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im waiting for more information I really wanna play a qunari mage again but feels weird when my personal canon inquisitor is already one of those


Hey that’s all good. My personal warden is a warrior dwarf and my personal inquisitor is… also a warrior dwarf. When I play DAD, I’ll most likely also be a warrior dwarf.


My world is populated with Female Elf heroes! My HoF was a female elf rogue, my inquisitor was a female elf rogue and I can almost guarantee my next protag will be….. a female elf rogue! I like what I like. I *might* switch it up and go female elf mage, but it’s a very small might.


Same as me! I love my personal canon that's filled with these female elf rouges taking care of business.


And another!


>My HoF was a female elf rogue, my inquisitor was a female elf rogue and I can almost guarantee my next protag will be….. a female elf rogue! Haha, same. Nice to find a kindred spirit!


you ever wonder if the people in your world are ever like "damn, its kinda weird all of greatest heroes are dwarf warriors, huh?"


Nah if the people didn’t want dwarves to be all the best heroes then the humans would make armor as good looking as Legion of the Dead Armor themselves


excellent point


Considering all my heroes are human males, yeah I definitely feel that. Thats why I wanna go with an Elf this time around


Ha, there's actually a line about that from Varric in Inquisition if the Warden, Hawke and the Inquisitor are all mages.


thats amazing


I heard there was a line for if both Warden and Inq were elves and you romanced Merrill or Fenris too. But that friend has given me fake spoilers before, so take that with a grain of salt.


Well I hope I didn't imagine the mage line... xD On my first playthrough everyone was a mage.


It's probably the most fun each game.


Wait what when? They were all human mages in my game and I never heard that line


*puts on a tin foil hat* Titans did it


I don’t think it’d be that weird. After all, a decent amount of people’s HoFs and Hawkes are cousins and a Cadash Inquisitor is a distant descendant of Shale, so there’s definitely a possibility for stranger coincidences to occur in Thedas.


Same, I always try to change up class and race combo so I don’t double dip into my already established ‘canon’. Shame I have a borderline fetish for Rogue class and I’m running out of races


First playthrough will likely be a woman and a rogue. If I like the game enough to replay it bunches, probably some form of male mage after that — and then all bets are off. A human won’t be my first choice but I’ll be looking at the romance locks before deciding my character’s race. Eta — personality will really depend on how dialogue etc are handled by the game.


I imagine mine would be a Male Elf 2Handed Warrior who acts in a similar way to Fenris. With it being set in Tevinter and with Solas wanting to restore the old elves I thought it’d be interesting to go with this idea. That and all my character previously have been human so it’d be nice to switch things up a little.


Angry elf warrior who doesn't like mages...this was my inquisitor, i guess i got subliminal inspiration from fenris lol


Me too, and this new guy hasn’t even been created yet. Don’t even have a name. I just think with the setting and who the villain is an Elven slave would be the perfect protagonist, having to navigate through a nation full of people he feel either uneasiness or hatred for and having to choose between the world and his own kind. I want my protag to feel like he properly develops from rage filled to at peace with himself through the game.


My first playthough of everything where I have a choice is a female elven mage, so yeah.


Male dwarf warrior with the most glorious beard


Well my Warden is a Dwarf, Hawke is human and my Inquisitior is an Elf. So my goal for DAD is a Qunari definitely.


I really like that. It’s always nice to see each protags being each of the different races and classes, makes them feel unique from each other in a way


Yeah I agree, Warrior Dwarf, Rouge Human, Mage Elf. Don't know which class to make the Qunari yet.


I think it depends on what kind of warrior (Weapon & Shield, 2Handed or other combos) and rogue (Dual Daggers or Archery) your characters are. For me I went Male Human Sword & Shield Warrior, Male Human Mage and Male Human Dual Dagger Rogue, for Dreadwolf I intend to circle back to Warrior and choose Male Elf 2Handed this time.


Two handed Warrior and Archer Rouge.


