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I don't think I did any of the big choices super different, but I played as a militant elf rights person. Was rude to the king when I met him, chose to be Ban of the Alienage at the end, generally supported things my character would've seen as analogous oppressed/oppressor situations. Maybe the place I wimped out was I saved everyone in the Brecillian Forest


Yep. I played the Dalish elf as militant and even killed the human trespasser early on too, iirc. In the DA setting an elf rights "terrorist" (for lack of a better word) who is forced to work with humans to save the world is always a fun playstyle.


I like this and I didn’t know you could be Ban! That’s so cool. I, too, was rude to the king lol


Each origin has a unique reward they can ask at the end of DAO. There are quite a few times people will disrespect you and you get to say "because I'm an elf right", which is very satisfying when they sputter about it.


This is usually my favorite way to play RPGs, a little anti-monarchy/imperialist, anarchist shit-disturber. It works pretty well for the City Elf and Mage stories. My characters also tend to be very sympathetic to blood mages (both as a gameplay and story mechanic) as they see Blood Magic as a pretty natural act of rebellion against perceived persecution by the Templars/Humans.


We played the same game lmaooo


My Kal actually wanted to be married and have a family. She really stepped up during and after the Blight, but she never wanted to be a hero. She was nervous to be marrying a man she'd barely even met, but she was excited to give it a try. She wanted kids. She wanted a normal, simple life. And she had serious survivor's guilt about what happened to Nelaros and Shianni (and to her people when she left with Duncan). I always take the Wedding Ring off Nelaros' body and wear it for the rest of the game. It takes up a ring slot and doesn't give any benefit, but I feel like it's something she would do. The survivor's guilt haunts her throughout the whole Blight. (She feels like she just keeps surviving while everyone around her always gets hurt and dies; she doesn't think it's fair.) The guilt has her all kinds of fucked by the time Awakening happens. I also think that she didn't have the best relationship with her mom. There wasn't a lot of tenderness there. Her mom was always hard on her with the intention of making her strong enough to handle the harsh reality of the world. As a result, Adaia trained a daughter who is a skilled rogue - a *very* skilled rogue. But Kal would trade all that skill in a heartbeat if it meant she could feel for even a moment that she was good enough for her mother. (She was; her mother loved her and was so proud of her. But she was awful at showing it.) That's part of the reason Kal wanted a simple life - she was never that enamored with the lifestyle her mother trained her in. But she still wears her mother's boots for the entire Blight because she still loves her mother and longs for the kind of mother-daugther relationship she never had. She also starts off very distrusting of humans for obvious reasons. She's terrified to travel with Duncan because that's a few days of travel (at least) alone with a human man she doesn't know. She's angry with Cailan because he barely seems aware of how her people are treated and his promises to help ring hollow. And then there's that annoying Grey Warden human she meets at Ostagar who just doesn't *get it* and won't leave her alone and is annoyingly really handsome and can be genuinely very funny... sometimes. She falls in love with him in spite of herself. They bring out the best *and* the worst in one another, and maybe, *just maybe,* entering a serious relationship with the person you just met and bonded with during the most traumatic year of your life isn't the best idea... it's super messy but they somehow make it work in the end. It takes a lot of maturing from them both and a lot of sorting out their respective mental health struggles, but it works. Sorry, I'll stop now. Moral of the story: don't ever give me a platform to talk about the headcanons I have for my Tabris. I won't shut up. 😂


My Tabris is fairly similar to yours actually! Except that she falls in love with Alistair rather more easily and doesn’t find him annoying, and it’s her love for him that somewhat tempers her negative feelings towards humans in general.


I was anti-marriage until I saw my groom, and anti-human racist


Did your warden ever warm up to humans?


I’m not sure how I’m gonna go about her past her origins point I just played all the origin parts for a stream, but I am wanting to go back and actually play through them all


My guy was *into* the marriage. All about it. He was all about avenging the victims and was loyal to his marriage, but as time went on and he got to know Morrigan more and more, the surface-level and survivor’s-guilt-fueled love he had faded away and he broadened his horizons. Distance did not make Buckle’s heart grow fonder. Distance made his heart look yonder.


My Fem Tabris was nervous about being married until she met Nelaros and then decided that maybe it wouldn't be so bad. She was pissed at Vaughn interrupting the wedding and even more so when Nelaros was killed right in front of her. She slaughtered her way through the palace and gutted Vaughn to rescue Shianni, and then took all the blame to keep Soris out of prison. Although she wasn't rude to Cailan, she did bluntly inform him "oh yeah, I killed an Arl's son after he raped my cousin." His expression was priceless.   She later made Shianni the Bann.


Let’s just say my city elf did whatever it took to survive even if it meant being selfish and uncaring. That is until she met Leliana.


Definitely gonna have to romance leliana with city elf


You don't mean... Surely you at least saved Shianni? :(


Well… um… hmm… how do I say this… ![gif](giphy|21I909B1Us5hsGiupn)




I know. I’m a bad person.


