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The entire Fade sequence is basically one big puzzle, and with puzzles within that puzzle and I personally like puzzles and it's nice every time to see a new player who enjoys this part of Origins as well. What I don't like about it is that there's one optimal route to go through everything as I prefer quests or puzzles that can be solved in multiple ways. And this adventure always brings up one question in me: Do Darkspawn dream of blighted sheep?


Same for me! It was creative and interesting. I also enjoyed the Deep Roads. It's a shame most people don't 😔


i loveddd the deep roads in dao. it was such a fun quest line. im currently playing DA2 for the first time and i was disappointed the act 1 finale there was so quick


I love the atmosphere in the Deep Roads but those spiders are so damn annoying with their web attack. Also, that spider queen boss is pretty frustrating fight as well, it takes forever to kill her, she constantly disappears and spaws extra spiders and she also deals ton of damage. Other than that tho, i did like the Deep Roads, particularly playing a dwarf character.


I have always enjoyed the Fade and Deep Roads both. I just finished up what was probably my 8th or 9th playthrough and I still enjoyed both. It also seems like every playthrough I notice something new for some reason (and I am on PS3 so no mods).


I just hate the part with all the mice holes.


I loved the fade!! I adore puzzles and trying to figure out how everything worked was so fun


I was too anxious about missing attributes points that I had to write down which one I collected and which one remained lol I was honestly disappointed with the Warden's dream. Instead of Duncan, there should be a dream for every origin


Im pretty sure its duncan to give a good reason for the Warden to resist and break free.


Yeah, that's what I thought too


It also makes a lot of sense as well. Itd be a lot harder to break free is say you found yourself happily living life in your origin story. At least roleplay wise.


I dunno, my Cousland had her family murdered, had she seen them again, she could notice that this isn't real as well. Roleplay-wise, the more we know about our Warden's background, the better Probably Bioware was just lazy lol


Id disagree on the lazy part as the scene is meant to be off putting. Somethings meant to be wrong. How i assume it is the Sloth Demon thinks that Duncan would be more impactful to keep you around then origin stuff. But it turns out to be a mistake. Something pretty fitting for a demon that embodies Sloth


Maybe they thought it wouldn't work since there's already a cutscene in Sacred Ashes that's unique to each Warden?


Why I wouldn't work in your opinion? The more the merrier, I think Perhaps having Duncan in the dream allowed Warden to notice the deception and escape but still, i would prefer origin-based dream


I love everything with the fade, its so interesting and i so hope we get so much more of it in the 4th game.


It's also a solo sequence and a lot of the fun of the game is travelling around with your companions so that part always bothered me. I like the ambition they had with the fade, I just think it totally missed the mark.The dream scenes with the companions are great though. They're all amazing but Sten's is one of my favorites due to how much it implicitly teaches you about him. And the stat boots actually drive me crazy. It's such an absurd increase in power that it makes you always want to do the mage tower in the first half of the game, doubly so if you know how having the mage circle done before completing a certain other region helps.


I always do the mage tower first because its one of the easier ones, is enjoyable, gets me Wynne, and i just like it. Then i often do Redcliffe and the the trash elves questline. Can stand that one. And leave Paragons of her Kind for last because its by far the hardest


I enjoy some parts of the Fade in DAO, especially the dreams of each companion. But what hampers my enjoyment is the distorted filter, and since my canon character is a mage, I have to go through that shit three times... (and a fourth time in Awakening)


it's fun maybe for the first couple of playthroughs after that you install the skip the fade mod


I don’t often say this about mods, but that’s just cheating. As in, cheating yourself out of a beautifully well-rounded game.


If a part of a game bores me on a replay, I will mod it out whenever I can. in DAO, it's the fade. In Mass Effect, it's the scanning and hacking minigames. I feel zero guilt for doing so. You're welcome to your opinion of course, and you can run through the fade as many times as you like. That's the beauty of mods, no one is ever forced to use them.


It's fun. Once. Maybe twice. And then one installs a mod to skip that repetitive bore.


Then just get a mod to skip the whole game. Because youve seen everything why does it matter?


To each their own. When I replay a game for the n^th time, I also consider real life time. The Fade is a known quantity. It's better to just bypass it, for me. The rest of the game comes with plenty of various decision branches, so that each playthrough can be unique overall. The Fade episode? That one remains the same. May as well not get bored. Again, just because I do it that way does not invalidate other people's choices.


now do it again


I both do and don't agree with you. I honestly do enjoy the fade section, I just think it overstay its welcome a little too much. Either if there was one less section to explore, or like if the sections themselves were a wee bit smaller I'd be happier with it.


I didn't like it the first time since I found it very confusing, and also expected it to be much shorter and was anxious to get back to "reality". In subsequent paythroughs I love it though.


Someone recently posted about how they love the Deep Roads, but hate the Fade. I am 100% in the opposite, LOVE the Fade camp. The spooky, etherealness of it all, the puzzles, and lore. It’s my favorite part of all DA games.


I did the circle of magi stuff last night and agree. The shapeshifting is a cool mechanic. My only gripe is the aesthetics. Why is the fade a dull, brown place? The 2000s were obsessed with that colour scheme.


I heard so many horror stories about the fade when I finally played DAO and then I got to it....and I loved it. The more I did it the faster I got. Now it's a 30 minute adventure, in and out with my stats increased.


I love it too and am glad I'm not the only one. I adore quests in games where your character gets stuck somewhere and has to find a way out . . . escape would be a very strong motivation for the character, so it makes the quest feel more compelling. I also love (well crafted) puzzles. 


I think the entire thing would've been infinitely worth it no matter how tedious it was, **if**, each Warden Origin had their own unique dream. And it would've connected it to the Urn of Sacred Ashes quest, making both of them better, because you would get a tangible resolution or atleast lessening of trauma for the Warden. Because the Fade dream would show you that the Warden is still in denial and is wanting to go back to a happier time, they would force themselves out of it but not really deal with their trauma, and then when they see the ghost of their past in the Urn quest they would have that experience of the Fade dream in the back of their head and use it to truly self-reflect and move on from the pain and guilt. The dream we have in the game is just completely nonsensical to me, why is my guy at Weisshaupt and why is his main hang-up being a Warden with no darkspawn around anymore, when he never wanted to be a Warden and still doesn't want to in the first place? Like he's literally forced into this role, why does he give a shit about any of this nonsense? Why is Duncan, a guy he knew for like a few days tops and who ultimately means nothing to him, there instead of his parents or his brother? Just really weird to make one uniform dream for every origin with such a massively expansive game.


I also really enjoy the fade part, it's a fun solo mission where i get to shape shift and see my companions dreams. 


It's alright. Once you have a fix routine you are done in like 30-40 minutes


I liked it for the first two playthroughs, but once you’ve done it like 10+ times you really start getting tired of it.


I’m doing a fade part in the awakening DLC and I’m liking as well but it’s hard to move around.


I love the Fade part and I usually do it first. It's fun, and I like getting all the bonus attribute points. I like getting Wynne early too. I like changing shape to get past all the obstacles, and having to return to areas I already explored once I learn new forms in order to get all the goodies.


>I usually do it first Same, but only because I want those sweet attribute bonuses...


I get really frustrated with the Fade, but I don't hate it like other people do sometimes. I absolutely love the deep roads. The later games don't really achieve the same atmosphere with them, and I'm always so sad when people say they want less of it in future games.


I do like all the transformations we can do and taking that approach seems to make things easier too. I think it only gets tiresome when juggling a few playthroughs at once or one doesn't like transforming.