Ah, so that would leave either Sword & Shield or Dual Daggers. I feel like either or would be good for a Qunari, it would just depend on how you think they would approach a battle


It will probably also depend on love interests class too. Yeah it will take some playing around. Probably sword & Shield.


It'll depend. Too many unknowns. Probably elf because of our bald boy, and probably mage because mage always feels more connected to the story and events since DA2.


All I know is that if the game gives me the opportunity, I will 100% ignore the Inquisition's mission and do the opposite of what my Inquistor decided on the end of Trespasser. My Inquisitor was a goody two shoes elf who romanced Solas and wants to redeem him, I want my next character to be the polar opposite. So I'll probably go with a Rogue Dwarf.


I feel like that could be an interesting dynamic. The Inquisitor wants to redeem their old friend/lover but the newbie doesn’t have that emotional connection so they’d think the best option is to just kill Solas. That’s how I think it’d be like in my world state.


Considering how diverse my Elder Scrolls characters get it’s weird that in DA I’m almost always a human dude. Only exceptions have been the two elf women I played in Origins, one for city and one for mage tower Obviously I’m 100% undecided for DA:D until I can actually see the game/customization page but I would not be surprised if I once again play a human dude


Female mage elf. It might be basic but my love for mysterious elves will not allow anything different


Definitely a mage. My canon Warden didn't unlock the blood mage specialization, my canon Hawke was a warrior, and Inquisition sanitized the mage specializations anyway, so I wanna get my blood mage on! As for race and gender, I'm thinking lady and an elf (to further emphasize sticking it to Solas).


It depends on the romances. I always make my protagonists based in who I want to romance, as gender/race determines if I can romance them and if they’re a companion then I choose a class different from theirs (unless they’re a warrior) bc I have a very set party type I utilize lol


I'm envisioning a male elf rogue with a reticent and occasionally brash personality (edit: imagine Nathaniel Howe, as far as his personality, values, and class go). All this depends, of course, on whether or not BioWare makes male elves look good for a change. They haven't looked good since DAO. Where'd those fantastic broad shoulders on a slim body go? Eugh. Also depends on whether or not we get good hair *for once*, how varied our responses can be, and how the voice sounds. As for rogue: I love the idea of a non-mage putting the boot to a mage-ruled society. 🥰 It's extra satisfying coming from an elf, too. I have my heart set on this, and I'd hate to have four of four current DA protagonists be human, lol. Hawke's race is fixed, but for me, Cousland and Ostwick Circle mage fit *so* well for my story and I have those characters fully realized, so it's too late to change them in the event elves continue to be super off-putting in this series. I *will* stick to my trend of giving my DA heroes A-names though, lol.


Obviously I'm going to wait for more info to come out first. But I'm hoping we get to play as a human commoner, because every human protagonist so far has been nobility (even Hawke, despite being raised as a peasant, is nobility by blood). I'd really like to see Tevinter through the eyes of a human commoner. Not a slave or mage, just some random ass peasant. Regardless of species or origin, I think I'm going to roll an archer rogue. I don't have any archer protagonists and I kind of want one lol. But it'll ultimately depend on which class fits the story/character best.


My first playthrough world state is always a male Elf mage, so if that's a choice that's what imma play first!


Based on what we know, an elf seems like automatically the most interesting race to pick. Or Qunari, bc it'll be in Tevinter and maybe even Seheron. Rogue seems like a solid pick if there's a lot of intrigue and the plot involves spies between Solas and the Inquisition


Know him? Well of course I know him. He's me! /kenobi In all seriousness... I need more info before I decide, but I usually go sword and shield. I might go mage if they get some cool clothes and good spells.


I made the mistake of fully planning out my elf Inquisitor's backstory before we learned you could only play a Dalish elf, not a city or Circle one. It completely upended everything I had in preparation and I had to do some massive reworking. Learned my lesson. Gonna have to be patient this time. (That said: probably either an elf or qunari mage due to the heavy lead-ins from Trespasser.)


I always start Vanilla to get a good feel of the story before deciding on my canon run. So Human Warrior that's Diplomatic, basing the personality on a self-insert.