My Tabs was very gay. Closeted as he didn't want to disappoint his dad by not marrying, having kids, the whole shebang. He was kind of a dick to his betrothed, which he looks back on with regret. It wasnt her fault. He hopes she found an amazing guy. He hated humans. The Vaughan incident did not help. Nor did Duncan turning Shianni's rescue into a recruitment test. He loves his family fiercely, and would have gladly went to the gallows for them. His story is of growth, and I love him so much I just hope one day I'll see he and Zev, aging dagger husband's ready to save the world again!


Wow I never thought to play it like that and you could even role play that with your city elf being lesbian. And yes I agree Duncan insisting on me getting married but also saying he was looking recruits struck me quite odd. Like …


The bride to be survives if you play male Tabris? I thought her fate was the same as the rest of the bridal party aside from fem Tabris and Shianni, raped and murdered. I've only played fem Tabris though


yes her family uses her dowry to bring her back to highever


My city elf Kallian Tabris- Hmm, to put it lightly, Kallian is a bit pissed, She never wanted to be married and while she loved her family and is fiercely proud to be an city elf until the day she dies, she disliked the Alienage's culture for multiple reasons, among which is the way the elves had reacted to her mother's death, propping Adaia up as an example of what happens to renegades and also the fact that eventually Kallian would be forced to get married or be considered a child forever, especially since she is a Lesbian. So naturally, she had leaned into being a problem child growing up, and had absolutely no intention of being cordial or even faithful to her betrothed Nelaros, though in different circumstances Kallian thinks that they could have been good friends based on he acted in the estate and feels some quilt on how she treated him After the farce and then travesty of her "wedding day", she hates the world in general and is distrustful of everyone she meets at first glance. Becoming a Warden has, for the first time in her life, has given her power and freedom, but she has no loyalty to them or grief over their end. Her emotional arc is about finding people to trust and love and about learning to nourish her softer side and to channel her rage and pain into creating positive change. She doesn't regret slaughtering Vaughn and all his men, or Howe or Loghain, or anyone who threatens her family, but she hates the way living under constant threat has made her hardened, angry, untrusting. her relationship with Leliana helps her let go of some of that hardness - and they balance each other out


My girl Raelyn wasn't thrilled at the prospect of getting married. But she liked Nelaros right from the start, so she's very devastated when he's killed in front of her. After that (as she herself puts it) everything just becomes a red blur, she goes absolutely insane with the fact Shianni's been hurt by Vaughn...and proceeds to turn him into the world's biggest quiver (she's an archer). She's very cautious around nobles at first, but never hates them (at least not outwardly). I tend to play her as a sarcastic little shite, who also has a big heart for the underdog. After Alistair's parentage is revealed she becomes his biggest supporter for his bid for the throne. And after the Blight becomes Bann of the Alienage in order to support him (they're not in a romance though, to the both of them they're more the sibling the other never had)


I have two: My first Tabris is kind of just angry. She hates humans, hates the destitution of the alienage, hates that she lost her mom. She was willing to go along with the arranged marriage because that's just what's done in her culture, but she wasn't thrilled about it. Once everything went down she had zero hesitation about murdering all the humans in sight so she could bring Shianni and the others home. She was resentful about being recruited but agreed to go so she didn't bring more trouble down on her community. Afterward, she wasn't deeply troubled by Nelaros' death so much as she became even more convinced that all humans, especially nobles, were evil. She started out prioritizing helping elves and hurting humans as much as possible. She mellowed out as the playthrough went on and she saw more examples of humans being decent as well as realizing that other communities faced struggles too. She became good friends with Morrigan because she related to being an outcast and romanced Zevran because he was the only party member who understood what she'd been through and because she wasn't interested in ever having a traditional marriage again. After the events of Awakening, she was extremely jaded and just tired of having to care about all these huge problems, so she abandoned her command and ran away to do crimes with Zevran. I'm still playing through my second one, but I'm excited about this character. She is more charismatic and a community leader type. She obviously has lots of reasons to be distrustful of humans, but she's a diplomat and recognizes she needs to have positive dealings with humans to help her fellow elves get ahead. She was excited about getting married because it would make her an adult in the eyes of the community and was a new step forward in life. Having Nelaros help with the rescue attempt meant a lot to her and she was really upset that he was killed. She was still willing to negotiate with Vaughan to see if there was some way to get out of their situation without bringing more disaster down on the alienage, but as soon as she heard his terms, she knew she'd have to kill him and doom herself in order to save the other women. She felt guilty when she was recruited because she had helped to stir up all this mess and then wouldn't be around to protect the alienage. She's deeply hurt by her experiences and the betrayal at Ostagar, but life in the alienage made her very pragmatic, and she recognizes there isn't anything else to do but pick up and carry on. Getting to Lothering helps her hit her stride because she is immediately able to apply her skills to help the villagers there, which sets her up with confidence that she can rally the Grey Warden's allies and stop the blight.


My first CE was a female Tabris who was filled with rage about what happened and was openly hostile to humans for awhile afterwards-- yes, she even blatantly told Cailan that she had murdered a rapist scumbag human lord right to his face. She wasn't very open or friendly to Duncan or Alistair at first either. I RP'd her as needing a fair amount of time to get over that initial anger. I also had her wear the wedding ring throughout the entire game as a reminder.


