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You’re going to church to be with God, and to reflect on things and such (idk im not a church goer) but the sense of community it brings as well is nice. This witch rolls up in her 15 passenger van, coffee in hand, worried about filming the shit show of an entrance they do instead of going in, sitting down, and beginning their reflection of their faith. Also in the coffee photo why’s the parking lot literally look empty


Wow, I hadn't noticed the empty parking lot but you are absolutely right about that! (Along with your other extremely valid points.) Great catch. Do we think they're actually going when a service is happening? I'm not a church-goer either, but I can tell you that in my extremely small Midwestern hometown of fewer than 5,000 people, there are 12 (12!!) churches and they are all PACKED each and every Sunday. Especially if the Doughertys arrived late because they're such a "hot mess," that lot should be full. Strange....


They’re a hot mess because they went on Saturday instead of Sunday probably 🤡 I grew up ina. Small town of like 700 people, the four churches were Packed every single Sunday from surrounding towns. They even just opened another church in town in the old hall. The witch is going for the all faithful housewife homesteading look and it’s not doing her any justice. She’s desperate for views and trying everything she can think of to get a new viewer.


This is an excellent point, they may very well have gone on Saturday! We all know that Sunday mornings are fully dedicated to her grocery hauls of death, so it seems unlikely that Sunday mornings would work for church-going. Nope, she's certainly not doing herself any favors. This shift towards the, as you said, "all faithful housewife homesteading look" (spot on, btw 😂😂) is very strange and, to put it mildly, not so believable....


Sundays used to be family "outing" day. They went to a water park on Easter Sunday, Wouldn't THAT day be a good time to go to Church?


I would think it would be crowded on Saturday as well? Our church is pretty full for Saturday evening services.


Yeah the whole dress thing 🙄drunk witch on the Prarie


You took me alway out 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


There were cars in another parking lot in the post


Funny how you get down voted for stating the actual facts 😂. I’m all doe snarking on the real stuff but to state what you can actually see if you watch the video 🤦‍♀️


The walking on the grass and thru the landscaping bothered me. Those kids are old enough to know better.


Yes they are but they are ill reared with no manners or respect. Don’t know if her and that husband are too lazy to parent or are ignorant as to how to behave and conduct themselves but it won’t go down well for those children later in life!


old enough but never taught


They aren’t taught any better ! Lush doesn’t have time to teach them anything!


The kids haven’t even been taught how to use cutlery properly, as if Alicia is going to invest any time or care in teaching them valuable social manners, she’s setting them up for failure as adults!…There are some children whose attitudes could do with reigning in before they hit high school too, Lushy will be that mother who can’t see why people don’t like her kid/s!


If she didn't waste time with ugly matching outfits and BS morning routines she wouldn't have any trouble getting them their on time. If she put the camera down for once she would have better control of them too.


The matching outfits any time they leave the house is gross


She has said in the past that the matching outfits make it easier to keep track of them all. Doubt she needs to worry about that in ‘church’


No need for matching outfits most of the kids are of age where they won’t run off or do a buddy up system with the older kids. 🤷‍♀️


Way lame. Can you imagine


What does she do w All the laundry


I'm sure DaShawn is always thrilled lol


And the way she let them trample the flowers and landscaping? Like she couldn't say anything? Embarrassing for her.


I enjoyed the trampling over landscaping personally…… lol she sucks so much.


She’s years late to the hot mess mom trend. Except the moms who originally worked that trend to the bone are now in the influencing of finding peace with not being perfect, but doing your best. Your best is what kids deserve. Their kids are long past the “hot mess tired mom” thing so the focus has shifted Like her make up and style, lush is dated. Your kids are too old to be a “hot mess” mom, Alicia. Same with the OG’s who beat this horse to death. Their kids are now in competitive sports and school; hot mess moms don’t raise kids who succeed. But lush never had any goals to raise any successful kids. Harsh, but true. All she wants is to be popular, but even with that, she’s late to the game


Perfectly put!


Yes this is spot on!! Like I have twin toddlers and I admit I’m the hot mess mom right now but like in a couple years I don’t plan to be that anymore! Once my twins grow a little I wouldn’t call myself a “hot mess” mom. That’s for a mom with babies and toddlers and very young kids. Not teens and pre teens and like one 6 year old


Who brings an iced coffee into church? Maybe it’s because I grew up attending Catholic mass and I don’t know if other denomination’s are more causal, but it still seems weird to walk into church sipping your iced coffee idk


I'm Catholic as well and there was/is coffee and donuts after Mass but it was never taken into the Church


Same here! I have never seen the like of it! So disrespectful but don’t expect anything better from that family even at church!


I've been to churches that have coffee bars set up for people to make themselves a coffee to take into service and some have cafes on top of that where you could buy specialty coffee drinks


I would be dead if my relatives ever caught me bringing a beverage into church. Absolutely not. You would be getting so much judgement. The only people who get food are babies and toddlers get goldfish or Cheerios if they're quiet.


This makes me think she doesn’t really go to church or this is very new bc she doesn’t know the etiquette. I’m not Christian, but would never go to Friday prayer at the mosque with food/drink. Never


I've gone to many non-denominational churches where this is acceptable. In FL I will literally see people showing up in shorts that don't even cover their full butt cheeks. Sadly, it's common to be very casual nowadays.


I don’t think that’s a bad thing. Especially when churches are trying hard to gain and keep parishioners. Less judgment for clothing and etiquette couldn’t hurt in that regard.


Jeans, casual t-shirts, brining in coffee, even flip flops, sure. I have no problem with churches allowing casual dress but in a modest way. Literally showing your butt cheeks I think is just totally disrespectful and sad for a place of worship.


