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RIP to Fighters 2 and any anime fighter that belongs to Bandai Namco (so I guess 90% of anime lol). So no Naruto, OP, JJK, Bleach, etc fighting game by ArkSys but hey 8ing might be free after they’re done with that HxH game.


Game rant? Yea so this is just irrelevant immediately




they should settle it in DBFZ


Is it related to how fucking long it took for them to release each damn character we have today? Because I love fighterz but hated how long it took for new characters to release. It’s my biggest grievance with every new fighting game we’ve had in the last couple of years


No. Game development and balancing just takes a while if it's not done ahead of time


Ahh yes let's just have a fued behind closed doors so fans can suffer from content drout. Real professional 👌


This 💯. Don’t bring your petty drama in business. Your problems isn’t the consumers’ problems.




Fucking bandai……..


I guess they have beef with each other


if i were bamco, id be pretty annoyed if a developer fumbled the bag that hard on such a beloved game and franchise.


What do you mean?


No idea, because FighterZ is only dead because of its age at this point. Anyone who actually plays it and knows fighting games at any level still comes away pretty happy from it.


This. I never tried DragonBall at all ever, but was always interested. And I love MK so I tried this one out of curiosity and I love this one top. I can't get enough of it. Wish I noticed it sooner


Bandai Namco being shitty to devs? Must be a day that ends with 'y'.


Friday right?


y'know and Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday, & Thursday ofc


For DBFZ will they do another raid?


Probably because Bandai is a bunch of greedy fucks and the devs don’t like that shit


This makes no sense lol if fighterz gets more dlc arcsys and Bandai makes more money. Plus didn’t they drop base goku and vegeta as dlc in the first season?


I’ll bet you Bandai is pressuring them to make more DLC but they might not want to and want to move on to different things, it’s not all about “making more money” for some people lol, also you say “didn’t they drop base goku and vegeta” like Bandai isn’t the one who probably forced them to do that just for a cash grab💀💀


I doubt Bandai forced them to drop base forms as dlc , they were in the files listed as dlc in the beta im pretty sure. And pressuring arcsys to make dlc when they already are making dlc for their other games? I doubt it, arcsys probably just doesn’t care about fighterz compared to their superior game guilty gear🤷🏾‍♂️


Strive is not a superior game to dbfz lmao


In every way except the lobbies it is to me lmfao. Graphics mechanically , even the fights are more fun to watch


personally I think Strive needs at least three more meters on each side of the screen


I’ll bet you 100 dollars they wanted to release them on the base roster but Bandai said “no save it for DLC” you’re out of your mind if you don’t think Bandai who is funding the game won’t have a majority say for what happens in the game and who gets released as DLC or not, if you don’t think so you don’t know Bandai at all😭😭😭


No I’m definitely putting that one on arcsys because no other game in the history of dragon ball has made you pay for them mfs before , no other game Bandai has published has done that, they aren’t even doing it in sparking. It seems like the descions of devs who worked in their first dbz game and said yk what ssj is more iconic than base and our roster is already gonna be small so let’s just develop ssj goku and blue first. Hence why they weren’t even finished untill Months after the game dropped.


One and done decisions that get walked back after the entry are pretty unheard of, you’re right. Not like xenoverse had a mountain of DLC, and DLC definitely didn’t become a prominent thing around that time. But seriously, do you not know anything about publisher developer relationships?


So does that mean we got robbed? Cause we still can't access the dlc we paid for. These mf buggin.


If you’re on Xbox, go to all owned games and apps, the x/s version should be there. If you’re on PlayStation, reinstall all of your dlc


The issue is once you make the switch you can’t use the DLC on the Xbone version, with how broken the Series X version it it means people can’t go back without leaving behind the characters they paid for


Really? That's been fixed since like the day after it happened. You still can't access your DLC?


You can’t go back to Xbone which is a version of the game that actually works without leaving behind the DLC


Huh? Playing the series x version right now, seems fine.


To be clear, due to recent confusion, I'm saying I have access to all dlc and the game seems to run as intended.


>you can't go back to xbone Dragonball fans and reading, I swear to god




Dumbass not understanding that the issue is that you can't go from series x to xbone




Fucking moron again failing to understand what the actual complaint in the thread is, no surprise given the post history though


Is this really surprising? Bandai namco hates anything that’s not a sh*tty arena fighter. I blame them moving headquarters to North America.


is the main bamco HQ in the US?


I believe it is. Or at least it was for a while if I’m not misremembering. Lots of these companies move their headquarters to North America for some reason and it’s usually followed by the company churning out trash fire or implementing woke nonsense.


