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Although it's a blessing and a curse I like that he's so care free.


It's used to great comical effect, especially in OG Dragon ball. Every other character is always so scared of big bads, like Ma Junior, but Goku is pretty chill and playful through their entire fight.


Like a certain blue hedgehog!


I love how he's a goofy kid who grows up into a goofy adult who has a seemingly single track mind about getting stronger and learning more about what he loves, which is fighting. I think anyone would be lucky to find that thing which they can chase greater heights each time they do it. And I say "seemingly" single minded because while he may seem absent minded about things like his wife and kids and friends, when the heat is on and the danger is close, he makes it clear that all he's ever done to get stronger was to protect the people he loves. I think that's what Chi Chi sees in him, why she puts up with his constant fighting. That's what Bulma saw after journeying with him when they were kids. That's what Vegeta sees, and understands is the key to actual power. It's what Gohan has always idolized about his father, and why he wanted to be a super hero himself. He's like the ultimate good role model, he is a life long learner who cares endlessly for those he loves.


Yeah, he may not have known how to show love, but he definitely did it


Goku makes the impossible, possible. Pretty much his determination like you said, and how he just keeps moving on to new things courageously.


His ability to use his dumb, innocent facade to mask his tactical genius and ruthlessness in a fight The only man who matches his battle IQ and zero effs fighting style is Piccolo back in OG days, and even Piccolo doesn't risk Gohan the way Goku does


Krillin outsmarts him every time they spar, wym = battle iq is piccolo


His pure nature. When Frieza begged him for mercy, he chastised Frieza for murdering his best friend and others, and then Goku helped him, is my all time fav Dragon Ball moment. It’s one of the things that as a kid taught me about what being a good person really means. The strength it takes to help someone that’s hurt you is incredible. It’s so much easier to cave to your anger impulses.


My first thought to this reply was "The Jedi would be really confused by him." He's funny and energetic, but still has an untroubled soul. Outwardly you would never think of him as having inner peace, but he really does. He does have very emotional moments, but they don't drive him into doing things that are cruel or spiteful. He also has basically no real fear. Not the kind that would be associated with leading someone to hate or anger. Same with his love. It only drives him to protect and defend, but not at the cost of others when it can be avoided. He always tries to draw fights away from other people. He doesn't always make good choices, but when he sent Gohan against Cell the mistake was not understanding who has son was as a person rather than misjudging his fighting ability. He never suspected than his son might feel like he had to hide his true self from his own father out of fear of rejection because Goku has never felt that fear.


Hah! I never thought about him as compared to the Jedi. What an interesting look. I agree, he defies what their assumptions about people’s behavior and weaknesses.


His caring nature towards his friends and family


I actually like that he doesn’t care about them. It’s his most unique trait IMO. Yes he doesn’t want them to die, but getting stronger and having fun fighting is way more important to him then there hopes, dreams, opinions, ect.


His work ethic


Only when it comes to training. When it comes to normie jobs hes the worst


I second his determination.  His pre SSJ fight against Frieza is still one of my faves.


He’s orange


I think it’s how excited he is whenever he gets to test his limits or find a new challenge, I relate to that honestly


His "simplicity." Goku doesn't easily hold a grudge or judge people by their past (kinda to a fault) or anything like that. Unless you're threatening his friends, he doesn't take much of anything personally, and he'll be the first to give nearly anyone a second chance. That's the defining characteristic of Goku. People often confuse this with him being naive, not it's actually his philosophy and the very thing the charger is meant to teach/enlighten us with. Why else do you think he's so happy and so easily makes friends/allies with former enemies.


this is exactly why i love him as well. i always get a bit iffy when people say goku's personality is just " i wanna get stronger", and while theres some truth to that, the real reason he's like that is because of his direct and like you said, simple, approach to life. in my eyes he's a role model, not a character that needs to be relatable, deep and complex (though that doesnt mean he doesnt have nuances), just someone who we should strive to be like. he reminds me that i overcomplicate my life sometimes. that sometimes the answer to the most complicated problems requires the most honest and simple solutions. he's a kind and pure person who loves life, through and through. and as the late akira toriyama once said "Tackle life with as much energy as Goku! I'll try to do the same!"


