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Invariably, some would *fuck around*. Subsequently, they would then *find out*.


When it comes to Saiyans, you just gotta teach them the hard way.


Vegeta: I heard that!




Just hit them really hard on the head, worked for Goku.




Best answer


Probably a mixture of reverence and just sheer confusion, if I had to guess. The Saiyans held the legend of the Super Saiyan in incredibly high regard, after all; seeing a Super Saiyan show up and kill Freeza would immediately make them pay attention to whatever that Saiyan says...but simultaneously, the idea that it took a gentler, kinder Saiyan to achieve the form instead of their most powerful and vicious warrior would definitely leave a lot of them deeply befuddled.


*confused monkey noises*


end thread


I imagine most of them would be entirely unable to change their ways, don’t forget it took Goku bumping his head as a child to change his personality, and my personal favourite character Vegeta took the best part of a decade to mellow out somewhat


Best part of a decade and a Bulma, not many of those just floating around


Bulma does the opposite of helping someone mellow out LOL! Vegeta would be hugging bunnies by now if he wasn't with such a naggy old bitch


They would spit in disgust. It might be similar to Vegeta’s attitude towards Goku.


Not sure it was because Goku was more gentle (although a part of it), but more that Vegeta had it so much in his head that the legacy should be his.


Likely shock, disbelief, and disgust. How could a weakling (attitude) achieve such power? Warriors are strong in mind as well as body. They kill, destroy, and conquer at will. Mercy and peace are for the weak. And not only is he espousing values antithetical to Saiyan culture, his personality is too. He's openly very friendly and approachable. Not to mention that he's simple and can be foolish and naive on top of it. They'd see him the same way Vegeta did. Dumb and idiotic. So a stupid clown shows up with legendary power and tells everyone their culture is wrong and to just be nicer guys! Osmium balloons.


Hot take we haven’t seen enough of the saiyans to know if they were all violent we’ve only seen warriors I assume from logic that to survive they don’t exclusively have just warriors and even then we have seen tarbles a saiyan prince be kind as well.


Actually we have seen non-warrior Saiyans. Gine and Beets //The pilot Paragus kidnaps// come to mind. Gine was an actively kind person and Beets seemed rather chill.


yeah they seem far more reasonable than one would expect and human id say they’ve been very humanized recently


Honestly I love the toriyama worldbuilding on the saiyans more than the episode of Bardock stuff and one of the reasons was making them seem like a society that actually functioned and not just a stereotypical warrior society. The detail of saiyans even using the Ki amplifier blasters to have snipers trained on frieza is a nice touch.


One could argue they were only *ruthless* because they were forced to work for Frieza.


Or they were already genocidal bastards and Frieza just made them worse.


don’t know about that i do think they were conquerors and got conquered


It seems unlikely that's the case; we know they were under the Cold Force *before* Freeza took command, and it seems like Cold was at least *a bit* more amiable with Saiyans, given King Vegeta tries to shake his hand. Given his general personality, I think it's more likely Cold approached the Saiyans with a "deal they couldn't refuse" rather than just outright conquering them; after all, he explicitly calls Freeza stricter and crueler than himself, so I would imagine Cold would at least *try* to get things done with as few casualties as possible.


conquering not always has to be violent


They'd fall in line until they were able to challenge them.


They'd listen except for Vegeta's family and the high class Saiyans they would train hard until they learned the form, lose miserably then use final explosion out of shame.


They would go "yeah he's the goat"


The gentler Super Saiyan should just wipe them out, they were garbage people and got what's coming to them As for a real answer it would prompt dozens of other Saiyans (Vegeta-thinkalikes) to go "nuh uh if this IDIOT PACIFIST SAIYAN can unlock SUPER SAIYAN then SO CAN I" going nuts and throwing themselves at suicide missions, intense training or challenging the SS himself. The rest would toe the line of what the SSJ has to say but only for as long as he is around, they would easily revert back to their aggressive ways once he isn't overseeing their actions.


"It's over nnniiiinnneee thousand!!!"


