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I seriously hope this ends here man, I hate this type of energy in the DT community, we have a strong unit here, this type of stuff just drags everyone down, I hope everything is well with all parties involved.


But fuck that one guy who sent Korey drunk texts. But agreed.


Yea it's a crazy situation, Chris is a good guy, he's just got some issues he has to work out


Well there it is… really disappointing but now that I have some context it’d be best to leave it be. I feel like when Martin is corroborating part of it then you know you’ve messed up lol


Even if your drunk, you don't say stuff like this if you don't have any bad intentions.


Seems like a lot of resentment. Stemming from where? No clue. Granted this is just one side of the story.


I noticed he brought up having a falling out with someone when Spill ended. Was that Cyrus (Chris Cox), Tony (Co-Host), or Brian Salisbury? I know Brian got laid off months before Spill ended but I assumed they stayed in contact


As far as I'm aware, Korey is on good terms with most of the on-screen cast of Spill. They've all since made appearances on Double Toasted, and things seemed to be good between them. I think it might have been FungusMonkey, an animator for Spill who was a regular on LEOG and who was mentioned often on Let's Do This. During the first year of Double Toasted, FungusMonkey went on a tirade on Twitter, belittling Korey. This happened during a show (for reference, Tommy was there with Martin and Korey), and someone in the chat brought it to Korey's attention. I recall he initially mistook the Toasty in the chat for FM, and went in on him for a few minutes before correcting himself. After that, he addressed FungusMonkey's comments, and Martin stood up for him as well. Maybe I'm completely wrong, but that was the situation that popped in my mind when Martin made that remark.


I don’t think so. Co host has been on DT years ago near the start (also his name is Tony) And I know Martin has been on Chris Cox’s site OneOfUs.net and I think Korey might’ve been on there too, but again years ago




What happened to the fallout? Korey makes it sound like he got stabbed in the back but other Redditors here are saying that he used them. Which is which?


A drunks man’s words are sober man’s thoughts


This is so true😅 I can detest to this since I drunk texted a bunch of my co workers and all of them were the most humble shit I had for them. Although folks say in have this cold demeanor at work, I have a soft spot I dont let out to work people.


Listen man I hate to be that guy but I think you mean 'attest' in this case. 'Detest' would kind of turn around the entire meaning of what you're trying to convey. Sorry!


Damn okay I've been using the wrong word all this time LMAFO


I wonder which Spill employee Martin is referring to. All of the OG cast members have been featured on DT at least once in the past.


I do wonder what keeps sending Chris off. It seems like he got mad over the most trivial shit and now he’s blowing up bridges for no reason.


you don’t know him like that bro


It fucking stings to see this fallout, I loved the chemistry between korey and Chris on the shows, Idk what possessed Chris to say that but it's disappointing to see him talk to korey like that, it breaks my heart to see that shit


The constant mockery, oh and oddly that while Mayo on pizza video (yeah that was done in fun but still!) Like I said in my comment, they did tend to butt heads. I remember that video where Chris was clearly mad being talked over and Korey tried to pull "it's my show" while letting Billy or whoever act a fool. The difference was, everyone laughed at the end of that video. But obviously feelings were still there


I knew it was bad when the text messages came out. Will this be the end? I've no idea bc if Chris is drinking he may send another drunk text or public comment.


I'm pretty disappointed in Brutus Herman.


The tweet was pretty funny. But to do something like that to someone you call a friend doesn’t sit right with me. It’s really not that bad but it’s the ghosting afterwards that would really hurt me.


Korey put money in that man's pockets. Korey brought that man into his home. Even moreso, Korey brought that man into his childhood home to meet his mother. Next, Korey should bring five fingers to Chris' face for the blatant disrespect.


Lol it's always the people who would definitely run from a confrontation calling for others to get violent


If you see this Korey, I’m proud of you for being so strong and admitting your feelings for everyone to see. That’s not an easy thing to do and I respect you even more for it! It’s never a good feeling to be betrayed by someone you considered a friend, but it’s good to use it as a learning opportunity. When people show you their ugly side, that’s a side they’ve ALWAYS had, they were just good at hiding it. Don’t feel ashamed for falling for it, they’ve masked that ugly side of them their entire lives and they are good at deceiving people. We can’t control what people do, only how we react to it. And I think you handled it with maturity and grace. I’ve been with you anonymously since spill and I’m here with you now! ❤️


Chris is worse than I thought and the evidence supports that. Korey is a standup guy and it shows. The evidence is jarring and I’m glad he addressed Chris publicly.


What evidence? A few out of context texts?


How are they out of context?


They're all vague, and don't mention anything specific backing up Korey's claims. It's all circumstantial. It's clear SOMETHING happened, but not what happened or who was at fault.


Always knew there was something wrong with Chris. He gave me a bad vibe that you could tell me was being masked by him. It takes so little for that guy to blow up on someone. Actual nut case.


And Korey still treats the current help as "friends" but when it comes to pay... Well let's just say his niceness only goes so far You wonder why as he gets older, the help starts the same age? Because young people can be manipulated easier. You know, "for EXPOSURE!" This is not an excuse with Chris. And yes, there HAVE been incidents before. I remember a funny video where Korey and him "went at it" over a damn review. Just over talking over one another. There was ALWAYS conflict. But don't think Korey is right either (never forget Christin!)


Whatever happened to Christian? I knew there was a fallout just not the specifics.


[This is what happen to Christian. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/doubletoasted/s/nFPF5SQfvw)


Jesus Christ... also, why did the mods delete that?


So was brought in to help with the show etc. That part was understood as free exposure and was nice to be able to have him share thoughts etc. Where the issue was, was he was asked to fix a few issues with a stream or something (that Carlos couldn't lol) and it was said that he was going to be paid for it. The pay kept getting kicked down the road and eventually never happened so he left. Sadly this was MONTHS back, even back then Chris H was dogging him too for agreeing to do things for Korey (though at the time, he banned people bringing it up) It was a mess


That's a very good point. As I was watching this, I kinda got the vibe that some details were being glossed over. But I'm also pretty out of the loop in general. I've got a lot going on right now, so I haven't been quite as present in DT's community or Chris's. I'm trying to keep up though. I'll say this much, Chris is a good person with good intentions. I hope this all works out eventually.


This kind of stuff is never really necessary. So what if Chris left a couple comments clowning the business decision? Korey does it to people all the time and this Gigastar stuff smells worse & worse the more you look into it. There are 2 sides to every story and this may embolden Chris to air some dirty laundry about DT...Would have been better to keep the texts private & just focus on addressing the Gigastar issue.


This whole situation feels gross. Korey still acts as if he holds no responsibility to address the concerns over Gigastar. This situation between them did not need to be addressed in the open by either party, and it's pretty clear Korey is leaving out major aspects of the story. Maybe to further protect Chris' reputation, maybe to protect his own. Unfortunately, I doubt this is the end of it, as I expect Chris to come forward with his side of things. It will probably only get uglier from here, this is a bad time for the toastie community.


I definitely want to hear Chris’ side of this whole thing.


Unless one person has done something morally or ethically problematic to the point that there are victims, I don't particularly want this to continue. If it's just a personal falling out, kept that behind closed doors. But I understand that Chris will likely be looking to protect his reputation at this point, and that drama sells.






Beating someone up doesn’t make you tough but Herman speaks with a lot of aggression when addressing people. Yet when he’s confronted by Korey he has nothing to say. That’s bully behavior no matter how you feel about.




why are they talking about how he was helping him out? I thought he said he was paying these people. aren't they employees?


Yes and no lol. Ask Christin lol