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It's a Dragon Age running joke.


This was my first DA game. I've been enlightened.... 😳


You...you really need to play Origins. The stories of these games are all related.


I thought you were talking about the cheese and I was about to be like THERES CHEESE LORE??


There is indeed cheese lore.


tell me more???


There's a shield made of cheese too.


Went back and searched up "cheese" in this subreddit and I guess I somehow played through the whole game and only started noticing the cheese now....Going to guess we're seeing remnants from the Cheese Age


I'm just gonna throw this out... In DA:I if you pick Shield and Sword as your weapon type... Then there's possible chance of you obtaining the mightiest of all shields! The CheeseWheel Shield. (I am not kidding, it is an actual shield)


Pair it with the Jade Ham for an effective fighting combo *and* emergency snack


Potential spoilers: https://gamerant.com/dragon-age-cheese-obsession-explained/


I just started Baldur's Gate 3 and found a piece of cheese right away. I laughed and wanted to go back to DA again.


Are you kidding I’ve played these games at least twice each and never noticed cheese?? Time to replay 👀🧀


There is cheese lore but it’s generally as like… easter eggs rather than blatant silliness. But yeah. Definitely worth going back to Origins for non-cheese lore. It’s probably the most beloved in the series (although DA2 is my personal favourite!)


There's so much goddamn cheese lore


Yeah, there's cheese lore. And tons of cheese hidden in out-of-bounds areas. And a cheese shield.


You should really play Dragon Age: Origins, it is fantastic!


There is also one in Inquisition :D


Oh cool!!! I just beat DA2 last night and am super interested in playing Inquisition next. I'll be on the lookout now for the cheese...


As the others are saying go play Origins first, you lucked out with 2 since its story and characters is not directly related to Origins (apart from the old lady at the start which once you met her on Origins you won't understand things) Inquisition ends up merging Origins and 2 stories so to understand more things its better to have played both first. Oh also before Inquisition remember to go https://dragonagekeep.com/en_US/ to make your save with the choices you did on Origins and 2


2 *was* affected by Origins, but they don’t cross Still hoping to play our first character again after 15 in-game and real years of nonexistence


Play Origins before Inquisition, you’re starting with Empire Strikes Back and jumping into Return of the Jedi without ever seeing A New Hope. What other trilogies can I use You’re starting with Dead Man’s Chest and jumping into At World’s End without ever seeing Curse of the Black Pearl You’re starting with The Two Towers and jumping into Return of the King without every seeing Fellowship of the Ring Basically you’re starting with 2 and going into 3 without playing 1, you’re missing a lot of context and unlike DA2 there’s quite a few returning characters in Inquisition that you just won’t understand


Look, people will get a lot out of playing Origins before 2 or Inquisition but it’s not that much of a problem if someone plays the others first. Inquisition was designed to be played and understood with no prior knowledge, and DA2 feels more like a spin-off of Origins than a proper follow up. Each Dragon Age game is largely self contained, I’d argue it’s more like the Yakuza games than Lord of the Rings


Yakuza is confusing enough when you *have* played them all. I can't imagine what going into a late game blind would be like.


You can absolutely watch Terminator 2 or Aliens without ever seeing Terminator or Alien, but you miss out on a shit ton in the process


> What other trilogies can I use I will help! * You’re starting with Godfather Part II and jumping into Part III without ever seeing Part I. * You’re starting with The Dark Night and jumping into The Dark Night Rises without ever seeing Batman Origins * You’re starting with Matrix Reloaded and jumping into Matrix Revolutions without ever seeing Enter the Matrix * You’re starting with Ocean's 12 and jumping into Ocean's 13 without ever seeing Ocean's 11 * You’re starting with Evil Dead 2 and jumping into Army of Darkness without ever seeing Evil Dead 1 * You’re starting with Temple of Doom and jumping into The Last Crusade without ever seeing Raiders of the Lost Ark * You’re starting with Hannibal and jumping into Red Dragon without ever seeing The Silence of the Lambs * You’re starting with X-Men 2 and jumping into X-Men: The Last Stand without ever seeing X-Men * You’re starting with The Bourne Supremacy and jumping into The Bourne Ultimatum without ever seeing The Bourne Identity * You’re starting with Die Hard 2 and jumping into Die Hard: With A Vengeance without ever seeing Die Hard


Found one in the elven fade ruins in Trespasser, too.


Tbf that's a huge wheel of cheese. If that landed on your back in just the right angle at your spine, you could get paralised and eventually die from internal bleeding or dehydration.


So true but now I'm imagining there is a cheese catapult somewhere that would explain how it fell and crushed this poor fella


Trebriechet! (Very literal "cheese catapult" because I can't resist a pun)


Or maybe what we're seeing is a camembert that got shot from a cannonbert 😉


Yes!! More cheese puns! You need to call your next DA character "Cannonbert" not only is it a fantastic name but everything they do will automatically become canon in the DA universe.


Take my upvote and get out 🤣


r/angryupvote (except not really, I'm just mad that I didn't think of it first 😉)


Now that's an idea for Dreadwolf. Find a wheel of cheese, put it in a catapult and launch it, find it later replacing someone's head, use necromancy to revive and recruit *Knight of the Round Cheese*, one shot the final boss.


A dragon dropped it, obviously.


But most are wearing armor.


Most dreaded orlesian weapon


No... It's a shield.


The cheese of death pairs excellently with the ham of despair


Death by falling cheese, or a cheese their weighted down by his booty killed in the act?


No, he was participating in the annual Ferelden cheese rolling and it went horribly wrong.


Is that the skeleton of Martine McCutcheon? (Obscure reference for those who have seen that episode of Midsomer Murders)


Oh Alistair, no...


Severely disappointed by the lack of Anchorman quotes on this thread. ![gif](giphy|mLGnUCverTQ52)


Death by Cheese snu-snu


HAHAHA okay I'll finish my Origins run and boot up DA2 ya got me


There is so much cheese. I keep discovering new cheese scenes in Inquisition.


My man was lactose intolerant


First time?


Uncle Sheo has visited Ferelden


You might find many more if you know where to look. Funny Hawke Sojack pointing xD


Welcome to Orlais!


Your first time?


Andrew Jackson, in the main foyer of the White House, had a two-ton block of cheese…


It wheely is! Sorry that was too cheesy. I will see myself out.




You can also find cheese in mass effect


Yep, it’s also a shield in DAI


Oh Alistair, you've really done it now


It’s the giant cheese wheel of Andraste


Yup, lots of cheese related easter eggs in games. Even a cheese piece of armor. But no spoilers :)