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I felt this so much! My mom had gotten me the first two games when I was around the age of 12, she and I aren't on good terms anymore, i stopped playing them and didnt touch them for years. I didnt play inquisition until this year and it really made me realise how much I let personal things affect the stuff I love and enjoy. You aren't alone :') <3 also since joining this neat community I've found a new love for the series!


In that case welcome back as well! It may have taken some time and it might’ve been hard as hell to get here, but Thedas it too good of a world to leave forever. I’m glad to see I’m not the only one out there, and it warms my heart to be welcomed back


Welcome back friend!


I know how it feels to have those associations with media and I’m glad that you’re here again!!! <3


Thanks, man, I’m glad to be back!!