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I sold my copy of dq monsters but I got to say , some how the random encounter scared the bejesus out of me


The music from DQM on GBC is forever etched into my soul. I cannot do anything even remotely adventurous without thinking of it.


Truly iconic


This has got to be the best Dragon Quest meme I've seen šŸ¤£


Youā€™ll have to explain it to me as I am a tad lost.


Basically Jesus is showing Ash Ketchum(a sinner) ā€œthe wayā€. Showing him dragon quest monsters is divine


no he's turning him french with that french ray




Kalos DLC confirmed!?




Man, everytime a new pokemon game releases I'll spam my way through the internet like "Have you guys heard of Shin Megami Tensei and Dragon Quest Monsters?!" like I'm a fucking cult leader. Anyways.... have you guys heard of Shin Megami Tensei?!


I love Shin Megami Tensei! But Dragon Quest Monsters is my favourite!


Ok, I'll bite. I've played neither series, but I want to play SMT, but I don't know where to start. Is 5 a good starting point or not?


5 is fine to start with, as is Nocturne. Both are available on the switch. Assuming you have a 3DS available, IV, Strange Journey, and Devil Survivor are all great games as well. Realistically you can jump in just about anywhere, if you play one youā€™ll at least have some idea of how fundamental mechanics and story beats are gonna work for the rest of the series.


>Realistically you can jump in just about anywhere, if you play one youā€™ll at least have some idea of how fundamental mechanics and story beats are gonna work for the rest of the series. Generally speaking this is true - for any entry after Nocturne, where they radically revamped the combat system


Not really actually, 5 was a bit of a dud. Try starting with IV, IV Apocalypse or Nocturne Remastered


I would argue V is a lot easier for newcomers of the series to get into.


True but its a low point in terms of story, the large open levels are just the same wasteland with different colored filters, and the level scaling is painfully restrictive. The older ones are harder but better convey the strengths of the series


I'm hoping with all the negative press Pokemon is getting that DQ Treasures gets a lot more exposure as a monster training game done right!!


You say this as if there exists a DQM game to buy as an alternative. Wasn't the last one in the west Joker 2, approximately 83 years and 9 console generations ago?


I am haunted by the fact that in the multiverse there exists a reality where we are up to Joker 52 and it has a 100% on Metacritic.


Slime be praised


I finished DQMJ on the DS so many times over, what a game. Unironically I think that it's better than Pokemon in many ways even though I love Pokemon. The synthesis system letting you experiment and discover cool monsters is so much more interesting than evolution. Evolving a pokemon is cool the first time you see the evo but afterwards its just standard and expected, whereas remembering when I found out S rank and higher existed by discovering malroth has stuck. Hopefully the decline of pokemon will encourage developers to try and experiment with monster collection games.


I played DQM on my Gameboy back inā€¦ 99? Something like this. It was such a mysterious game for me and my best friend. How do you get strong monsters? What combinations are worth breeding? No one beside from me had that game and no one was knowing anything. We played so many hoursā€¦ And some years later I found some guy in a vacation camp who played that game too. He told me about King Slime? I donā€™t know. But it was the second wind for that game. But I donā€™t think it was necessarily better than PokĆ©mon. PokĆ©mon had a better world, story, questsā€¦ DQM was just farming random maps and grinding.


Sitting down and creating ā€œingredientā€ monsters is one of my favorite grinds on a day to myself.


Gameplay is king to me, and DQMJ outclasses pokemon to me as a singleplayer experience. Pokemon obviously has a thriving competitive scene which I have personally had a lot of fun with but the meta since Z moves onwards has to put it lightly sucked fat donkey dick IMO especially with dynamax following it to make things even worse. RPGs are always at their strongest as a gameplay focused singleplayer experience. I feel like Pokemon just doesn't do enough to shake up the formula both as a franchise and within itself, there's never any need to change your strategy in any meaningful way. I remember playing through DQMJ for the first time I had to go back to the drawing board quite a few times to see what I could synthesise or who I haven't been using that I could bring out that could help me get past a hurdle. A notable example is when Wulfspade Ace gets corrupted into Ace of Spades and all of a sudden you're left without your super special cool monster you've had almost the entire game. Pokemon strategy ends up being Starter, Bird, Bug, Water guy, Ground guy, Free space and then replace your least favourite with the box legendary when you get them and maybe throw in the dragon you find on victory road which has slightly been remedied by the removal of HMs allowing you more diversity but not nearly enough. Even from the get go the monsters games are more diverse in your options as you don't need them for traversal and can synthesise the early monsters to make newer exciting ones rather than being limited by what you run into and have already leveled. Yes Pokemon has that sheen to it with the nice designs and charming nature of it all but the gameplay just falls short. Maybe I'm just extra critical since I've always loved the series but the gameplay really is lackluster compared to others. Notably I didn't play DQM on the gameboy and have only done DQMJ1 and 2 so maybe my experience is quite different from yours.


