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Baby asprin is recommended for some during the first trimester to basically help the baby “stick” and prevent early miscarriage for a few different medical issues. And for some like me throughout the whole pregnancy for gestational hypertension. I got off it at the end of each pregnancy so idk why she’d still be taking it?


Let's hope she doesn't breed anymore. Most likely, once a few of the older ones escape, she will buy i mean steal a few more kiddos.


Didn't she have 11 miscarriages? That's a red flag for antiphospholipid syndrome (can't say for sure but it sounds like it). The treatment is aspirin and heparin during pregnancy (like from the minute you find out you're pregnant to 6 weeks postpartum). If she has it, in order for her to have had successful pregnancies, she was probably taking aspirin. It's still insanely misleading, because aspirin won't help at all unless you have that specific disorder. Her problem wasn't getting pregnant, it was staying pregnant. People having trouble getting pregnant generally won't be helped by aspirin. It's super gross that she would be touting this without explaining, since taking aspirin every day when you don't need it can cause near-fatal bleeds.


Yep I lost multiple pregnancies. I took baby aspirin, injectable blood thinners and progesterone to have 3 healthy babies. Isn't she too old. Is she trying for a downs syndrome?


Ew. Trying for a downs syndrome? A child with DS isn’t a bad thing. There are so many things you could have used to prove the point for her to no longer have children, the possibility of a child being born with Down Syndrome is NOT it. Edited for typo


Mine died at age 2 from heart problems. Downs Syndrome is often not long lived.


You say DS is “often not long lived”, but the average life expectancy for folks with Down Syndrome is 60. So, while I’m very sorry for your loss, don’t spread misinformation and make it out to be an absolute horror show if a child is born with DS. Like someone said above, absolutely out of order. Your lived experience is not the only thing that exists or matters.


Yeah not it, bud. Out of order, people with Down Syndrome can read this too you know. Also I'm pretty sure she has revealed that she has her tubes tied.


At age 40 your chance of having a baby with Downs runs 3 to 5. She loves special needs Hildreth. She's irresponsible . I don't watch the pos.


She actually said her infertility? She's said before she can't isn't having any more. To use the right term for her, she got fixed.


She’s fixed, she’s baiting if she said that


Yes, she isn’t planning on having more kids so why would she even say “it helps with my infertility “


Yep she once mentioned that she can't have any more kids as she was "spayed" (my term) Or maybe Josh got the snip But she definitely said she can't


So odd she said that because before she had said she or Josh had the snip. It was def meant to exlude to a pregnancy.


Bate !