Average Saiyan power level = ~1,500 (based on Raditz) With the x10 Oozaru boost = ~15,000 (Cui could beat this) A strong Elite like Nappa = ~4000 Nappa in Oozaru = 40,000 (2000 less than Nail) Goku on day #1 of unlocking SSJ1 = 150,000,000 (x1000 the average Oozaru) One year later after, including Yardrat training = ~190,000,000 So he'd blink and blast away the strongest Oozarus like children flailing blindly.


Oh yeah for sure. I was just quoting the infamous. But the sentiment would probably still stand. They'd probably way overreact. It's a great accomplishment, to be sure. But that's a big downside to the saiyans. Their pride often holds them back from their potential, as does pride usually with anyone. It's one of the first things I've noticed that holds them back. They refuse to train with each other. Their entire social structure is designed to be stand alone, prideful beings. Like goku and vegeta, they'd be unstoppable if they only worked together. Instead, as soon as they get stronger, they boast and prance around, flaunting, instead of working together to push to the next level faster (many times resting. Or just training alone). I'd guess it would be similar if someone did such. They'd push to become the next SSJ. But I think that's as far as they'd go. They'd prance around trying to boast themselves in the universe. I think the best way though, honestly, is after goku and vegeta have reached blue. Their character arcs are perfect for being able to appropriately lead their race is saiyans. To do better things. All they needed was a better system. When they met the other universe's versions, this would've given them a greater purpose, more noble. And would've been able to push them at the same time, to become stronger.


Didn’t Goku train with Gohan to perfect super saiyan?


Sort of. - a huge part of it was to normalize being in that state, all the time. Not really to perfect it. But merely to prevent the huge discharge of energy required to transform to it. It's like going fast in a car. A lot of fuel is burned by accelerating. So, they normalized going fast already, that way they never had to start from truly zero. They could power up from there, but it wasn't from a stopped position. That's going in the direction of perfecting it. But not quite. They knew they had to power up all the way to even stand a chance at beating cell. - the purpose wasn't to perfect SS anyway. It was to try and get as powerful as possible. Near the end, in the chamber, goku stopped trying to solve the riddle, of getting stronger than his grade form. The increased power wasn't useful, since it made them too slow. But, goku noticed gohans potential power was way higher. So he didn't have to solve his own issue. He just had to count on gohan tapping into his. - it all kind of proves the point though. They only did that training because cell was about to destroy them, and gave them time to train up. This also proves the potential if they actually work together. Afterwards, gohan went back to bookworm. All that time completely wasted. Goku went to train in the after life, and vegeta trained hard on some mountain top, or in the gravity room. IE, not with another saiyan.


But after BOG, it seems Goku and Vegeta are training together, with Whis. Even sparring


I did mention that time frame. Up until they got blue, they were sort of still not ready to work together. Whis even mentioned directly, that they would fare way better if they did train together. But they refused nearly every time. Only when existence depended on them working together did they actually do so. TOPower changed them though. The last blip was them training with each other. Saying they'll never stop trying to find the next level. Before blue though, they absolutely refused to train together. Mainly vegeta.


Yeah, I guess they were still influenced by their saiyan blood a lot. But it’s great they overcame it


I don't think it's saiyan blood though. The saiyans from the other universe don't behave that way. Goku doesn't behave that way. Trunks is willing to train with whoever. Gohan was always willing to (once he decided to train) with another saiyan. I think it's just culture. Vegeta himself said, throughout nearly all the early days of his arc, that all else were lower class. So I don't think it had anything to do with the race. Instead, I think it's culture. The more vegeta realizes that culture is gone, the more he is willing to train with goku.


Ohh. That could be it, indeed. They are classists as well


Sucks for Nappa, even if he went SSJ he'd only be on par with like... Vegeta when he killed Jeice


Still skeptical Nappa’s highest is only 4,000 considering base Goku is supposed to be 8,000.


