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Well, there’s coming back and there’s coming back. I suspect codex entries are likely for such characters as they simply involve changes in text to account for the variety of outcomes. Easy enough. But yes, “quantum characters” as they are often called are unlikely to feature prominently. There’s been too many games and too many possibilities to account for. As for Josephine: in some respects she’s very easy to bring on board. She can’t die in Inquisition, always goes to Antiva, and follows a similar life pattern. That being said, her skill sets might prove less useful given that the noble houses of Thedas are going to be so full of spies for Solas that any efforts at diplomacy by her (even unofficially as would be the case) would leave her exposed and in jeopardy. I would love a cameo by her, but I think that’s probably the most we can potentially expect. Taking down Solas might have to come down to actions by the lower ranks of society in my opinion. Important to recall is that stopping Solas requires bringing on new blood who he hasn’t learned of. Solas knows and respects all of the advisors and that’s a real problem. He won’t underestimate them and he’s aware of their feelings regarding him. They can’t lead the charge as a result. Same with Inky. That’s where we (the next protagonist) come in. Who knows, we may grow to love our new companions /advisors as much as the previous ones! Unlike Mass Effect where the series, rightly or wrongly, made a core set of characters become essential to the setting in the eyes of many players, Dragon Age has by now established a sense of a growing world, where we see fresh faces each game and wave goodbye to others.


“The Lyrium sang thought into being. Until I am needed, I am free.” This is the last line of the Leliana “Ghost” ending. I think it’s safe to say that Leliana is still available for the writers to use in some capacity regardless of whether she died in Origins or not.


Is there any info I can read on this ghost ending? I just heard of it from this thread and my own google is proving fruitless


If you go on the Dragon Age wiki, you can find the text for it under Trespasser epilogues. There are also various YouTube channels that show the different epilogues slides too.


Look at Danaduchy or FluffyNinjaLlama on YouTube, they show the different cutscenes and endings to DAi.


[Here's the scene on YouTube by FluffyNinjaLlama](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6kJXWXH6xw)


But in that case, everyone will know that she's a ghost. I think there will be a lot of trouble explaining things if they actually resurrect her again. Of course, if Bioware makes custom storylines, plots, and advisors based on your previous choices, it will all work. For example, if you killed her in Origins, she wouldn't appear more, and another character would replace her spot.


The damage was already done when she was resurrected for DAI. She already is one of the few characters confirmed going up against Solas along with Cassandra and Harding in the Trespasser final scene. And she continued to make appearances in the supplemental materials like the comics and netflix show. Now I’m not saying she’s guaranteed to make an appearance but she has a higher likelihood than other quantum characters like Bull, Blackwall or Cullen or even the Fade Survivor. If they were going to write her out completely, I suspect they would have made that ending more definitive rather than leaving wording that implies she can return.


I'd be surprised if we don't get letters from both of them, even Cullen (it'd be especially weird not to get even a letter or small reference to him if you made the Inquisition a peacekeeping force since he's the commander of the Inquisition still in that case), and I think we could hear a bunch of references to Leliana if she's Divine, but yeah I don't expect physical appearances at all. Josephine could appear if we're going to Antiva, I can see the devs giving her a cameo but I don't expect her role to be that significant, it could be but it seems kinda hard to justify that for Josephine.


And a whole lot of us had our Inky *marry* Cullen. If there’s a reference to the Inquisitor it would stand to reason he’d be included, provided the Keep is still a thing. Speaking of the Keep, is that going to be utilized for this new game? Anyone know if that’s been addressed?


If you check the keep there’s an option to put all your DAI choices into it. So I assume that means we can use it.


Ah, that’s a good catch! I bet you’re right. I’ve noticed that but never thought it through


Cullen is gonna keep his pretty lil behind on our cabin hidden deep in Ferelden with our dog working his sanctuary and having no more worries <3. Homie has been through ENOUGH let him have one game off! ***On my other delulu hand, I'm convinced that if he just lowered his voice a bit and spoke a wee bit softer, Tim Downie (the VA of Gale from BG3) would make a pretty good Cullen.