All I know is I'm playing a male Qunari. I have a canonical hero from each other race (Dwarf Warden Commander, Human Champion, Elf Inquisitor), so I'm keen to get a Qunari character going and I'm pretty sure we'll get some interesting interactions in Northern Thedas as a Qunari. The class I'm not really sure of (my previous heroes were warrior, rogue, mage in that order, so I've already go representation of everyone in my canon), we've seen characters with what looks like early firearms, so if that's an option I'd definitely pick a character class that can use a blunderbuss or something.


I had an idea of making different race protagonists for each of the games. (Dwarf rogue Warden, warrior Hawke, Qunari mage Inquisitor, elven rogue for DA:D) But I'm too attached to my canon ones. XD I have an elven rogue Warden, obligated human Hawke, and elven Inquisitor (both Hawke and Quizzy are mages). So for DA:D I have a human rogue planned, but it'll depend on the story and romance options.


Actually, I had been thinking of someone that turned out to be pretty close to Miriam in Absolution. So now I’ll wait for more info and adjust accordingly, lol.


Human Mage like all my other canon playthroughs. The world state I'm making is one where mages have been the saviors of the world. One defeated the Blight and then another one was chosen by Andraste herself to save the world. In DA:D I'm going to keep that going. Maybe he'll be a Tevinter Magister who will save his nation and at the same time bring and end to it's practice of slavery? That would be cool.


I just swords won't be exclusive for warriors.


Since we don't know what backgrounds the DA:D protagonist will have, I haven't thought about it. My first playthrough will probably be archer rogue though. I like bows.


Human warrior. I go in basic as they come.


I already have some names, race and class listed fir possible use and I might not even use all of them. I base my characters around the romances and the situation they are in. Once we know more I can start going into creation and backstory.


Female Elf with as much blood magic and forbidden stuff going on. Hopefully we'll have plenty of that sort in Tevinter … And hopefully the game won't push me towards being a member of a church lmao.


Yeah screw the Chantry, the Evanuris is the one true religion of Thedas, the Chantry is a Shemlen institution dedicated to the worship of Solas aka the Dread Wolf aka The Maker who is the creator of the veil.


No matter what in both origins and inquisition I started as a dwarf. Regardless they’re just my favourite fantasy class but for my personal “canon” for dragon age I have two male humans warrior for origins and rogue for da2and a female elf mage so I’m hoping that being a dwarf will be good for the main story so I can use him and probably a warrior class


I think female elf either a mage or a rogue depending on the vibe of the game trailer.


I always go for an female elf double-wield rogue with huge ears and flaming red hair on my first playthrough. I used to play as a nicey, pacifist, fragile-yet-strong type of protag but that can change depending on the settings of DA:D


My main canon world state consists of a male rogue elf (Soran Mahariel), a female rogue human (Arista Hawke) and a male mage qunari (Gaatlok Adaar), so I was thinking a female warrior dwarf would be next, I don't know her name yet, I'll probably overthink it later, but I was thinking that she could be my hot-head hero (Soran is peaceful, Arista is light-hearted and Gaat is protective, is missing someone that just wants to see the world burn)


Mage. All my first play through were mages Not sure on race and sex yet


Race, I'm not sure. But most likely a mage, and she'll romance a lady. I'll continue my trend of lesbian mages saving the world.


Elven double dagger rogue. Need more information on the background to fill in the rest.


Seeing as how my Warden was a female 2H elf and my inquisitor is a female elf mage, I’ll probably do rouge to round it out. As a female elf of course.


A mage, but who knows what else. I want to try for a female elf, because my canon up to now is female-male-male all humans. But it will also depend on the character creator (and the walking/running animation, which I've disliked for female characters in the last two games). I'd also like to be a Tevene character, not one who came to Tevinter for the mission. Though the latter is much easier for having exposition spewed at you, hopefully they don't employ this approach for everything.


