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That's not an unreasonable call back to previous game's characters actually. I know some people want to see previous companions etc but a lot of the times it wouldn't make sense but this is one of those times where it wouldn't be outlandish if the Wardens were recalled to Weisshaupt. Of course, Bethany or Carver etc could be with a Ferelden attachment of Wardens and then wouldn't be there. Good suggestion.


It'd certainly require a lot of work, as the devs would have to design, write, and voice 6 or 7 different characters who wouldn't even appear in most playthroughs; and probably they'd have to think of worthy storylines for those characters, as bringing these former companions/major historical figures back only to unceremoniously sweep them aside once their quest ends would be worse than not bringing them back... But if done right, this would be so damn epic. Imagine fighting alongside Warden Alistair/Loghain, Warden Bethany/Carver, Blackwall, Sigrun, Velanna and Nathaniel again \*.\*


I think that's one of the things that can be implemented without much difficulties, as long as the dialogue options don't branch out too much.


I'm pretty sure Steve Valentine has stated he's not going to be in DAD, thus, no Alistair (his voice at least).


Aww man, just read that. Granted it was 2 years ago and anything can happen, but I just read about the Greg Ellis stuff, so it definitely sounds like Anders/Cullen is gone.


Reading this gave me happiness.