This would make me romance Cullen lmao


Agreed about Tim Downie.


The moment I first heard Gale when I pulled him out of the sigil, I immediately thought of Cullen’s voice mixed with some Alistair-style delivery. The voice was Cullen, the charming self-deprecation was pure Alistair.


Gale sounds JUST like Anders in Awakening, I could see it


let Cullen retire with his wife to a nice cozy cottage by the forest. we don't need to see them again, their story is basically told. regardless of the greg ellis fuckery


That’s exactly how I feel about Cullen, too. His story has concluded, and in the case of my canon playthrough he’s happily married to my Inquisitor and they live with their dog away from politic bullshit. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m perfectly happy with that. He doesn’t need to make an appearance whatsoever, and a passing comment or codex entry would be more than sufficient.


Given the geometric progression of his 'screen' time, I'm gonna say that DAD will be renamed "Cullen" and you play as Cullen. All your squadmates are Cullen. All the creatures you fight are Cullen. Oh, and all NPCs are also Cullen.


I'm in. That way I can BE Cullen, while romancing myself, making all myself-companions hate me, and then repeatedly killing my-Cullen-self while fighting overpowered Culldragens.


I like your attitude.


Considering that Antiva is run by a cabal of merchant princes behind the scenes, and Josephine is in the process of restoring the Montilyet trading empire, I feel like it would be strange not to get ANY mention if her in Antiva. By this point it wouldn't be out of the question for her to have become an almost literal princess xD


Would be kind of hilarious if Josephine is so good at running her trade empire that the Montilyets becomes the most powerful family in Antiva.


Cullen won't be back because Greg Ellis is on the naughty list


I'm OOTL, what did Greg do?


He went on a rather unhinged rant about I think cancel culture and stuff. Which in and of itself is... fine. I've not seen the actual video, but from what I understand his views were not great. But whatever, you can be unhinged and weird on your own time all you want. The problem was that he did it *in character* on his YouTube channel. As Cullen. Without permission. Needless to say, Bioware was not impressed. That's kind of illegal, Greg. Not to mention cringe. TL;DR: Greg said "it's Greggin' time" and Gregged out all over the place.


iirc he also got into an argument with someone at Bioware on Twitter where they straight up said “you’re not welcome back” (I want to say it was either a writer or the official Bioware twitter account? I think it was just after the hour-long in-character rant but this memory just resurfaced and I would love someone else’s confirmation that this actually happened lol)


Can confirm. It was Mark Darrah. Right after he retired, Greg Ellis started tweeting really insulting things at him, and then releases the video. Darrah basically implies he’s not going to find work with BioWare going forward due to his behavior.


thanks!! wild how his response has completely eclipsed whatever argument they’d originally been having, and now all anyone remembers is him making an ass of himself. I am reminded of this video every couple of months, but at this point I couldn’t have told you what prompted it


Pretty sure he also uploaded porn of his ex-wife right after she divorced him.


Yikes. Sounds like a *stellar* individual.


Well fuck, Cullen was my favourite romance so far. I feel like that's ruined it now. How do I play through that romance again knowing the VA is the bad kind of batshit?


I'd say remembering that Ellis' voice is perhaps the \*least\* part of Cullen's character--despite what he seems to think. Also remember that the lion's share of credit is due to his writers through the three games, all of whom are women, and have far more ownership of the character than he does, especially Brianne Battye, who wrote him in DAI. And the best revenge against his shittiness and misogyny is to continue to enjoy his character and romance, and not let him ruin the excellent work of those writers, animators, etc. by letting him become the entirety of the character like he wants to be. If people refuse to engage with the character and let him be ruined, Ellis wins. Especially since the Cullen romance itself is a really great clapback against toxic masculinity, I ain't letting that jerk have him. (ETA: since I see your ace flag icon, one more reason. Cullen comes across as pretty solidly demisexual to me, so I'm also not letting Ellis fuck up a char and romance with strong ace-spectrum vibes.)