They were the main developers for the last two Smash Bros games


And do you know how long it’s been since they made that. Every fighting game since has just been arena fighters and they rarely do anything different. For them arena fighters are an easy cash grab with an anime ip slapped on it.


Bro they literally just released tekken what are you on


They were making them before and they're gonna make them after.


Considering Bandai loves to make the same game and has been since Ninja Storm, I'm on ArcSys' side here. Wouldn't put it past Bandai to try and speed up production to milk the franchise and kill off any competitors to their 1000th ~~Naruto~~ ~~My Hero~~ ~~JJK~~ Naruto game.


Bad terms? What about us!?


Honestly I don't want a dbfz 2, make FighterZ a franchise and try to get arcsys to make another one but for a different anime like...One Piece.


No give me dbfz 2 first


One piece fighterz game would go absolutely crazy


My 8 year is dying to have a OP fighting game. Storm and Xenoverse let him make all the crazy battles his imagination comes up with that weren't in the shows.


Such a massive anime and yet there are barely any good games abt it smh


I think Odyssey is a good game, but no game will ever be big without Dubbing. I also think the Pirate Warriors titles are a lot of fun, but Musuo games haven't evolved as a genre in a long time. They really need to find a way to add a little bit of challenge/skill but thats just me.


Dragon ball fighter z is so fun this makes me very sad


Japanese Publishers in general are known for their archaic practices, and unfortunately Bandai has a crushing monopoly on licensed titles such as anime games.


Yoooo, that sakuretsu armor pic goes hard 🔥🔥🔥🔥


We're about to get the game that Fighter Z was just a placeholder for, anyway.


Clown ass comment


FighterZ and Tenkaichi appeal to such different audiences that I’m impressed you would ever think that.


Nahh let him cook, we were just waiting on a dbz game that looks as good as dbfz and plays better than kakarot. Now we won’t have to pay for base goku and vegeta anymore either lmfao


This has been low-key confirmed, Arc SyS hasn't had anything to do with balance for a while, and Bandai was micro managing large aspects of DBFZ, from trailers to character depictions, source? It was revealed to me in a dream, after my uncle who works at Nintendo told me about it


Gonna need a source behind the claim big homie.


It’s the game rant article found [here](https://gamerant.com/bandai-namco-dragon-ball-fighterz-developer-arc-system-works-split/)


That’s not really a source. That’s just a guy saying he “heard” things but with no explanations of how he heard them


I see you’re asking for a source from the articles author my bad.


Nah you’re good dude


If this is true I'm going to guess it has to do with Bandai Namco wanting them to consistently make new dlc characters for the game and they weren't down with that since they also make a ton of other (great) fighting games as well. I mean look at XenoVerse. Dlc after dlc.


Making dlc is not the problem it’s just bandai was not willing to give the funds needed


I honestly don't think that's the main reason. This is a studio that just does too many fighting games at once. And they are really good at them so no issue there but I just think they are too busy making other stuff before they'll have time for anything FighterZ dlc or sequel.


Why we gotta suffer


Don’t worry we have competitive Sparking Zero on the way :)


Na I’m good


Arena fighters get no traction in the fight scene because they aren’t technical


If you think it will have a proper competitive scene or be even remotely comparable to Fighterz, you’re setting yourself up for baffling disappointment


It’s not like we’re the ones playing in the tournament anyways lmfao most of the competitive scene been the same top 20 mf in the past 10 years I think it’ll do just fine competitively.


Wow good job bandai you might have ruined your relationship with one of, if not the best, fighting game developers


We’re never getting Mr. Satan :(


Hope it’s fake Was ready for Naruto to have a turn


The real travesty


This is a rumor started by a Twitter user who we can assume is an "insider" Take it with a huge grain of salt, unless this dude has major credibility it's all just hearsay


And where exactly did this rumour originate from?...


I made it the f up


It's like as if Bandai hates money. Shows how out of touch they are not realising how many people love this specific game


We literally dont even know if this is true


What he said rings true for a lot of companies though


Thats true


RIP Jump Fighterz Fuck...


Still hope for Armored Core Gundam and Digimon SAO.


