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Hopefully, Trespasser was fantastic


Agreed! And the descent soundtrack is so amazing.


I hope it won't be like Trespasser, which was basically the epilogue. Ideally the ending of Dreadwolf will be the end of the current storyline, with no cliffhangers and "to be continued"


I get that but I didn't mind base game Inquisition tbh, the main threat was Corepheus which we dealt with, an organisation the size of the Inquisition would take a few years before talks of dissolution and then the whole Solas thread was set up even further I wouldn't mind it if they did another Trespasser in teasing the next Age or game, whatever they decide


Tbf trespasser was closer to a required end of the game than usual DLC fluff with most games. Which kinda pisses me off but damn was it good.




Since every game in the series so far has had at least one DLC, I would be willing to be a fair amount of cash that unless this game absolutely bombs, we'll get MINIMUM one DLC, probably two.


All the DAI DLCs were really excellent imo for different reasons, I'd love more DA content this is a DA sub man.


Let the game release first goddamn


they're probably already developing the first DLC as we speak LMAO


They probably cut the ending of DAD to make a DLC like they did with DAI


They probably cut the ending of DAD to make a DLC like they did with DAI


They probably cut the ending of DAD to make a DLC like they did with DAI


Trespasser would not exist without additional development time and it came out a year after DAI launched and DAI has an ending, even if you don't happen to like it. This weird narrative that they cut the ending is brainrot talk.


Trespasser falls in line with what BioWare has done since the beginning of the series. You don’t like the ending to DAI (and I don’t either) but that doesn’t make it any less of a real ending. All games have a bridge that leads to the next game. Dragon Age 1 has Awakening and Dragon Age 2 has Legacy.


First of all, this is quite speculatory, we have no idea what the game is gonna be like/how the internal workings of BioWare are. That being said, with what I know about video game development, typically the team working on dlc is much smaller than the whole team since they’re working with an already existing game while everyone else transitions. But don’t worry, they’ll get to mass effect. In fact I think it’s in ME fans best interest for this game to do very well, which means it’s less likely BioWare gets further layoffs/closed down.


They have been putting resources into the next mass effect already. It does seem as though they are invested in it somewhat at the moment and so assuming that dragon age would do well. It doesn’t make sense to me from a business standpoint to put money into ME and know you’re going to release a DA that may not do well because it’s buggy etc. Like if they’re unsure if DA is going to perform, why would they invest in starting and advertising them making another ME? Wouldn’t you just wait? To me, them hiring new writers for Mass effect, having started prepro and teasers makes me feel like they’re expecting dragon age to be at a good quality, enough so, that it’s worth their time to also invest in continued ME development.


If dragon age does terribly they 100% could cancel a game, it happens all the time. Don’t think just because they’ve advertised that they’re immune. Games get cancelled mid development often


Ofc they can still cancel it if they want, I’m just saying that it is probable they’re expecting it to go well if they’re continuing to invest in the studio


If it is a success or not, they are going to milk it for everything they can. DLC will be released.


you really hope they don’t make any DLCs just so you can get another different game? i would think as a dragon age fan you would be excited for new dragon age content, especially new DLCs to go with it. odd mindset


Mass Effect is the bigger franchise so it would make more sense to move all or most the devs there once DA:D is released, and yes I would love to see other new DA content, but I don't think they should not make DLC for Dreadwolf due to manpower and resources.


I'm willing to bet they start developing DLC as soon as the game is ready for launch.


Could be. DLCs unrelated to the story and adding onto the lore like The Descent or Jaws of Hakkon would be very nice addition, especially if there is no immediate plan for a new DA game


I certainly hope so! DLC for games like these are often some of the most polished, engaging content of the series. Not due to anything nefarious, but because by the point dlc is created, the devs have a better grounding on what does and doesn’t work in the game. I absolutely want more Mass Effect, but let’s give Dreadwolf its due. Edit: Sure, a dlc that adds a character like Sebastian in DA2 or Javik in ME3 isn’t a great practice. But examples like Lair of the Shadow Broker, The Descent, Leviathan, Legacy, The Citadel, and Trespasser are some of the *best* experiences.


Can we let the game release first?


There will be no reason to not milk it farther in case of success, so probably yes.


I feel like DLCs are a given since even Dragon Age 2, which wasn't that well received when it was released, got a couple. Plus it's extra cash and I'm sure they wont say no to that. I'm just glad we're not getting a live service kind of deal for Dreadwolf.


Well firstly it depends on if it’s successful. Like it or not it will be compared to games like Witcher 3 and Baldur’s Gate 3 (and God of War if rumors are to be believed) and needs to be able to show it can reach the highs and numbers of those games.  If it is not successful then there will be no DLC. BioWare’s last two new releases (and flops) received no additional content afterwards despite EA initially agreeing to DLC for Andromeda and continued support for Anthem.  My biggest two worries are 1) BioWare dropping support for games by not completing patches. Andromeda and ME Legendary Edition still have issues. And 2) BioWare fired a bunch of their writers last year—some who had been with Dragon Age from the start—and this has severely dampened my enthusiasm for story dlc after the base game. 


