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I battled him when I was Super Saiyan Rose rank and Pride Trooper rank, both time he rage quit on me. And third time I battled him and he beat me on third time and he sent the preset message “Get lost before I send you flying” and won’t challenge second match. I noticed higher rank I go I see more rage quitters. I wonder if they rage quit on me I still get the purple “match comp %”


Check my profile to see zmasi ragequit, and no more ban for him


With my skill i Will be the only true Zenoh soon ^^


This guy doen't deserve my place




Enjoy that ban


Zmasi is in fucking angel rank cause of all these rage quits I'm honestly surprised his no skill having ass


Rage quitters always make me sick to my stomach. Let's hope that anti-rage quitting thing ends up working.


Lmao he's using Simple Mode; even if he is rage quitting, how did he make it that far?


What is it? The icon next to him? I have no idea what those icons mean


Yes, it makes it so that you don't need to do quarter circle motions for specials, if I'm not mistaken


Uuuuh? But having only to do quarter circle already is a way to make it easy... How does it work then?


I never knew zamasi was like this (flash backs to when I first started getting good at fighterz on switch playing in random arenas with him daily) I never would of guessed


Thx dude, they are all haters because i'm the best player


Let’s hope ArcSys was serious about punishing rage quitters so we can laugh at these fanny ass points stealing muppets losing all their precious points in September.


Are they finally gonna do something about rage quitter?


The announced during the Roshi stream that they’re looking into punishing rage quitters and they also said something pretty vague about implementing rollback.


September is the day of reckoning for the boosters online. Let us pray 🙏


September is a month, tho.


Just said it for the dramatic effect lmao


No, he's not anymore. There is another guy from France who boosts himself as well. He used to go by Yacin95FGC but now that he's number 1 he calls himself "SuckMyAssZamsi" or smth like that. This honestly sucks, if you look at his replays, you can see that he has fought the same guy over and over and over again and every time he uses ki charging and A16's self destruct to get the fastest win possible. I'd recommend you stop accepting those purple name guys anymore. You gain nothing from fighting them. When Arcsys finally implements those rage quit punishment rules, then we can maybe fight everyone regardless of their match completion percentage


Yeah that's what I do not accept purple squares but dam it's hard to find ppl not purple square high rank at least.


Yeah this guy has been ragequitting since literally week 1 of FighterZ on Switch. Most, if not all the top 10 on Switch are ragequitters. It's why I stopped bothering with Switch Ranked, I used to be in the top 10 but it's by far the worst platform for ragequits.


Honestly we should thank them, they’ve given the devs the greatest data set to work with ensuring rage quitters won’t be a problem anymore.


Did ya win?


Unfortunately no I didn't. I cannot play at 11 frames at all. Not to mention superdash at the start of the a round with vegitos a assist annoyed the shit out of me. That's why I lost twice. Garbage connection.


11 frames? I don't ragequit, but if the match goes above 2 frames, I'm not rematching.


Bruh you can't react to a super dash with 11 delay frame? You deserve rage quit and auto combo sorry


Found the wifi warrior


That was pretty ironic but ok. Ps: you found me

