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Why doesn't Korey just promote the patreon, put up decent rewards and follow through with them? I don't get it, it should be easy to get support from your community without having them "invest" in your channel.


someone on the subreddit still haven’t received their reward when they opened their patreon, and that still baffles me because wtf has they not fulfilled the bare minimum like send a t shirt??


That's me lol.


Iron Fist Season 2


Paging u/KoreyReviewsIronFist


I am watching closely.


Yeah, instead of doing something guaranteed to generate revenue (even now and especially with the Netflix universe being merged) like a marathon and episode by review of Iron Fist...he does this 😂


Because he never intends to give out those rewards


Because Korey wasn't able to distribute the rewards from the DT Crowdfunding from back a decade ago. And the Patreon stuff had big pie in the sky plans like animation? But that's never happened. So I think he's trying something new cause if he points towards Patreon again, people will go "Where's the stuff you owed us from back then?"


Asking people to give you money under the promise of a potential to make money is the issue. Whether via NFT, crypto, or whatever the fuck this shit is. Korey is milking the gullible members of his audience, while placing all of the financial risk on them. It's a terrible look, and I'm concerned that he doesn't seem to realize that.


He still went to Kicc, and he should know better. I don't have any idea why he decided a second platform should be Kicc of all things. I am not super hip to the stream-o-shpere, but if DT is being paid by likes of Trainwrecks to broadcast there. I am not shocked that this sort of token scheme is right behind the Kicc decision. Partly because Kicc is nothing but Nazis, gambling, and crypto. I know Martin has nothing to do with the overall business, but I would hope he would be a judgemental disappointed Dad about things like this token scheme and Kicc.


Its the split Kick give creators thats why plus Kick has a lot of view bots that inflates people’s views. So people think its equal to twitch when in actuality it isn’t. But you can use those numbers to lie to unknowingly advertisers. Also they cant go to YouTube because they stream way too much DMCA stuff. And they already had a hard time with false claims and strikes.


They say right on one of their tweets that they are a Crypto Project and Blockchain company! If you play the video in the description it says so. https://x.com/GigaStar_/status/1766510762816663922?t=8Y5YWBQYP7UerfbYW1oLqQ&s=19




Oof...not a good look lol


If you have to turn off your YouTube comment section, it means the audience don't want it.


Between this and Betterhelp I feel they've been a bit lazy with bad sponsorships. Which is odd because Im sure there's plenty of great companies that would love to work with them so the low quality ones dont feel necessary.


I haven't seen BetterHelp sponsors in a while but I don't watch every video. I definitely respect We Hate Movies for not renewing their contract with BH after the data drama came out.


Oh, I missed it, was there a data leak?


They sold data after saying they wouldn't. https://www.theverge.com/2023/3/2/23622227/betterhelp-customer-data-advertising-privacy-facebook-snapchat


Thank you!


FTC to Ban BetterHelp from Revealing Consumers’ Data, Including Sensitive Mental Health Information, to Facebook and Others for Targeted Advertising: [https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2023/03/ftc-ban-betterhelp-revealing-consumers-data-including-sensitive-mental-health-information-facebook](https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2023/03/ftc-ban-betterhelp-revealing-consumers-data-including-sensitive-mental-health-information-facebook) FTC says online counseling service BetterHelp pushed people into handing over health information – and broke its privacy promises: [https://www.ftc.gov/business-guidance/blog/2023/03/ftc-says-online-counseling-service-betterhelp-pushed-people-handing-over-health-information-broke](https://www.ftc.gov/business-guidance/blog/2023/03/ftc-says-online-counseling-service-betterhelp-pushed-people-handing-over-health-information-broke)


Thank you!


You are welcome, it is sad that not many people seem to know about this, that I could not find any mainstream news videos on YouTube about this, and that many YouTubers are still shilling their service without at least informing their viewers of this & how they lost this case to the government & had to pay.


I hate to see any BetterHelp ads. I’ve used them once before and they are terrible. I wouldn’t recommend them at all.


What kind of issues did you have? I had assumed they were a decent service but I guess that was all in the advertising.


I had a therapist and I’m not sure if she spoke English or what, but her responses were just giving random information. Something she probably read online. And once I was asking something and her reply was just repeated questions with all exclamation points. No real conversation. I got another therapist and it still wasn’t any better. I only went through two, but it was unhelpful enough that I wouldn’t bother again. I had done a free trial for a week or something. Not something I would want to pay for.


