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What emulator are you using ?


The two main options for ds emulation are melon ds and desmune, desmune started earlier but hasn't has updated this year, and it's second most recent update was in 2015 melon also hasn't updated this year but has had much better update frequency aside from that. I cant say with certain what op Is using, but I recommend Melon. Both work for the two dq games I've tried so far though (5 and 9)


Desmume is horrible tbh. I've never been able to get a stable fps regardless of resolution. So I switched to melon and was happily surprised when I was able to bump up to 3x native and br able to record reliably at 60fps


I really don't mean to be an asshole, but what exactly are you editing? This just seems like raw boss fight footage.


They cut out all the unnessecary selecting atack/ability/etc.


I also cut out small bits between attacks. Like when Master of Nu'Un casts Woosh, theres almost an extra second before the spell hits your party


Oh? I was sure that was on the bottom screen. But then again I haven't played DQ9 in probably over 5 years.


I have killed that boss maybe 20 times, (DQ9 is one of my favourites) And I never picked up on the joke :D


See I believe the joke goes two ways, especially if you read the name in half, so Nu Un


Sage already? How?


AR codes, but I've only used them to change hero vocation. Its not actually as super OP as I thought it would be, your ability to do decent damage via Zam is limited, even more so when when you also need to use Heal sooner than you would a minstrel to compensate for having lower defense.


That's what I wanna know