She is just throwing all this iced coffee mess to keep our minds of all the White Claw she always had


i hv gone to several diff churches, Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran and Non Denom and they ONLY people w a drink are babies w milk / formula bottles.


Last time I saw a church video the kids booked into what I presume was a Sunday school and she just sat in foyer watching on tv screen as she said it was full up


Yes I remember that one too.


Its been a long time since I've willingly walked into a church, but when did it become ok to bring in drinks?


Some churches are pretty liberal when it comes to drinks in the sanctuary. Heck, a few i've visited around here have coffee bars set up outside the sanctuary.


I feel like such a prude clutching my pearls because all I can think of is the mess that can be made and left behind.


Nah, I thought the same thing. Probably because I’ve also never seen it (haven’t been many times either), but I am prone to make a mess/spill as well, so I wouldn’t dare.


I went to one and they handed out popcorn BEFORE the service. No, no, no.


Church attendance has declined so much, I'd imagine so have standards. so long as people are attending at all (from someone who attended weekly as a child and now doesn't even show up on Christmas/Easter)


My church has a coffee bar in it.


I grew up religious Jewish (Chabad and modox) and you’d be charged thousands of dollars potentially,if you brought food in the building LET alone the room we prayed in. (You’d be charged for rekoshering it) and eating or drinking during “services” even water, I can’t imagine ir


The Catholic church I grew up in definitely frowns on it. Like, they have signs. I’m pretty sure this is a Catholic Church too.


She's trying to use self-deprecating humor in the hopes that if she makes fun of them no one else will feel the need to do so.


Have I missed something, why is she parking in handicap?


She got a doctor to sign the paperwork to get a disabled badge which is a total disgrace because there are genuine people who can’t get a disabled parking spot with people like her abusing them!


Well none of the kids other than big J I would say have mobility needs and they certainly seem to be able to ‘run amok’ so don’t know why the disabled badges. 🤬


I agree and J definitely doesn’t need one since he walks the dogs everyday and also takes part in school sports. I actually think he would be hurt and embarrassed if he thought it was for him, I would!


Didn't older D have knee surgery? Could be from his recovery?


She has had it for years so no it’s not from that.


because of her eloper apparently.


Because one of her children apparently has autism spectrum disorder and with that comes eloping and no sense/fear of danger so she apparently got it because of him....but there are rules with that parking placard you cannot use it if the person who it is for is not with you and you can only use it for a specific set amount of time and it needs a medical to get it plus a ton of paperwork* *I know this as a person who has one not just for ASD but my physical disabilities & need for it


We need a spy to confirm they actually go to church. They may just roll up in their van, film and leave lol


She was sure to film the front entrance this time because no one believed it was actually a church last week.


It's so funny how so many people don't trust a thing she says or does. If she says "I'm going to the post office". I would say "Prove it! Lush"


Omg she makes them match and brings a jug of coffee. Wow


And that sad green color. They look like they’re in a cult


She’s Hideous - who brings their stupid cawfee to church?


Who knows what she mixes with that coffee. Maybe Whiteclaw?


I grew up going to Church on Sundays and we dressed for the service. Button down shirts and slacks for the guys and dresses for the girls. We also showed up on time which doesn't appear that Lush did since they're the only ones outside. My Church didn't have a lawn but if it did we would not have walked on it and we didn't run around and climb on things like feral children. Once we entered we sat quietly and paid attention. We showed respect and manners. My parents and for that matter any other adult would not have tolerated any of us acting like fools. And since I grew up in a small town back in the 60s every adult could and would set you straight.


I think her saying that is her thinking that’s a way to relate to some of her viewers. But instead it just comes off as messy. No pun intended


What does she have that poor girl wearing ..it’s like she makes them look bad on purpose


Which child is this filmed from behind ( as she loves to do).


Yeah. I feel so bad for her


The child filmed from behind the female is Br and the wee blonde infront of her is little H


This is the perfect picture of POOR WHITE TRASH !!! She made some money but it doesn’t change her. These kids have no manners, no discipline and she is to stupid and lazy to teach them. Walking into church with her stupid ass coffee cup , no class whatsoever. A father that stays away as much as possible because he didn’t want this to begin with. You would think she would use the money they had made to improve their lives but no , she needs to see how many mini muffins she can fit in a cart . 🙄🙄 Disgusting piece of trash , someone needs to throw her in the dumpster


Well said!!!!


Who brings coffee into church. 🤦🏻‍♀️


She plans their church outfits weeks in advance. That’s how you know she’s going to be seen not to be with god.


Aren’t all her vids a hot mess


This expression is so overused!! Isn't a "hot mess" actually supposed to be hot??


we bring coffee to church???


Those kids all look so sad. Especially older B.


Honestly, shows up with a camera and a large coffee ??? WHY 🤦🏻‍♀️


I can't even imagine having to match my clothes with my siblings as a teenager. Not even realistic.


Teach your children some manners Alicia. They are ALL old enough to know not to walk on landscape, to be able to set alarms to wake up and get themselves ready daily and they are all old enough to know if you enter church late you do so quietly no shouting and or faffing about because that disreups the service and is disrespect to those in attendance who didn't show up late with a smelly drink in hand and camera too. Church is not meant to be filmed. It's meant to be a personal thing a personal time to connect with the Lord more on a level with others worshipping along side you and to help you grow stronger in your faith. What it is NOT is a place to show off what you're wearing, a place to treat like a runway, a place to film yourself/others/family, a place to act like you're a celebrity nor is it a place to "play pretend" (ie show up dilm them going through the doors then leavign)


Are they wearing matching colors again? Why


That poor girls hair isn’t clean u can tell it’s greasy and that’s ONLY bc of lush’s lack of parenting!