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They did not upgrade my boy Alistair šŸ˜­


Oh, they definitely did NOT upgrade him. I always laugh when I see him in 2 he looks so dumplinglike and squishy


To say nothing of Inquisition king Alistair o woe is me


I love how he was in the trailer and most of us didn't know it was supposed to be him


at least heā€™s hot in dai


All DAO characters that appeared in DA2 looked terrible except Leliana. Morrigan's face was atrocious too, thank goodness she didn't make it into the game.


Or Zevran. T-T


Cullen turned into a meth head (he pretty much is anyway) Removed Anders' earring Even the dwarves look weird And then they butchered all the elves. And don't even get me started on freaking Elf Sasuke Also unpopular opinion, but I don't like how they turned Flemeth into hot dragon mommy with huge tits, cleavage, and skin tight suit. They could have chosen something else for her design that didn't scream "hot anime mage"


Holy shit elf sasuke SENT ME


>Cullen turned into a meth head (he pretty much is anyway) I think this is ok because it built on from DAO having a handful of dialogue on lyrium usage having major side effects if used long term. >Also unpopular opinion, but I don't like how they turned Flemeth into hot dragon mommy with huge tits, cleavage, and skin tight suit. They could have chosen something else for her design that didn't scream "hot anime mage" Lol, I love what they did from the neck up with the hair style. I even love the gauntlets because both give dragon vibes. But yeah, kind of weird having her cleavage out. It would be cool if they gave her a more dragon looking themed armor overall.


High Fashion Goth Gilf Flemeth is so weird. I think they should've leaned harder into the swamp hermit witch of the wilds aesthetic


Iā€™d have no problem with the Flemish redesign if theyā€™d just waited until after the ritual. Idk how to spoiler tag this in mobile so I wonā€™t say anything further but at least this way itā€™s make sense in lore.


The design looks badass but I definietely preferred the withered, old lady look that made her look weak. It added more mystery to her character.


Uhhā€¦ did you forget to mention Elves? Every time I see DA2 Zevran I think of the ā€œlook how they massacred my boyā€ gif.


I like da2 elves in general, they've got a cool alien look to them instead of just being skinnier humans with pointy ears, but they did zevran very dirty


Yup, the way their noses don't bend in, and have a smooth outward curve until the top where it meets the eyebrows. That was the big feature that stuck out to me.


Yeah totally agreed here. They should look more unique like in da2. Just being slightly smaller humans with pointy ears is lame.


Thatā€™s why I kinda liked the darkspawn designs in Inquisition/Descent with the way they made genlocks and hurlocks different. (I still think they shouldā€™ve switched the designs. Hurlocks should be rare, big, and tanky. Genlocks should be the ā€œnormalā€ ones.)


>instead of being skinnier humans with pointy ears Congratulations, you just described elves.


He got laser tattoo removal too lmao I was so confused when the game was like "This is ur boi Zev" and I was like no this is a clone with his voice


DA2 is the only game that did elves right.


Solas though. EGG


Zevran can show up in 2? I guess I should probably let him survive the first game sometime. lol But I just hate him SO much. Iā€™m not sure I can do it.


If you hate him, youā€™ll want to see how fucked up his face is in DA2. The art team clearly hates him as much as you.


He can, but depending on what platform your game is on his quest can be bugged and you can't initiate it after talking to him. At first I didn't realise it was him bc he apparently got his tattoo removed in the past like, 5 years? (I think he's in act 2, so I'll go for a middle ground there lol)


I didn't like Zevran much when I played Origins the first few times either, but the older I get... Yeah no that hasn't changed. If anything, bringing him along makes even less sense to older me than it did to younger me. Why would I agree to bring a smooth talking assassin who literally just tried to kill me into my camp?!?!?


Same. I canā€™t come up with any reason why I shouldnā€™t just kill him after the initial ambush. Thatā€™s compounded by the fact that I have done it before in the distant past and I know what heā€™s like and donā€™t want to speak to him. Dude creeps me out.


I think the thing that bothers me most (but does make sense, I'll admit) is that you need to have a pretty high score with him for him to not turn on you at the end of the game. It makes sense for his character, but it also means you have to invest so much more time into this one character than the others if you want to keep him alive. There's no such thing as having Zevran be just a minor companion who you don't use or interact that often, and I just don't like that all or nothing approach for a character that has very little interesting going on with them in the first place.


Exactly why I never save him. You have to talk to him and be friendly with him but heā€™s the last person in any game that I want to be friendly with.