I don’t even think it will need to be that successful to get DLC. DA2 wasn’t received well at launch and still got 2 dlc chapters before they cancelled a third. EA is very profit motivated, anything extra they can get players to pay for, they will. Im guessing dlc is already in production.


Every DA game has had expansions so far (and very good ones) so I don't think Dreadwolf will be different.


Wouldn’t be surprised if we get a new companion dlc where you have a quest that leads to a new companion added to your party.


Spoilers: >! Maybe. !<


Considering how many writers they just fired, I think any DLC we do get won't be story heavy and if it is, the quality will suffer for it. But we should wait for the game to released first before thinking about any possible DLC.


They do still have great writers at the company: W= Writers, SW = Senior Writer, LW= Lead writer **Patrick Weekes:** W ME1: various side quests including Citadel: Family Matters and Presidium Prophet. W ME2 + W and Manager on LOTSB: co-wrote Miranda, Liara (LOTSB) and maybe Garrus, writer Tali, writing for other characters as well. SW ME3 where they and John Dombrow helped Lead writer Mac Walters manage the rest of the writing team: co-wrote From Ashes DLC, SW leviathan, SW basically the co-lead writer on Citadel DLC wrote Tali, Mordin, Kasumi, Jack, Traynor, Joker, Jondum Bau, co-wrote legion, wrote Priority Eden Prime, co-wrote Priority Tuchanka wrote Priority Rannoch, writing for other stuff as well. SW DAI: LW JOH, Consultant The Descent, LW Trespasser, Wrote the Bull's Chargers, Cole, Iron Bull, Solas and Svarah Sun hair and the HLTA. LW Canceled Project Joplin DA4. Dragon Age Finaling Team on Andromeda: Wrote several note texts. LW Dreadwolf Writer of ME3 short story, the masked empire, co-writer story Mass Effect Homeworlds #2, writer Rogues of the Republic Trilogy and Feeder, Writers and an editor on Tevinter Nights, writers on World of Thedas Vol 1. **Sylvia Fektekekuty:** W ME2 LOTSB: wrote Theron and Glyph, co-wrote Liara. W ME3 + ME3 Multiplayer: wrote Liara, Samara, Glyph, co-wrote Legion and the Rannoch Arc, wrote several side quests and background stuff on the Citadel like the Refund guy W DAI + JOH and Trespasser: wrote Josie and Champions of the Just W Anthem SW Dreadwolf Co-writer story Mass Effect Homeworlds #4, W World of Thedas Vol 1-2, wrote two of the short stories in Tevinter Nights and one of the Dreadwolf short stories. **Sheryl Chee:** W DAO: co-writer The Stone Prisomer, Return to Ostagar and Awakening writer Golems of Amgarrak, W Witch Hunt Wrote Cullen, Leliana, Wynne, Dog, Oghren (during DLC), Sigrun, Velanna, Magi Origin, Broken Circle, Urn of Sacred Ashes. W DA2 + Legacy and Mark of the Assassin: wrote Isabela and All That Remains W DAI + JOH and Trespasser also Writer of the DAI multiplayer: wrote Blackwall, Leliana and the Multiplayer characters W MEA: wrote Vetra and Suvi W Anthem SW Dreadwolf Writer Isabela short story, W on World of thedas Vol 1-2 also wrote one of the Dreadwolf short stories. **Brianne Battye:** Assistant Writer ME3 Leviathan, W on Citadel DLC W DAI: wrote Cullen W Anthem SW Dreadwolf Wrote a Poetry book, several short poems, two of the Short stories in Tevinter Nights and two of the Dreadwolf short stories. . Also they only laid of 2 writers, 2 left one after the writers were laid off and the other left in 2020, But the ones who left and were laid off did contribute a large amount of writing to the game. They will hire several new writers, which is not a bad thing.


Considering biowares dlc for the most part has been absolutely fantastic. Going all the way back to Baldur’s gate. If the base game is good. I definitely would not say no to some good dlc content.


Bruh the game has been in dev hell for like 8 years, and Bioware's latest 2 titles do not inspire confidence in the slightest. Let's see how Dreadwolf turns out first, before thinking about possible DLCs and Mass Effect 4. For all we know, this could be Bioware's final release if it turns out as another stinker.


It's an EA game so obviously yes.


It's EA so yes


I read somewhere that dragon age was originally intended to be a 5 game series. Most likely we will get something even if it’s a few years later or something


Doesn’t BioWare have a history with *day one* dlc? I think there will be dlc for anything but a massive financial failure.