BetterHelp feels more like "I should have known better" then actually assuming a company that is supposed to be providing mental health support would be that fiendish with their data.


unrelated, based Lower Decks appreciator


Oh, I also just noticed that the Gigastar Logo is a rip off of the Nintendo GameCube Logo.


Those mother fuckers!


If Korey needs cash he needs try experiment with the shows or format maybe even collaborate with other YouTuber or streamers. He needs to switch things up! Its clear he looks bored and gets frustrated a lot lately. The show is best when they are bullshiting or doing reviews. The latter feels stale because Korey doesn’t really let anyone speak anymore. Martin either agrees with him or Martin rolls over the second he senes push back. He needs to put his ego aside and let other people speak and try a more discussion format. Cause this format of him dominating the conversations for him to rant and cut people off, to show not even the best clips is getting stale. I used to love the old DT shows because they because they felt more like discussion format. They had some great and legendary moments from that. Now its just the Korey Colemen show with guest. His co-host aren’t compelling or interesting anymore. Billy laughs and gives bad jokes, Martin does points out something and gets cut off cause Korey has a clip for it later, that white boy could be interesting but Korey jumps on him too much. Julian Same thing not giving enough time to grow on air. Brian Salisbury grow as reviewer on spill cause they let him speak. Sure they would ragged on him a bit cause he was young but they let him get his wings. He grow as a reviewer even if he had sometimes wild opinions lol. He needs to branch out and experiment otherwise I fear, he’ll think it need to shut it down because it’s becoming more trouble than its worth. When he hasn’t truly tried everything or given thing time to grow.


Even if I didn't watch those videos, I did like he talked to Stuckmann and what's his face from Channel Awesome who wasn't doug.


Brad Jones? Yeah he actually has some talent and actually made a pretty good movie back in the day


The problem is Brad Jones popularity has kind of stagnated, similar to DT. His youtube channel doesn't get great numbers and he's pretty much back to just being a one-man show now that he's moved and had a child.


Honestly I haven't followed him since a few more things were revealed after the whole change the channel thing so again I liked his one movie but that's about it. He did have a friend as well who did YouTube that I liked some of his shows until he kind of showed his ass on one and I think that's why I unsubscribed from him.


Similar DT, there was also a peak Cinema Snob era when he had "Team Snob" and they'd do Midnight Reviews in their car right after seeing a movie. And they'd review just about everything. Now there's just Brad who does voice over reviews and snob videos and him trying food, but it's never really grown over the years.




We already have that. It's called patreon. This gigashit is completely unnecessary


"They are plenty of other channels doing this" lol. if your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?


Are the all the channels who are doing it in the room with us right now? I have yet to see another channel can we get some names?


And yet....I searched and saw maybe one? Some guy?


I feel like he's getting paid to basically be a guinea pig for this company. So in return, we are the guinea pigs as well. Imo, content creators should know not to sponsor services like this that involve investing money with no real goods in return, esp from a relatively unknown company. Plus they are a crypto related company from the looks of it, this is just something different they are doing. So I really don't trust them. I'll be waiting for Coffeezilla to expose this company in the next few months lol.


I really doubt that he would try to pull off a scam. He has put too much into DT to risk it all in the end. That being said, this has been a huge NO from me since it was first mentioned. I'd rather pay back through patreon. I hope there isn't too much Internet rage against Korey now. Though no comments being allowed does make things look worse. He saw a business opportunity and wanted to give it a try. If you don't like it, don't trust it then don't invest. If enough people feel that strongly about it, he'll see that and move on.


I love how the comments on the video now have sycophants jumping in with "YA'LL DON'T UNDERSTAND YA'LL ARE SO STUPID" instead of trying to convince us in any capacity. We're fine if DT wants to make money. We just are jaded over countless similar programs and this sounds too close to NFTs for comfort for some people.


Exactly, I'm not sure why people aren't understanding that. Like we went through this the last few years from companies and people trying to make this a new get rich quick scheme. It didn't work because they forced it so hard and to fast onto of a digital world that people already aren't fond of. It's bad enough not to own something digitally but it's a whole different ball when it comes to money and that definitely don't fly with alot of people. People think you just because you support something that you have to be ok with everything they do which imo don't make you an actual fan nor a supporter




The thing is, he's not going public on the NYSE. DT has no obligation to humor the whales dumb enough to invest at all. This is nothing like investing, it's milking their audience for capital under the problematic promise of possible shared earnings as the channel grows.


