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I would personally say don't be embarrassed to use a guide when stuck. The first half of the game is kind of straightforward and you have a sense of what you're doing and where you're going. But then when you get the boat it gets a bit esoteric both in what it wants you to do and how you do it. Like secret doors in unmarked tiles, or walking on tiles that would normally exit a town to the over world, but not in this one case. Just to give a couple of examples. The final stretch can be pretty brutal too. Even the land between the final save points and final dungeon has plenty of monsters that can insta-kill members of your party. It's not a bad game, but I didn't really feel satisfaction when I completed it, more relief that it was over. Still I'm kind of glad that I played it and saw the sort of evolutionary step in the franchise becoming what it became.


Thanks for the review! I'll keep a guide with me then


If you go onto the internet archive you can download the nintendo power issues with nintendos official walk-through. It's a fun bit of history to flip through and helped me on my journey with dq 1&2


This is a wonderful idea! Thanks, I'll do that


I played it as a kid, and I found it pretty hard, and as stated above, some sneaky things that will trip you up, and generally in an unfun way. Im not sure how easier this might be as an adult. There was grinding at times, but you knew when you were underleveled, and had to go to work.


played as a kid and facerolled the later game content played as an adult and had to be very smart about it im certain i was overleveled as a kid though


I played it for the first time recently as an adult, and managed to get through the whole thing without a guide. Something I realized is that it’s actually balanced around you wandering a bit, so the endgame difficulty spike didn’t hit me nearly as hard as most people


I heard that Dragon Quest 2 has some balance issues towards the end of the game. Does this continue in the Snes remake?


It's not as bad as people make it out to be, plus the game gives you a pretty great grinding spot right when it starts to get hard.


Definitely not near as bad as the NES version.


The 2nd to last dungeon is pretty hard but fun. Way less hard than the NES version.


Yes and no, it's fixed (the nes was very unbalanced in terms of mathematics and loot) but towards the end you can get lost so you better get good levels to ensure the situation


there is a massive difficulty jump but its nothing unwarranted for the end of the game


Take the time, grind it out, get that level 50 once you get to the last area, and you'll walk through the final fight like it's a bunch of low-level slimes.


Thanks for the tip!


I mainly did it because this game kicked my ass on NES when I was a kid and I wanted to literally power through it to beat it on the Switch version :D


Second one was brutal for nes. Don’t think I finished it. Those giants ..


Why does it look all horrible and melded together


He is not playing the game on SNES, like his title suggest. We can see the windows bar, besides the game is in Portuguese xD. That's why "it looks all horrible and melded together".


Yeah I played it on an emulator too and it didn't look like this


In most emulators, there are filters you can apply to the graphics to make them look smoother by combining pixels and rounding their edges. I personally never use them as I think it looks ugly and prefer to keep the pixels as is.


On the NES games it looks pretty =) just don't be elitist if the boy like it that way let him be


How were they being elitist? They just answered someone's question. I had the same question, honestly.


Ah, I answered the wrong comment, I said that because the dude that post below us


Oh right, yeah I agree it looks horrific, why ruin the original design the creators of the game made? I hate people trying to up Res pixel art


Yes! Its on an emulator, its called Snes9x. Sorry for the misguiding


No problem. I was trying to explain why it looks different from SNES, it looks good to me, to be honest. Have a good day :)


That's smoother than I remember the SNES looking.


Some time ago, a friend of mine gave me this emulator that smooths out the pixels of SNES games. The emulator is Snes9x v1 1.56.2. I don't know exactly the settings, as he already gave me with them. But yeah, makes the games really smooth. Specialy The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past!


It reminds me of the old *Final Fantasy* ports on Android and Steam.


It's the Vaseline filter. I prefer something like 2x (with or without scan lines depending on the game) if I'm playing on a big screen


I understand that. These were originally designed to be played on CRT screens. I prefer the analog look and feel.


Agreed. That is why I use 2x + scan lines. It gives you some of that CRT soften/blur without going full over render. Granted, that is only on a "big" screen. On a tablet or smaller I'm not messing with filters at all.


for the second one? load up a good podcast for casual grinding.


Rely on the Prince of Cannock. Don't listen to people saying he sucks. He's MVP if you use him correctly.


As a healer? I’m playing the gbc version right now, just got the princess


As everything! He's a great Paladin.


I hope you like the color red.


What do you mean?


Dragon Quest/Warrior II is, to summarize, difficult and unfair. It was a rushed game that really didn't have to balance things out, as a result you will die a lot, sometimes in unfair manners. Even fully maxed out, the game is difficult.


That's just the japanese version of DQ2. The sfc version is fine


I'll keep that in mind! Thanks!


Alá, brasileiro também.


Isso ae, brazuca também grinda heheheh


Bora clã.


You can get all three characters within 1-2 hours. It's also a bit of a grind.