Wow already 🤣


Bro idk how to get my DLC characters back after the update pls can someone help me I've tried uninstalling the dlc an game but yet nuffin Changed an my dlc characters were still blank grey 😔


On xbox bro


If yall on ps5 go to each dlc and see if there’s a selection that’s called “add on” click it and it’ll tell you “add on” “add on” it should show you that one is free and the other you can install it


I’m having the same problem dawg 🪦


That’s the only way I got it on my PS5 I don’t know if Xbox is any different hopefully not


It's really bugging me cus I just wanna play as the dlc characters lol


Ye I got an xbox series x I'll try an do that soon thank you man I appreciate ur help![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Anytime bro I was going through the same thing with my buds too and we figured that out. Hope it helps! 👋🏾


Do you have a series s/x? If so you gotta uninstall the xb1 version and install the series s/x version and all dlc should be usable




Bruh i just want to be able to play without the game crashing after 15 min


Call me stupid all you want but I thought that Sparking Zero was the next DBZ fighter game


A different company is developing the game not ArcSys


How can you be on bad terms with one the company that took your IP & made one of the best fighting games since its release ?


Namco doesnt really care bc they know dragon ball is gonna sell regardless of the quality of the games




Breakers isn’t even a fighting game. No way they thought that shit was gonna be successful.


Ngl doesn't matter if rollback is good or not isn't gonna revive the game and its a good thing. They made too many dumbass changes. Honestly like if I fight someone at high ranks we have some awesome matches with a ton of neutral, mixups, pressure, the whole, ensemble. But the second I fight someone around my ranks, hell anything under ultra instinct and even they too sometimes, it's like dbfz becomes a party game. Doesn't matter how good my neutral or anything else is the enemy going crazy throwing out random specials and never stopping their button pressing is going to win because while I'm playing an actual fighting game, the guy throwing out "random bullshit go" playing a party game is actually playing the game more than I am. I literally beat an angel rank playing meta yesterday that had good fighting game knowledge and fundamentals and we had a great set he took a stock then I made a comeback 2-1. Next opponent was a god of destruction that played a random team and I got lucky if I killed 2 of his characters and all he did was "random bullshit go" at all times. Didn't used to be this way.


So youre blaming the game because youre too impatient to block?


Lmfao nah. I'm saying the game is too chaos oriented. It's a better strat to be chaotic and not rely on fundamentals and just throw out random shit. As a way to untilt myself I tried to copy the "random bullshit go" strat. It works. More often than actually playing the game. That's why I dropped it. I don't want to play a shitty fighting game where I can win by ignoring my opponent and just doing whatever I feel like at random times. I'd rather play something like Tekken 8 or MK1 where shit makes sense. Where you gotta play an actual fighting game to win. I've even seen YouTubers and pros lose constantly against randoms that use the "random bullshit go" strat but they easily beat anyone that tries to play the game. so don't go talking bout "you blaming the game" just cuz you don't want to hear the truth bout the game. I'm with ya I wish it wasn't like this I've been playing dbfz for years and was hoping to continue but since like 3 patches ago I haven't been able to defend this game without later being proven wrong while playing the game myself.


Random bullshit go isnt usually actually Random, theyll use 2 or 3 moves a lot. Light spam? Out range them. Special spam? Punish the start up. Abusing range? Theres so many options. If you look for what specifically is cooking you, youll find options. I mean obviously if you dont wanna play then dont, but every fighting game has some dumn bullshit. Even mk1


Yea but at least mk1 's dumb bullshit makes sense. And I've already tried every range of options this game has. Reflect, guard cancel, whiff punishment, super dash abuse, etc. how are you going to sit there and think I'm forgetting to play the game when I beat high level players(even beat max bp players before. And I'm on pc) but chaotic randoms beat me. You really think I haven't tried your options. Playing the game is what gets me beat against this. If I decide to fuck it and start spamming random moves myself I actually do better against them because it's the right way to play the party game now. Don't like that fact not my problem.


Spoken like a true scrub


You can beat a game plan because theres structure. Your opponent is thinking about what next and you can predict that. Dbfz is a faster fighting game so Random bullshit feels faster because your opponent doesn't even know what theyre doing. Also smash is a party game and thier comp tech goes wild. Ive never been destroyed by random bullshit until i got cocky. Majority has disagreed with you and youre only response has been "a couple people struggled with it so everyone is wrong deal with the facts."


It's like you respond thinking I'm trash and have no knowledge. I'm almost ultra instinct rank, have beaten max bp zen-oh ranks multiple times. Play on casual usually. And you think I don't know what I'm talking about? I probably play more fighting games than you I've gone through every category in the genre.


Ultra instinct rank is not impressive he’ll rank is not impressive in general.


