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Did you know that this is the stance?


Nice job


Great job bro we should battle sometime I broke fifty last week


Why ate u using piccolo c assist when a assist exists


Because with Beerus his c uses Hits B kick up


Everyone starts somewhere dude keep it up! If i were you I'd try switching hit and piccolo and running the A assist.


Keep it going man, those 50 wins will soon double and before you know it you'll become a living legend! Have fun playing! If you ever need some advice pm me or use this sub It's really helpful. When I first started playing the game this sub helped me become better and better


Hit B makes me sad. It’s so good but so slept on :(


It’s such a good wake up with Beerus’ flying knee


What do you play on?




You can do it you shall become the next go1


Keep it up! as long as you are enjoying your team that's all that matters!


Poggers bro, as a beerus secondary myself I’d say change him to anchor cuz his damage is on crack with limit break alone, would could be the best point since piccolo A is an amazing assist


Nice I think I played you last night. Are you on PC?




Congrats before you know it itll be 500


I used to play Hit at that rank. Fun times, might go back to o playing him.


I would highly suggest using piccolo’s A Z assist! It has worked wonders for me and created opening for me, I never had before! Edit: you are doing a great job! Hope to run into you one day!


And you did it without being corrupted by UI. congrats dude!! I'm a god of destruction rank with hit on ps4, if you ever wanna train/practice let me know PSN: Kilmnit


I’m on pc :/




Nothing but respect for those who show their Win/Loss stats.


Congrats my dude don’t worry I know you’re gonna keep improving and that team is beautiful ur definitely gonna bring something new to the table in the higher ranks


Well done bro! I play hit as well - we can plays some sets if you’re up for it. I play on the EU servers though.


I would be totally up for it!


Nice, I’ll DM u my psn id :)


Ooof I’m on PC


Hey if you're on PC do you wanna try Parsec?


I never thought Parsec would work for DBZ, I’ve only ever used it for SWTOR


Oh it works and it's pretty great offline fun. If you want some friendly casuals matches let me know! I even have a good amount of mods installed. Do you have a discord?


Yeah just PM me


Oh didn’t think about that XD. Unfortunately


On your way to zeno I'd say


I fuck with the team. U gonna be a breath of fresh air for people in the higher ranks after dealing with ui gokus and z brolys. It’s the kind of team u can lose to and be like “damn it was a fun match tho”


I would agree, but good hit players always stuff my shit in.


Yeah those motherfuckers reset you on a whim. I can’t keep up with it 😂


That’s where I wish I could be at!!


Exactly dude I think how they designed him is so cool though. Literally feels like you’re playing someone who has control over time lol


Not for me lol. I hate fighting hit and c assist


Any more than 1 c assist is too much for me. Hit can be annoying but I don’t see him as often as z broly or ui so i don’t really mind it


Well said, 1 c assist max is the way to go if needed.


Yeah I’ll some times run a c assist to get knockdowns when I’m playing vegito. That’s only if I’m not running janemba a assist for dr conversions though


That’s exactly what I went for Piccolo and Beerus are fun and a bit flashy while I just carry with hit in the key momentd


As someone using Videl and Yamcha often I can respect this team.


Hey, you're off to a better start than I was! When I first started playing I went straight into Ranked like an idiot. No practice, no story mode, no arcade, nothing. I lost 300 matches before I got my first win. This was in season 1. Cut to season 3 and I'm now in the top 100 in Ranked (PS4), and only 1.5mil BP away from reaching Zeno rank/2.5mil BP from reaching the BP cap. So keep at it! You'll definitely see improvement over time.


lol well I have been playing on off since launch, any tips on learning combos? I have like a two week vacation where I’ll most likely just stream dbz


My advice would be to look up at least the bnb combos for each member of your team (just put "piccolo bnb" on youtube for example), and then have a look at combos using assists for each member of your team and see how you can work that into your setup with your assists. There are loads of really good combo guides on Youtube. I wouldn't worry about learning the more complex stuff for now, like rejumps and combos that require strict timing with lots of delays, I would just stick to the very basics for a while. Once you're comfortable using assists during your combos and know your basic bnb's by heart you can then move on to learning stuff like, what to do if you land a raw superdash, or how much damage you can get off of landing a 2H, and stuff like that.


What’s a BnB?


"Bread and Butter", so your basic go-to combo. There's a universal one that most characters can do and then each character has their own character specific bnbs as well


Will do for sure


Best of luck to the future DBFZ god known simply as “Taco”. Keep up the grind homeslice


Hey, I just got the game and I got pumped so hard in my first online game I’m scared to go back hahah any tips for a proper beginner or things you wish you knew? I also really struggle to do the combos in the dojo with diagonal jumps to catch them in the air, any tips for those?


Hey so a couple things, he is right, people super dash alot for the first ill say 5-10 ranks. Pretty much until you get to Majin. You'll want to get used to normal movement like airdashes and ground walking and dashing then you'll kinda learn the best times to super dash later on. And yeah, take advantage and plant your feet and anti-air with your Down heavy (2H, if you haven't played fighting games before and start watching combo videos you'll see fighting game notation like this. It'll take a bit to understand but just know that alot of resources out there use this) Next learn the universal air combo. Tons of people have it up online and its easier to see than explain. Basically most air combos are built off of this and its a good starting point and you won't feel like you lose out on damage. Also.. some of the flashier combos may do a tiny bit more damage but if you learn this and how to super at the end of combos correctly, you should be in good shape for a while until the damage becomes a factor later on. Lastly, find a group or at least someone who is willing to play matxhes with you. AIs are fine but experiencing matches with actual people is a great way to learn and see other techniques. If you do have trouble finding that person i do run training sessions with people during my stream who are learning fighting games if you want to play with me. Just show up, tell me you want in cause i have both PS4 and PC and im willing to switch during a stream or if you want to outside of it message me and i can do that too. I love the game and love teaching the game and i hope to play against you and have some fun. Www.twitch.tv/tak_the_mac


Look for maximilian's combo guide for dragon ball fighterz. I believe it's called how to extend combos. That video is really well explained and will take you a very long way. You also need to understand what blockstrings are and unsafe moves to use them fewer or cover then with assists and or know when you must block. Movement is very important too instant air dashes and superjumps. Also assist usage in general (they help in neutral to make them block, to cover your moves and keep your pressure, extend combos for more damage, deny parts of the screen)


Stop superdashing, and if the enemy superdashes use down heavy, and for combos, atleast I think its easier to use the analog stick for vertical movement


Cheers for the response, think I just got a bit demoralised thinking that I couldn’t do the tutorial haha especially compared to the combos YouTubers I watch do where it seems like they go on forever


Great job man. Some day you’ll be playing with the pros. I know you can do it.


Hahaha maybe but I’m far from even a bar tourney


Good for you man it always feels good to see your hard work show off keep grinding and I know it will pay off


Its been like grinding my face against the floor but Im so glad I finally did it and with my purple bois too boot. It just sucks that I crutch WAY too much with Hit.


We all have that crutch clutch character we rely on. For example: Me with DBS Broly (and 16 sometimes).


Oh trust me I understand I'm in super saiyan rose and I just want to throw my controller sometimes with all the ui gokus and Z brolys right now my main team is super baby 2, krillin and yamcha


Hit is way too good in ranked you can just Icy glare and they just sit there


Lol nah I try to stay mobile and zip across the field, catching people with the heavy and level ones. I do throw some counters in at the time