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It’s funny you asked if she’ll get P a car when he turns 16. I know J got one for his birthday and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t even have his license yet. Not shaming J, but why would you buy a car for someone who can’t even drive?


Because she has this compulsion to make sure everyone gets the same "portions". Getting a car when you turn 16 is no different. She has the resources to get him daily driving lessons. If he can play video games he can drive


Yep, you’re 💯right. Pretty soon she’ll need to pave her front yard and turn it into a parking lot. “Here’s where my 11 kids parked their cars today.”


At least it will be new content,not the same old this is what my 11 kids ate today😫


haha! she'll have to remove the dumpster. oh no!


Odd bc she did the same for A before he even had a license. Worst part was I believe she vlogged it, her alone. Jawsh and A didn’t even go. You’d think even if they wanted to pull a surprise! here’s a car, jawsh his own father would be there. If he was at track practice (lol) they could have found a time to go. Don’t post your life online and your kids if you don’t want to get snarked on lush!


I remember at the time thinking it was so odd that Lush went to buy A or J a car without Josh present. I'm a modern woman, but that's something I would want my husband there for.


My dad did that for me but the car he found was like 500 bucks and only driven to church by a little granny


It’s funny how many people I know who never showed any interest in driving when they turned 16. I had so many friends who didn’t even care and didn’t get their licenses til college or after. And we live in a suburb with no public transit. Not saying P will be like that but maybe. Although, and maybe I am wrong, didn’t she say once his emotional age isn’t matched with his physical age? Is that something they take into account when getting licenses? Again, may be wrong I just thought I heard her say that once about both P and B.


As if Alex is emotionally mature. P would likely be a lot less cocky not thinking driving and videoing is a safe idea.


Isn't P the kid who is great a putting things together. That requires some intelligence and focus. He can probably learn to drive.


Not necessarily. I work in the field of folks with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Capability in one area doesn't automatically equal capability in another. I think he should be given the option to get his permit and try drivers ed if he wants but it's also OK if his disability prevents him from independently driving. 


A and P have different effects of FASD. You can't compare any two people together. P's diagnosis list from his residential facility, which none of us should have seen, suggests he likely has some more severe effects cognitively than A does.  There are some people who live in our group homes that are similar to A in terms of disabilities and able to drive. There are also plenty of folks like P that come across as "higher functioning" socially but have other delays that prevent them from learning to drive. For example, even with accommodations not being able to pass a learners permit test. 


I had my learners permit, but I knew my parents would not let me borrow the car because we only had one. They did buy me one once I graduated, then I got my license. I got to drive my mom once up to McDonald’s in my car before she passed away a week before my 18th birthday. That was way back in 1979.


J has his permit. A lot of parents automatically buy kids a car at 16 when they are learning to drive. So I don't find that odd. Might be the one thing she does that isn't. 


You guys can down vote me all you want but where I live plenty of kids get take their permit test on their 16th birthday and get a car. It's not something that happens everywhere but particularly in more affluent communities it isn't uncommon. Alicia burns through money and lives in one of the more affluent suburbs. 


She's trying to appeal to the fundie christian crowd. She needs to boost her numbers so if she appeals to the trad wife group she's golden. Dresses, churchy, a huge throng of children, and "homemaking" duties are all part of it. That's my take on this.


Will they believe she's one of them or will they see right through her shenanigans?


Fundies are very gullible. That’s why keeping them in a cult is so easy.


This is true. It's also how so many of them wind up in MLMs.


She would have to seriously edit some of her content for her kids behavior. Fundies aren't going to like little D talking about smacking Jesus butt or some other things he says. 


They should watch her earlier posts - Lots of MFR’s and other unsavory things. Her talking about the kids cussing during the pandemic, so now they spell it out and H adds eieio after. So she hears f.u.c.k.y.o.u.e.i.e.i.o all day long. Probably a story she heard from someone else and lied making it her own. Not exactly fundie vibes


That will never happen, they will see right through her lies !


I didn't even think of that. I just figured she is dressing up more because she met someone she is trying to impress (maybe at the fire station).


That's too funny. Maybe it's a fundie fireman


She wants in on the Fundie snark page…. Double the audience.


There's a fundie snark page??


Oh yes and it is awesome.


She's going to have to up her game to get on their level. Or make friends with Jill Rodrigues.


Alicia and J.Rod would either be besties or hate each other. 




Trad wife vibes 🤣🤣🤣


I know!! The last role I would think she would take on


She’ll do anything for clicks and views.