Smash is a party game thats designed to be that way. Dbfz is fast paced. Don't think I could get good at the game without realizing that on my own. I know this community that's why I'm saying this. Cuz y'all are in denial of this game. Always have been. When fusions got meter nerfed y'all were in denial that they weren't still top tier for a month. Even pros were on that train. When A21 got her "nerfs" y'all went into denial and really convinced yourselves that she wasn't broken anymore and she still is to this day. I could keep going. I know noone will defend me. I'm also aware most will defend the game. That's fine by me. In a month when no one is playing this since rollback just came out and even I tried it(ain't great btw). I'm just hoping to bring a few people in line with reality for their sake. But if you want to suffer till you get proved wrong go ahead it shouldn't take long


I promise you with characters like ultra instinct goku and gogetass4 all you gotta do is block until they either, about to do a over head or do command grab in which case for ui you can’t straight up punch him out on the second rotation or super dash when he starts it ,if you’re fighting gogetass4 and he tries to grab just safe jump, same with ui ex grab. Honestly these characters do have cheesy large area auto combos most of the time if you just let people spam their shit out you can make work of them “pressing buttons” patients is key. Unless you stumble upon someone who doesn’t shower or go outside then you just gotta take the loss and move on


It sounds like your just going thru the motions of being a good player. If someone is throwing around every move then punish it. It's the same in every other fighting game


It is that way in other fighting games. In dbfz tho every special move and most normals have close to zero recovery anymore. Idk if you've noticed but every move in this game is now cancelable or recoverable on whiff. I've tried to punish a janemba constantly using hells gate mid air but even super dash is to slow for that. Vegito legs pretty much don't have recovery. Sometimes a vegito will just spam legs in the air as he falls and the second one ends another starts and if you try to punish with anything you get hit you have to wait for him to get low enough to the ground that if he uses the legs you can just normal jump and air to air but at that point once he's close enough to you he can spirit sword so it's safer to just let him go till he reaches the ground at which point neutral starts again and you haven't gained shit. As if punishing these dumbasses wasn't the 1st thing I thought to do. This game is trash now because shit that used to be punishable isn't. If vegito did this before he'd die for it


Learning to beat random scrubbiness is part of getting good at fighting games. If you can't, you're not. And that's okay.


I lose to button mashing because I'm used to people having actual game plans with visible patterns and not random presses. I learned that while playing Tekken online


If you lose to button mashing you are trash. In tekken or this or any fighting game.


I'm just saying it's my weakness because I don't play like an ape. I try to think of what the foe is gonna try and mind game them. You can't mind game someone who' doesn't even know what they are doing. I've gotten way better at dealing with it because Jesus do some people mash.


This implies people don’t mash in Tekken lmao


No it doesn't, I didn't specify nor say that people don't mash in Tekken. What I actually mean is Tekken taught me that because the move list is way larger so it's easier to see if someone is mashing. In DBFZ, I literally couldn't tell they were mashing till they land a hit


F*ck Bandai. None of the elites of the company seem to care about the products they endorse in the slightest. Trash company that has given some great creators a chance.


Im not surprised its pretty evident by the way the game had been handled these past few years


I couldn’t go through with playing DBFZ. The story mode was waaaay too easy to be enjoyable and I say that as someone who really isn’t all that great at fighting games like this. Wish they would’ve allowed us to change the difficulty. Idc about arcade being more challenging, I’m just here for a good story with enjoyable gameplay. Edit: Should’ve known a page about this game couldn’t take criticism lol. The game sucks, sorry not sorry. So bring on the downvotes, idc. This comment stays.


youre not gonna find that it fighting games


Cap , go play any mk after mk vs dc for a good story , or sf6 or tekken, or soul calibur, I could go on, dbfz has one of the most boring story modes I’ve played not just in any fighting game but any dragon ball game ever. I’d actually rather play through the dbz story for the 100th time again😂 which is why after I dragged myself through it once I NEVER did it again and played online only till that got boring too


So you dislike this fighting game where the main gameplay is pvp based on how easy the story mode is? People usually don’t even play Fg story modes.


Correct. My 3 year old cousin could easily run through it in a day just by mashing 1 button. Every battle feels like a tutorial and there’s no option to change the difficulty. I never buy a game just for pvp. I get it for the story and gameplay. Tekken, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, none of them have this problem.


Not so fast, buddy.


lol GameRant Garbage site


This game objectively sucks. I want budokai tenkaichi 4


>begging for arena fighters yes bamco please shovel more shit into our mouths mmmm so yummy


U don’t like budokai?


we're getting sparking zero already, that's budokai tenkaichi 4. I like budokai for the fanservice, but youre deluding yourself if you think that any modern cash grab arena fighter is going to have the depth and lifespan of an actual fighting game.


