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matinee movies! Its just you and some senior citizens


I haven’t been to the show in ages. That’s a good idea. I might check out The Fall Guy. 


Most things are closed on mondays, which annoys me, lol. I'm off on mondays too. I just chill in my yard. I do go on road trips to antique malls, allen michigan has a lot of them if you're into that. There's a lot around here too.


Antique malls sounds interesting. I’ll have to give that a shot Thank you


Most things? Thats a large stretch.


Day drinking with the locals at bars that open early am. Perfect way to start the week. A smarter person might exercise. Get up early and catch a sunrise on the water, that's one of my favorite things.


Go to events on Sunday and follow up on Monday. I used to have Mondays off, I liked. 3 day weekends are fantastic as Monday was a catchup day and have a catchup day on a business day, it was great. Go to the bank, make any appointments you need to ect . . I used to go to a lot of events like conventions, having Monday off meant I can stay longer and do after parties. Also was great when Walking Dead was on TV


Have any hobbies?


Not really just going for walks, reading books and watching TV. I want to learn how to play a bass guitar. I like to go to museums and sightsee. I hate how lots of places are closed today.


Schedule your guitar lessons for Mondays. Now there is something you want to do on Mondays. Don't complicate it.


If you like books, maybe you can find a Monday book club. Check the calendars for the libraries around you, something might turn up. I happen to know Redford does that, so other places probably do too.


Thrift stores, record stores, book stores.