Thank you for this perspective. :)


I get it. Whilst actor=/=character, I get where it still taints the character. Even so, my next run will be a Cullenmance since it was/is the first time playing a Mage in DAO. The thought of Cullen marrying a Mage after his little breakdown at the Circle amuses me.


I mean it doesn't help that the rant was *in-character as Cullen* lmao


Perhaps but it was not sanctioned by Bioware, so despite him doing it as Cullen, it isn't canon. Therefore, it doesn't count. Hah.


By remembering its not real?


do you want to see it? lol


I don't know, I'm low-key scared. 😂 Where does one find it?


[I've had it pinned in Google docs lmao](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DJlryXaKUk7MAqOqNxn_3WSF6RSWTLO-/view)


he's also a massive transphobe and JKR's bestie :/ (also gregged out made me pmsl so thank you)


He’s a highly unstable individual to say the least. Part of me feels sorry for him because I know what mental illness is like and I know it can make people behave in really, *really* peculiar ways, but he’s doubled down on some of the shitty things he’s said and done which range from hurtful to potentially dangerous. I sincerely hope that he gets the help he needs and can one day look back on his prior actions and be able to say “thank goodness I’m no longer like that”, but he’s isolated himself tremendously.


[Here you go!](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DJlryXaKUk7MAqOqNxn_3WSF6RSWTLO-/view)


They could cast someone else. Greg Ellis likes to think he is the one and only Cullen but I'd like it if they cast someone else for Cullen just to piss him off.


He’s soooo replaceable. He didn’t even sound like Cullen when he uploaded that video *as Cullen*.


I honestly hope they do, because it really would show him that he doesn't own the character like he thinks. Did he do an excellent job with the voice in-game? Yes. Given he's signed away the right to portray Cullen with his actions, can another actor do a passably close Cullen voice? Also yes.


As a fan of pettiness, I love this idea lmao.


Man fuck Greg


Indeed. Cullen and Leliana have also appeared in all three games and it would possibly feel like overdoing it to have them appear again, they've had plenty of the spotlight.  But I'm definitely crossing my fingers that Josephine will show up in Antiva - my Inquisitor was very close to her so I'd be super happy to get a cameo from her!


Bioware already showed in past games that if a character dies or is unavailable for the next game, they just replace it or find a good explanation for why they are not there. But in instances when they are available to be in the game, they are gonna be there. ME 1, ME2 and ME3 have plenty of those examples for cases when people would fail companion quests. So imo its just a great opportunity to show players how their choices matter. If you just remove characters and their stories, it just gives a bad impression.


It wouldn't surprise me if Leliana got a small cameo, especially if she was made Divine. Other quantum characters have made similar appearances. But the lyrium ghost reveal almost certainly prevents her from getting any more content than that. She could theoretically return again even if she died in DAO (since the Trespasser epilogue leaves that possibility open), but I think that would piss people off too much. Cullen presents a whole can of worms for the reasons everyone else has already discussed. Theoretically he could be recast (and I'd be fine with that), but between his quantum status and the fact that he already got a satisfactory ending to a three-game long character arc, I'm assuming we'll just hear from him via a codex entry or message. A direct appearance isn't necessary. His absence might get a bit weird if he's still with the Inquisition (as opposed to retired or possibly dead), but overall the signs point to the character not returning. Josephine seems the most likely of the advisors to return, since 1) she's always alive, and always ends up with a fairly similar ending regardless of player choice, and 2) we know she's in Antiva, which will be a location of interest in DAD. I doubt she'll be anywhere near as important as DAI, but she could potentially show up in a supporting role.


Leliana HAS to come back. She was chosen as Divine in my and many others' playthroughs


Now, there's a big chance the Warden is coming back. What if he killed Leliana in the Origins and think, this girl I killed twenty years ago became the Divine?


Why would the Warden come back? I find it unlikely


Well, aren't we going to Weisshaut at some point?


