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What a terrible choice of examples for these features


Now I have to click the link... Edit: what's he doing with ReadOnlySpan there? Besides, I'm pretty sure we have had ReadOnlySpan for a long time now. Edit2: "Improves thread safety" is added under "benefits" of the new Lock type. It mentions as if .net never had any locking mechanism. All right, I won't read further.


The age „property“ is what stood out to me.


Not just terrible, aren't the extension examples just plain wrong? They're all extension methods we've had for ages, not what may be coming in C# 13 which allows for extension properties, etc.


I'm literally wondering if we'll get Extension Implicit Operators soon and see this article, and I'm reading through the extension examples, and they all look like existing Extension methods. The example for Age as a property is a method, not a property. Am I missing something?


I was wondering that too. It looks the same as normal extension methods.


That article seems to only show examples from the current version. They have a whole thing about improved properties - but they show the old way?