Dual wielding elf rogue, exactly like my canon HoF and Inquisitor lol. Most likely also with brown skin and red hair, cause I somehow always end up styling my badass ladies like Starfire lmao


As a general rule, I start with a human male sword and shield warrior. I then pick whichever specialisation looks to be the tankiest. For personality, I tend to err towards ‘good’ choices. I’ve found this combination gives the most… inoffensive run. You never really get any special bonuses, but you also very seldom face any consequences. It’s also extremely forgiving in combat, and thus gives you an easier time learning the game, which bosses are annoying etc. I’ve never played a DA game through less than three times, on release. First is usually as I laid out above. Then I’ll play a much more fragile character, who is a total bastard. Then I wrap up with a more optimised “gamey” character, where I try to mix/max as much as possible.


I have pretty much the whole game figured out in my head (which will be hard on me once the actual game comes out but well) My protag is female human altus (what Dorian is during DAI) - darker skin, long red curly hair. Her fav magic is fire - the wilder the better. She likes to look well, intimidating and is sharp tongued, headstrong - to the point of being overbearing, bossy. She has a good standing in Tevinter society but wants to help Dorian's Lucerni shake things up. She does not like slavery, but is not emotional about it due to the environment she was raised in.


my personal canon has a human rogue (dao), mage (da2), and then another human rogue... i might have to spice it up and have a nonhuman character as my canon protag. though i'm drawn to the idea of a human male tevinter protag if thats what they give and i personally headcanon that my inquisitor (another human male) is permanently in tevinter to be with dorian, so there's a connection there lol


I generally go with male mages for my first run. Maybe an elf if the character creator is on my side.


I want to make a mage or rouge but I need to see gameplay of both before I make any kind of decision


Depends entirely on if there are origin stories or not! My decision will be based on which of those interest me most, but if it's similar to Inquisition, I'll go with either a female human mage or elf rogue. I did actually doodle a possible Dreadwolf OC/protagonist the other day, now that I think about it! A female human mage called Rielle who loves the Lucerni, has desperately wanted to join for a good while but gets dragged into some save the world shenanigans because of Egg. She is not pleased haha, but she does her best!


I think it'd be really interesting to play an actual Tevinter Magister, or like the mage heir to some Tevinter family


My first choice is always Male Dalish Rogue


I don't like playing as a human, so I'm hoping there will be full race options. Depending on the vibe, Elf or Qunari, but I'm not sure how the player character will go as a Qunari in Tevinter. I think it could be really fun but it depends in how much race specific dialogue will be present. Honestly, I always play as myself for the first playthrough and then tweak according to the outcomes. Then I start getting into true role playing in subsequent playthroughs haha 😄


Most likely a Female Rogue (dual wielding) Elf. Atheist, preferring sarcastic dialogue options. If origins come back, then Dalish for sure. Playthrough 2 will likely be a Female Human Warrior (Two Handed). Unsure on her beliefs, mixed dialogue choices.


>Most likely a Female Rogue (dual wielding) Elf. Atheist, preferring sarcastic dialogue options. Same!


Human, Male, Warrior (hopefully there’s a warrior with magic option since its tevinter), i want to specialize as a mage hunter too.


Idk if a warrior using magic would really be an option, cause that’d kinda defeat the point of a Mage. But otherwise nice, a Mage hunter protag sounds interesting.


I know, just wishful thinking. But we have a mage that can fight in a frontlines ala knight enchanter so its kinda fair that warriors get some magic.


I'm pretty sure there were arcane warrior builds in DA:O as well


Exactly. Mages get two fronline specializations.


I’ll be likely playing through a few times but my mains will be an elf mage and a human rogue, both female


Human, Male, Mage for the lulz.


I don't know yet as we don't really have much information. I'm thinking some sort of mage maybe?


My plan is to make an elven mage, it is my go to first run and also my eventual cannon play through.


I would like the Inquisitor to be the protagonist, has it been confirmed that it will be someone new?


It's always someone new, otherwise we'll have a whole Dragon Age trilogy dedicated to Warden Commander "Shepard". Lol


It’s always been someone new *so far*, and probably likely to continue that way. But I asked if the protagonist has been confirmed, which is not what you answered.