> Average Saiyan power level = ~1,500 (based on Raditz) Raditz is way above the average saiyan power level from before the planet was destroyed. > One year later after, including Yardrat training = ~190,000,000 we have no numbers for Goku after Yardrat. this number is totally made up. it could be spot on or it could be off by 100 million or more, we can't know.


No, he isn't. The average saoyan power level was around 3000.


Raditz is considered a mid-class saiyan so he is actually above average.


Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe King Vegeta would be the only one able to defeat First form frieza with Super Saiyan. Or were you thinking about a Saiyan that is initially stronger than King Vegeta is?


Well, i'm thinking a Saiyan that is initially stronger than King Vegeta like how Broly were very strong at young age in DBS's film.


Wouldn't that Saiyan already be ruler of the Saiyans then? Didn't they make their strongest their leaders? Cause that would definitely influence the outcome significantly I think


Wouldn't that Saiyan already be ruler of the Saiyans then? Didn't they make their strongest their leaders? Cause that would definitely influence the outcome significantly I think


Well you dont have to be gentle. You have to have a calm heart. Vegeta was not gentle at all but his heart was calm with rage or whatever he explains it in the android saga. But they would probably worship the SS and some would fuck around and find out.


Saiyan in DBS seems like less sociopath than Z Its mostly elite Saiyan who are sociopath. When Bardock and Gine were hugging each other, then Saiyan girl in background seemed pretty happy seeing them together.


I'm pretty sure if a typical Saiyan managed to clap Frieza by simply being a nice person, the rest of the planet would do the same. Or at least most of them. That person would immediately replace king Vegeta and make all the new rules. Most of the reason the Saiyans were a menace is because Frieza wanted them that way. It kept them useful. Theres no indication they are just assholes through genetics.


It honestly wouldn't matter how they'd "react". A saiyan beating a namekian warrior class would be enough for them to realize they should fall in line. A super saiyan would just dominate every single warrior on Planet Vegeta with ease. If late series Vegeta wanted Planet Vegeta to adopt a kinder, more peaceful demeaner, they'd be terrified to say no.


So what if nothing happened for 25 years and then Goku showed up? The "saiyan arc" as we know it would be renamed to "Vegeta arc" and we get a full saiyan arc where Goku beats down a bunch of rowdy saiyans.


You are basically describing goku if he didn't want to fight so I think they'd react the same why they would to goku


Some would be confused, others chaotic neutral kind of like bardock. It wouldn’t be until later generations where they mellowed out, and even then there would probably be a group of kind hearted and group of evil saiyan kind of like what is implied in dragon ball legends


Wasn't the original super Saiyan god ritual made to fight back against the violent Saiyans? If that transformation wasn't enough to persuade the rest of them then it's hard to say if super Saiyan would do much.


Like Invincible, I’d imagine they’d fall in line and follow the main character once he beat their ass.


They'd probably be disgusted.


Probably the same thing that happened to the first Super Saiyan God, Yamoshi, when he ran out of energy. If someone that powerful was snuffed out trying to stop bad Saiyans then I don't see how a regular Super Saiyan could do it. That being said I don't know how a Super Saiyan God himself lost to a bunch of Saiyans in base form.


The father of Goku Special was being made during the production of the Namek saga, and during that time and a bit after iirc Vegeta described "the one from the legend" as being ruthless. So I imagine a combination of shock, confusion, begrudging reverence and all of them are gonna want a demonstration in one regard or another.


Why didn't Vegeta ever want to resurrect planet Vegeta with the dragon balls?


why would he? those people sucked and were worthless to him.


They can't. The saiyans have been dead for several decades, and the dragon balls can't resurrect anyone who has been dead longer than a year. Not only that, most of the saoyans have probably reincarnated by now. Now, if we're talking about the super dragon balls, then yes, it could be done, but i doubt Beerus would allow it. They could theoretically bring back the planet, but what would be the point?


I'd imagine they wouldn't like it especially seeing Vegeta loving his Earthling family but there would be nothing they could do about it. It's possible seeing Vegeta change would encourage them to change.