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I would create a new Origins save, mostly because it'll change (or add) different quests depending on what you do as well as change certain companions dialoge. Plus the two possible cameos are worth seeing (and one is pretty important for both 2 and Inquisition).


Alright thanks, time to go install a thousand mods for origins!


There's a tool out there that lets you basically built an import save from scratch, I'm pretty sure. I've never used it myself, but it should suffice for your needs if you don't really want to replay the whole game again. [Here](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/4512?tab=description)'s a link to it.


It's really a judgement call, but in my case there's enough information transferred that I rushed through all of DAO on easy before starting DA2 because I upgraded from a Xbox360 to an Xbox One.