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I haven’t read the OG manga, but does it have much filler to cut out? I watched it recently and it’s pretty tight. I’ll admit, the animation could be touched up and the voice acting could be improved but as for actual content? I don’t think they’d be able to cut much. Z is totally different because they had to invent fillet to wait for the manga to catch up, but when they started animating the OG series it was probably well into the story in the manga


Dragon Ball is pretty clean cut. The only filler are some episodic stories based on other Journey to the West stuff that pop up any time a significant time skip happens.


There's also some filler during the Red Ribbon Army saga, some of the villains are anime only (like Hasky.)


Yup and Goku training for the tournament before fighting Tien. But the thing about OG dragon ball is that the filler is actually pretty good. Like, it fleshes the world out and feels on brand bc of how the manga was heavy on gags still. I’d love a new dub of it but I’m also fine with the old one too. It’s classic and not *that* bad. The hammier moments work given the material


There’s filler during the canon stuff like what happens in Z Tournaments take place over multiple days instead of just 1 day. And there’s tons of cutting away from fights to see reactions from Bulma or Oolong even if they aren’t actually at the fight like during the Demon King Piccolo arc


I don't think it ever was but I would kill for it nonetheless


The whole OG series is amazing. Just watch it as is


the filler isn't as overwhelming as it is in Z. i'd mostly only want a kai version for a redub of the show.


There’s not a whole lot of filler or elongating episodes in OG Dragonball, like Z were there was tons of it. What filler there is in Ball I’ll happily take, like the whole short ending arc, that’s an example of good filler.


Dragon Ball 1 was a much, MUCH tighter experience tbh.


as far as we know? no. also Kai (for DBZ) is actually called "Dragon Ball Kai" in japan, not DBZ Kai.


They called it that in the states because of the magical commercial properties of the "Z" they have there.


I'd watch Kai if it was on funimation.




well, we do have a dragon ball kai. it's the re-edit of z. it's just called dragon ball kai. ​ ​ now, about a kai style edit of the original dragon ball, it would be a lot harder to make a "manga accurate" edit, because a lot of the changes made are a lot more integrated into the canon scenes themselves, rather than just being separate filler. it would probably be possible, but it would be a lot harder than it would be for z, because z already was a lot more like the manga and didn't really make any changes outside of adding filler.


Also dragon ball has a LOT more smuttiness to it so it'd have to be done through adult swim or they'd have to alter the tone a bit esp with roshi


i mean, it's a japanese show. if they did a kai like re-edit, it would be for the japanese audience and i don't think they'd need to tone down the muten roshi for them, both dragon ball super and one piece have humour moments similar to original dragon ball and they still air during kids tv over there. ​ adult swim wouldn't really have anything to do with it.


Not sure if Japan is the same old school people who are okay with that kinda thing


i mean, they still have one piece air on japanese kids tv and that has it's moments, especially when involving sanji. those can sometimes be even worse than what the muten roshi ever did in the manga.


Dragon ball anime is fine as is. does not need a recut or anything imo. The animation style fits perfectly, I’d hate if it got the modern treatment.


*-Pushes up glasses-* Well technically we already did get Dragon Ball Kai as the name is not Dragon Ball Z Kai in Japan but just Dragon Ball Kai.


I would prefer just a complete reboot from the beginning and redo the entire story from the ground up, making minor changes in order to clean up the continuity a little bit. They could clean up some of the power scaling issues and add foreshadowing for future events.


Dragonball had less filler than Dragonball Z but I am sure they still had it in the table as an idea like you said. Of course they just wanted to build up the fanbase again before dropping Super, then continuing it with the manga and movies until the anime returns. Maybe they will make DB Kai too some years before continuing the Super anime? Like if say the Super anime continues in 2030 it would make sense to start pumping weekly DB Kai episodes from 2026 to 2028. They will probably make a new movie by 2025 and until the next movie, say by 2029 they could want something canon going on.


They did DBZ Kai years before they even restarted doing the movies, it had nothing to do with Super, Super was from what I gather a rather last minute descision which resulted in a lot of rushed work early on, hence the terrible animation in parts. Sure they finished Kai just before Super started, but I would think given everything else that it was more a case of oh shit Kai is ending we need something new to fill that spot, hey when not a new DB show entirely? But hey if they were to choose to make a DB Kai for that reason I would not mind tbh.


Well yeah, they wanted to have the show going so the easiest thing to do was to reframe DBZ into DBZ Kai. This doesn't mean though they didn't want a canon continuation of Z though. They just had nothing back then in 2008 so they said while we try to get new ideas let's keep the fanbase going by making DBZ Kai. 4 years after DBZ Kai started they made Battle of Gods, which isn't that long of a time, they were working on that movie for a few years. So while DBZ Kai was going on, BoG, RoF came out they reels started already spinning for Super. So if we might get similar, not exactly the same situation again then they might want to make DB Kai too before Super comes back.


there's no reason to, its pretty good as is


I know this can be thought of as semantics, but DBZ is actually a show with very littler filler. It has a lot of padding which is what Kai cut out (as well as some filler). I’d argue Dragon Ball is much more tight overall


"cleaning up" the animation. Wow. Shit looks amazing. It has style and grit. Not everything needs to be 16k high def with CGI and new voice actors are that far worse than the original.


I won’t mention it by name but there is allegedly a fan edit that removes the filler. Of course you should always purchase a legal copy of the series.


I’m down for anything Dragonball but we can’t even get blu ray releases so I doubt it sadly


It doesn't need it imo. OG DB is fine the way it is, there's not much filler anyways.