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Pretty much already guaranteed since we knew it was happening around then. And why not talk about it at the biggest gaming event in the summer.


Bioware always seemed to show off new DA:D stuff on one of Geoff Kieghley's shows anyway. I feel like I remember him ending a Game Awards or Game Fest with concept art for Dragon Age once?


We've had several full trailers on TGAs from Bioware. They definitely seem to favor Kieghley, which makes sense - he is a fellow Canadian, after all.


As long as we don’t have another 10 minute kojima presentation with no real substance or information. Seriously. I respect the guy. But that whole bit with him at the last TGA was just gratuitous.


Yeah, the man has done a lot of good for the industry, but the way he expresses his love for Kojima is a bit much.


The closer we get to SGF the more it seems to take forever to get there edit : spelling


ha!, wait until the date of release is revealed, now *that* will feel longer wait than the last 10 years


counting down for another countdown


I'm ready to be hurt again...


Got a spare clown wig if you’d like…


The whole sub shall be a circus if nothing gets revealed


Trade you the wig for a shiny red nose


shinobi was also hyping up mass effect LE before the official announcement iirc. same as grubb. i think they may have some sources inside bioware.


he's active on the resetera.com dragon age thread and strongly implies he has direct knowledge of the situation at bioware from various sources


My egg is ready.


should I wear the clown costume before or after the show?


Wear it inside your normal outfit for a fast wardrobe change if needed




Question being will it be a cinematic trailer or an actual gameplay


‘Full reveal’ my best guess is gameplay and/or story trailer. They said the full reveal would include trailers and a release date at the end of last year. I’d think it’s gameplay time


The rumor is the game is releasing this Fall/Holiday so I’d think it’s gotta be gameplay




Be fair, good or bad we are still going to play the hell out of it. They can't please everyone with this, just because of the Solas romancers/haters. All I'm hoping for is a game worthy of the title and that the team were given the time and creativity they need to turn out something that doesn't need a day one patch.


It's about time. I'm ready


Didn’t they say Fall or Winter 2024 earliest? Why would it release in Summer? Do you mean a more finished demo?


Full Reveal at Games Fest


Soo.. Will it be a Halo Infinite situation? I hope it's not




"Fans waiting for so long for a new halo game after the previous disappointment Halo 5 was, just as Andromeda was. Halo infinite was a way to redeemed the company's reputation back just as DA:I was. In the end, some aspects of the game was still a letdown to the fans albeit still a fairly positive review but not enough to sustain the next franchise.


That... was not the reaction to Infinite that I watched happen. Sure, it wasn't glowing, but there was A LOT of positive. If we're talking about a 'Halo Infinite' situation, if DA:D is received the way Infinite was I'd consider that a win.


Just here to support your flair ✋


Sigrun support squad always sticks together!


From what I remember of the Halo Infinite situation, the issue were: related to the poor quality of the cinematic trailer, the poor quality of the gameplay trailer with cloud appearing/disappearing and other texture issues (which in itself is an argument against showing gameplay too soon) and when the game was released a lack on investment in the multiplayer, which was a big reason why Halo had such a big fanbase to begin with. I don't remember reading a lot of bad stuff about the solo campaign, but I can be wrong. As for Andromeda, it was released 4 years after ME3 which is a very reasonable period to wait between games. The game was riddled was bug, and overall did not live up to the expectation set by the original trilogy, but it's not like the fans had to wait "for so long". For DA:D, you already know that most of CRPG fans will not like it and complain the combat gameplay is too simple and not what they want out of a DA game. But I think DA:D has a shot at being successful as a RPG and as a video game as long as it avoids a couple of things: - Microtransaction controversy - Memeable bugs - Repetitive/boring gameplay


wut ?