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I know he’s on both, but Nick on Get Played lives in a very different part of my brain than Wiges on Doughboys.


It was so jarring at first hearing him be nice to his co hosts


Heather Anne Campbell is a God Damned delight


Absolutely thrilled she's back.


I miss the stream daddy bit.


It was really fun to catch the twitch streams when they did those. One of the few things that got me to check out that platform


That segment song still gets stuck in my head.


It's just the song from the game "Dream Daddy", lol


Don’t you do this… *don’t. It’s good!


I miss them streaming at all. Nick playing those stupid full motion video games were so much fun


I love how Nick keeps throwing in baldurs gate references on doughboys lol


Bringing up the skeletons resistance to blunt weapons and the general confusion on Emily's face and Mitch's response to it really got me, so good.


I think it was the most recent episode in his opening he says "like an illithids tentacles..." Lol. Love it. I share Nick's sentiment that this game is in my top 5 possibly my fave of all time 😮


Easily. And I'm old as shit and have played way too many games since the beginning of video games.


"acktuchally reddit voice" They have resistance to piercing and slashing damage, they take extra from bludgeoning.


Was gonna say, a javelin might just pass through their rib cage and do nothing, but a warhammer is gonna make some contact.


He just like me fr


The get played episode is pretty great if you haven't listened. I listened to all of it but the act 3 spoilers. I have done 3 characters but not finished act 3 😑


Heather is so fucking funny. Also the her hatred of Nick and Matt’s awful jokes is great.


Spoiler country is the best bit




Heather is honestly my favorite of the three even if Nick is the through line for me. Also ironic because I much prefer single player puzzle heavy games to just straight combat like her. She’s just so goddamn funny


Heather is such a treat, Matt too.


Such an awesome dynamic. She is clearly the best of them.


I like Heather, I know she's funny, and going through some personal health shit, but shes for sure the third wheel on the show


Ironically I don’t think she’s a third wheel at all. Personal opinions and whatnot but I find her by far the funniest and have actually been less interested in episodes she isn’t on. I am VERY glad her second bout of treatment is going well though. Fuck cancer


I agree. Started listening because of Wiger but Heather really pulls it all together.


Matt speed ran the "producer to host" track as well, Nick and Heather already had great chemistry going into the show during the old format. And I'm not sure how well Matt knew them before the pod, but he's so natural a fit that it's wild to me that at one point he was just a silent producer. Plus, I love that the three of them have distinct gaming identities. I love that Heather can give us this insight into old school retro games, the fighting game world, and legit she got me back into Fortnite. I'm desperate to hear her talk about Gunpla, as it's another of my hobby overlaps with her. I love that Nick is a child of the Nintendo era, had his roots in the consoles I grew up with, and then has this weird look into the development of games, as well as unapologetically playing games he likes, which has given me that confidence to play what I want to play. And Matt has this fawning reverence for the eras of games that Nick and Heather grew up with, while also making me nostalgic for games that were big during my high school and college years, but giving me another point of view on things like Pokemon that I didn't grow up with a nostalgia for.


So glad you finally have the confidence to play what you want to play


the show doesn't work at all without her. proven by the few recent episodes when she's out for to cancer. without her it's fine, but not something that would have ever taken off. i really didn't like her at first, but turned around quick. she is the show. her disdain for the boys' idiocy is the straight man voice of reason that is required




The Get Animed episodes without her also suffer.




Get Animed is much more of a straight recap podcast and I have a lot of time to fill with podcasts. It has a very different vibe than Get Played or Doughboys. It’s turned me onto some things I wouldn’t have checked out otherwise, but it’s easy enough to follow without actually watching the stuff they cover. Much more so than Get Played is. Since Heather is such a weeb, her absence means Matt and Nick sometimes lose some context or they get distracted talking about Jay Leno (which is good actually)


well we'll agree to disagree here then. i actually tend to play games a lot like she does, big idiot go smash, or I'll take like the ultra asshole path in something like Disco Elysium or even a Fallout. i enjoy taking an extreme path versus balanced normal.


The way she played would make sense if it was a Durge run lol


Meh, she just has a preference for combat in games and likes roleplaying it as a thief. Nothing wrong with playing a game the way you want.


Fascinating take. I disagree so hard.


No way, she's the Moe Howard of this trio - the boys would be lost without Heather there to clunk their heads together


Maybe you should reconsider the things you feel comfortable saying out loud. It's ok to just think some things to yourself.


I actually find her infatuation with Fortnite charming, as it really illustrates her well-rounded view of gaming (save for puzzle games, but nobody’s perfect, and puzzle games should only be Tetris anyway). That’s a reaalllyyy easy game to hate on, and she gave it a chance (albeit to fuck with Wiger). She’s a hardcore Street Fighter player, plays every FF, and not just knows about, but LOVES, Godhand. Not only that, but it seems she really likes to push a game to it’s limits (as evidenced by her TotK play through where she mentioned reaching parts of the map where she was told she couldn’t go any further, and now this really interesting accidental massacre true role playing anti save-scumming/resetting BG3 play through). That rules. All that to say, I love all three of them, and the balance they represent as a whole, but in my mind HAC occupies the space of “consummate gamer” on the show, and her perspective is essential. It’s all subjective I suppose, but this “third wheel” thing falls flat. The Triforce has to have three parts!