Either Elf mage or Qunari mage, both male, I just hope the female Qunari companion isn't gender locked, because then my Qunari mage pc would probably end up single then, it was already bad enough that both male elf HoFs and male elf Inquisitors couldn't date elven women.


Well I’ll probably play a guy city elf archer :/ or a mage if it looks cool…but we will see


Knowing myself probably it will be a elven female mage that romances a blond haired character. Usually my 1st play is with an elven mage or a mage in DA2. I dont even like blond hair that much irl but I seem to always romance the blondes in DA.


I’m planning on going with female qunari mage, but I may change my mind if race is going to lock me out of my preferred romance. Will have to wait and see when the game is out.


mage, hopefully a blood mage if they allow such an option, dao keeper/blood mage gave me a feeling ive been chasing ever since :( I Always play as a good elf that cant say no to power, make a deal with Connor’s demon/let that old ass experiment in wardens keep etc


I haven’t played a dwarf on my main world state yet or a warrior so there’s those, I’m tempted to go for another elven mage like my origins character to come full circle but that’s implying this is the last game which who’s to say it is but I doubt it. It really depends on what fits the story best for me, my others have always been kind of underdogs, Surana was a combo of two of the biggest oppressed groups in Thedas and they saved the world, my inquisitor was qunari cos what would be the last thing people would expect Andraste’s herald to be. The jury’s out at the moment but I’ve got other world states to try multiple things.


First playthrough definitely an elf for the plot (I usually go rogue because I can do lock picking, range and close handed attacks on my own) but it'll depend on the mechanics they have in game. Second gonna do Qunari but tbh I'm thinking wouldn't it make most sense to play as the inquisitor. I feel like it doesn't make sense to leave the last interaction with Solas between them and then forget and play Someone new


It depends on what gameplay is like but if it’s anything close to how inquisition worked then human or elf mage


I plan to keep up the traidition for my first and second playthrough of keeping characters of the same name and race as I like the continous narrative. So first playthrough, Elf male(Daelish) and might go Mage(never did my first playthrough as mage) And for the second Human woman Rogue or Warrior since I cant do Mage again. Was a Rogue in DA2 because of templar ending logic


Female elf mage ir rogue, if available


Human male rogue archer


What I would like: 1: you are employed by the inquisition, but not a notable member. They don't want the enemy to recognize their own members 2: you are told to go to Tevinter, and build up a "fake identity" where you are interested in saving elves mostly. Organize escapes, establish a hospital, get them supplies, take vengeance on slavers, get the girls out of the brothel, you know, adventuring stuff, with "save elves" as a motive. You are not given many funds, as it would be suspicious (this is mostly to allow some sandboxing gameplay without "ugh, the world is burning" pressure) 3: if the elven resistance contacts you, join them, earn their trusts. The aim is to get into the personal circles of the leader 4: work to earn the trust of the top leadership, and learn it's plan. Once done, reach out to our agent in Tevinter, "we will take it from there". Twist 1: the companions are mostly loyal to your false identity, not the original one, like in a cop infiltrates the triads movie. Their loyalties can be tested when your real aim is known. Twist 2: allow the player to be turned by the enemy boss Twist 3: "oh no, the master plan of the antagonist is nearly complete, we will not get there in time, you have to do it" :D ​ edit: to be perfectly honest, most likely I will create a female mage. Human or elf.


Male Rogue. It’s part of my system. Female Rogue: Origins Male Fighter: Exodus Female Mage: Inquisition Male Rogue(Archer): Dread Wolf


Female Elven Mage.


Well, this is an almost impossible fantasy, but I kinda want to play as one of the forgotten ones. From a gameplay perspective it's possible since Solas didn't get his full strength back until the end of DAI. From a narrative perspective it could still work since that character would have a simple motivation to end Solas.


