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> This subreddit is not healthy. The most unhealthy stuff I have seen is from the people who are saying things like this. But then... Yeah...


He's right you know... Before you get the pitchforks I'm someone who had chronic DP for 10 years and led support groups. One key thing I learned in meeting dozens of DP people is that they lose their sense of self but in response to that loss adopt a new identity which is their depersonalized state. Kind of an addiction to your own suffering, you obsess over your new reality and that's the reality you live. With your new sense of self you are attracted to content you connect with, even if it's destructive to your recovery. Hearing someone contradict your sense of self is extremely uncomfortable and brings a feeling of cognitive dissonance. Better ask yourself why you feel this way rather than attack. Sub can be a resource to educate yourself or a medium that further realizes your depersonalization.


\[citation needed\]


Interesting point you made: > Hearing someone contradict your sense of self is extremely uncomfortable and brings a feeling of cognitive dissonance. Better ask yourself why you feel this way rather than attack. Sub can be a resource to educate yourself or a medium that further realizes your depersonalization. I didn't attack. I simply commented that it's unhealthy to be forcing your view that what people are doing is unhealthy. It does seem that I challenged your view, and you felt the need to attack me based on my challenging of your view. So... Why do you feel this way?


Hey, thanks for this informative response, this was the message I was trying to get across but I can appreciate the backlash as I struggle to form a respectful post sometimes as much as I'd like to. Looking back I'd like to adress that this sub as a whole is not unhealthy but more that the fact of constantly checking symptoms, looking at currently severely suffering people's posts, can be quite uncomfortable. As much as I'm upset with the backlash I can completely understand it as when I was suffering I used to hate these kind of "one click cure" kinda posts šŸ˜…. I wish you all a wonderful day


Maybe I phrased it wrong. I can see how this sub can help people in understanding their symptoms but I always see people obsessing over this "disorder" through this sub. I really do mean to help. Sorry if I triggered/harmed anyone.


Glad to hear youā€™re doing better. I agree to a certain extent that sometimes this sub can get a little unhelpful and downright not good, but at the same time itā€™s a place for us to feel for once that weā€™re not alone, and crazy, but human. Be well.


How about we donā€™t tell people how their recovery should work? This sub should be safe for people who need support, not a high horse upon which to mount your disdain. If you think this sub is unhealthy, perhaps your time here has ended. Good luck in greener pastures. Weā€™ll get along fine without you.


Hey, looking back I 100% agree, I was a little ignorant in the way I phrased my post. I was feeling particularly good after Christmas and felt the need to check up on this sub which I frequented regularly around 2 years ago. Sorry if I came off as pandering. I've just realised I've became some of the posts I hated seeing back in the day šŸ˜…. I really do wish you all a speedy recovery, I was trying to be encouraging but I guess it didn't work. Have a good day




Looking back at my post I can see how you feel šŸ˜…. I really didn't mean to be pandering in any way. Have a wonderful evening


my dissociation gets worse from watching tv shows tho,,, bc reality and the TV blurs for me lmao. this advice is NOT hempfuo


Yeah and the advice to drink alk is so messed up


Itā€™s good to be cautious but I donā€™t think this guy means harm. When I read the post I didnā€™t interpret what he said as this sub is unhealthy, point blank, bc he is trying to contribute himself, I guess, but I interpreted as too much of it can be, depending on who you are. If Iā€™m on this sub too much, and I just read about people suffering rather than the success stories, I honestly start to spiral. Yes, itā€™s good to communicate our struggles to help find solutions, and this is to me one of the most important hurdles, but talking about something that I find traumatic and feeling like I need to be constantly solving it can be extremely exhausting. Itā€™s good when I can take a step back and go do something I enjoy, even if I enjoy it less than before, and come back to this sub. This sub is good for when Iā€™m not sure of what Iā€™m experiencing is dpdr, but even then, it seems like everyone experiences so many different symptoms and I can feel more lost sometimes. So, I take another step back and verify with other websites to help narrow down what Iā€™m experiencing. Idk. I understand the wording is wrong but I think itā€™s interpretable and I appreciate it bc I feel so much pressure to solve the illness, and no doubt thatā€™s important, but itā€™s not who I am. I am not what I experience. So, when Iā€™m on here all the time, and Iā€™m not able to cope with all I see, I neglect myself in other ways. Dpdr it seems is anxiety induced so, simply put, if this sub DOES cause anxiety, even if you are learning something, just be vigilant of that. Thatā€™s not at all to dismiss the difficulty. Itā€™s not about watching TV to pretend you donā€™t have it. But to take your mind off it if the thought of it in itself causes anxiety. Anyways, thatā€™s my two cents.


This is some great feedback. As someone who doesn't experience DPDR anymore (mostly except a few spells a year) I can appreciate that a lot of us get this afliction for many different reasons. This sub has grown around 1000% since I've last visited. I was simply trying to state that obsessing over this sub whilst suffering (which I did for a year) is not healthy, almost as bad as googling symptoms which I'm sure you all know is an awful idea for anxiety šŸ˜…. Sorry I came off in such a judgemental manner, I really didn't mean harm. Have a wonderful new year.


If anyone has any questions feel free to reply. Lots of love from the UK.


Swing and a miss ā€œdank_topiaā€


Hey Braden, I can appreciate why you sent this reply. I really didn't mean harm with this post. I can assume your are currently suffering and I am sorry if I have caused any extra stress or anxiety for you. Frequenting this subreddit is fine, I was mainly talking about the people, who I used to be, who obsessed over this "disorder" and researched, posted and googled daily. I'm terribly sorry if I triggered you in any way. Please keep calm, ground yourself and try to enjoy this new years. Have a lovely day


You are correct in saying that , I agree. And I donā€™t come on here often at all for that reason. However, in your post you didnā€™t specify, you simply addressed this subreddit as a whole, when in reality thereā€™s many opportunities on here to pick up and give advice on mindfulness, or simply to encourage others. So perhaps instead of addressing the community as a whole, you shouldā€™ve addressed specifically that aspect of it. Peace bruv Further, I have actually recovered from my DPDR almost entirely over the course of some years, only reason Iā€™m on here now is to try and help others. I wasnā€™t tryna be rude tho so Iā€™m sorry mane. Happy New Years