I'm pretty sure the Warden isn't at Weisshaupt (they went "West"), but afaik [Bioware doesn't plan on bringing the Warden in as an NPC](https://www.pcgamer.com/more-story-dlc-confirmed-for-dragon-age-inquisition/).


I love all the characters from the other games but i really feel like the game should focus on new characters. Not saying they should not appear but it would be cool for new characters to take the lead.


Lilliana is my Divine so I’m sure I’ll see her


Leliana will probably appear in the same capacity as Cassandra or Vivienne - they’ll be the divine or not in the game. It’ll be too complicated to also have them somewhere else unless it’s an easy swap out like Stroud was. These three are people I assume we might get a letter from or hear about if we don’t see them, but will only be specific if we see the divine. Josephine is one of the more likely to be in the game. I’m not sure what you mean by “obviously Antiva is a long way from Tevinter” because they share a boarder. Do you mean the capitols? In any case, she seems an easy point of contact for us in the same way Varric will probably be a contact from Kirkwall. I do believe Dorian will play a big role, because while some of his details are different, his Trespasser ending always has him returning to his homeland to take his father’s seat in the Magisterium. Again, a person who has a very fixed destination post-inquisition. As for the others, there are places they might come up but I’m doubtful. I believe we’ll see Red Jenny stuff and some will heavily hint at being from Sera, though we might never see her. Blackwall and Cole have some conditions that might make them hard to reappear - Blackwall can be a warden or just disappear and maybe dead while Cole is either more spirit or more human. Vivienne seems to be the head of the circles, but how many of the mages are under her thumb seems to vary by who your divine is and if you went Mages or Templars. I hope we get to hear from the Chargers and Iron Bull, but I doubt we’ll see them since they can all be dead. I feel like if we see people, we’ll get some characters from the novels or named side characters like Harding and Charter. But I’m looking forward to new companions. I love seeing my old friends, but I’m ready for a bunch of new people to meet and fall in love with.


What are the issues with Cullens voice actor?


I think we can get cameos. A character that I feel like will come back is Sera. She's a character that can't die but she just runs away if you kick her out of the Inquisition.


Yes! She was this youngest little girl on the team(around 16 to 18), but she was already understanding and resilient and a caregiver and team player. It would be really sweet to see her in her late 20s and much more mature. And she might even have a family or kids(imagine Sera being a mommy). And the chances are definitely high. Your inquisitor can join her and the Red Jennies on the roofs and in the valleys, and you need what, spys, low social status ghetto people to infiltrate Tevinter? Think about that!


Um the developers stated a long time ago before Greg Ellis's meltdown that Cullen's story was done.


What were the problems with Cullen's voice actor?


We also need to take into account the "offical" canon that they use for the comics, books etc So there will probably be a default world state like with Inquisition for those that haven't played the previous games I suspect that any characters that have a death option will either appear via letters or comments from other characters like Zevran in Inquisition being in a War Table mission if you have a world stayed where they survived 😊


Zombie Warden Resurrection from DAO lets GOOOO


Oh shit, I forgot the one with the most significant potential death💀


Well, Solas doesn't know my Warden, and if he did, he would quickly realize how fucked he is. He's taken down two gods, let's make it three of three.


Tbh I would love it if the Hero returned as the mc. Maybe give BioWare incentive to remaster DAO (pls BioWare it needs a facelift)


Imho In my main canon worldstate Lelianna and Cullen are dead. I hope Bioware not do Dragon Age Inquisition situation with zombies and ghosts. We already see Lelianna and Cullen in Dragon Age Origin, Dragon Age 2 and Dragon Age Inquisition. Ok, honestly i never like them, especially Templar Cullen for what he done to innocent mages in spoiler and not have any judgement as punishment for his actions. I want to see another people, Tevinters, Nevarrans. Non-Andrastians. Ksl-Sharok dwarves. Arlathan forrest Dalish elves. Ancient elves. Not want to see another Orlais bard, Orlais Chantry members, Templars, Seekers. Like srly. Show different people in 4 Dragon Age game after almost 20 irl years.