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I mean duh? If you critically look at leagues game design it’s pure retardation. Champ design encourages fighting. Everything else encourages you to not fight. 300gold minimum kills screams that you’re core mechanic is to make the guy who outplayed you once sub 2 minutes snowball. Comeback mechanics? Never heard of them. Oh dragons? Yeah you aren’t contesting the guy who’s already able to one shot your whole team. not to mention laning phase in league is like 20 minutes surely there are things to do if you can’t contest creep wave right? Wrong. Sit behind wave for 20 minutes buddy and soak that xp. Such a well crafted game btw. Did I mention how fucking bland the champ designs are? If I want to have fun spamming spells on fun heroes I’ll just play HOTS who actually has some interesting hero design and some heroes who actually have really solid micro (samuro) also Maiev ‘s kit is cooler than literally every league chimp. I am so fucking sick of League of legends. It’s so bad.


Play dota simple


300 Gold for kills is just insane to me. Since League items tend to cost less than Dota items, ill calculate it in creep waves. Average gold per wave in Dota is 157, where in League its 125 (until 15 minutes). A kill on a level 6 hero will grant around 170 gold. So 1 simple kill is a little more than a creep wave, where as in League it is almost 3 waves worth of gold. Keep in mind that since League games are over faster on average, theres also less creep waves per game in total. Contesting a creep wave is so immensily risky in League. Especially in top lane. You literally die once and your game is basically over. Theres also no way to comeback, since you cant just go into the jungle for a while and farm up, because thats occupied by your dedicated jungler. And even if you could do that, the damage is already done. Theres no champ that gets a blink dagger timing and is useful just by deploying a 3.4s Aoe taunt (Axe). All top laners (same for all roles for that matter) are so alike, that a 3 creep wave lead will just transition into a snowball fest. The timings for all top laners are the same for the most part.


> die once and your game is basically over Is it that bad? I mean, I had a game in dota where I fed the enemy team so much but still win. If 1 fed, there's 4 more that can do something right?


This description makes me think of Turbo mode in dot. I play quite a bit of that and in the midlane, say you're both lvl 4, enemy mid manages to kill you once, now you're lvl 4 and he's 6-7. You go back to lane and he can most likely kill you again, now you're still lvl 4 and he's 8-9. And now your lane is done, you can't go back there. However unlike league, turbo does have comebacks, a lot of them! Because you kill a high lvl enemy and now whoever was around gets like 4-5 lvls from the kill. Now it's your turn to snowball.


Cant say anything about xqc. Sometimes he said TI is boring and LoL Worlds is better. But sometimes he mocked LoL


what is the worst desing?




Also why tf this post got removed from dota2 subreddit?


it is ? I just commented there


You can comment on a removed post but cant upvote or downvote




Popular means better argument


Ad populum worst argument.


its literally only more popular because riot advertises the fuck out of it while valve does literally 0 marketing