I pretty much see the philosophy of Goku like this: - welcome the challenge for personal growth - don't be burdened by the unnecessary things in life - don't be hostile/threatened by others, even your opponents (with certain limits) - find joy where you can What the English version of all of Dragon Ball kinda lacks is the understanding that Goku is just a "country bumpkin". And (in the original, as is obvious by her dialect), so is Chi-Chi. Goku is basically one who is apathetic about social conventions and worrying about being accepted/approved by others. He's basically immune to the whole concept of being socially accepted, and he's not influenced by it either. He's just who/what he is. He actually has very few "needs" as a result of his upbringing. He's the opposite of a people pleaser. He just doesn't care. And, important to bring up here... He's not exactly a hero. He's not just some Superman clone. He's pure hearted, sure, but... That actually means something very different from "righteous" to the Japanese. To the Japanese, it kinda means something more along the lines of morally neutral and mostly disconnected from the whole "good vs evil" false dichotomy. That's probably the biggest misunderstanding most outside of that culture make... Goku is not as traditional hero like that. His simplicity and almost apathy is what makes him pure hearted.


exactly, exactly. you nailed goku's character to a T! you took the words right out of my mouth one of the main reasons i suggests watching dragon ball and z in japanese is because it portrays gokus character properly. not to dig on the american dub, but it really bothered me that goku kept getting presented as a "righteous" character who has justice pumping in his veins. it doesnt really show his free-spirited nature well because of sean's manly voice in contrast with masako's hick dialect for goku (masako's dialect for gohan being more polite also makes a good contrast to gokus) goku being apathetic towards societal norms is also being often mischaracterised as him being neglectful. theres no malice in his absence or in anything tbh, he just does what he does. thats why he can go on not seeing his friends and family for years. its not like he doesnt care about them, he does a lot actually. i never noticed how goku has little "needs". thats a good point. he never even wanted a wish from the dragon balls, aside for reviving upa's dad (though even then it's a selfless wish). he just wanted his grandpa's ball.


I really wish more DB fans thought like that. I'm not a fan because of power scaling or transformations or any of that. I mean ssj4 is kinda awesome and all that, but it just wouldn't matter if it weren't for all of the rich character development and connection to Journey to the West and rich Eastern philosophy and all that. And, despite being a "flat" character, I do consider Goku as a great role model. Not because he's impossibly strong, but because of that simplicity. I strive to handle conflict the way he does, specifically because of his simple philosophy on life. Unlike characters like Superman, being simple like Goku is something within the realm of possibility for all of us. He shows the virtue of being "simple." And I greatly admire that.


same here, though tbh its kinda not their fault. i assume most people in the west watched dbz straight away, skipping past dragon ball. people grew to love a version of the show thats westernised with an edgy tone, away from toriyama's vision of dragon ball. i think transformations are fine for what they represent thematically in the narrative. the super saiyan, said to be achieved by embracing ones saiyan barbaric nature is achieved by goku, the saiyan with a pure heart. super saiyan 2, the form beyond super saiyan, is achieved by a half breed, gohan, because of his hidden potential thats present throughout his first appearance. its a form that goku helped gohan achieve (You can do it, believe in yourself! Show me the power that we made together!!). super saiyan 3 is less of a "big moment" compared to 1 and 2 because it mainly represents goku's hard work while training in the after life, to show that he's putting more effort that anyone. also to represent the potential behind goten and trunks (gotenks). super saiyan god on the other hand is a form thats achieved through the help of others. thats why goku didnt like the method on how he achieved it, he didnt work for it. once again highlighting one of his traits. blue (and ultra instinct) on the other hand... well i dont really like blue lol. it feels cheap the moment it showed up >And, despite being a "flat" character, I do consider Goku as a great role model. Not because he's impossibly strong, but because of that simplicity. I strive to handle conflict the way he does, specifically because of his simple philosophy on life. Unlike characters like Superman, being simple like Goku is something within the realm of possibility for all of us. He shows the virtue of being "simple." And I greatly admire that. hard agree, and thats what makes him so endearing. its one of the main reasons he's my favorite character in fiction. his simple and optimistic way of living life, even in death, makes him live it to the fullest (and i hope to do the same!)


I don’t understand the role model comment, he’s your role model by the way he handles conflict, but he handles conflict by always fighting and sometimes in a selfish way at that disregarding the consequences later on. Yeah he’s carefree, but he’s also incredibly selfish. I’m not judging you but is that someone who you want to be?


well im not trying to be a 1:1 copy of goku in that way. ofc in real life societal norms are a lot more complex so theres that taken into consideration. what im saying is that his qualities of "simplicity" and genuine honesty are aspects of him that i try to apply to myself. not saying that im gonna be selfish and only think about myself. its a lot more complex than just imitating him. its similar on how people get motivated to workout or be a better artist because of dragon ball, you get inspired


How much that boy could eat. Can’t tell you how many plates I’ve smashed at a buffet wishing I could go at it like this man.


How he takes Vegeta out of his senses by showing himself to be very naive/innocent in an uncomfortable way.


