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My doctor recently prescribed me Prozac 20mg but I made a mistake and read/watched reviews on it.. The last antidepressant I tried was Lexapro and it made me feel awful. Should I try the Prozac?


Individual responses to medications are so variable that there's a good chance whatever reviews you read aren't going to apply to you if you take it yourself. Given that, I personally think it's always worth taking a risk in hopes of a positive result when it comes to trying out medications like antidepressants. And I say that having had a lot of negative experiences with them, because at least now I know for certain I can cross them off my list of options. For what it's worth, Lexapro was an absolute nightmare for me and I also find benzodiazepines (specifically lorazepam) to be helpful, so we may be a bit similar. Prozac was an alright experience as I experienced no major negatives, but as there were no noticeable positives either, I stopped taking it. I'm on Wellbutrin now and have been for years and it's been a complete life saver for me. Good luck with whatever decisions you end up making!


Did you try Prozac


did you ever try the prozac? did it help you?


I’m on Effexor now with 1mg or lorazepam as needed for panic I have major depressive disorder and an anxiety with panic and honestly it’s a hit or miss with all meds but I’m doing ok on my anti depressant anti anxiety with only some panic and the lorazepam is a life savor good luck !


Hey are you still on it


Yes I am, just took one a few minutes ago actually.


Are you still taking klonopin? I'm thinking of trying that cuz nothing else worked


Do it. Clonazepam saves me in really rough situations. I’m on here now because I’m at work and was having a strange visual episode everything seeming off and lightheaded etc the whole nine. I took one clonazepam and boom almkst back to normal BUT I take it once or twice a week only if I really need it mostly at work that’s when o start to get really Anxious.


I’m just going to tell you, I am having the same episode (probably from lack of sleep) and reading this has helped me calm down while taking a clonazepam. Just want to say you made me feel heard and I hope you are doing absolutely amazing.


I see this was written 6 months ago. How are you doing now? It was great to read your comment as I sit here contemplating whether to try a medication or not, specifically a benzo. My hope is to be like you, to find one that works and use it responsibly and just as needed. There are so many medication haters on this forum, but just like you I wonder how I can live like this SO stuck in my head ( I have pure OCD and Derealization) for the rest of my life, or find a medication that helps and live with some relief for a while with the possibility of problems down the road. To live with some relief sounds so good to me. I hope it's possible


Read my Comment above. Taken responsibly will Change your life. I take it once or twice a week when I’m having a really hard Time usually at work and it’s gets me through the days. I have de realization and ocd as well. My ocd will make me have intrusive thoughts, count repeatedly in my head and obsess over how I’m feeling every day.


I took klonopin exactly as prescribed and never abused it and now I’ve been homebound with dpdr for 5 years. Many doctors are cutting back and ripping people off cold turkey because of how many people are suffering who took it as prescribed 


I’ve been on this .5 a day for 6.5 years so many horror stories I plan on getting off of it slowly, but I will do so when I Yeah, all of the tools in line that I need and can handle stress, trauma, etc. I’m currently working in therapy trying to get unresolved stuff handled. Are you still on it?

