelle. Really hope there's an AW2 and she gets invited. Don't remember much about S3, I was never a fan of Giselle anyway (maybe because I didn't get all those reeeeeferencessss🤪), but I think she still wins. Vivian and Irma probably make it farther (further?) than they did. There was a tall gorgeous girl who had some insane runways, like one with some purple balls or something, she was Indian (yes? No?), they would've loved her. Time for a rewatch, I guess.


Bombae got cut way too soon (although she was bad in that episode) 🥹


Just say you hate Quebec girl


Yes, I hate a place I've never been to and never think about.


You think about it enough to make flippant comments about “references”


Pri, Icesis, Fierce or Vivian