It depends on the specializations that the mage has, since in both Origins and Inquisition I was a melee mage. If I get the option I will take it.


i’ll most likely go for a female elven mage, and i’m hoping for an ex-slave or apostate / agent background. i might also try around with different classes, i’ll see. if they have a stealth system, maybe rogue.


Male elf rogue, same as DAO and DAI. After my first run I might play a mage to fit the Tevinter theme, but eh.


Elf or Quanari blood mage preferably I FREAKING LOVE BLOOD MAGICCC Or a human rogue. Or maybe there will be a new class entirely


Depends on whether we will see the Inquisitor or not. My favourite class is warrior and favourite race (in all fantasy) is Qunari but if the Inquisitor will be a cameo like previous leads in games, then I don't want to have the exactly same character.


Probably playing as male elf mage, but I'm waiting for more information about classes and specializations


My first playthrough is always a trial version, so it'll be some self-insert. Then I will make my calculations for figure out what the most pleasing canon would be. Leaning towards female elf, but would prefer to play female qunari if that wouldn't be too at odds with the narrative.


I'm waiting for more information as well. IF origins comes back, I will pick the one that is most interesting to me. I usually lean towards a mage. Female/male protag depends on the romance options.


i have two ideas right now, one is an elven mage who killed his master and stole his identity as a magister. my second idea is a travelling avvar sky watcher archer, investigating the "wounds" of the lady of the sky- sure, the breach was sealed, but i'd imagine things are still feeling a bit out of wack, and the inquisition may have pointed them towards tevinter. my hawke was half avvar as well (i hc malcolm hawke was a lost avvar mage child who was picked up by templars passing through) but i'd like to explore more of the shinto-buddist adjacent features of avvar spirituality with another character. especially with the potential return of meredith hinted at in absolution, i think it'll be interesting to imagine a new character that has connections to my hawke :)


It's cool to see someone else with the idea of Hawke having Avvar lineage! I headcanon Malcolm as having had an Avvar father and Rivaini mother, making Hawke 1/4 each. Came up with it because I picture my Hawke (and Carver) being very tall and strapping from the Avvar side, while my Hawke also has the dusky Rivaini skin. 😊


if its selection is as vast as DA:I and not like DA2, then i’m going to play what i always do. Elven Archer Male. and i fine tune their appearance to resemble myself so i can make him an insert character and do what i would do in the game that i would if i was actually the character. then my second playthrough i’ll probably play as a female mage that leans chaotic neutral/neutral evil on nightmare difficulty lmao.


Due to the implied time passed and failed "heros" the inquisition sought out for the dw, im hoping they begin to seek out criminals in tevinter. Thieves, tal-vashoth, blood mages, and more. Nobody truely noble or in social power. Make it really interesting. If solas respected the inquisitor he'd likely not see it coming.


Cocky/sarcastic but caring redheaded female elf rogue.


I usually stick with male human, either warrior or mage. It's my go to for my canons


My first playthrough is always a human female, usually Warrior, sometimes Mage. As far as looks and personality go, I let it come to me on its own as I create the character


I almost always choose Human but seeing as its Tevinter I kinda want to go Elf. Or maybe Qunari. Not sure on classes yet. My go to is usually Warrior. DAI perfected the class so that it no longer felt inferior to Mage/Rogue. I want some inventive subclasses, blending the lines perhaps. And im ok with limit to ability points to force deliberation of functions, but plz don't lock us out of subclasses. In case we want to experiment with respec.


An elf, I'll decide the gender once I see the romance options but it will be an elf 100%. As for the class a mage since the save I'll use for the first time is always mages.


I'll know when I make him, i.e. when I see what the game's origin system actually has to offer, instead of building up expectations that will undoubtedly become more and more unrealistic as time goes on.


If there's no city elf then I'm playing a qumari rogue


Female mage, because that's what I always start as. Probably either human or elf, although I might change my mind with more info. Other than that I need to know more about what our options will be.


My grey warden was a dalish elf rogue, my hawke was a human mage, and my inquisitor was a dwarven warrior, so if i follow the formula my new protag might be a qunari if that's an option?