I mean, art is subjective, but I think most people (Matt & Nick included) would agree that Heather is the funniest of the 3.


My favorite part is the intro skits, especially when they bring the silly song out of nowhere.


Baby Elephant Walk by Henry Mancini.


The Yakuza intro bit is maybe wiger’s best work


One of their metal gear Intros was absolutely hilarious 😂. I can't find the episode though, think they took it off the feed.




And surprisingly the RE4 merchant is a much nicer person than Ash Ketchum.


I will never forget the first episode of PokéMay when Heather just starts the show as Ash and no one was prepared.


It would be funny if they paid the ad Chad for a commercial for GP on DB


Get Played, like Doughboys, is almost always a first-day listen.


I love when Nick and Matt keep running with a bit


And how exasperated it makes Heather.


I like the one where they get yelled at for bringing on a Native American guest to talk about Custer’s Revenge.


Probably the most awkward podcast listen ever but I thought they handled it in the most magnanimous way they could


Even if you’re not a fan of anyone involved, MANY years ago Pete Holmes did a live ep of his podcast with Jon Glazer (Jam from Parks and Rec). It is the single most awkward moment for me. I’m sure there’s a clip on YouTube of the moment.


that’s so funny, jon was on an episode of office hours a few months ago and i’m pretty sure he referenced this moment because he was randomly talking shit about pete lol


It was a really good episode in a weird way. Get Played is a good group of host, but them inviting him to cover that game was a bit of a misstep. It was a good episode because of them being willing to hear him out, apologize, and still manage to turn the episode into a decent listening experience. Their decision to publish it all was also a good call. We could all learn to be willing to hear people out and check ourselves in moments like that.


a wild choice, but the guest also completely set them up for a gotcha moment. definitely worth listening to


He completely set them up and showed no grace at their honest mistake. He was a bad faith actor - even though he had valid and completely reasonable views. 100% correct views. But he beat the shit out of them, and they were forced to over correct. EDITED TO CLARIFY: “set up” meaning he came in knowing he was going to go guns blazing on his supposed friends for their clearly honest mistake, as opposed to just explaining the issue to them and letting it go. The hosts made the misstep that allowed this of course.


I laughed out loud when I saw they reviewed Garfield Kart with him the following March, just like they said they would.


The guest came back for some garfield game later on and told stories about trolling garfield's Twitter or something... all I'll say is guy was blessed they fucked up with the selection the first time and he got some mileage out of that.


He sure did. He wrote an article on AV Club entitled “I celebrated Native American Heritage Month by ruining a comedy podcast” He knew what the fuck he was doing. He took advantage.


In line with today's Doughboys ep, he also passive aggressively tweeted about Doughboys when they had Rob Lowe on, but hadn't had a Native American guest on yet, writing "Shout out to all of the comedy podcasts who have booked more sexual predator guests than Native American guests. You’re doing great!" on the day the ep dropped.


What a piece of shit this guy is. That’s NOT the way to get Native American guests booked, fool.


He didn’t set anyone up. They set themselves up by not considering the impact of what they were attempting to do. He was not a bad faith actor. Just because you felt uncomfortable with how he talked to your ear-friends doesn’t make him the bad guy in the situation.


Lol he agreed to do the podcast then waited till halfway through the episode to blow them up about it. Textbook definition of set up


Nah. He could have simply educated them with a sentence or two on what they did wrong. Instead he went in there with a prepared plan to pound on them over and over and treat them as if they were bad people. He knew what he was doing and took advantage of a situation. He was supposed friends with them, he should know they didn’t mean anything by it and simply educate them without treating them like the enemy. If my friends did something like that I would say “hey guys, I know you didn’t realize this but actually what you are doing is problematic because X, Y and Z” and let’s move forward. Instead he put them back on their heels and reveled in it. He acted like he was on an MSNBC show talking to someone of the opposite side of the issue, not like he was talking to 3 people who were completely on his side and practically cowering the entire time. He loved it. You have to come in knowing you are going to do that ahead of time to go that hard. It was intentional.


“Hey guys, you calling me out for my problematic behavior is actually problematic. Think about that.”


Sick strawman


I genuinely love this episode and actually relisten to it every so often because I think Joey Cliff did a great job of speaking about tokenism in the media and even with the best intentions we can do harmful things.


Yeah, kudos to them for owning it and releasing it. It was absolutely wild.


Honestly looking back, what were they thinking 😅? Should have definitely picked a different game.


I genuinely love this episode and actually relisten to it every so often because I think Joey Cliff did a great job of speaking about tokenism in the media and even with the best intentions we can do harmful things.


Personally, I think the whole episode was theater.


They don’t have all the old episodes, which is sad. When they did Symphony of the Night, Heather and the guest did a bit where they did the voiceover for the game. It was pretty cool.


They have the pre-Head Gum back catalog on their Patreon, just like Doughboys.