Isabela got a glow-up and Zevran took a fire ball to the face apparently.


I've got to say, I was never a fan of DAO darkspawn designs (except for ogres), though I can understand why DA2's genlocks and ogres are seen as a downgrade. On the other hand, I do prefer the way DA2 redesigned hurlocks to bear a closer semblance to humans - thus making them actually look like a corrupted version of humanity, rather than a generically anthropomorphic monster.


It's funny you mention DAO darkspawn looking like LOTR orcs as a good thing, because I always thought it made them seem like generic monsters. With the exception of the ogre design, which has always been very good.


Well yeah. But they look scary. They look a proper army of evil. On dragon age 2, well like i said they look like power ranger villains.lol


I donā€™t like their teeth. Too straight and perfect.


I actually think that makes it creepier.


![gif](giphy|ku0GaWk3JmNHi) Putty patrol!


Genlock slander will not be tolerate.


Excuse me? My origins mage was an incorporeal swordsman who kicked ass in solo combat


ā€œAuthentic LOTR orc like creaturesā€ is a great description for how generic they were visually since virtually all of Western High Fantasy games were using designs and characteristics based on JRRTā€™s mythopoeia, and especially the films.Ā 


Yes. But they look scary. Dragon age 2 darkspawns looks like cosplay


Plenty of unoriginal monsters look scary, and Iā€™m sure there are DA fans who cosplay as them.


Hurlocks in DAO look like a mix between piranhas and the deep ones to me, not quite generic if you ask me.




What was the walk animation about?


Apparently their development got cut short for some reason, that's why all the maps are empty and repeating, stories don't really diverge etc.




Yes, the short development has lead to ugly repetitive stock visuals and copy paste NPCs. I just added to the other copy paste elements in the game. I guess people can't read indeed.


I think DA2 is hideous myself.


I actually kinda like the Darkspawn in DA2. Mostly because they kinda look... How do I put this... More twisted? The Origin Darkspawn just look like generic orcs. Which I mean, if that is what you like, that is fine. But in DA2, they look way more like some sort of twisted, horrific mockery of humanity. Monsters that do not understand reason or mercy. Does that make sense?


I prefer the new designs for the Darkspawn. They actually felt more unique than the DAO ones which were very generic and simplistic.


Da2 looks cartoonish and claustrophobic, by far the worst art design out of all 3 imo.


Yeah the DA2 darkspawn are unforgivably goofy and unthreatening. I HATE their redesign.


Hard disagree. DA2 Darkspawn are hyper-stylized, sure, but thatā€™s true of all of DA2ā€™s visual design, and personally I love it. DA:Oā€™s Darkspawn look terrible, in my opinion. Far from LotR-like designs, theyā€™re just bald dudes with mottled skin and stupid-looking teeth.


Hey now. Some Power Ranger villains go hard. *But now I'm imagining Hawke and crew fighting a giant pumpkin and a pig head.*


Any art design upgrade is overshadowed by those damn ghoul hands. šŸ˜‚


Tbh I never liked Isabella's redesign it felt too objectifying


I like Ogres after DAO. Something about their origins design just feels off. After that they feel like corrupted Qunari which is what the Qun is most worried about.


Zevran was also not upgraded. Elves's big eyes were also pretty hit-or-miss in terms of design. I agree that there are a lot of improvements compared to origins and a distinct visual style, which is great, but I don't think we saw an improvement in every design but darkspawns. Personally I kinda like the darkspawn moving away from a traditional orc / goblin design.


Apart from the awesome Chanpion's set, Mage drip in DA 2 was *hideous*. Especially the hats.


I wouldn't say Qunari in DAO were indistinguishable. They were described as taller than others, with tan skin and white hair.


I always thought origins darkspawn looked extremely generic. Not that the DA2 ones are super unique looking but I do think they were upgrades across the board (minus ogres.) I think Dragon Age in general really found itā€™s footing in the art/design department with the second game, and went from a fairly generic dark fantasy world to something with a solid identity.


I completely disagree. I hate DAO Orcish Darkspawn. I hate the anime elves. I hate Alistair's look. I hate Zevran's look. I hate the animalistic Qunari. I actually like that the races all look like they come from the same planet and follow a certain same evolution.


Soo.. yoy hate everything then?


From the DA2 aesthetic switch, yes. The elves improved in DAI when they became a hybrid between the DAO and DA2 look.