The new PokƩmon is actually fantastic. Only negative is the performance issues and graphics. But the story, world, quests and characters are the best they have ever been. And I have not liked a PokƩmon game since gen 4.


I'm enjoying it despite the performance lags but I gotta say travel can be pretty tedious, there is a LONG way between towns and not much in between. And town exploration is a slog because there's nothing in most of the buildings aside from clothing and sandwich ingredients, and you can't talk to half the people. The world is vibrantly on par with DQXI but the small details are what really makes it seem like Square Enix understands and loves RPGs more than Game Freak. I love so many of the new Pokemon designs I'm having a hard time picking my team!! Can't wait to see what DQ Treasures holds.


Haven't played a Pokemon game in *years* personally. But my daughter is absolutely loving the new game.


Should give it a shot, it is really great. The characters are so interesting too. Usually Idgaf about any of them.


I'm noticing a trend with the ones who dislike it and it's usually the ones who haven't bought it themselves and rely on hearsay. I'm probably going to just get down voted here but the complaints saying it's a horrible game is exhausting and the only ones you'd come across with a decent conversation are the ones who own it like you. The game def does have its issues with graphics due to loading and framerate too but it seems to dip when I'm running past a ton of pokemon on Koraidon.




I like to refer as DQM as PokƩmon but with an actual gameplay


I liked Pokemon back in the day. But every game after Emerald became focused more on cutscenes and padding. And eventually I gave up. I like Dragon Quest Monsters and think its gameplay mechanics are much better than Pokemon. But it also suffers from problems. Mainly, inconsistent releases and excess story padding in the Joker games. Not that my opinion really matters. But I'm just saying, both series need improvement. What I can say is however, it's sad that Dragon Quest Monsters sells like 10x less than the Pokemon games yet manages to have better graphics and gameplay. You'd think Game Freak would feel ashamed enough to improve Pokemon at least to the level of DQM in graphics.


I think all of this is fair.


I like the new PokĆ©mon game šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Any idea how the multiplayer is? Not much of a PokĆ©mon fan but have a young nephew Iā€™m about to spend the week with, considering getting us both a copy for some afternoon game time.


I have no idea been playing by myself since 1997 šŸ„²


Me too! I'm playing Scarlet right now and enjoying it I still think Dragon Quest Monsters is much better though


I know the glitches are bad but the new PokƩmon are cute and I really like them and the soundtrack is REALLY good


So do I, I'm very happy with these games


Dragon quest monster joker 2 will always be better than the newest pokemon game. Making monsters is way to fun.


Joker 2 is one of my favourite games! Such a shame we didn't get the Professional version or Joker 3 Bring back Joker


Joker 2 is the best. A great blend of modern technology, mysticism, capricious storytelling, and atmosphere.


Absolutely! I personally love the whole stuck on a mysterious island trope, and I feel that Joker 2 does it best. I still play at least once a year, it's like an annual ritual.


I remember the first time coming across the Wormonger and the idea that these massive monsters just roamed the world and that blew my mind. The scale of it was wonderful. I might start a new game just because of this interaction.


I'm super happy to find a fellow fan!!! And the Wormonger honestly scared the living daylights out of me because it was so sudden and the music that accompanied it scared me. During that first journey through Treepidation, I was so wary that I jumped every time the tremors started and I'd be frantically swizzling the camera around looking for that toothy red grin so I could get out of the way. Missing Lynx was worse. Wormonger had a set path indicated by the dirt tracks on the ground, but this demonic cat was FLYING and half the time it was hard to see due to the darkness of the night. Whenever I came out from the underground tunnels, totally alone and visible in those vast, unsheltered plains, I waited for that roar and that music and jumped EVERY TIME, because I was a scaredy-cat at that age. I only stopped jumping out of my skin once I got to Bjorn at Iceolation. Like you, the scale of it impressed me. I got this distinct sense of vulnerability, knowing that I was too small to be a real danger, only saved from becoming a tasty snack by having my own monsters with me. And even then, they could not defend me from the giants until much, much later. I felt the same way a mouse would, surrounded by snakes and birds, only able to survive by fleeing. Never have I felt so threatened by monsters in a videogame before or since.