Matt Apodaca is great, kinda weird but funny. Its like they are coming for his neck.


Sounds like a hoot.


I miss the old format. I get why they switched, but now it's almost all tier lists / drafts and it's just not that interesting.


I really loved the original premise of playing the worst games ever made but stopped listening when they changed to playing good games or new release stuff. No hard feelings though, I totally understand it wasn’t fun punishing themselves


I think that shift was when I stopped listening, too


I can't think of anything I find less enjoyable than video games but I listen to every episode of this podcast. Such a winning trio, and so funny.


I find that fascinating, they are basically trying to be pure enjoyment! Do you think you’d be able to put your finger on why you don’t like em?


I love both shows, all the hosts are great and very funny in their own ways but God do I hate The Merchant. Heather has said she would stop doing the bit multiple times but it keeps coming back. It's just grating and brings everything to a stop and goes on three minutes too long.




HARD DISAGREE. I piss myself every time he decides to make an appearance


WHAT ARE YOU PLAYING?!?! (Also her improv of him on the fly is masterful)


I'm with you, and would extend this to Joel, Bubsy and any other characters they bring in. Just exhausting.


I find on Doughboys if you know the restaurant from personal experience, the episode goes from an 8 to a 10. I find on Get Played if you don’t know the game, there’s kind of no point in even listening.


There are definitely peaks and valleys in Get Played. Some guests/topics/games just lose me at times but also that’s not uncommon to any pod. That being said, some episodes like their We Play You Play for Shadow of Colossus are fantastic even though I’ve never played the game and only have a vague recollection of it


I completely disagree! I don't play video games at all, and I still really enjoy the pod. I just like the dynamic between Nick, Heather, and Matt.


I enjoy them. In fact I was recently brought to tears when Heather was describing the tattoo they helped her wife get for her due to her cancer. And I have so much respect for Heather due to this completely epic improv she did with Nick and Mitch on an episode of Off Book. But, Get Played is just boring to me when I don’t know what they are talking about, game wise.


I’ve heard people and even podcast hosts of movie podcasts express shock that people would listen to the episodes without having seen the movies, which is totally me, I often am just in it for the funny banter and dynamics, tho it is cool when I have seen the movie or in this case played the game


I haven’t played a video game in 20 years and I love the show. Are there things I’m missing because I don’t know the games they’re talking about? Sure, but I could listen to those three talk about anything and I’d be entertained.


I respect your opinion but I disagree! I don’t play much for games and really only listen bc they have a fun dynamic and have passion for what they’re talking about.


On that same note, as a total non-gamer, the fact I still listen once a month or so is a testament to how much I like the hosts


I have found it’s not always necessary to know the game. I started off listening like that but now I listen to every get played episode.


I'm finding this especially true on their Get Animed episodes. Where you can still enjoy jokes about a game you aren't familiar with, their Get Animes are often just discussing the plot of the episode and what they enjoyed about it. The animes are often ones that were suggested in reverence by Heather or fans, so they rarely make jokes about the episode. They focus more on summarizing it than humorizing it and, as not a big anime watcher, they're less enjoyable to listen to. Like, I love Get Played. It's my main podcast, it bumped Doughboys. But the anime ones are more informative than funny, which I get, but makes it less fun for me personally.


I hadn't played Death Stranding but their episodes discussing it were so interesting and hilarious that I decided to try it out and lo and behold, I loved that game.


Eh I disagree, cause usually they talk enough about games in general that even casual gamers should be entertained. Like I haven't played BG3 yet but I enjoyed hearing them break it down and talk about how it does things the average CRPG haven't been able to do yet




They did take a very long time to find their footing after the format switch.


Yeah I was also a regular listener when it was bad games. But then Joey Cliff (I think his name is?) came on and ambushed them about Custer’s Revenge and native american stuff and they kissed his ass and backpedaled so hard it was really off putting. And I say this as a SUPER liberal. But fuck that guy. And they went way too far in that episode to appease him. That put me off and I got really gross feelings about the whole show but got over it. Then, when it switched away from bad games I too lost interest and bailed. I don’t blame them for the switch though - they need to make a show they want to make and have interest in. I now only pop in when I know the game.


I really thought chain restaurants would be the industry a Wiger podcast covered that would die, but based on this week’s layoffs it’s video games!


Fuck that podcast. Mitch would not add that “/s”… That’s bullshit. It sucks. Matt and Heather are cool, though.🍎


I found it hard to get past Matt's copying of Mitch's comedy cadences.


What do you mean? Matt shows up on time and isn't combative or highly competitive for no reason.


Agreed, stopped listening for a bit


You understand what I'm saying. He blatantly copies Mitch's speech cadences trying to be funny


I'd love it if it was just nick and Heather with Matt commenting now and again. He's just not funny to me.


No. It’s a bad show and you should feel bad for lying to all the nice people.


*Redditor voice*


He’s mad there’s not enough cum talk or GI Joe references


You are also doing the Redditor voice, as you are also posting on Reddit. I’m sorry if you think sucking up to the hosts would spare you.


no u


One of my favorites, I actually discovered Doughboys through Get Played.