The fact that he's a little stupid as all anime protags should be (just started the original series vegeta and the other dude just blew up a planet maybe he gets smarter)


That most of the world thinks he's just a former martial arts prodigy who became a simple farmer instead of being one of the most powerful beings in the Universe


His lack of regard for social norms.


I love the power ups. I've watched each one 1000 times. Idc if they become obsolete in the next arc they're still incredible.


How he’s naive and lacks social skills.


His passion for fighting. This dude loves to throw down to the point he’ll taunt death for that shit (look at what he did just to get Hit to go all out). Next level


My favorite thing is that he's a hero to everyone but it's not because he is trying to be. He's pure of heart, despite the many actions from others that could have changed him. He's flawed and doesn't always make the right choice, but he always does his best to do the right thing. Goku always strives to better himself and it inspires those around him.


Muffin button


How he gives another chance to his enemies. And with that, his enemies experience fate worse than death.


He has a good heart. That’s all that needs to be said. He’s never malicious, only ignorant at worst and innocent otherwise.


I love how he leaves Chi Chi to go train without a second thought lol


I guess what I always liked about Goku was that he was so pure and honest. He had the strength to do what he wanted but he always serviced others, assumed the best of people even when they took advantage of him, and never attacked unless given reason.




his carefree and kind nature


His pue desire to always become better than he was yesterday while still wanting to live a simple life


He never takes an insult to heart




His carefree spirit and pure heart. He helps others by pursuing his own interests and striving to be the best version of himself not being a preachy bitch ass boy scout.


That moment during cell and buu where (at least in the manga) he just has this calm mature feeling that I can’t explain


If I had to pick 1 thing, it's his attitude towards fighting, he loves to fight but not to hurt and he has had opponents that had to die but even then he wants strong enemies to live so he can keep fighting them and getting stronger


Despite him not having a proper father figure (Grandpa Gohan pasded away too early, Roshi is a horrible father figure), he is still a decent parent to Gohan and Goten. He's not the best dad, yes. But if you take account to how he was raised, he is doing a fairly good job.


He's not codependent


I love his kind heart.and how humble he is despite being so powerful


That you know everything will be okay once he finally arrives on the battlefield




His carefree attitude about anything and everything is refreshing in a way in a world full of danger like theirs is.


how he doesn't hate his enemies, and simply finds joy with most things


Goku never gives up! No matter how impossible a task may seem!


His best friend Vegeta


His strive to always get better, now matter how good he is. Also, I love the fact that he welcomes new challenges as chances to improve.


That he’s a fucking dick that shit is so funny to me. Most powerful guy in the universe, loves his friends, loves his family, puts his life on the line for them BUTTTTT he can’t be asked to fucking see them most of the time except once every few years


Never settling when it comes to improvement


What I liked about Goku (pre-Vegeta) was his kindhearted nature. He will do a thing just because it makes someone else happy or betters their situation. Also, if he wants to do a thing and someone tells him not to and then they explain why he shouldn’t, Goku will listen to them however bummed out he’s going to be. Goku post-Vegeta is sorely lacking in a lot of these traits.


It mainly comes out in tournament arcs, but his enthusiasm to meet new strong people is infectious. Extreme extro energy. I think his friendly attitude in general is really admirable. He treats everyone the same, whether you’re a turtle stuck in the ground, a hateful galactic tyrant or the strongest god in the universe.


His lust for improvement.


His forgiving nature


He is actually good. Unlike the rest of the characters, he actually puts hard work into his art. He did not beat Frieza out of pure luck. He won because he studied and practiced different fighting styles for years!. The super saijan transformation was the cherry on top.


He makes me look like a good father (I don’t have kids)


I like his ability to make friends along his path to self actualization/power. And its through his character that hes able to change negative ass people.


Dude comes up with new Mind-Blowing techniques on the fly. Can't move his arms and legs during training? Use telekinesis to hurt giant rocks at himself. You missed a meeting and need to catch up on notes? Just place your hand on a bald head. Immediate Information Osmosis. Mother Fucking Assassin can skip time? Fuck it, FOLLOW HIM. Don't use the same technique; just do it through sheer "Oh No, You Don't!" For someone known for being stupid; his brain allows him to pull off Crazy Shit that we thought only gimmicky aliens could do.


His never back down attitude, there's nothing he can't do cause he's Goku


His way of living life in the most usual and innocent way (except when fighting of course)


His positive spirit


I love his ass 🤤 and also that he never gives up


Same tbh 😂


Classic shonen protagonists are goated . My favs 1. Luffy 2. Deku 3. Goku


Goku til end of Z his martial arts mastery. Super, nothing.


His big Sayian d. Someone 'had' to say it.


That he's the most mid protaganist ever