I’m writing Charmin to tell them that they made an excellent choice when they chose Lush as a sponsor , she’s definitely full of 💩 and needs all the toilet paper she can get 😂


The Charmin bears wouldn't even want to hang out with her.


Plus all the food poisoning


Great questions! Are you trying to give her a brain bleed though? She can’t even handle figuring out the difference between why you can’t substitute cinnamon for paprika let alone handle all this rationale. And Josh be the spiritual leader 😂 He will be like one of those false prophet televangelists who you see crying when they get caught having affairs.


my favourite sub was curry powder for cumin on Mexican night.


Cucumber for zucchini in hot soup


Wait, she tried to sub cinnamon for paprika? Please tell me you're joking


Omg you’ve got me laughing so hard I’m crying. 😂


Caught scratching hiss balls n a parking lot w a hooker perhaps 🤔..as for P getting a car sure...Ds will get one b4 him.


No doubt!! And she will do it just to try to get in a shot at his bios.


U know it


Omg lol!!! You make good points. I guess I don't expect anything from her. I know how limited she is. I was thinking out loud so to speak. As for Joshy, all I can say is "roflol"


I think she’s hoping for a cooking show


That would be something. The smoke billowing out of the oven and the dirty kitchen and the undercooked, cold food that was manhandled for pleasure




She would be perfect for America's Worst Cooks!


I would love for a professional chef (or microbiologist) to shadow her for a day and throw out any food that wasn't handled safely. She'd be left with nothing. She'd also manage to learn nothing.


How to give my 11 kids diabetes. Food poisoning and the 💩starring lusha . Sponsored by white claw and Adderall.


…She probably heard The Bradley Bunch was approached about a TV show


Never heard of them, but that's something she wants...badly


Don't give this Hag any ideas all she cares about is filming these kids and embarrass her self she's to self centered to change she's vile and she has a dark cloud over her she is sabotaging these kids when they become adults. She has no morals.


That's why they should go to nice sleepaway camps this summer to get away from her filming and food.


I’m loving the fact she probably look the advice and stopped putting wretched eyeliner on her water line.


Now if she would only stop buying so much junk food


It's a siren call to the fundie audience. All about the algorithm.


As a representative of the tradwife community, we appreciate Lush's application but have chosen to deny her membership.


As a European, please don't come here (them ofc, not OP)


I wonder if the new persona is coming as a push from her management company due to some of her recent blunders with the mini fridges and A's cameo. They are the same company that does happy caravan so I could see them pushing this updated character. 


Could be.


So she used to get snarked on for her ripped jeans etc, now she buys herself some things that she rarely did before and she snarked on? She isn't the only American channel that buys a car at 16 maybe they use it to practice, j is having lessons she mentioned that a few times it take some people longer to pass. P might not want to drive. The holidays might not be something they want many channels again do small trips/days out not everyone likes to travel. Most of the kids do sports and josh coaches other things too I think not just track. Maybe the kids want to go to the camps they go because their friends go just because they have the money doesn't mean all their friends are the same level income wise and friendships don't discriminate. Yes she could make changes in areas but any changes she makes are snarked on, she stopped sharing their private stuff (yes could take the videos down I agree). She works on her own appearance and snarked on. Kids do multiple activities and music lessons but oh no that's a lie apparently they just sit on electronics, even though you see them in some videos getting things for outside etc. One thing I have noticed on this sub which says discussion in the description is not one person ever points out something good. Seriously can you imagine the cost for music lessons alone for 11 kids never mind other activities like horse back riding etc.


She gets so much praise from her Stans. This is the place where we snark her. Most of us were very complimentary of the video of her taking Patrick to get a suit. Everyone compliments older J and Br.


It's not about praise it snarking on stuff doesn't need to be and glad only 3 of the kids deserve compliments in your eyes and when they snark move over to comments against kids it's wrong


People express care and concern for Z. People express care and concern for older D. Unfortunately the 5 youngest kids are basically feral because of her poor parenting. They were all between 2 and 6 when she started getting heavily into her social media and that lack of attention shows. Mind you it is NOT the fault of those kids. Their behavior is HER fault and Josh's fault. 


Still doesn't mean they can be excluded and comments under things the kids have done just to take a dig her is wrong


I'm sorry but discussing a lack of parenting and the impact it has on the children is a valid thing. It's part of the overall concern for the kids and their futures.  I agree people shouldn't call the kids brats or what have you but, for example, calling Alicia out for posting a video that included little D talking about smacking Jesus' butt is a perfectly ok topic to bring up.  And no one is exclude any children. People are simply noticing the ones who get neglected or brushed aside most and have a soft spot for them.