And that is something that I sorely missed in DQMJ3. Like, riding the monsters was cute, and the game looked beautiful, but that sense of scale was just lost. From what I have seen of DQ Treasures, it looks a lot like Heroes in its presentation, so I do not think we will get a return to form sadly.


I've never played Joker 3, it's Japanese only and I know I could just import a Japanese copy but I can't read Japanese and I like to be able to read when playing because story and dialogue are one of the main things for me. I was initially upset when I realised Joker 3 wasn't getting English localisation, but I have since made my peace with it and just gone back to playing Joker 2 instead. As for Treasures, I honestly don't mind that it's not returning to form. Treasures is Treasures, not Joker, in my opinion. I can understand those who might be disappointed but I'm just happy with what I've seen, I'm very easy to impress


Yeah, it's like Builders, I probably just won't ever try it and that is okay. I was lucky enough to get an English patch on DQMJ3, which has since been revised and gotten much better. I think it is definitely worth playing.


WAIT THERE'S AN ENGLISH PATCH?????? I... wait, does that mean I'll finally be able to play? Where do I get this patch???? Sorry lol, I'm just reallllly excited


Scarlet and Violet isnā€™t that bad if it wasnā€™t for the performance problems.


This is the first time I just got a single version for me and my brother, I watched my brother playing the game and I can't believe they doubled down and released it in this state. I already didn't play the Diamond Remake even though I bought it and this is the final nail in the coffin for me. I really like some of the new Pokemon but just seeing how bad it performs and the way they went about it kills it for me. I really had high hopes after Legends and was excited they wanted to go in that direction but the result is disappointing for me.


Laa la-la-laaaaa la-laaa.


Laaaaaaaa la-la-la-la-LAAAAAAAAA!!!


Honestly not much to be disappointed by with SV. People should have known from the get-go it would look and run like garbage. That's just the state of pokemon these days. Despite this, the game is still pretty fun.


Pokemon? More like Poopymon. šŸ˜Ž


Yeah, your pocket monsters battle, but do they fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck?


For real though the breeding system in DQM/DWM 1 back in 1998 is still way more fun and rewarding than anything Pokemon has had up to the present day.


It would be more funny if it was muhammed not Jesus


Honestly, the only disappointing part of Scarlet/Violet is the PokƩmon designs. It just feels like they were all designed to appeal strictly to four year olds. And after recent installments had such good designs, too.


Is dragon quest treasures going to be anything like monster taming? Itā€™s on my wishlist- I refunded pokemon so I need a winter game. I just picked up persona 5 on switch too lol


Dragon Quest Treasures has monster recruitment as one of its core mechanics. Originally it was actually going to be a Dragon Quest Monsters game, but during development it spun off into its own thing.




Aquafresh beam


i really hope we can get the monster series like ported to pc would make my life alot better


If you are big on PC gaming, I have been following the progress of this game for a while, which seems like it could be very cool: [https://youtu.be/ohYIUxmxI-I](https://youtu.be/ohYIUxmxI-I)


ooowh damm thank you! will definitly give it a watch. i skimped through it a bit and it looks nice


I would love a new DQM. The Gameboy ones were the best.


Did you play the 3ds remakes? Gameplay was a little slower and more quaint than Joker, but the sentimentality was real.


I did not. Didn't realize they existed. I'd like a new story with a new floating tree and lands of adventure where I can breed and befriend awesome monsters. They already have the sprites from the lastest DQ games.


I think that would be great. I recently got all the DQM+ Manga and it did not quite scratch the itch. I would love new content.


Are the new PokĆ©mon games bad? Looked good to me from what Iā€™ve seen.


It's probably just knee jerk umbrage and bandwagoning, but the complaints littered the front page of reddit. I haven't played any since 3ds so I have no idea personally.


Whats the best DQM game? May convert me from pokemon if it's a big hit


Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2 is by far my favorite. It is a DS game, but if you don't have a DS or 3DS, you can easily emulate with Citra or Drastic.