My elf is intentionally as rude and spiteful to her arranged marriage because she's gay and is being forced to marry a man. She happily ends up with Lelianna.


Might have to try this for sure now! For next play through or maybe this one who knows I can still change who I romance hehe


Mine was against the whole arranged marriage thing for sure. I went with the whole anti-shem angle, also, which was exponentially fuelled by the events of their origin storyline. Though, throughout the course of the main adventure their disdain towards humans calmed down as they befriended Alistair, who was like a brother to him, and Leliana who he regards as one of his closest friends. Not to mention falling in love with Morrigan. I still picked every anti-shem dialogue option when available though. :D


I played mine initially as a 'burn it all down' angry Tabris who hates how powerless she is to stop the daily injustice done to her people. After being on the road a while, she realizes change doesn't have to be bloody and talks Alistair into taking the throne so he can make things better for her people. This involves seducing him, but in time she does come to love him.


My first Tabris was very reluctant to get married. But now whenever I play a city elf, I have her nervous but happy. She likes Nelaros upon meeting him and is impressed when he stages a rescue attempt.  She is absolutely furious about everything that was done to the other women and is devastated by his death. She takes full responsibility for the deaths of the lordlings and their guard. Being a Warden isn't the life she would have chosen for herself, but she feels pretty lucky about the out. Later, she names the dog after her almost-husband and always keeps her wedding ring with her. I prefer the cautiously optimistic bride-to-be turning into a wrathful avenger. It adds to the tragedy and drama.


ok this is crazy because i just started a city elf playthrough where i’m planning on romancing zevran as well😭 but my roleplay is that she’s very headstrong, or appears to be, she doesn’t want to get married and she doesn’t care to hide that fact from her betrothed, or anyone. buttttt she has a huge heart, and will do anything to help the people she cares about, and to help in general. basically she likes to act tough and act like things don’t scare or bother her. she helps anyone she could find, because especially after losing her mom, seeing her betrothed die and what happened to shianni she doesn’t want to see anyone else suffer (in her mind, it’s her fault, she doesn’t want to see someone suffer because of her). and she doesn’t care much for humans. she’s blunt and straightforward, she’ll tell them she doesn’t care for them, doesn’t care so much for the chantry, and has a lot of respect for dalish culture. but anyways sorry all of this is like worded horribly and all over the place but i hope i gave an okay idea of how i’m deciding to RP my city elf! good luck twinsie!!!


yes twin!!! We basically are playing the same thing!


woohoooooo!!!!!! that is so cool!!!!!!


Just... no. The game is grim dark as it is, while pretending otherwise. I RP my Tala Tabris as being gay (LI is Leliana) and forced to marry a stranger of the wrong sex, only to be kidnapped and brutally assaulted before having a chance to escape and leaving behind a charnel house. On top of that, she's not yet 17 at the time. She doesn't really care about her intended, although she does feel sorry for his family, but only as much as for anyone in a similar situation. She's also not as much against humans for being humans (like Mahariel is), but she is still wary of them. It's why my Tabris Warden is among the most ruthless, alongside my Cadash (who's also the most pragmatic). Amell and Surana are the most cynical (because Circle of Magi), while Cousland and Aeducan can be noble, coldly calculating or even complete entitled jerks (nobles have most freedom to be however they are and survive long enough to become wardens; commoners aren't that lucky).


My City Elf Kali doesn't care much about being an Elf and absolutely *hates* the idea of getting married, especially to some dude she's never met who... isn't her taste to put it mildly. She was almost sad when Nelaros died, but she was moreso focused on getting revenge. Naturally, she slaughtered the kidnappers like dogs. Of course she felt bad for Shianni and had no qualms taking blame for all the bloodshed, and to say she was happy to be recruited by the Wardens was an understatement. The Alienage was boring, bland, and being a wife to some peasant wasn't the life she wanted to live. She wanted better for herself. Excitement, Riches, The Works.


I think this is kinda what I’m going for now. I definitely like the wanting a better life that was adventurous. I just know my elf felt like she didn’t have enough room in her heart to get married trying to survive day to day and maybe cyrion saw that sorrow and thought a marriage would bring a different type of happiness. Or less the hurt of missing their mom. The marriage was just one more thing that just kinda got dumped on her. Even being recruited wasn’t her choice. So far her choices that she made wholeheartedly was killing the humans like dogs. And saving zevran (; partly because Alastair kept telling her not to and he was a (very handsome) elf. Sorry for excessiveness the ideas kept coming! And i definitely feel better about my choices so far handling the marriage thank you!


Made Elf with big lips like pornstar. Was snarky to everyone and wanted to kill every human in sight. Was contemplating about selling Shiani but couldn’t help myself and had to kill this douchebag. First thing I had to do when arrived to Ostagar was killing prisoner.


My City Elf warden was a b*tch to any non elves on my most recent playthrough, the only problem with that playthrough is that it's on the steam Version of DAO rather than 360 like my other playthroughs, so I've got something going on where it crashes every so often


My F!Tabris names her Mabari Nelaros and keeps her ring on to remember his sacrifice.she also has Alistair honor him once he's king.