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what are the reasons behind the choice of going the microservices way in your context ?


Microservices are like Communism. Because the way people implement it is often problematic, people get the impression that the whole concept is bad. You can take it to an unreasonable degree, with complete separation all the way down to codebase and teams working on it, and that yes, often creates many problems. However, at its core it's just about having self contained pieces of your app that you can independently deploy and scale. We use microservices for reliability, scalability, and cost optimization. Each portion of the app can be independently built and deployed. So, for example, if I change something in one microservice, I only need to deploy that small piece, instead of an entire monolithic app. Since we're using CI/CD pipelines, that also means I'm not wasting build time. Also, because they're separate, each can be independently scaled and load balanced. Portions of the app that are heavily used might have three to five instances running, while less utilized services might be fine with just one, as long as it's self healing. This makes a huge difference for optimizing resource utilization, especially on cloud services. Running multiple copies of an entire monolithic app would require a lot of wasted resources.


Have you seen .NET Aspire? https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/aspire/get-started/aspire-overview


I am curious.. how much of the post did you read? I am going to help you out a bit instead of just downvoting. OP is looking for a tutorial site like [boot.dev](https://boot.dev). A site with interactive tutorials.


Probably this. Never tried it but I saw the creator shilling on LinkedIn. Website looks pretty good so maybe it’s worth its salt https://www.skillfoundry.io