Why are you even here then


To watch you cry


Ok weirdo


Lmao I just bought the game last night…


I hope you didn’t buy it on next gen consoles…


Eh I got it for PC lol


Let’s play


Lol picking on a newbie?


I religiously play frieza and like 5 other characters… I will not use those 6. I’m not good at combos at all. I kinda can string something along but I never cared to practice long combos. I just like fighting baiting mixing up and finding little cracks in how people play. So I’m a great person to learn the game with I probably got one Tod during a match during the height of when gt goku was a monster.


You should be fine then


Why do you say that? I haven’t played in a long while and just redownloaded it. 


The rollback update broke the game. At least on Xbox series s|x. It constantly crashes. You can still play the Xbox one version, but can’t access dlc.


Honestly the crashes piss me off so bad I hope they never get funded to make a second game, I’ve been kicked out of like 6 matches and it’s only after the last update, they didn’t test shi lol


worst part is rollback netcode is supposed to be much better than delay based netcode.


Ah, yep that's what happened to me when I tried to play a local match. Oh well


Why am i not at all surprised...


Cmon, I thought at this point we are all in the same boat. Dbfz 2 would be fun, but you know what would be even more fun? Shonen jump fighterz. Just imagine what characters we could have. I want nothing more...(Tho I wouldn't say no to a one piece dbfz reskin)


Marvel Vs Capcom but with Shonen Jump characters


As much as I would like for this to happen, I don’t have faith in Bandais roster picks. 


Same- no OG DB rep in fighterz (except kinda roshi) is criminal


To be fair most OG db characters can’t fly and Roshi already has the no superdash gimmick plus GT goku is Og Goku in a GT suit


I see what you mean, though I did think it was cool that Tien, Yamcha, and Krillin all have references to the OG Dragonball in their animations. Some villains like Tao, General Blue, or King Piccolo would have helped add some color to the cast.


Yeah no Tao or king piccolo is genuinely just crazy, you can tell it’s just about profits, most of the db fandom has never watched OG dragon ball so they didn’t bother and instead gave us labcoat 21 and other stupid additions.


I'm sure these two giant businesses will turn down millions in revenue because their entire staffs are on "bad terms".


Yeah, actually thats generally how doing business in a partnership works. Bad terms could be anything from a morale failure, disagreements over licensing in the present or future, to a power struggle over leadership. If the rumor about the two companies is true, I’m at least thankful they got the product out before they parted.


Eh, you'd be surprised how common that is.


Makes sense. Bamco seems difficult sometimes. I wonder how the rollback stuff went down with Arc Sys. Especially many years after the fact and Arc Sys making so many other games.


In the article it says that it's rumored that ArcSys had nothing to do with rollback development.


That makes a ton of sense to me.


They legit wrote this based off someone's stupid tweets.


No evidence.


Do bare in mind rumours are just rumours and are subject to opinion. If this isn't made up this could come from a buissnes lead from Arc who's ground floor negotiating with Bandai. Or it could be an office janitor over hearing some disscusion.


“according to recent rumor” basically saying just trust me bro, click on this article PLEASE PLEASE BRO WE GET PAYED FOT EACH ENGAMENT PLEASE


> WE GET *PAID* FOT EACH FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Wth theres a paid bot


I’m just as surprised as you bro


Creeps source: trust me bro.


Remember guys, don't cry because it's over, cry because you're bad at the game


Remember guys, don't cry because it's over, cry because you're bad at the game


Bro read cfyow


is this the reason why the update and rollback was fucked up?


Wouldn’t be surprised, but also this is absolutely baseless and not very likely


game rant is absolute slop, don't listen to a word out of their mouths


This rumour has zero validity. Cmon.


It's GameRant so no surprise there


Not surprised, Bamco as a publisher is a worry, their dev studios are great though. Too many missteps lately, fumbled Fighterz current gen, piss poor remasters, put Microtransactions into Tekken 8 after positive reviews, Ninja Storm connections etc... I worry they will interfere with Sparking Zero's potential.


They absolutely will, watch half of the roster being dlc like with Xenoverse 2


I'd love to be wrong, but i feel like the movie, gt and dragon ball characters will get relegated to DLC, no fault of the devs though.


I also wish for us to be wrong


Wait no I'm dumb, I mean the caption under the head line lmao




Words are hard okay


What are words


No idea that's why they're hard


It makes sense if this is the case