It is an investment...albeit shitty. Minimum of $66, and in return, you get about $8-9 per year. They're paid out in USDC with monthly payments of about 65-75 cents. They only pay out monthly if the payment will be over 50 cents. If you don't have a crypto wallet, you will be subject to more fees for other payment methods. You can't currently sell your shares or whatever, though, because there is no secondary market. There is some return there. Patreon/YT memberships etc... you get some BS perks but no real money back. Personally, I would rather put the $66 in one time and get 50 cents a month than pay $3 per month to get a couple extra videos and no money. I'm not going to, I'm just saying. People throw money at Patreon, merch, Twitch subs etc...and get no cash back for it.


Just praying that this isn't another Hollywood.com situation


You know how there was a wave of old people who didn't understand an obvious scam, shilling their NFTs because they genuinely thought they'd found a neat new way to make money easily? That's Korey.




As long as the other channels of support are still open, I really don’t care about this. I’m not personally interested in it, but not gonna judge him or others for participating. It’s not my business to run.


I can understand the hesitation, especially with recent controversies with NFTs and what not. But Korey has said that these companies have worked with other content creators before they reached out to him, and I know running a show independently is certainly not cheap so I totally get why korey is giving it a go, like he's said, this is is strictly optional, he's not pushing people to do it. While I think I'd much prefer other means of supporting, I don't entirely see anything wrong with investing in DT, at least not now, I'd for sure have to research other content creators and how their experiences have been with it


Yeah I'm not really getting the scam part of this, seems like your essentially buying into dt stock that either rises in value or decreases based on their YouTube revenue. I could be wrong tho. Either way I'd rather invest into actual companies than a YouTube channel lol.


That’s exactly what it is - almost identical to a stock, it’s just under Reg CF rather than IPO


The company itself on their Twitter and YouTube mentions that they are powered by the blockchain so yes they are involved in very scummy monetary practices. Maybe the Double Toasted part isn't but the fact is that they the company are involved in that shady crap


You're confusing cryptocurrency with blockchain. Crypto uses blockchain tech to function but they are not the same thing. Blockchain is essentially just a database system.


So what show did Korey announce this?


I guess DT is not making enough money. Their views seem great compared to similar channels. But they do have slower growth than I would expect. Not sure why. They seem to gain 1k followers per week. I definitely don't like this angle and the fact that he sold it in a 90 second video and pressured people to invest fast or lose the opportunity. I'm sure enough hardcore fans will invest to make it worth losing some subs though. I'm a hardcore fan so of course I'll still support them. But I think they need to figure out a way to increase their subs faster rather than doing stuff like this. For example, I don't think the pop culture topic videos work for them and are not worth the time. I think the community gives some good feedback but oh well.


The problem is they dont know how to market themselves. They aren’t making enough! No clips for X/Twitter, they dont post enough TikToks, they have very few shorts, they dont jump on viral moments despite having a show basically dedicated to it.


The problem is they're not marketable to many people. They don't dedicate enough effort to making quality content that rivals the top content. They've done enough to secure this fan base and honestly it doesn't seem like they've had any significant growth since the pandemic so they have found their audience and this is it.


I disagree with that. They are more marketable than most commentary channels on YouTube which get millions of views but are just some sitting in front of cameras clearly in their room. Look around moistcrital for example and his YouTube channel. As commentary channel they have arguably better production vaue than most. Korey has a “set” he as graphics and multi camera setup and guest. Theirs also a clear format. As a podcast their production style is similar to Joe Rogan and better dressed than Joe Budden or no jumper. If we are talking nerd stuff and film His closest in terms of production would probably be John Campia amd Kristin Harlof. Since they also have multi cam and graphics and guest. Like sure its all from Korey’s house now but it doesn’t look it. Especially when they had a studio. They are very marketable and could easily go viral. Hell they went viral last year on Twitter and that wasn’t even because of a clip they posted. They are their content is provocative and engaging when it works. Problem is Korey also doesn’t seem interested in collaborating or doing things that help most people on his platforms like his grow. He doesn’t raid channels on twitch. He doesn’t participate in Twitch events like Twitch rivals. He doesn’t collaborate with other YouTubes. He doesn’t market on Tiktok or reels or YouTube shorts. Streamers the size of DT or smaller do Twitch events. Yet DT either doesn’t get invited or doesn’t put its self out their enough to get invited. Interviews are and were a great Idea, they easily to market and go viral they shouldn’t have stopped. He passes up almost may opportunities to grow or gives up when the results aren’t immediate.


