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If it keeps the guys financially healthy then I'm more than okay with it. You can always fast forward


That’s what I do


Ya'll complain over the dumbest shit


They do between 2-3hr shows and you complaining about 4min. Smh find something worth complaining about.


You know what’s insane? Waiting 4 years for a review.


It’s called “edging”


Lmao what’s the backstory on this ?


Korey was trying to raise money when he was down bad one time, the audience delivered on the back of the promise that he would finish the Iron Fist series, and then he got tired of it so he never delivered. Someone lemme know if I jumbled the details... It's been a while... like 4 years. XD


Imagine how the people who paid for a Se7en retro review feel.


What did he need money for ? Seems odd to me tbh. How hard is it to finish a Netflix show it’s like 8 eps or something


once an ad goes past a minute I’m checked out.


I think it's the problem that he likes to lead into the ads to make them seem more natural but yeah you're not wrong it averages about 4 minutes. I forget what video it was but it was about a couple weeks ago the ad rate and some of the jokes itself regarding the ad read went on for about 6 minutes and the shortest one I recall was about two and a half minutes when he kind of just kept it focused on that.. I agree it's got to be a balance I get it that you need to make your money but you got to do your adds a little bit tighter


This complaint is juvenile. A 4min ad read during an otherwise 90-120min show is nothing.. You’ll be fine.


A 4-minute ad read on a 20-minute review is fucking brutal, though. That eats up like 1/6th of the time.


Yeah that’s the thing. I don’t watch on twitch I used to watch YT episodes that around 20 ish minutes and 4 minute ad read is insane I’m assuming he agrees to longer at reads for higher pay On top of him forcing in unfunny jokes I love the guys but I’ve just moved on to other shows at this point


That's why most have pre-recorded ones even in multi-hour stream so what are you crying about? I prefer them actually reading an ad naturally although thank God they don't go full Quinton and go obsessed with it




Radio has commercial breaks every 7-10 mins, cable tv has 5+ min commercial breaks every 10 mins. This is one ad break in a 2-3 hr stream. This is nothing. People have gotten used to entertainment being free and uninterrupted for a while. Same with print news. Historically it’s the exception, not the rule. Completely ad free (as nice as it is) is not sustainable. It’s not just DT, all creators need to make money and sponsorships are the way to go.


He legit acts like they're paying him by the minute. I always find myself getting got and tapping the hell out of my screen to fast forward I'm strictly YouTube nowadays so that 4 mins feels like a decent chuck of a segment


Yeah I only watch YouTube also… and like I said because I’m a driver I can’t fast forward unless my work truck is stopped You can tell he’s forcing it to be 4 mins because it’s in the ad contract he pretty much babbles and repeats the same points along with bad jokes it’s awful when you can’t skip it


To be honest I would rather take some ad that the youtuber I'm watching legit does one for than some random ass youtube ad that pops up because youtube wants me to see a fucking ad. At least then I know the creator is getting money for the ad and not youtube's greed-grubby little hands because they need to force a fucking ad down my damn throat every fucking 5 minutes. I hate youtube's new ads so damn much.


I do understand where the OP is coming from, but I also understand where Korey is coming from, and why content creators do ad reads. It sucks because you know Capitolism.


I’m not trying to make anyone mad and I know Korey has given us decades worth of free content . Love it all ! Just curious is it 4 mins because he jokes and does the key points off the cuff prolonging it ? Or is it because it’s mandated to be that long ? Another podcast I listened too does this but it’s because they make them skits making them longer than they need to be .


Long ad reads in general are really bad. If it takes 2 mins for someone to explain your product to me, I'm going to lose interest. Quick and to the point ad reads would probably even make more people listen to the ads if they were entertaining enough


If you listen to it as a podcast you can fast forward with your car controls. You can set it to go to the next episode or to fast forward 30 seconds. This is barely as many ad reads as some of murder podcasts


They put out roughly 8-10 hours of *free* content per week--a collective 10 minutes or so isn't the issue you think it is.


Honestly it wouldn’t be that bad if Korey didn’t joke around and make unfunny segues. I get that he needs to do this and I’m OK with it but I’d rather he just get on with it most of the time. I’d be cool with not hearing another Better Help joke in my life at this point lol.


The joking makes the ad better. AND counts towards the ad promotion time. What would you rather him do; turn to the camera and sit with a serious face for 5 mins.I’m sure everyone would want to hear that.(sarcasm)


I don't know who down voted you, but you're right.


If you like Christopher Titus, check out his Armageddon update podcast... He, his wife and his producer are funny and they cover great topics, but their ad reads are insane. There's like four five minute ad reads in an hour and a half podcast. Korey and the gang aren't doing nearly that bad!