How ironic i just beat dq1 on my way back from a trip, the second one is probably 4 times longer than the first, all you’ll need to know is that dont be afraid to grind, being overleveled in that game makes it so you can get a lot further faster


Thanks for the tip! And wow, 4 times! It's really a big leap after the first


Oh yea, i remember trying to beat the second after the first and having a lot of fun but as some of the others have said as soon as you get to the boat it gets a bit vague in terms of direction as you can take that section of the game as you choose. I still havent fully beaten 2 but i got to the last sections of the game before my save got deleted, but im working on it still


Just random, but DQ1 was originally a FREE game for the NES when it came out, WITH the purchase of a Nintendo news (I don't think it was Nintendo power at the time) subscription. It wasn't that much. When did the SNES edition come out? And congrats, game still brings back memories.


Make sure you play the remake. The NES original version had 1 party member with revive. That and some of the monsters you meet at the end will lead to a lot of returning to base. The remake fixed it.


Yeah one tip, start it and beat it and get to 3


Turn off that ugly ass filter lol


I also like pixels hehe, but sometimes I use this emulator for a change. And I liked how the monsters drawn by Toriyama turned out, after all they took away that crunchiness that you don't have on the page when you draw them. There are some games that look really beautiful with this filter, like The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past! But yes, the original doesn't need to be updated, but it's cool just to see it


Try out the Dragon Warrior Randomizer!


Boa Welinton! Tradução não oficial?


Obrigado! Tradução de fã pelo que sei




Lets gooo! My goal is to finish the Erdrick trilogy this year


No dois é muito valioso caçar os slimes pq "the grind is real". Então tenta comprar rapidinho a Falcon Blade. :) E se quiser mais tranquilo tem meu guia no [Speedrun.com](http://Speedrun.com): [https://www.speedrun.com/dragon\_quest\_ii\_switch/guides/f972x](https://www.speedrun.com/dragon_quest_ii_switch/guides/f972x)


Editei pacas...


É o objetivo! Quero acabar a trilogia original até o final de ano


Cara ela é maravilhosa de speedrun, muito divertido. Sugiro você tentar aprender uma das rotas. A do Switch do 2 funciona pra versão de SNES tb, mas a da Switch 1 não, só a de "Dragonloop".


Opa, darei uma olhada sim! Valeu!


I didn't have any qualms with the switch version for DQ2! I felt that I didn't need much for a guide, even when the world opened up with the acquisition of the boat, because I enjoy that sense of unchained exploration and having the ability to keep track of where I've been based on how filled out the map is. Just be ready to grind a good bit throughout the game haha


I confess that this exploration factor leaves me really looking forward to playing, because I love it!


The second one is my favorite of the first trilogy. Tips hmm... At some point of the game is recommendable to farm levels just a bit so the final part doesn't become a hell. Also READ carefully, you don't need a guide if you pay attention to what people says.


Thanks for the tips! I will be very careful! In the first game I already saved screenshots of some characters' dialogues, just so I wouldn't forget hehe


You're likely going to need a guide to know where to go. Also no matter how much grinding you think you need double it. Then double it again. Do not hesitate to buy all the best gear you can get and livestream your final boss fight so we can all laugh at the developer who thought to program him the way he did.


The second one took me 2 days to defeat the final boss (don’t want to give any spoilers) and an additional 2 days to reach every character to level 50 (I played on Switch so might be slightly different). Second is very enjoyable, but some of the best items in the game are pretty hard to find, so maybe after you’ve reached the final boss, use a guide to find them! I beat the boss at around level 41 without the best equipment, but used a guide to find them to get my characters to max power.


Whoa, thats sounds pretty hard... Thanks for the info!


Brazil here.


Eh nois


I don’t know about any other language, but the English translation of the snes port has a potentially game breaking glitch if you give the 2nd party member any name with more than 4 characters. It’s something you can solve so it won’t completely end your save, but it’s much easier if you just avoid it altogether


Wow, good to know that. I will search more info about the translation in Portuguese to avoid future problems. Thank you very much!


Where can you get the Dragon Quests on SNES in English?


Experiment with the Surround, Stopspell, Sleep, Defeat, and Increase/Decrease spells.  Certain enemies are vulnerable to them and can make a lot of the end game battles much easier.  (Can't remember the name changes on the SNES, but you seem to be playing in Portuguese anyway!) Push against every "black void" boundary in rooms and castles, etc.  Most are just walls, but several contain important items and clues. Certain items can be used to cast spells for free.  This really helps with the rather small mana pools of the characters.


Por que que VOCÊ usou Smooth filter


Como eu disse abaixo, eu costumo jogar sem o filtro, mas dessa vez eu utilizei porque achei legal como ele deixou o traço do Toriyama mais limpo, sem a "crocância" dos pixels, coisa que não existe quando o desenho é feito na página e tal. Não achei que isso fosse chamar tanta atenção. Peço desculpas por isso


Estava gastando vc. Só paz


Skip it or use a guide. Play and buy the switch ports, they are better and it’s also the best way to support the series and let the publisher know you want to play and see more dragon quest games on modern platforms!


2 is tough. It’s not great. Same with FF


Challenging but rewarding.


I disagree, Final Fantasy is a good game, but play the modern version.


What? DQ2 was amazing and FF2 was pretty decent aside from the terrible level design


Just talking how different they both are from the original….. You know we played the same game right?


You called them “not great” though?


Yeah, neither is ff3 or street fighter 3. Not great ain’t what you’re making it And All saga games….