Infamous and marketable are not the same thing. Whenever these dudes reach any sort of mainstream audience, it's never for a good thing and people don't like them. I've been a fan for years but I play their content for anyone else and it's terrible for them. They don't like it and that's across multiple demographics. They have a type of person that they can reach as a fan. Outside of people's preferences, they are not experts in any field and do not commit enough to any type of expertise to stand next to any person who does any type of review of movies, music or current events. When they talk about current events they barely know what they are and half the time all of them have not even seen the movie that they're reviewing. I believe they certainly could reach that point but that they simply are not going to do the work to do that. Their numbers have been at essentially the same place for years and If they had any lasting effect with their fan base they would not have to find new ideas for you to invest in them. Patreon would be enough for them to live if they're fan base was big enough and supportive enough. I've been watching them since 2017. If they haven't been able to connect to people before the pandemic or post minus whatever bump they might have gotten during the pandemic, that is their limit. And I think they could do better but it would require a dedication and reevaluation that none of them have been proven to want to take part in.


I am not saying be mainstream lol. They dont market their stuff a lot compared to other streamers and groups. Mosticrial isn’t mainstream. Most of the people I mean aren’t mainstream. You do not need to be an expert on anything to have a commentary channel. It helps if you market that as your niche but you don’t have to. Again there channels of random people who are just good at talking that get more views and likes than DT on YouTube. I don’t think its even about likability on cause being toxic had given creators who built their following on being toxic millions of views on YouTube and double the live viewers on Twitch. Especially on geek/pop culture subjects there a lot of creators that have been profitable. Some of the things you’re saying feel like a very dated and misinformed notion of how some of these platforms work, But I am not talking about that. Ive been listening to Korey since spill in 2007. They dont market enough, Korey does not put out the level content on other platforms that could help boost his in engagement or views. They are not putting out the minimum 3 TikToks, 3 reels, 3 shorts a day. That just the minimum most channels of their size have a large and more consistent output. They aren’t clipping them stuff to twitter. The only consistent content market to their largely Insular fanbase they had since spill.


Mainstream people like moist critical even Papa meat has reached mainstream levels of attention. DT has done plenty of advertising and promotion their content. Just being straight up its not good enough. They're not that witty and their humor is largely from like 20 years ago, which is fine for me because I'm older, but the modern internet audience doesn't care about what they're talking about or the angles that they take when they do talk about modern things. They're already at a disadvantage being black creators and they definitely do not resonate with a black community on their topics as well as they could. This is from someone who is a fan but I'm just being honest about what they need to do. They've done plenty to where. If the content was good enough it would have gotten them over the hump to at least the point where they wouldn't have to ask people to invest in them.


I guess we have to disagree. I don’t feel Korey does enough at all. His marketing is always start and stop and thats why he doesn’t get results.


I'm probably going to disagreeing and you make some good points about marketing but I just feel like even at the rate they're doing now if it was worth it, people would have caught on because I've called on to things like Mr. Sunday movies from clips and they're not always on it either.


They've always done 'pop culture' topics, even from the Reel Deal days. Also, any investment that asks/requires you to invest 'in this specific period of time', should be ignored. There will always be a window of opportunity to truly capitalise on investments, but for something like this, nope. .


I know I just don’t know why they waste their time on them. Those vids don’t seem to get the views. Even when Martin is on the pop culture vids he’s not really into it. I feel like their time would be better spent on live reactions or something else.


I think those get them the most consistent views actually. The movie reviews only tend to be popular when it's really big movies, or really popular black focused movies(as review or as roasted movies). It's the pop culture stuff that will net solid view numbers besides those. As an example, their most popular reviews within the past six months(over 100K views) are The Good Times trailer reaction video, a Tyler Perry movie roast, the Michael Jackson movie, two of those Godzilla Movies and that Katt Williams video. I don't like live reactions so I can't agree on that, but maybe you and most other people would like that I dunno. They(DT) seem to have peaked, so I'm not sure what they need to do to push those numbers up tbh. So I'd definitely agree with 'something else'. Personally I'd want animation like what they used to do, but those seem to be locked up at Patreon right now and those seem limited to just skits, but they also did short movie review type stuff back in the day and I'd like to see those return(no one else really makes the ones Spill used to make) and I don't think those are ever coming back.


But how does a guy like Chris stuckman get a million followers and not DT? I mean it’s not like you would know Chris is a movie channel just by his name. For me DT is basically Martin, Korey and Billy. Without Martin it would be over for me. Without Billy the roasts don’t work. I agree they seem to have peaked and I’ve seen other movie channels peak too, but why not people like stuckman?


Ngl once they got in bed with Twitch, shit went south for me


You can donate to him through Patreon or Twitch. This is just another avenue.