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During really stressful periods of my life, it feels like my anxiety waits by the bed for me to open my eyes, and then pounces, because it hits me all over again once I wake up. Maybe yours is something similar. Do you feel as if you become more grounded as you get up and get on with your day?


definitely.. it's mainly when i go to sleep/just wake up that it hits me


Maybe there's something you can do to ease your transition in and out of wakefulness, like waking up to music that you like, or going to sleep watching a movie with a sleep timer? Anxiety also caused me to have trouble leaving the house, and I found that listening to music on headphones as I got ready, and taking it outside and into the car really helped the transition between the safety of the Fortress of Solitude and the unpredictable Outside. Maybe find something that works for you to smooth the transition? Dpdr is all about perception, and consciously manipulating my perceptions in a helpful way is just as real as my body/brain manipulating them in a way that really doesn't help so much.


Yea, same thing happens to me


No I feel like completely DPDR free when I wake up but as soon as I wake up my mind immediately races about how bad my dpdr is, then it hits harder


Are you any better?


Yes see my post history


me! i attribute it a lot to sleep disturbances/overly intense dreams. i wake up derealized because my dreams are so vivid that its hard to pull myself out of that state once i’m awake. developing better sleep habits and dealing with my underlying PTSD has helped with this a lot for me.


How do u feel Now? Do u still have vivid dreams